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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectFor y'all youngins that didn't know the GOAT had bars...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2482315
2482315, For y'all youngins that didn't know the GOAT had bars...
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Oct-08-15 10:36 AM
2482350, RE:my love's a SWORD
Posted by illegal, Thu Oct-08-15 01:23 PM
2482391, he had the hand motions down pat, lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Oct-08-15 04:14 PM
2482440, Dude was a destitute man's Will Smith.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu Oct-08-15 07:09 PM
2482442, Kevin Liles is a believer in greatness.
Posted by Kira, Thu Oct-08-15 07:46 PM
He mentions his belief that Kobe could've excelled if he chose to remain apart of the artform. However, the longevity and checks of the NBA far outweigh the stressful lifestyle of a hip-hop artist.