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Topic subjectLight vs dark skinned basket attacking ft Jordan Clarkson and Nick Young
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2506854, Light vs dark skinned basket attacking ft Jordan Clarkson and Nick Young
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Jan-04-16 11:13 AM

Jordan Clarkson on his massive dunk against the Suns: "All I remember was Kobe telling me that I've been going to the hole like a light-skinned dude. So I've got to start doing it like a dark-skinned . So when I see the lane open up, that's all I remember."

The actual dunk w/Nick Young Monmouth Celebration:
2506857, damn he went hard af to the basket too lmao.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Mon Jan-04-16 11:20 AM
2506862, and this is why some call Kobe 'GOAT'
Posted by Dr Claw, Mon Jan-04-16 11:49 AM
2506863, aint he asian though?
Posted by falafel stand pimpin, Mon Jan-04-16 11:54 AM
2506888, Shit. He is listed as Filipino-American
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Jan-04-16 12:43 PM
Looking like Bruno Mars in the face a little
2506953, mom is Filipina...he's a "Baby Monta Ellis" or "Baby D-Rose"
Posted by TRENDone, Mon Jan-04-16 02:11 PM
2506864, that was westbrook like
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Jan-04-16 11:55 AM
2506867, RE: Light vs dark skinned basket attacking ft Jordan Clarkson and Nick Young
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Jan-04-16 11:55 AM

>The actual dunk w/Nick Young Monmouth Celebration:

Nick Young is a fool, lol
2506899, Everything about this is great.
Posted by bignick, Mon Jan-04-16 01:02 PM
Including white people on reddit who thought Kobe was taking a shot at white people.
2506905, LMAO nah Jordan, you gotta keep some things in house. He's mixed,
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Jan-04-16 01:05 PM
so I might give him a pass. But yeah, this one of those jokes you gotta say around the homies or even at a Black awards show...anywhere else, they won't get it.

But Kobe was right, just like whoever OG Maco was talking about.
2506950, I'm fucking DONE. Jordan is a fucking keeper. Pay the man.
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Jan-04-16 02:04 PM
I’ve seen enough. This kid is the real deal.

To what extent? I dunno. I just know I want him to stick around. For the “numbers on a bad team” crowd, you should probably watch him first. For awhile. It’s not the numbers, it’s how he gets them.

He’s got a ridiculously mature game. He’s got some Kobe in him, truth be told. He’s dangerous from anywhere on the floor.

Threes? Check.
Effective in P&R situations? Check.
Take his man off the dribble? Check.

Finish at the rim with consistency? OH HELL YEAH © Stone Cold
Mid Range jumper? Sam Cassell would be proud. ***for all you analytics bible thumpers, a quality mid range game means defenses have to respect you everywhere on the floor. Jordan’s midrange game is solid and it takes him from being a specialty player on offense to a complete player.

Floater? Yep.

His ball handling is alreadypretty savvy. He’s got a little Nash in him. He yo-yo’s the defense , gets under the rim, pops back out, either passes the rock, shoots, drives, or whatever. He makes good decisions. For a minute he seemed a little too determined to score at all times but he’s relaxed on that over the course of this season.
He still has some road to travel but I fucking love his trajectory. If he adds more triple threat and a turnaround, steps up his footwork, adds more head/pump fakes, he’s going to be special. His D isn’t up to snuff but I think he’ll develop.

I’m sold on him and Randle. But Nance is making me wonder if Randle isn’t expendable for the right price. I think Randle needs to fucking start because he’s the one who can be a star (I’ve seen enough that 20 and 10 is a realistic possibility), whereas Nance still plays like a role player. It’s a crying shame he’s not a 5. I want to see these two on the floor together more often and see what happens. I’d put money that one of these two is gone inside of the next two seasons though. I will say it will be easier to find a center to play with Randle than it is to find the right center to play with Jr, since Jr’s style is much closer to that of more 5’s in the league.

Anyhow this is about Jordan. He’s the real deal. I still don’t know if he’s a good #2/3 offensive option or if he’s got what it takes to be The Man but he continues to climb that chart. Right now he’s not showing me enough to say he’s *thee* centerpiece to build around, but he’s definitely a guy I want on this team going forward. I want this exact team intact. Barring a deal that lands Cuz and keeps Jordan and Russell, I want this team to stay exactly as is for the remainder of this season.
2506951, RE: I'm fucking DONE. Jordan is a fucking keeper. Pay the man.
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Jan-04-16 02:08 PM
>I’ve seen enough. This kid is the real deal.
>To what extent? I dunno. I just know I want him to stick
>around. For the “numbers on a bad team” crowd, you should
>probably watch him first. For awhile. It’s not the numbers,
>it’s how he gets them.
>He’s got a ridiculously mature game. He’s got some Kobe in
>him, truth be told. He’s dangerous from anywhere on the

Main thing ive been saying about him. Lots of young guys in his situation shoot really poorly and turn the ball over. He plays a very mature/steady game.

If he can open up his range thats gonna be the key to everything

>Threes? Check.
>Effective in P&R situations? Check.
>Take his man off the dribble? Check.
>Finish at the rim with consistency? OH HELL YEAH © Stone
>Mid Range jumper? Sam Cassell would be proud. ***for all you
>analytics bible thumpers, a quality mid range game means
>defenses have to respect you everywhere on the floor.
>Jordan’s midrange game is solid and it takes him from being
>a specialty player on offense to a complete player.
>Floater? Yep.
>His ball handling is alreadypretty savvy. He’s got a little
>Nash in him. He yo-yo’s the defense , gets under the rim,
>pops back out, either passes the rock, shoots, drives, or
>whatever. He makes good decisions. For a minute he seemed a
>little too determined to score at all times but he’s relaxed
>on that over the course of this season.
>He still has some road to travel but I fucking love his
>trajectory. If he adds more triple threat and a turnaround,
>steps up his footwork, adds more head/pump fakes, he’s going
>to be special. His D isn’t up to snuff but I think he’ll
>I’m sold on him and Randle. But Nance is making me wonder if
>Randle isn’t expendable for the right price. I think Randle
>needs to fucking start because he’s the one who can be a
>star (I’ve seen enough that 20 and 10 is a realistic
>possibility), whereas Nance still plays like a role player.
>It’s a crying shame he’s not a 5. I want to see these two
>on the floor together more often and see what happens. I’d
>put money that one of these two is gone inside of the next two
>seasons though. I will say it will be easier to find a center
>to play with Randle than it is to find the right center to
>play with Jr, since Jr’s style is much closer to that of
>more 5’s in the league.
>Anyhow this is about Jordan. He’s the real deal. I still
>don’t know if he’s a good #2/3 offensive option or if
>he’s got what it takes to be The Man but he continues to
>climb that chart. Right now he’s not showing me enough to
>say he’s *thee* centerpiece to build around, but he’s
>definitely a guy I want on this team going forward. I want
>this exact team intact. Barring a deal that lands Cuz and
>keeps Jordan and Russell, I want this team to stay exactly as
>is for the remainder of this season.
2507060, Yeah, I'm a fan of Top Gear
Posted by Dr Claw, Mon Jan-04-16 04:49 PM
>Anyhow this is about Jordan. He’s the real deal. I still
>don’t know if he’s a good #2/3 offensive option or if
>he’s got what it takes to be The Man but he continues to
>climb that chart. Right now he’s not showing me enough to
>say he’s *thee* centerpiece to build around, but he’s
>definitely a guy I want on this team going forward. I want
>this exact team intact. Barring a deal that lands Cuz and
>keeps Jordan and Russell, I want this team to stay exactly as
>is for the remainder of this season.
2506955, GOAT quotes..
Posted by LegacyNS, Mon Jan-04-16 02:14 PM

<---- 5....

2506976, LOLOL
Posted by LA2Philly, Mon Jan-04-16 02:40 PM
2506981, lol
Posted by guru0509, Mon Jan-04-16 02:50 PM
wrong post
2506993, Hibbert's dunk and dab:
Posted by Castro, Mon Jan-04-16 03:20 PM

They having fun now.
2507090, The NBA better not get bitchmade and start penalizing these celebrations
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Jan-04-16 06:12 PM
I want to see more. Even elaborate full blown Monmouths