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Topic subjectHas Lebron's window closed?
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2521555, Has Lebron's window closed?
Posted by ThaTruth, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
I think most people thought he would eventually get it rolling and end up with with 5 or 6 rings like Kobe and MJ, but with Steph Curry and the Warriors ascending to another level with no sign of slow down anything soon are Lebron's chances of winning another ring over? Is he really going to end his career with only 2?

Or will he take the "If you can't beat'em join'em" route? There's been a lot of speculation about the Warriors trying to sign Durant in the off-season, what if the King took his talents to the bay area? Would he do that to Cleveland again?

Poll question: Has Lebron's window closed?

Poll result (19 votes)
nah, he'll get at least 1 for The Land (5 votes)Vote
its a wrap (10 votes)Vote
he'll go snag a couple of wingman titles with Curry (0 votes)Vote
"Not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7" (1 votes)Vote
I'm a Trump supporter (3 votes)Vote
something else? post it below... (0 votes)Vote


2521558, Nah, he will find another set of superstars to hitch too
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Tue Mar-01-16 10:47 AM
If he can't get it done with this current squad.
2521559, something will happen to put him over the top again...
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-01-16 10:51 AM
He'll get Boogie or Brow or sumin..

When they got Love and were struggling out of the gate it looked like they had a long way to go. Next thing you know they get Shump, JR Smith, & Mozgov for a bag of wet dildos and they're in the finals.

I can't see Bron not getting another one. Something will happen.. lol
<---- 5....

2521560, I can see him winning again for sure but not with this team.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Mar-01-16 10:58 AM
Obviously some type of shit could happen but right now they get a bye to the Finals and an L once they get there. I could dissect a lot of things but the bottom line is that this is Cleveland we are talking about. Certain teams are just never going to win a title. The Clippers. The Cavs. I will die without seeing these teams win a championship.
2521563, Being in the East helps him out.
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Mar-01-16 11:01 AM
His window hasn't as much closed as he's closing the window himself. I've never seen a superstar want to share the load or hand over the reins as much as LeBron. It's completely puzzling to me. If the Cavs were in the West, I'd say that his window was closed unless he went back to Bath Salts 'Bron mode.

But since he's in the East, he should be able to make the Finals again and anything can happen at the point. I wouldn't bet on Cleveland against San Antonio or Golden State but they're an injury away from being favored.

I don't know. For me, I don't think they'll ever be a more confounding superstar than LeBron.
2521621, in the East, i think he can make it back to the Finals 4 or 5 more times
Posted by BigJazz, Tue Mar-01-16 12:42 PM
with nearly any set of teammates. with that many chances, he's bound to win a couple more...
2521673, he's 31 now and showing signs of wear and tear, we only on have maybe 3...
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Mar-01-16 03:56 PM
more years of elite Bron if that. Will Steph be done by then? Will anybody in the east pass them in that time?
2521694, yeah he's slowing down so w/o being paired w/ another big time player
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-01-16 05:25 PM
he's doesn't have a open 4/5 year window.. lol. It's not like LeBron is getting better and it's not like young players are standing still.
<---- 5....

2548723, If he was in the west, you think he would not have help???
Posted by Castro, Sun Jun-19-16 10:49 PM
2521564, he'll fall into 1 more.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Mar-01-16 11:08 AM
2521598, It's a wrap but how many times you going to make this poll damn
Posted by DJPoke, Tue Mar-01-16 12:16 PM
2521603, how many other times have I made it?
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Mar-01-16 12:18 PM
2521658, What happened to that Lebron - Mt Rushmore post...
Posted by guru0509, Tue Mar-01-16 02:43 PM
i think vex or billyO made it.

2521659, not as *this* Bron
Posted by themaddfapper, Tue Mar-01-16 02:47 PM

the 33-35 grounded Magic Bron, the 19-10-9.5 Bron, will probably win a ring or 2.

I don't know who's gonna be around him (he can't leave Cleveland. Ever.)

That's his best shot. His leading scorer chip days are done imo.

2521660, He'll get another within the next few years.
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Mar-01-16 02:48 PM
2521663, maybe 1 more as a sidekick
Posted by Kungset, Tue Mar-01-16 02:57 PM
2521691, Maybe if Curry gets injured or the Spurs retire...
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Tue Mar-01-16 05:13 PM
Otherwise its nailed shut....even the Raptors are starting to catch up
2521695, lol @ spurs retire!
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Mar-01-16 05:27 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
2521696, right, like the whole team all at once.
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Mar-01-16 05:28 PM
2521716, Popp rests the entire team permanently
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Tue Mar-01-16 06:30 PM
All just walk off at the same time
2521717, one can dream
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue Mar-01-16 06:36 PM
2521713, his next title will be a 'Peyton' title
Posted by Dr Claw, Tue Mar-01-16 06:24 PM
2521715, He'll have on last hurray when Kyrie gets traded for CP3
Posted by FILF, Tue Mar-01-16 06:27 PM
>There's been a lot of speculation about the Warriors trying to
>sign Durant in the off-season, what if the King took his
>talents to the bay area? Would he do that to Cleveland again?

He isn't signing with another franchise where he can't manipulate the front-office.
2521719, He doesn't start trying on defense and it is
Posted by bshelly, Tue Mar-01-16 06:42 PM
2521727, hard to say. there's no proof yet that he doesn't still own the East.
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Mar-01-16 07:04 PM
so if he's going to the finals every year, are you really saying it's impossible for him to win?

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2521729, RE: hard to say. there's no proof yet that he doesn't still own the East.
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Mar-01-16 07:13 PM
>so if he's going to the finals every year, are you really
>saying it's impossible for him to win?

Against Steph and the W's?
2521730, they gotta go through the west which is still tough,
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Mar-01-16 07:23 PM
they're the favorites, but that's not an auto win.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2521732, Barring a major injury nobody is beating GS in a 7 game series
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Mar-01-16 07:34 PM
2521738, maybe, but if somebody goes all kelly olynyk on draymond's shoulder
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Mar-01-16 08:04 PM
breaks steph or klay's face open like they did to mike conley last year

etc. etc. etc.

now the Cavs are facing someone else, and even the spurs are beatable too.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2521741, lol @ "5 or 6 like MJ and Kobe" like they're peers.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Tue Mar-01-16 08:14 PM
He's not done yet simply because he's proven he will move if he feels like it. If he goes to OKC or some dumb shit like that he could do it.
2521762, You this sensitive?
Posted by LA2Philly, Tue Mar-01-16 10:28 PM
2521819, Trying to keep the fire of hate burning despite the end being near.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Wed Mar-02-16 10:03 AM
Thanks for the reply
2521745, Man if LBJ and Peyton Manning finish with the same # of rings
Posted by Friscos Finest, Tue Mar-01-16 08:24 PM
2521763, Closed is extreme but obviously it's gotten much smaller
Posted by LA2Philly, Tue Mar-01-16 10:30 PM
He still plays in the east so that's an easier run to the Finals which potentially gives him more chances...one of those might hit.
2521767, pretty much.
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Mar-01-16 10:46 PM
it's one thing if you're Melo and you're not in the playoffs, or if you're D Wade and you're...whatever Miami is now.

but he's still likely to be in the finals for the next few years, so he's got shots.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2521822, long as he doesnt have to face GS in then finals its still open
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Mar-02-16 10:08 AM
but he'll never get over that hump

not with the help he has now anyway
2521842, How would that not happen?
Posted by ThaTruth, Wed Mar-02-16 10:57 AM
2521856, GS not making it to the finals ?
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Mar-02-16 11:49 AM
>they lose in the western conference playoffs broski
2548709, oh
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Jun-19-16 10:46 PM
2549307, damn, lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Jun-20-16 03:45 PM
2548733, 73.
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Jun-19-16 10:54 PM
3-1 lead.

Game 7 at home.

Hurts, doesn't it?

2549325, you know, I'm not even mad at this.
Posted by Dr Claw, Mon Jun-20-16 03:55 PM
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun Jun-19-16 10:55 PM
2549308, I'm home.
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Jun-20-16 03:45 PM