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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThe Onion stays killing it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2499336
2499336, The Onion stays killing it
Posted by Deebot, Wed Dec-02-15 09:11 PM
2499362, LOL
Posted by Brew, Wed Dec-02-15 10:35 PM
2499366, I bet there was a much funnier unedited version
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Dec-02-15 11:01 PM
Sensitive topic, they couldn't go ham. A+ concept, but the execution didn't match. Still, I laughed right at the headline.
2499377, I like that "...who got hurt really bad..." though
Posted by Deebot, Wed Dec-02-15 11:26 PM
2499380, yeah it was kind of a euphemism that made the joke funnier.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Dec-02-15 11:37 PM