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Topic subjectPippen: 96 Bulls would sweep Warriors
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2529129, Pippen: 96 Bulls would sweep Warriors
Posted by melmag, Sun Apr-03-16 12:02 PM
you believe him?

2529130, these old guys gotta stop with this bullshit
Posted by DJR, Sun Apr-03-16 12:04 PM
2529131, i believe him
Posted by SooperEgo, Sun Apr-03-16 12:19 PM
2529132, https://youtu.be/7-TDJEk1LbA
Posted by Cold Truth, Sun Apr-03-16 12:22 PM
2529133, He's right! The Jordan Era of the NBA was on a different level
Posted by Case_One, Sun Apr-03-16 12:33 PM

2529138, You are right. A much LOWER level. Diluted to shit by expansion.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Apr-03-16 01:34 PM
You look at the depth teams had in the 60s, 70s and 80s versus what they had in the Jordan era. It was tailor made for dominance by one player, which is not to take away from Jordan because he did dominate (and Hakeem did in his absence) and you play in the era you are born into. But to say that the rest of the league was on another level? Fuck no. Right now, like say that past five years, the league is FINALLY recovering from growing too quickly and regaining some depth across the board.
2529244, LOL.. OK. Wagon.
Posted by Case_One, Sun Apr-03-16 10:44 PM

2530904, he's right about the league being diluted due to expansion tho
Posted by LegacyNS, Sat Apr-09-16 02:29 PM

<---- 5....

2529134, Reggie Miller gave them old niggas fits
Posted by John Forte, Sun Apr-03-16 12:52 PM
and he couldn't create off the dribble.
2529136, Depends whose rules they play by
Posted by Tiger Woods, Sun Apr-03-16 01:09 PM
If they played with refs from 96 then Pippen is right and every game is a blowout. The hilarity that would be Draymond trying to box out Rodman...

But if they played by today's rules, where a mere sneeze can warrant a trip to the stripe, then maybe the Dubs have a shot.
2529141, I heard that argument this morning
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Apr-03-16 01:36 PM
From a Warriors fan who was like if they played by today's rules Pippen and Harper would be in foul trouble very night and blah blah blah. Obviously both teams would adjust either way. I think it would be a great series. No one would get swept under any circumstances. I don't get why these old timers can't deal with the fact that this Dubs team is special and, to be honest, so are the Spurs this year. Pippen talking this bullshit is a worse look than the '72 Dolphins popping bottles when the Vikings/Broncos/Chiefs/Patriots/whoever loses. At least that I can understand. They want to protect what they have and it's an excuse to get the band back together for football and booze. Pippen is just being a dick. Nothing new for him.
2529137, of course i believe him
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Apr-03-16 01:23 PM
2529139, This just in: Old dudes think there time was better
Posted by Ryan M, Sun Apr-03-16 01:34 PM
2529143, I played with an onion tied at my waist, which was the style of the time
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Apr-03-16 01:37 PM
And everybody was doing a dance called the funky grandpa ...
2529165, my story begins in 19-dickety-2...
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Apr-03-16 04:43 PM
2529255, +
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Sun Apr-03-16 11:22 PM
2529144, Old man is old.
Posted by bignick, Sun Apr-03-16 02:14 PM
2529145, I think the Bulls beat them, not because they are necessarily better
Posted by J_Stew, Sun Apr-03-16 02:19 PM
but basketball is about match ups, and the Bulls seem like a nightmare match up for the Warriors. Basically the some of the best perimeter defenders ever, one of the all time great offensive rebounders who is way slicker and tougher than the Warriors tough guy. Bulls in 5 or 6 though, no sweep(that's silly).

I think this year's Spurs team might be tougher for the Bulls even though the Warriors are slightly better. Oddly, I see the Thunder being a pretty bad match-up for the Bulls because of Durant's height and Russy's athleticism and how great of a rebounding team they are, Bulls still win though.

Those guys really were that good. These two teams this year are all time greats too, crazy how one of them isn't going to win a title, pretty sad actually, because either would mop 99 percent of the previous champs.
2529146, I have the Bulls beating them too (not in a sweep of course)
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Apr-03-16 02:42 PM
Pippen would do a great job mitigating Draymond's effectiveness in the offense as a distributor .. sort of like what Pop is going to do putting Kawhi on him in the upcoming playoffs. But Pippen was an even better defender and would interrupt the flow of our offense

the x factor would be Klay getting hot and not getting lost in big playoff games.
2529151, Klay would be in deep shit, here is their main weakness IMO
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Apr-03-16 03:31 PM
If Jordan could son Drexler, imagine what he'd to do Klay.

I think people are selling Draymond short up and down this thread and making Rodman out to be a little better than he was, especially at that stage in his career.

2529158, agreed... especially since Klay's still avg at putting the ball on the floor
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Apr-03-16 04:05 PM
during and immediately after the Olympics it started to look like he had improved in that area. He was actively making it a point to attack the basket. His FTA went up that season too...Looked like he was on his way to becoming a well rounded, dual-threat shooting guard

Now it seems he's back to primarily relying on the jumper. Which can still be deadly at times when he heats up. But against a defender like Jordan? nahhhh...

>If Jordan could son Drexler, imagine what he'd to do Klay.
>I think people are selling Draymond short up and down this
>thread and making Rodman out to be a little better than he
>was, especially at that stage in his career.

Yeah its not as if there's a huge size difference between Rodman and Dray. Or that Rodman was any threat with his back to the basket\.. The only time Dray seems to struggle in those areas is against way bigger PFs

2529187, 1998 rodman would buttfuck 2016 draymond to death
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Apr-03-16 06:03 PM

unparalleled stamina and basketball IQ. he'd absolutely murk that dude. draymond eats because he renders more bigger and more athletic dudes useless by outsmarting them. fuck he gon do with someone smarter than him? nothing. he ain't gettin boards on dennis...he gon be played for the pass by dennis...he gon get beat down the court by dennis.

y'all ain't watch no fuckin dennis.

shut up.

2529265, jesus, dude, all i said was it wasnt lopsided
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Apr-04-16 01:00 AM
you can spare me the bloody anus fantasies.
2529305, it's lopsided. just like dennis vs. anthony mason was lopsided
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Apr-04-16 09:15 AM
and mason was better than draymond

2529329, I'll take romanticizing the 90s for 800, Alex.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Apr-04-16 10:16 AM
Answer there? The Daily Double.

Rodman wins the matchup but you're making it sound like Green is Cherokee Parks or something.
2529431, he would kill the guy is what i'm saying.
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Apr-04-16 03:17 PM
no one's romanticizing anything.
2529384, When u hear "more bigger" u kno a shop convo/msgboard debate gettin good
Posted by Riot, Mon Apr-04-16 12:27 PM
>unparalleled stamina and basketball IQ. he'd absolutely murk
>that dude. draymond eats because he renders more bigger and
>more athletic dudes useless by outsmarting them. fuck he gon
>do with someone smarter than him? nothing. he ain't gettin
>boards on dennis...he gon be played for the pass by
>dennis...he gon get beat down the court by dennis.
>y'all ain't watch no fuckin dennis.
>shut up.
2529865, this is fair
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Apr-05-16 11:54 AM
2529188, Rodman was the best player in the closeout game of the '96 Finals
Posted by FILF, Sun Apr-03-16 06:26 PM
>I think people are selling Draymond short up and down this
>thread and making Rodman out to be a little better than he
>was, especially at that stage in his career. \


Jorn/Pippen were throwing up bricks & Rodman was giving them second chance points especially in Gm 2/6, which was demoralizing for the Sonics since they were playing great initial defense even without McMillan. In the final 3 game of the series, Pippen essentially got outplayed by Schrempf & Jorn couldn't dominate w/ GP all up in his grill.

Kemp had a great series but it was Longley that was checking him since Feel wanted Rodman to play help defense & control the board. Kemp also destroyed Horry & outplayed Hakeem during that playoff run. It was Pippen that shot 35% & averaged only 15 points. Jorn wasn't so hot either & shot 41% even w/ GP playing hurt & McMillan being


Asked about what he did to contain Toni Kukoc tonight, Karl laughed. "Yeah, he kept missing and Rodman kept getting the rebound," Karl said. "Maybe that's a play they were running. Take 20 seconds off, then take another 20 seconds off. Give him credit. He was their m.v.p. tonight."
2529204, Not if Rodman's stretched out to the 3pt line
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sun Apr-03-16 07:44 PM
His rebound numbers would dip
There's no team from that Bulls era comparable to these Warriors

To say a team that's 68-8 would get swept
or had no chance of beating that Bulls team is comedy

2529239, Rodman KILLED teams w/ OFFENSIVE rebs (GSW's achilles heel)
Posted by FILF, Sun Apr-03-16 10:14 PM
>His rebound numbers would dip
>There's no team from that Bulls era comparable to these

Besides, the Sonics had Perkins playing stretch 5 alongside Kemp who was a very good mid-range shooter but that did stop Rodman from controlling the boards. You also had Pippen/Jorn who were very good rebounds for their positions.

On defense, he was mobile enough to guard Dryamond & switch onto Curry without looking helpless. Dude was a small-forward when he was w/ the Pistons & won back-to-back DPOY awards. He actually did guard Schrempf in the '96 Finals for stretches so he was comfortable guarding cats on the perimeter.

I don't think Pippen meant it when he said they would "SWEEP" but they could counter the "Death Line-up" with this:

2529250, No team from that era shot the 3pter at the rate of todays teams
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sun Apr-03-16 10:53 PM
Rodman would get stretched out far more now than then

Now youre right about offensive rebounding being the Warriors weakness
and thats the negative of playing small ball
but when youre 69-8, you'll live with that all day

I believe the Heat were a poor rebounding team
but they were still making the finals in spite of it

The line-up of Jordan, Pippen, Harper, Rodman & Kukoc could match up defensively
but offensively they'd still be one dimensional

Like most teams of that era the Bulls played inside the 3pt line
The Warriors would shrink the floor on the Bulls & jam the paint
and force them to take jumpers, while playing off of Rodman ala Tony Allen

If you cant spread the floor against the Warriors,
your chances of winning are slim to none & the triangle didnt spread the floor
2529267, Bruh, the Cavs were competitve w/ a one man wrecking crew
Posted by FILF, Mon Apr-04-16 01:44 AM
>The line-up of Jordan, Pippen, Harper, Rodman & Kukoc could
>match up defensively
>but offensively they'd still be one dimensional

They could kill you w/ jumpers or w/ drives. It ain't like they were one dimensional offensive players like Klay. The Worriers also turn the ball over a lot & the Bulls created a lot of turnover which led to transition baskets.

>Like most teams of that era the Bulls played inside the 3pt
>The Warriors would shrink the floor on the Bulls & jam the
>and force them to take jumpers, while playing off of Rodman
>ala Tony Allen

It worked against Tony Allen b/c he wasn't an offensive rebounder. Tristan pounded them on the glass which is what Rodman would do if they don't block him out.

>If you cant spread the floor against the Warriors,
>your chances of winning are slim to none & the triangle didnt
>spread the floor

LeBron raw dogged 'em in the Finals by running isolation play after isolation play & Jorn is the best isolation player in the history of the game. He tore up the Bad Boys w/ hand checking/90s rules so I'm pretty sure he can handle the Worries if they try to defend him 1-on-1 & the refs blew the whistle when someone breathed on him.

Even James Harden had his way against the Worriers w/ Josh Smith spreading the floor, lol.

2529271, Just say you dont wanna give the Warriors any credit
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Mon Apr-04-16 05:24 AM
The Warriors have proven they can win without being strong on the glass
The Warriors have proven they can win in spite of turning the ball over

Cavs & Rockets lost to the Warriors, so those are bad examples to use

Iso ball doesnt work against the Warriors or any other team today thats solid defensively
You might win a game or two, but youre not gonna win the series

During the Bulls second 3peat, Jordan wasnt the same rim attacker
This is fadeaway jumper Jordan

Like I said the Warriors could live w/ that Bulls squad taking midrange js
If youre not gonna utilize the 3pt shot, the math is gonna work in favor of the team that does
2529294, Lol yup. Even when the Spurs got blown out in Oakland
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Apr-04-16 08:48 AM
Dude refused to give credit where it was due

The mad know no bounds with this dude
2529482, Ohhh, the Blazers blewout the Worriers so let's crown them too!!!
Posted by FILF, Mon Apr-04-16 06:22 PM
Bruh, Draymond is out there plea copping half of the Worriers losses: http://www.foxsports.com/nba/story/golden-state-warriors-san-antonio-spurs-draymond-green-asterisks-losses-record-wins-040116.

I'm not going to acknowledge a SINGLE blowout loss that occurred on the ROAD when the guy leading the league in DRPM (Tim) didn't suit up, the Spurs were throwing the ball away like they were playing dodge-ball & LMA was still playing tentative: http://sportsnaut.com/2016/02/chris-bosh-scary-part-is-lamarcus-aldridge-spurs-can-get-better/

LMA has been a TOTALLY different player ever since he got embarrassed in Oakland & he proved it during the most recent match-up: http://www.todaysfastbreak.com/nba-west/san-antonio-spurs/lamarcus-aldridges-emergence-huge-potential-warriors-matchup/

He has basically been the best big in the league since Jan 25th & has put 30/12 in 3 of his previous 4 games after not having a single 30/10 game in the first 66 games of the season...so he's only getting more comfortable: http://projectspurs.com/2016-articles/leonard-and-aldridges-scoring-rises-remains-efficient-in-march.html
2529467, Says the guy who said Rodman would be ineffective, lol
Posted by FILF, Mon Apr-04-16 05:40 PM
>The Warriors have proven they can win without being strong on
>the glass
>The Warriors have proven they can win in spite of turning the
>ball over

Except the Bulls would BOTH pound you on the offensive glass with Rodman & force turnovers w/ the Jorn/Pippen/Harper trio. They ain't winning a series if those happen.

>Cavs & Rockets lost to the Warriors, so those are bad examples
>to use

Except they won games & kept the series competitive while being nowhere in the '96 Bulls stratosphere. The Cavs were on the brink of being down 3-1 to the '15 Bulls & the Rockets were down 3-1 to the Cripples.

>Iso ball doesnt work against the Warriors or any other team
>today thats solid defensively
>You might win a game or two, but youre not gonna win the

Actually, iso ball have been proven to work against the Worriers. LeBron & Harden are notorious for being isolation players who had success against the Worriers defense. Had their teammates been competent offensive players then those series would have been even more competitive.

Durant essentially has had his way against the Worries this season by playing isolation ball.

>During the Bulls second 3peat, Jordan wasnt the same rim
>This is fadeaway jumper Jordan

LeBron in 2015 wasn't quite PEAK form either (dude shot 39% & committed 27 turnover against the Bulls w/ a HEALTHY Kyrie) & he didn't have an issue getting his in the first 3 games of Finals with a BROKEN jumper while playing 1-on-5.

The mighty Knicks defense couldn't contain Jorn w/ Derek Harper hand-checking him & Mason/Ewing/Oakley dishing out punishment without the fear of being whistled for a foul.

>Like I said the Warriors could live w/ that Bulls squad taking
>midrange js
>If youre not gonna utilize the 3pt shot, the math is gonna
>work in favor of the team that does

Jorn shot 42% from 3 during the '95-'96 season & you had Kukoc/Pippen stroking it. Outside of Klay/Curry the Worriers have a bunch of cats who shoot practice 3s with no soul around them otherwise they are not prolific 3 point shooters. Muphuckas lost 2 games to the Grizzles who were the worst 3 point shooting team in the playoffs, lol.

Two thing of not are that Jorn would shutdown Mr. Playoff Choker Klay & Pippen/Harper would pressure Curry just like the Celtics did w/ Bradley/Smart.
2529161, RE: Pippen: 96 Bulls would sweep Warriors
Posted by melmag, Sun Apr-03-16 04:19 PM
Its funny how vocal Pippen's become in such matters tho: the Zeke Dream Team snub, Redeem Team diss, calling Barkley & Ewing losers, claiming Drexler was a bootleg Jordan, etc..

guess you can pop a lot of shit with 6 rings.. even as a sidekick.

Zeke had that ether for him tho on NBAtv. lol
2529410, hm?
Posted by Riot, Mon Apr-04-16 02:06 PM

>Zeke had that ether for him tho on NBAtv. lol
2529171, Warriors win in 6
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sun Apr-03-16 04:58 PM
Warriors just as good defensively & better offensively
Plus Golden State is deeper than that 95-96 Bulls squad

Playing zone against that Bulls starting line-up would cause problems
Double Jordan & force Pippen, Harper, Rodman & Longley to shoot js
Even if you insert Kerr & Kukoc for better perimeter shooting
they'd pay the cost on the defensive end

That line-up of Curry, Klay, Iggy, Barnes & Green aint no joke
They would stretch the hell outta that Bulls defense

IMO, the Bulls lack of a dominant big man to punish'um down low
and their lack of utilizing the 3pt shot would be their demise
2529172, hypothetical: you take out MJ & Curry
Posted by melmag, Sun Apr-03-16 05:01 PM

how does this series pan out?
2529184, Which rules? You wanna guard MJ with no hand check? Nm
Posted by RaFromQueens, Sun Apr-03-16 05:54 PM
2529185, Bulls ain't sweep anybody during those playoffs and finals tho
Posted by SeV, Sun Apr-03-16 05:54 PM
They gotta stop asking these old guys their opinions

Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
2529202, I think they'd get a game. But if they played with late 90s defensive rules...
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Sun Apr-03-16 07:41 PM
there'd be a few blowouts.
2529203, Which set of rules?
Posted by bshelly, Sun Apr-03-16 07:43 PM
If hand checks are allowed, Bulls beat them. If play under today's rules, it would be a very good series that the Dubs would probably win
2529227, Hand checking is overemphasized & overvalued
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sun Apr-03-16 09:35 PM
Great ballers get buckets regardless

Hand checking didnt stop Jordan, Zeke, Wilkins, Bird, Penny,
Barkley, Payton, Miller, Drexler etc

The argument that the Warriors would fold because of it is silly
2529254, RE: Hand checking is overemphasized & overvalued
Posted by kayru99, Sun Apr-03-16 11:14 PM
Every last one of the players you named were stronger/tougher than a modern NBA guard.

Hand checking is fucking HUGE.
2529256, How do you determine who is stronger & tougher in todays game?
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sun Apr-03-16 11:34 PM
Where the metrics on that at?


These cats dont seem weak or soft to me
2529269, Nash is a living example of a dude that benefited from the rule changes
Posted by FILF, Mon Apr-04-16 01:48 AM
James Harden would be one guy that would suffer the most if hand checking was allowed b/c of his gimmicky offense.
2529270, Heard Reggie Miller could bench press a Buick Skylark
Posted by cantball, Mon Apr-04-16 02:59 AM
And Mitch Richmond waa known for his 80 reps at 220

<================== Learn the name now before everyone gets dunked on
2529272, Mitch Richmond actually WAS a beast in the post, because
Posted by kayru99, Mon Apr-04-16 05:24 AM
Of his strength.
Reggie Miller was limited because of his lack of strength.
y'all young as fuck, lol

Look man, the ability to handcheck affects your dribble, your pull up, and how well/quickly you could initiate your offense.
It pretty much was the first thing you were taught on defense when you learned to play ball. Stern got rid of it BECAUSE it affected scoring so strongly.
2529469, Reggie drew fouls like Jamal Crawford who ain't exactly James Harden
Posted by FILF, Mon Apr-04-16 05:44 PM
>And Mitch Richmond waa known for his 80 reps at 220

They didn't call Mitch "The Rock" for no reason.
2529531, Reggie Miller literally kicked his legs into people trying to close out
Posted by Premiere, Mon Apr-04-16 08:21 PM
Abusing the lack of familiarity refs had with these... "tactics".

Man, this is the dumbest shit ever. Eras breed their best players, and players adjust their games accordingly. Harden would hate the way they called fouls in the 90's. He'd also have a shit-eating grin every time he realized that he would actually get to take his man one-on-one, or that when he ran a pick and roll, the defense would be called for a technical foul every time they left multiple defenders in the lane to lay off his teammates that weren't knock down.

Again, this shit is dumb, and so am I for engaging in it.
2529577, Reggie was able to do it b/c he had defenders chasing him full speed
Posted by FILF, Mon Apr-04-16 09:59 PM
>Abusing the lack of familiarity refs had with these...

Jamal Crawford kicks out his leg & ALWAYS lands on the floor every time he shoot a jumper but he ain't exactly getting to the line a 100 time. He's the all-time leader in 4 point plays but ain't nobody complaining about it.

Harden, Chris Paul, Westbrook also kicks out his leg when the opportunity presents itself & even when Reggie was doing it he wasn't living at the line.

>Harden would hate the way they called fouls in the 90's. He'd also
>have a shit-eating grin every time he realized that he would
>actually get to take his man one-on-one

He still does play 1-on-1, teams don't double Harden on the perimeter when he's doing his dribbling exhibition trying to beat his PRIMARY defender.

Teams collapse the paint once he beats his primary defender which would have been legal pre-2003. If teams were able to collapse the paint on a speed demon like 2001 AI when zone defense was still illegal then Harden's fat ass isn't exempt.

In 2005-06, 30 year old Iverson had the best scoring & also most efficient season of his career (better than his 2001 MVP season when zone defense was illegal).

Maybe this might have had something to do with it: "New rules were introduced to curtail hand-checking, clarify blocking fouls and call defensive three seconds to open up the game."

>or that when he ran a
>pick and roll, the defense would be called for a technical
>foul every time they left multiple defenders in the lane to
>lay off his teammates that weren't knock down.

We are talking about the same dude treating Dwight as if he's Rodman. You can trap him when he has the ball (which was legal) & he would ignore Dwight just to throw it to a 3 point shooter after pounding the air out of the ball.

Zone defense didn't stop the Suns PnR, Amare would be averaging 15 points if he played w/ Harden. When Dwight got the ball in the postseason he put up points but Harden doesn't want any part of it Last season, Josh Smith was actually better at finding Dwight on PnRs than Harden. Dude is more interested in being Iverson than Nash except he isn't a freak athlete like Iverson.
2529615, RE: Reggie was able to do it b/c he had defenders chasing him full speed
Posted by Premiere, Mon Apr-04-16 10:20 PM
>>Abusing the lack of familiarity refs had with these...
>Jamal Crawford kicks out his leg & ALWAYS lands on the floor
>every time he shoot a jumper but he ain't exactly getting to
>the line a 100 time. He's the all-time leader in 4 point plays
>but ain't nobody complaining about it.
>Harden, Chris Paul, Westbrook also kicks out his leg when the
>opportunity presents itself & even when Reggie was doing it he
>wasn't living at the line.

Everyone complains about Crawford, and more people would if he was better. He gets his on those, and you're being glib by arguing Paul, Harden, or Westbrook make that same play. Do they initiate contact, plenty of times bullshit contact? Yeah, but that's a different question.

>>Harden would hate the way they called fouls in the 90's. He'd
>>have a shit-eating grin every time he realized that he would
>>actually get to take his man one-on-one
>He still does play 1-on-1, teams don't double Harden on the
>perimeter when he's doing his dribbling exhibition trying to
>beat his PRIMARY defender.

Like, you understand that when he sizes up a dude and tries to get by him, the other guys are still there, right? He can't just blow by and then run into a dude immediately. He has to put the entire defense on skates basically.

>Teams collapse the paint once he beats his primary defender
>which would have been legal pre-2003. If teams were able to
>collapse the paint on a speed demon like 2001 AI when zone
>defense was still illegal then Harden's fat ass isn't exempt.
>In 2005-06, 30 year old Iverson had the best scoring & also
>most efficient season of his career (better than his 2001 MVP
>season when zone defense was illegal).
>Maybe this might have had something to do with it: "New rules
>were introduced to curtail hand-checking, clarify blocking
>fouls and call defensive three seconds to open up the game."
>>or that when he ran a
>>pick and roll, the defense would be called for a technical
>>foul every time they left multiple defenders in the lane to
>>lay off his teammates that weren't knock down.
>We are talking about the same dude treating Dwight as if he's
>Rodman. You can trap him when he has the ball (which was
>legal) & he would ignore Dwight just to throw it to a 3 point
>shooter after pounding the air out of the ball.

Man, do you watch Dwight Howard? Exactly what has shown you he needs the ball thrown to him more? He gets looked off maybe a play a game; the rest of the time, he is legitimately nowhere on the floor where he can affect play. If he is, he touches it. He, like all of our big men, often act as a decoy to attract the fourth defender for the PnR so that there's an open man in the corner.

>Zone defense didn't stop the Suns PnR, Amare would be
>averaging 15 points if he played w/ Harden. When Dwight got
>the ball in the postseason he put up points but Harden doesn't
>want any part of it Last season, Josh Smith was actually
>better at finding Dwight on PnRs than Harden. Dude is more
>interested in being Iverson than Nash except he isn't a freak
>athlete like Iverson.

Ugh, you mean when teams had had exactly three or four years to plan for this. As for your Rockets analysis, I'll just leave you to it. If you watch the Rockets and think Harden passes too little to guys who don't know what to do with the rock, then you must have a deep enjoyment for watching large men throw basketballs at plates of glass wildly. Josh got open looks for Dwight in the playoffs, really in one fucking game about which you're talking, because they threw Dirk in the PnR. He didn't know what to do and got spun on by Dwight about six times in two minutes. Smart defenders force Dwight to attack the mismatch quickly instead of worrying about what J fucking Smoove will do as the ball handler, and when Dwight takes too long to attack, as he inevitably does, they double him and force a turnover or another one of those hard misses off the glass.
2529767, RE: Reggie was able to do it b/c he had defenders chasing him full speed
Posted by FILF, Tue Apr-05-16 01:43 AM
>Everyone complains about Crawford, and more people would if he
>was better.

That's b/c he get those calls once a month. Unless you are running of screens like Reggie it's hard to get legit contact initiated by the DEFENDER.

>He gets his on those, and you're being glib by
>arguing Paul, Harden, or Westbrook make that same play. Do
>they initiate contact, plenty of times bullshit contact? Yeah,
>but that's a different question.



>Like, you understand that when he sizes up a dude and tries to
>get by him, the other guys are still there, right? He can't
>just blow by and then run into a dude immediately. He has to
>put the entire defense on skates basically.

You mean like Iverson, except he isn't as quick as Iverson?

Chris Paul had to carry the offense when Blake was out but he still found a way to get his teammates involved. Dwight would EASILY average 20 if he played w/ CP3.

>Man, do you watch Dwight Howard? Exactly what has shown you he
>needs the ball thrown to him more? He gets looked off maybe a
>play a game; the rest of the time, he is legitimately nowhere
>on the floor where he can affect play. If he is, he touches
>it. He, like all of our big men, often act as a decoy to
>attract the fourth defender for the PnR so that there's an
>open man in the corner.

Vs. DeAndrre-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rck7l7peKBo
Vs. Cousins-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDnmccjU2pA

While Harden was glued to the bench: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5_TkS07vc4

>when Dwight
>takes too long to attack, as he inevitably does, they double
>him and force a turnover or another one of those hard misses
>off the glass.

In game 4, Carlisle put Aminu on Josh so they don't pick on Dirk ala Gm 2 but that didn't stop him from finding Dwight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-PD9_fXf3c

Josh was also finding him against in the WCF the Warriors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAZDxU0zPGA

Besides, anyone who isn't biased knows that Dwight was MARGINALLY better than Harden in the 2014 playoffs: http://www.basketball-reference.com/playoffs/2014-nba-western-conference-first-round-trail-blazers-vs-rockets.html
2529864, You brought up four examples against a dude's literal go-to move
Posted by Premiere, Tue Apr-05-16 11:52 AM
And no one argued about Howard being better last playoffs. Watch em in the regular season, where Howard played half a season last year and can't box out Steven Adams this year.
2529989, Dwight is NOTORIOUS for pouting when he doesn't ge touches
Posted by FILF, Tue Apr-05-16 04:08 PM
>And no one argued about Howard being better last playoffs.
>Watch em in the regular season, where Howard played half a
>season last year and can't box out Steven Adams this year.

Shaq even said he wouldn't want to play with someone like Harden who dribble the air out of the ball. I don't think it's a coincidence Dwight rebounds the ball & is engaged defensively when he ACTUALLY is getting touches especially to start the game......that's what usually has happened in the playoffs b/c McFail made an emphasis to get him involved.

You have muphuckin' DeAndre/Ibaka complaining about not getting touches & they can't postup to save their lives. Shaq was the same & plenty of other bigs.

Since the All-Star break, Dwight's usage rate is LOWER than Mr. I-Need-Touches DeAndre/Ibaka & the same as Robin Lopez's, lol. For the season, his usage rate is the same as Mason Plumlee's , *SMH*
2529273, Yup. Modern NBA = world basketball in 92 Olympics
Posted by kayru99, Mon Apr-04-16 05:26 AM
2529448, NBA defenses are better today than the hand check era of basketball
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Mon Apr-04-16 04:36 PM
Thats actual factual

I just hand checked your baseless argument
2529408, RE: How do you determine who is stronger & tougher in todays game?
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Mon Apr-04-16 01:59 PM
Dog, in the fouling ass era we are talking about DAVID FUCKING ROBINSON was considered soft.

He was also a giant man, with muscles on muscles, who was in the fucking Navy. And he was considered a bitch.

Let's be real.
2529432, What? Hand checking is overemphasized & overvalued?
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-04-16 03:18 PM
Have you ever played organized Basketball? Hell, have you ever played 21 in the hood?
2529447, So what great players or teams were stopped due to hand checking?
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Mon Apr-04-16 04:30 PM
I'll wait
2529457, RE: So what great players or teams were stopped due to hand checking?
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Mon Apr-04-16 04:59 PM
Stopped...from what?

Scoring was lower than it is today, no one is saying that people didn't score at all.

Are you attempting to say that the rules changes/emphases basically were meaningless and that hand-checking (and a general allowance of more physical play) did not affect teams ability to score?

If so, you are the first person I have ever heard propose such an idea. Even the coach of the Warriors does not agree.
2529459, im saying hand checking doesnt stop great players
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Mon Apr-04-16 05:15 PM
Physical play doesnt stop great players from getting buckets

Scoring was low because alotta teams played slow half court basketball
and didnt utilized the 3pt shot

The 80s era Pistons, Nuggets, Bucks, Lakers played fast & put points on the board
and hand checking was legal

Im not saying hand checking was irrelevant, im saying it didnt matter to great players & teams
2529465, RE: im saying hand checking doesnt stop great players
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Mon Apr-04-16 05:37 PM
>Physical play doesnt stop great players from getting buckets

Great teams also are not made up entirely of great players. So, even if I agreed with you, not really relevant unless we are talking about one-on-one

>Scoring was low because alotta teams played slow half court
>and didnt utilized the 3pt shot
>The 80s era Pistons, Nuggets, Bucks, Lakers played fast & put
>points on the board
>and hand checking was legal

But they didn't play physical defense or take advantage of the latitude that presumably they could have.

>Im not saying hand checking was irrelevant, im saying it didnt
>matter to great players & teams

Don't agree and neither does Steve Kerr, who knows a lot about both teams.
2529494, So you wanna talk about scrubs who couldnt handle hand checking?
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Mon Apr-04-16 06:38 PM
Is it really that hard to accept that hand checking/physical play was
& can be overcomed by great players?

Yall act like im lying but the proof is there for all to see
2529476, The Bad Boys then the Knicks/Bulls were the ones that took advantage
Posted by FILF, Mon Apr-04-16 05:53 PM
It's no different than only certain cats taking advantage of the rip-through move when it was legal: Kevin Martin was top 10 in scoring b/c he was SMART enough to take advantage of the rule & fell off when it got banned in 2011-12 b/c his gimmicky offense didn't work so well when the refs weren't blowing their whistle.

2529205, https://www.facebook.com/CBSSports/videos/10153817204776773/
Posted by melmag, Sun Apr-03-16 07:45 PM

2529260, I love this notion that any of those Bulls were near the shape of modern athletes
Posted by cantball, Sun Apr-03-16 11:49 PM
Or that a team that struggled with a Reggie Miller squad or those 90s Knicks and Heat teams don't get blown off the floor.

<================== Learn the name now before everyone gets dunked on
2529380, Jordan, Pippen and Rodman weren't near the shape of modern athletes?
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Mon Apr-04-16 12:04 PM
>Or that a team that struggled with a Reggie Miller squad or
>those 90s Knicks and Heat teams don't get blown off the

Knicks put up a fight (moreso in the 1st 3peat than the 2nd) but I wouldn't say the Bulls truly struggled with them. Pacers gave them a tougher time but that was a very tough, physical team playing Chicago towards the end of their long 3peat run, Warriors wouldn't challenge them physically like that (as already mentioned this all depends on what rules are you using, 90's rules or current rules?) And Dubs were down 1-2 to the Grizz last year so blowing the Bulls off the floor is a bit of a stretch.
2529535, I mean, THEY were, but Bill Wennington was not
Posted by Premiere, Mon Apr-04-16 08:25 PM
Nor was Ron Harper's bulky ass, or Toni Kukoc and his muscle definition of me after being sick for a week, or Steve Kerr, who was Steve Kerr. And I have not mentioned Luc Longley, who does not particularly favor any centers of this era.
2530176, He said any, those were their 3 top players. Wennington started 20 games
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Apr-06-16 01:39 PM
and again, all depends on which set of rules you're using. 90's rules, Bulls are fine. Current rules, Warriors would have an advantage, but Bulls could still adjust. Warriors go to their small-ball lineup, Bulls put Rodman at the 5 on Draymond and Kukoc at the 4. And Ron Harper's "bulky ass" (maybe you're thinking of old Lakers Harper? he wasn't bulky on the Bulls) at 6-6 was a tough, versatile defender who still had enough athleticism after the knee injury to hold his own against athletic opponents. Not sure why you're acting like they were the 50's Minneapolis Lakers or something.
2530573, people forget Harper was 20 ppg the season before he went to the Bulls
Posted by DJR, Thu Apr-07-16 08:47 PM
20 ppg on a bad Clippers team, but still. He wasn't shot. They just didn't need him to score.

2529407, RE: I love this notion that any of those Bulls were near the shape of modern athletes
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Mon Apr-04-16 01:57 PM
>Or that a team that struggled with a Reggie Miller squad or
>those 90s Knicks and Heat teams don't get blown off the

Wait...the Warriors will blow the Bulls off the floor?

How and why would this happen? This is the dumbest shit I ever heard.
2529263, I was wondering which Bull has bottle of champagne on ice waiting for GS to lose
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Mon Apr-04-16 12:05 AM
to lose out on getting to 73 ready to celebrate with a big shit-eating asshole grin like Mercury Morris. Guess Scotty answered that question.
2529310, can't wait until 20 years from now when they saying 'X is better than Steph'
Posted by Dr Claw, Mon Apr-04-16 09:24 AM
2529388, the Ws arent the best defensive team. shit they not even good
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon Apr-04-16 12:31 PM
the bulls were one of the best.

case closed
2529446, Did you just say a team thats 69-8 isnt good defensively? Wow
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Mon Apr-04-16 04:29 PM
Comedy Central
2529452, yep and they not..sorry bro
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon Apr-04-16 04:40 PM
2529454, Show me the data that proves it & ill believe ya sis
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Mon Apr-04-16 04:53 PM
But you cant, so you wont
2529474, compared to the 96 bulls and other 90s teams like the pistons?
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon Apr-04-16 05:51 PM
the fuck outta here... and yeah im talking handchecking and all that shit...
2529485, Im still waiting on that data that says the Dubs arent good on defense
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Mon Apr-04-16 06:28 PM
2529456, They're not good at defense? Ohhhhh iite
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Apr-04-16 04:57 PM
2529475, you aint old enough to be in here kid..
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon Apr-04-16 05:52 PM
2530155, SMMFH
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Apr-06-16 11:46 AM
2529389, Bulls, but it may take 7. W's definitely Win one by 20+ tho.
Posted by Riot, Mon Apr-04-16 12:33 PM
They need to run this on xbox for 100 times and announce the results

Kerr on double duty
2529403, Saying they would sweep makes him sound old & crazy
Posted by micMajestic, Mon Apr-04-16 01:28 PM
I still haven't found a full appreciation for the Warriors style of basketball, but a SWEEP? C'mon.
2529468, Bulls in....
Posted by murph71, Mon Apr-04-16 05:42 PM


2529481, yup...klay would be in soo much shit..it would be ugly
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon Apr-04-16 06:18 PM
2529743, Basically
Posted by RexLongfellow, Mon Apr-04-16 11:27 PM
Cats are sitting here arguing because GS shoots the 3 like they do they would win...you think the Bulls would GIVE THEM those shots?

Not only did they have the most ruthless assassin in sports, they had a very intelligent team (not saying GS isn't), with the zen master.

I'd give GS one game.
2529472, Yup. Michael Jordan is underrated now.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Mon Apr-04-16 05:45 PM
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-04-16 10:09 PM

2529892, Michael Jordan is a MEME now.
Posted by Dr Claw, Tue Apr-05-16 12:42 PM
2529536, Pippen destroys Barnes; Rodman destroys Dray; Jordan owns Klay
Posted by Castro, Mon Apr-04-16 08:28 PM
Curry goes off and the 2nd unit for Dubs keeps them in the game, but the Bulls win.
2529538, Since we're being dumb.
Posted by Premiere, Mon Apr-04-16 08:38 PM
I'll give you most of what you said up top (won't give you the Jordan stuff for reasons I'll say in a sec)... so, um, when Pippen "destroys" Barnes, blows by a couple times and yams on him or finds Jordan ducking in for a dunk, what does Chicago do when the Warriors begin to throw a second defender in the lane and Pippen has no room to drive? How does Jordan deal with the Warriors totally ignoring whoever they propped up in the corner? Oh, it's Kerr? Yeah, good luck ever playing him on defense. Maybe it's Kuko... oh, same problem. So you've got some non-shooter out there like Randy Brown or Harper, waiting to shoot a shot they can make at a low-efficiency clip, allowing the Warriors to always throw two defenders from any angle at Jordan and Pip, forcing Rodman to actually do ANYTHING offensively. Oh yeah, and even if they did get their offense humming, don't forget that Rodman can't shoot a FT to save his life and would be Hack-a-ed all day.

It's not that I can't construct similar issues for the Warriors. It's that categorical assertions based on one-on-one matchups against a team built on switching and ball movement miss the point of how the Warriors win games.
2529561, RE: Since we're being dumb.
Posted by Castro, Mon Apr-04-16 09:48 PM
Pippen shuts Barnes down on both ends- same for the other two. Find a team in the L right now that defensively had three interchangeble parts like Pip, Jordan and Rodman. I think the Dubs second unit would be where they would dominate, but the idea that the Dubs could create the same type of mismatches that they can create against teams now is ridiculous. The Bulls won 72 games for a reason.
2529993, The 2015 Finals happened when Bron had a bunch of bums
Posted by FILF, Tue Apr-05-16 04:25 PM
>I'll give you most of what you said up top (won't give you
>the Jordan stuff for reasons I'll say in a sec)... so, um,
>when Pippen "destroys" Barnes, blows by a couple times and
>yams on him or finds Jordan ducking in for a dunk, what does
>Chicago do when the Warriors begin to throw a second defender
>in the lane and Pippen has no room to drive? How does Jordan
>deal with the Warriors totally ignoring whoever they propped
>up in the corner? Oh, it's Kerr? Yeah, good luck ever playing
>him on defense. Maybe it's Kuko... oh, same problem.

Put Kukoc on Iggy & Kerr on Barnes. If they want to run the offense through Barnes then go ahead b/c that's a win for the Bulls. Iggy is dangerous in transition but otherwise he's usually camped out on the corner.

>So you've
>got some non-shooter out there like Randy Brown or Harper,
>waiting to shoot a shot they can make at a low-efficiency
>clip, allowing the Warriors to always throw two defenders from
>any angle at Jordan and Pip, forcing Rodman to actually do
>ANYTHING offensively.

Isolate Jorn/Pippen & have Kerr/Kukoc spotting up in the corners while Rodman free lances. If they aren't going to put a body on Rodman then throw-up a brick & let him get you another possession.

>Oh yeah, and even if they did get their
>offense humming, don't forget that Rodman can't shoot a FT to
>save his life and would be Hack-a-ed all day.

If the Warrior hack Rodman then it's going to kill their pace & it will allow the Bulls defense to set up.
2529884, fair if not reductive assessment. i think the bulls win but not a landslide
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Apr-05-16 12:24 PM
2529999, Dubs in 6
Posted by Kira, Tue Apr-05-16 04:51 PM
The Warriors play against fiercer competition in the modern Western Conference. They're used to playing teams with players that can takeover games and raise the level of their teammates. With that said the ultimate victor comes down to the refs and rules from the specific era. The Warriors should win in six games playing in the modern era.

Rodman is contained similar to everyone besides Jordan and Pippen. The Warriors let Jordan and Pippen get theirs while containing the rest of the team.
2530145, I can't tell if some of ya'll are being willfully ignorant
Posted by Stadiq, Wed Apr-06-16 11:06 AM
or legit didn't watch basketball before 2004.

First, anyone who says "show me the advanced stats" needs to go back in his mom's basement, enjoy that frozen pizza, and live life. Advanced stats is for mouth breathing nerds who never touched a basketball in their life.

The Dubs are a great team. A very special team. Sure.

But defensively, there is no way they are hanging with teams of that era. Be it the Bulls, the Rockets, hell the Lakers.

Even though they are a great defensive team by today's low standards, they also have a lot of weak individual defenders.

Their best individual defender (Draymond) gets cancelled out by Rodman by far. Anyone who doesn't understand that Rodman would live in Draymond's head was born in like 94 or later or some sh!t.

Could you imagine Draymond flexing on Rodman? hahaha

The dubs (arguable) second best offensive player would be MIA. Like, Klay probably shouldn't even bother dressing. Dude is pretty one-dimensional, and again easily gotten mentally.

Soon as he is forced to put in the floor, he struggles in todays NBA. Imagine with Jordan or even Harper checking him? Lulz.

Steph? Man, I love Steph but do you guys honestly believe he is being defended in todays league like he would have been in the past? Honestly?

Hell, the Hall of Fame had me thinking AI. I'm no AI stan, but what would HE average today? 35? 40?

You can see Steph struggle when teams actually bother to put together a strategy for him. You don't think the Bulls would have a strategy?

And LULZ at anyone thinking Barnes vs Pippen is somehow a match. I nearly laughed until I cried. L U L Z

And the Bulls wouldn't even have to play one of their weak-a$$ centers.

The Dubs would cause fits, yes, because they have so many offensive options and fantastic ball movement. That is their advantage.

They can turn the ball over 20 times and still win. Insane. That would be tough for any team to combat.

But, cmon. The Bulls. Easy. I don't know about a sweep or whatever because who gives a sh!t?

Oh, and miss me that "what era, what refs" etc LOL LOL. Its a pretty stupid mental exercise either way, then when you get that technical you look like a sensitive defensive nerd. Either way, on both sides.

Lastly, teams were scurred of the Bulls. Because of MJ mostly, they always had a mental edge. You could see it even the few times when their backs were against the wall, teams didn't believe they would actually beat them.

Hate them love them never saw them play, they had a mental edge.

The f*cking Wolves aren't even scared of the Warriors. The Lakers. Etc.

Maybe one day, but teams aren't scared of the Warriors. Yeah teams have to prepare, but no one goes in thinking "we can't beat these guys". Maybe one day, but still early.

Cmon now...
2530156, Re: Lakers/Wolves....The RAPTORS beat the Bulls that year.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Apr-06-16 11:48 AM
I don't even think most of us are saying the Warriors win....but to say they get swept is comical.
2530786, Nuggets and Hornets did too.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Apr-08-16 02:52 PM
And the Pacers split the regular season with them.

I think it's hard to say with certainty that a team as good as the Warriors would get *swept* by the Bulls. But when the Bulls came to play at Golden State? Yeah, if they could have enough of an off night to lose to the Nuggets, Hornets, or especially the Raptors, they could lose to the Warriors.
2530172, What happens when the Bulls run a full court press on them.
Posted by PIMPINCHICAGO, Wed Apr-06-16 12:49 PM
2530301, What happens when the Warriors play zone or load the strong side?
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Wed Apr-06-16 10:47 PM
You dont wanna play this game
2530303, Same shyt that happened when they tried in on Bron/Harden nm
Posted by FILF, Wed Apr-06-16 11:27 PM
2530308, What happened was the Warriors winning the chip
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Wed Apr-06-16 11:43 PM
Try again
2530310, After being down 2-1 to mediocre squads: Grizz/Cavs
Posted by FILF, Thu Apr-07-16 12:05 AM
2530319, Medicore like the Clipper squad that beat the Spurs last year
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Thu Apr-07-16 01:35 AM
2530568, The Spurs were mediocre LAST SEASON b/c they were beatup
Posted by FILF, Thu Apr-07-16 08:09 PM
Tony Parker has the WORST postseason series by a starting point guard in the last 25 season b/c he was absolutely beat-up & Splitter (the starting center) was also out for the series.

It was a miracle that series even went to 7.....actually it was b/c the Clippers weren't contenders last season.

The reigning MVP (KD) was hurt so OKC missed the playoffs. This season OKC/Spurs have the 2nd/3rd seed & the Cripples are right where they belong (4th). Last season, you have a TRASH Rockets squad as the 2nd seed, LMAO!
2530584, Nope. The Spurs were up 3-2 w/ the close out game at home. They blew it.
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Thu Apr-07-16 09:42 PM
Then you disappeared like that Malaysian plane
2530801, LoL, they were up 3-2 b/c Matt Barnes couldn't hit a shot
Posted by FILF, Fri Apr-08-16 03:28 PM
2530828, The Spurs just blew it, homie. Just like they blew it against the Pelicans
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Fri Apr-08-16 06:10 PM
and fell to the 6th seed instead of being the #2

I'll give you this, I've never seen someone cop pleas for winning a game before

"It's Matt Barnes fault my favorite team won.
I wish he wouldve hit more 3s instead of putting us in a position
to close out the series on our homecourt. Fuck him!"

high larry us

2530838, Check the Spurs injury report for the season/series & holla at me
Posted by FILF, Fri Apr-08-16 07:49 PM
>and fell to the 6th seed instead of being the #2
>I'll give you this, I've never seen someone cop pleas for
>winning a game before
>"It's Matt Barnes fault my favorite team won.
>I wish he wouldve hit more 3s instead of putting us in a
>to close out the series on our homecourt. Fuck him!"
>high larry us
2530848, Dress that L up however you prefer. The Spurs blew it against the Clippers
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Fri Apr-08-16 09:31 PM
The champs lost to chumps
2530900, They were a 6th seed for a reason
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 01:50 PM
2530906, The reason: Choked against the Pelicans
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sat Apr-09-16 02:53 PM
Who the Warriors swept
2530912, How is it a choke when the Pelicans led end-to-end & OWN the Spurs
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 04:13 PM
The Pelicans actually were the FIRST team to beat the Spurs by double digits THIS SEASON b/c they cause the Spurs matchup problems w/ the Davis/Anderson front-line. New Orleans has been a nightmare city for the Spurs for a while now.

Pull your head out of your ass & educate yourself before you spew BS.
2530914, Being the #2 seed all season then losing it in the last game = CHOKE
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sat Apr-09-16 04:34 PM
2530915, Rockets being the 2nd seed SHOULD tell you the conference WAS trash
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 04:39 PM
I wonder why the Rockets are the 9th seed this season despite retaining their ENTIRE roster?

OKC missed the playoffs b/c KD was injured & the Spurs were being carried by 39 year old Tim b/c 3 starters (Kawhi/Tony/Splitter) were injured.

The Spurs had their first losing month in the Tim Duncan era b/c the ENTIRE roster was decimated by injures: http://www.poundingtherock.com/2015/5/20/8587813/spurs-2014-15-season-recap-injuries-inconsistency-lead-to-early

Go look at the point differentials from last, the Rockets were the 2nd seed w/ a shitty point-differential (won a bunch of close games) & the Clipper had the 2nd best point differential (one spot ahead of the Spurs, so they were the BETTER team): http://scores.espn.go.com/nba/standings/_/season/2015

Meanwhile, in 2013-14 the Spurs led the ENTIRE league in point-differential w/ the same roster as 2014-15 except half the roster was injured.

They were healthy for a short period mid-way through the season (which was why they even won 55) but Splitter/Tony were dead man walking status in the playoffs while Danny Green (led the team in minutes) was worn out & couldn't hit a shot b/c he had dead legs.
2530918, HOU were the #2 seed because the Spurs choked against the Pelicans
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sat Apr-09-16 04:55 PM
2530920, That DOESN'T explain why the Rockets won 55...b/c the Pels right?
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 05:02 PM
2530922, You brought up the Rockets, you tell me
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sat Apr-09-16 05:06 PM
2530924, They won 55 games ---> Leastern Conference status
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 05:14 PM
2530926, All that has nothing to do w/ the Spurs choking against the Pelicans
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sat Apr-09-16 05:21 PM
or blowing a closeout game at home to the Clippers
2530929, I guess the Grizz choked against the Worriers since they were up 2-1?
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 05:59 PM
2530299, You sound as crusty as Scottie Pippen
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Wed Apr-06-16 10:43 PM
Like most youre focused on what the Bulls would do to the Warriors
and ignoring what the Warriors would do to the Bulls

The Warriors are more equipped to play in the Bulls era than vice versa

All you have to do is apply a little more critical thinking, do a little more research
and you wouldnt say things like AI averaging 35-40pts in todays game
Why? Because Iverson did play in todays era & never came close to those averages

Kobe is the only one to average 35ppg in todays game

If youre gonna throw out hypotheticals at least have some data to back up why you believe such
Otherwise youre just basing everything on your emotions & hyperbole

2530305, Bruh, you just ethered YOURSELF
Posted by FILF, Wed Apr-06-16 11:34 PM
>All you have to do is apply a little more critical thinking,
>do a little more research
>and you wouldnt say things like AI averaging 35-40pts in
>todays game
>Why? Because Iverson did play in todays era & never came close
>to those averages

AI ACTUALLY played & was a superstar in BOTH eras (pre/post rule changes: illegal defense/zone/hand checking...etc).

Pre (no zone but hand-checking was legal): Averaged 31 (TS: 51%) in 2000-01 during his MVP season

Post (zone was allowed but no hand-checking): Averaged a CAREER-HIGH 33 (TS: 54%) as a 30 years old in 2005-06 RIGHT AFTER hand-checking was COMPLETELY outlawed

Now, ruteldat!
2530307, You ethered yourself. 33 isnt 35
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Wed Apr-06-16 11:40 PM
2530311, Mr. "never came close to those averages"
Posted by FILF, Thu Apr-07-16 12:06 AM
Kobrick averaged 27 shots while AI averaged 25.

Take your L & log off fam.
2530318, Fine I'll take the L, but what does it prove?
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Thu Apr-07-16 01:29 AM
Because its not an indication or proof that defenses are weaker today
which is what homeboy is implying

Its more of a validation that AI was a great offensive player
But its not a demostration of playing winning basketball

And since you posted AI's numbers pre rule change
you help prove what Ive been saying about how hand checking doesnt stop great players from scoring

AI playing at that size & balling, makes the whole argument against Steph struggling in that era useless
Steph would get his just as AI did
2530569, Dummy, AI was averaging 26-27 right BEFORE his career high 33
Posted by FILF, Thu Apr-07-16 08:18 PM
>And since you posted AI's numbers pre rule change
>you help prove what Ive been saying about how hand checking
>doesnt stop great players from scoring

If there was no hand-checking in 2001, AI would have averaged 35 & shot a bunch of FTs b/c that was his PEAK. AI was a the tail-end of his prime when he averaged a career high 33 & had his most efficient season thanks to the rule changes.

>AI playing at that size & balling, makes the whole argument
>against Steph struggling in that era useless
>Steph would get his just as AI did

AI speed/quickness is what made him tough to check. If you can't stay w/ him then hand-checking isn't going to help you compared to others who try to dance/bully their way to the rim.

For example, Delly was able to body-up Curry but AI would have lost him by running the loop or blowing by him in transition. AI wasn't pounding the air out of the ball like Harden on EVERY possession, he would run off the ball to lose his defender then attack.
2530580, Thanks for reiterating my point again
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Thu Apr-07-16 09:32 PM
Hand checking never stopped a great player from that era from getting theirs

Im still waiting for someone to show me & quantify the effectiveness of
hand checking & physical play from that period but nobody can
Why? Because it was never this big deterrent that people are trying to make it

AI is the perfect player to exemplify my point

2530802, Why didn't AI average 35 & shoot 45% during his PEAK?
Posted by FILF, Fri Apr-08-16 03:29 PM
>Hand checking never stopped a great player from that era from
>getting theirs
>Im still waiting for someone to show me & quantify the
>effectiveness of
>hand checking & physical play from that period but nobody can
>Why? Because it was never this big deterrent that people are
>trying to make it

2530830, The scoring title leaders of the past average the same as todays leaders
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Fri Apr-08-16 06:28 PM
Pretty much identical
And thats without attempting 3s like they do today

Its a myth that defenses were better back in the day

2530837, You mean Jorn being the only perimeter player to be a 90s scoring champ?
Posted by FILF, Fri Apr-08-16 07:47 PM
Post players BENEFITED from the illegal defense rule b/c you couldn't double them BEFORE they caught the ball. At times, Shaq basically would seal his defender then catch & finish before the help defense arrived or they would arrive too late then hack him.

That's why you had David Robinson/Shaq leading the league in scoring when Jorn retired.

Nowadays, they would just double him BEFORE the catch & let Devan George fire away. In Miami, he was basically a point center which was why he had a MVP type season despite scoring below his career average of 24.
2530847, The NBA goes back further than the 90s
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Fri Apr-08-16 09:26 PM
Why didnt you post those scoring leader stats from the 70s/80s like you did for AI & Jordan?
Hand checking & physical play existed in those eras too, right?

Dont be scared. I know the truth hurts but it also heals

You keep proving my point with every reply

Whether you wanna move them goalpost to talk about 90s Jordan, AI, Shaq or David Robinson
All those great players from that time period couldnt be stopped by physical play or hand checking

Just let it go. Its okay being wrong. It builds character
2530903, Dumbass, like I said it was the Bad Boys/Knicks that took advantage
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 02:01 PM
>Why didnt you post those scoring leader stats from the
>70s/80s like you did for AI & Jordan?
>Hand checking & physical play existed in those eras too,

If you ACTUALLY watched the game, cats in the 70s/80s weren't playing much D until the 4th quarter.

The Pistons were the same way until they realized they didn't have the talent to outscore the Celtics thus decided to be a rough/rugged team (aka Bad Boys) & started abusing the rules. The Knicks followed suit when they realized they didn't have the talent to beat the Bulls. Riley instilled the same ideology on the Heat which was why the Bulls/Knicks game were UGLY as fuck.

In the West, it was the Jazz/Sonics/Rockets that used to mug cats eventually Pop fired Bob Hill (despite reaching the WCF) followed suit after the Spurs unsuccessfully tried to be a run-and-gun team w/ David Robinson. The 1999 Spurs were setting defensive records w/ Tim/Admiral making the paint a no fly zone. The 2004, Pistons were the last team to abuse the rules before Stern shut shyt down the following season.

It no different than D'Antonio & the 2005 Suns being the first team to take advantage of the rule changes while the Spurs/Pistons were playing like it was 1995 in the 2005 Finals.
2530907, AKA hand checking & physical play didnt really stop anyone
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sat Apr-09-16 03:12 PM
AKA 80s & 90s era NBA defenses arent better than todays

AKA The Warriors would be great then as they are now

AKA What I said from jump
2530913, Delly was mugging Curry & the Worriers were complaining about it
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 04:15 PM
>AKA The Warriors would be great then as they are now

If they let someone like Avery Bradley hand check Curry then he would be huffin' & puffin' while looking at the refs.
2530916, Cavs lost & it was Delly who was huffin puffin in the finals
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sat Apr-09-16 04:45 PM
Steph actually sent that fool to the hospital
2530917, Delly ain't Avery Bradley
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 04:54 PM
Delly is a scrub while Avery Bradley is as good an on-ball defender as there is in the ENTIRE league: http://www.masslive.com/celtics/index.ssf/2016/04/steve_kerr_agrees_with_damian.html

We already saw what Bradley did to Curry WITHOUT hand checking.
2530919, It dont mean a thing without a ring
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sat Apr-09-16 05:01 PM
2530921, Curry DIDN'T win Finals MVP b/c of a scrub named Delly*sips tea*
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 05:03 PM
2530923, Curry sips tea w/ a championship ring on his finger
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sat Apr-09-16 05:09 PM
2530925, Jorn mixes drinks w/ his 6 Finals MVP trophies
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 05:16 PM
The Worriers trophy is in Joe Lacobs office.
2530927, Steph Curry plays against better defenses
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sat Apr-09-16 05:32 PM
2530928, Delly became a household name thanks for Wardell
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 05:57 PM
2530282, I love the Warriors but now I kinda hope they lose
Posted by RaFromQueens, Wed Apr-06-16 08:24 PM
just so I can reply like a dick with the transitive property.



2530290, The Knicks?
Posted by FILF, Wed Apr-06-16 09:20 PM
>just so I can reply like a dick with the transitive
2530332, Yes that's also the name of a team nm
Posted by RaFromQueens, Thu Apr-07-16 06:48 AM
2530315, By the 2nd quarter of Game 1, the Worm gives Dray a Titty Twister...
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu Apr-07-16 12:27 AM
under the jersey. Both nipps.

He eats that tech.

Dray is ineffective for the rest of the series.
2530335, I wonder if when mj and pippen won those 6 Bill Russell or Kareem
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Thu Apr-07-16 07:00 AM
Ever Popped up every 3 months to
Tell them how they would sweep them
Or how they aren't shit cause
They played in integrated bathrooms or some shit?

Yeah I don't remember that happening either

I'm a bulls fan
And this is bamma shit

Stfu nigga
You and cheesy
2530570, ^^^^^this
Posted by DJR, Thu Apr-07-16 08:41 PM
All the respect in the world for those Bulls squads, but sit your asses down. You had your time.
2530783, Russell may have thought it though lol. Nah but no comparison there
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Apr-08-16 02:44 PM
You're talking about two of the classiest players to ever play who were total ambassadors to sport, almost Arthur Ashe level, and then you have two near-total assholes who happened to be great players as well.
2530812, they'd beat them...not sure if they'd sweep...but
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Fri Apr-08-16 04:15 PM
the Pippen on Steph match up would be a real tough one for Steph....

2530817, That 95-96 Bulls roster is not deep compared to this Warriors roster...
Posted by Kira, Fri Apr-08-16 04:37 PM
I'll spot you Jordan and Pippen as great, putting in work but besides that it does not look good for them.

Steve Kerr is roasted by Steph.
Luc Longley AND Bill Wennington get hoed.
Rodman is forced by the three point line negating his advantage.

Jordan and Pippen cannot carry the Bulls to a sweep against this deep Warriors team playing 48 minutes every game. They have to rest at some point and when they do the game is over. The Warriors play in a division tougher than anything the Bulls faced as there are legit threats to dethrone them in-conference every year. Their experience should put them over the Bulls.
2548885, RE: Pippen: 96 Bulls would sweep Warriors
Posted by FILF, Mon Jun-20-16 01:49 AM
2548902, https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ClXSnpGVYAA91cx.jpg
Posted by melmag, Mon Jun-20-16 07:32 AM