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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subject10 years ago today, we set sail upon Lake Minnetonka
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2481668
2481668, 10 years ago today, we set sail upon Lake Minnetonka
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 08:28 AM
Did you guys realize that today is officially the ten year anniversary of the 2005 Vikings bye week, aka SEX BOAT?

For those who need a recap, what's wrong with you? This was literally our generation's JFK/moon landing combined, only on a boat. But a bunch of underachieving football players brought some hookers on a charter boat and then had sex with the hookers on the boat. That's basically it, but it was something you had to be there for, man.

There was also a bunch of drama on the boards about it, because some threads got locked and people just went NUTS. Did Zeno get banned during that time? I think he did, shit just wasn't the same. It was bonkers.

I assume ESPN is using today as an opportunity to announce their next 30 for 30 "When Lake Minnetonka was Valhalla: The Great Sex Boat of 2005" (directed by Albert Magnoli) later, but let's use this as a space to reminisce, talk about our favorite conspiracy theories, and talk about how the Sex Boat changed your life personally.
2481671, Fred Smoot did a Reddit AMA a while back
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 08:35 AM
Where he described Bryant McKinnie putting a girl on the bar and going down on her. He called it "running through the okra patch."

Is there ANY doubt Bryant McKinnie is/was the physical embodiment of DA YOO in the 21st century? Only thing that could've been better is if he was wearing his full length man fur while doing it (note, if he wasn't, don't tell me.)
2481761, B-McK loves him some stripper shenanigans don't he?
Posted by jigga, Tue Oct-06-15 11:32 AM
Didn't Jacoby Jones get clocked over the head w/ a bottle from a peeler on his party bus a while back?
2481677, mew*l*e m**re has no idea what you're talking about
Posted by pdafunk, Tue Oct-06-15 08:40 AM
2481679, According to Wiki, he's still married
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 08:42 AM
So obviously, he wasn't doing anything. He was ENGAGED, stop trying to get him in trouble.
2481678, Stupid okp
Posted by bshelly, Tue Oct-06-15 08:40 AM
Froze The Vikings Sex Boat alias just because it hasn't been used in ten years. The nerve.

Side note: oh my God I feel old. I remember okp things from ten plus years ago.

Actually it's more like 15 plus years. Shout out to Tinky Winky and Lazer Tagging Black Lillies.

I am so old.
2481693, I remember 9/11 on this board
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 09:02 AM
What even is my life?
2481769, seriously
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Oct-06-15 11:58 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2481949, Yup. How I found out in real time
Posted by Brother Grifter, Wed Oct-07-15 02:30 AM
Post on first plane when we thought it was an accident. Then the second hit
2481682, RE: 10 years ago today, we set sail upon Lake Minnetonka
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Oct-06-15 08:44 AM
>Zeno get banned during that time? I think he did, shit just
>wasn't the same. It was bonkers.

Did the ban live forever ever?

That's pretty harsh if that's the case. I almost want to see what was posted to cause a lifetime ban if that's the case.
2481686, don't be ridiculous...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Oct-06-15 08:53 AM
..no one has ever been banned because of their antics on OKS.

he's just exaggerating for the sake of revisionist history (poast).

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
2481688, not even Money Man?
Posted by bshelly, Tue Oct-06-15 08:54 AM
2481704, he was banned for something unrelated to OKS.
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Oct-06-15 09:16 AM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
2481764, If he'd stayed in OKS like I urged him to...
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Oct-06-15 11:35 AM
... he never would've been banned.

But he didn't. So he did. Sigh.
2481763, I think I already know the answer to this question
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Oct-06-15 11:35 AM
but were you the moderator back then?
2481851, yes, and no one has ever been banned on OKS...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Oct-06-15 04:53 PM
..contrary to popular belief, there have only been a handful of people banned from OKP.

yes, there have been occasions where we've put people on ice (a temporary timeout), and even those incidents were well after initial warnings were ignored. anyone posting on okp about how they were once banned is lying to you.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
2481687, he wasn't lifetime banned, I think he went into boycott mode
Posted by bshelly, Tue Oct-06-15 08:54 AM
i don't remember the details, other than the mods felt we were getting too off topic in too many posts and people through a shit fit, in part because some of the legendary aliases from GD showed up and helped us party. If someone else remembers more of the details, I'd love a refresher, because the partying and subsequent backlash was high message board comedy.
2481691, He came back a couple times after that
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 08:59 AM
I think he just sort of left on his own eventually.
2481848, Zeno was on here not that long ago.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Oct-06-15 04:47 PM

He popped in, said his piece, kept it moving

Dude was an asshole but we all were back then,
we were kids


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2481944, Zeno got a girlfriend and moved on
Posted by will_5198, Wed Oct-07-15 12:46 AM
2481956, Watchu saying bout the rest of us? Huh?
Posted by bshelly, Wed Oct-07-15 07:01 AM
2482259, it was extra special when it happened for Zeno
Posted by will_5198, Thu Oct-08-15 12:07 AM
2481690, What happened to all the Grey Goose on board?
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 08:58 AM
Reportedly, a player (Nate Burleson? Probably Nate Burleson) yelled at one of the bartenders for running out of Grey Goose. In that time, amateur Sex Boat sleuths have come up with a number of theories as to what happened. Some of the most popular:

-Koren Robinson drank it all. PRO: He was a raging drunk who had just been cut from Seattle for raging drunkenness, who else would do it? CON: He had just signed with the team and may not have been close enough with anyone to get invited. also, 05 was the best season of his career, which completely runs counter to everyone else on the boat and how shitty they were that season.

-Pat Williams snuck it all away under his belly fat. PRO: Easily could have fit 4-5 bottles just in his stomach, and when you add his neck and arm folds in there? Very plausible. CON: Or was that Kevin Williams? Or Moe Williams?

-A backup running back stole them all to save on his upcoming nuptials. PRO: Weddings are expensive, anywhere you can cut costs could be huge. CON: He was engaged, stop snitchin.

-Troy Williamson broke all of the bottles. PRO: Grey Goose bottles are slightly football-shaped, and Williamson's inability to hold on to anything resembling a football with his tiny infant hands is well documented. CON: Unknown if this extends to things he's picking up from a bar or only things thrown to him.

VERDICT: Matt Birk probably drank it and then yelled at everyone for being abortion-loving gay Mexicans or something. Fuck Matt Birk.
2481703, we're old.
Posted by guru0509, Tue Oct-06-15 09:15 AM
no actually, only you guys.

im still a spring chicken.
2481766, To keep things in perspective
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Oct-06-15 11:38 AM
this website and message board are as old as the Things Fall Apart album. If memory serves me right, this website was established as promotion for that album.

Kind of surprising that album wasn't reprinted recently for vinyl to celebrate its anniversary. Would have been nice to cop some of the different album covers in larger vinyl cover format.
2481768, that's how a found out about this site....
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Oct-06-15 11:56 AM
I bought a single for "The Ultimate" and saw okayplayer.com in the liner notes...it was a wrap from there. That was Sep. '99.
2481945, yup, same here...99 was soph year of high school.
Posted by guru0509, Wed Oct-07-15 01:03 AM
>I bought a single for "The Ultimate" and saw okayplayer.com
>in the liner notes...it was a wrap from there. That was Sep.

man, those were the days.

2482229, For something else completely unrelated
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Oct-07-15 09:56 PM
Take a gander at this forearm tattoo, and trust me you'll be interested:

2482236, holy shit!!!
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Oct-07-15 10:03 PM
2482284, Woah
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Oct-08-15 08:56 AM
2481715, It's also been 10 years since one of the other greatest posts ever
Posted by magilla vanilla, Tue Oct-06-15 09:30 AM
All I'll say is "can you dig it"

2481723, GOAT
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 09:49 AM
2481950, Classic
Posted by Brother Grifter, Wed Oct-07-15 02:36 AM
2481743, How was Darren Sharper NOT on this boat?
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 10:23 AM
Purposely uninvited? Did he decline because it wouldn't work with his "system?" Worried that there might be consensual sex around him and didn't want to get grossed out?

2481757, Wow, it's already been 10
Posted by LA2Philly, Tue Oct-06-15 11:14 AM
I was a freshman at Cal when I was first introduced to the powers of Minnetonka sex boating. Definitely one of my favorite and most memorable moments on here.
2481760, 2005 might have been the greatest year of these boards
Posted by magilla vanilla, Tue Oct-06-15 11:21 AM
The Tyranny of King Cyren notwitshtanding, we ended 2004 on the U of M "bust and gust: http://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=1273&mesg_id=1273&listing_type=search

And ended 2005 with Sex Boat. Lo, did we not understand how blessed we were?
2481771, the day I realized "just pull out your dick" was bad advice
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Oct-06-15 12:00 PM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2481773, This dude poetx said "look here, *buster*"... I am crying
Posted by placee_22, Tue Oct-06-15 12:02 PM
2481786, Was that the same year we had the C@$t3 F00tb@11 stuff?
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 12:50 PM
2481796, I think that was 06/07.
Posted by magilla vanilla, Tue Oct-06-15 01:24 PM
2481762, Before the YMCA post, it was my favorite OKS post/moment...
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Oct-06-15 11:34 AM
that I ever personally witnessed happening.
2481777, FREE SEX BOAT!
Posted by emeyesi, Tue Oct-06-15 12:21 PM
Back when I used to actually make posts and not just harass Cereffusion:


2481780, http://i.imgur.com/jMvEFER.jpg
Posted by Wonderl33t, Tue Oct-06-15 12:28 PM
not quite 2005, but same era


edit - look how active the boards were...the whole front page was new posts/responses.
2481781, LOL...look at the first post....Truth was fighting the power even then
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Oct-06-15 12:35 PM
2481790, & the lifetime of grievance award goes to...
Posted by jigga, Tue Oct-06-15 12:52 PM
2481788, Oh shit, remember when this board really cared about Chris Duhon?
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 12:51 PM
2481797, Word to Royal Ivey.
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Oct-06-15 01:26 PM
I had to Google to determine he was a player in the NBA. Had no idea he was an assistant coach in the d-league.
2481798, Ah, for the days of "View All"
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Oct-06-15 01:26 PM
2481951, Wow..."Raiders hire Payton"
Posted by Brother Grifter, Wed Oct-07-15 02:42 AM
Forgot Sean Payton was set to be Raiders head coach until Parcells advised him not to take the gig.

Sean really, REALLY, owes Tuna one
2481784, memorial posts always make me think
Posted by thejerseytornado, Tue Oct-06-15 12:44 PM
of the day the aliases came to OKS, conquered, and then died.

what was that post about anyway? i just remember the fun and carnage, but not the cause.

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario
It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilarious
2481789, I think it was a Bignick/Basa argument about something
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 12:52 PM
And it just spun completely out of control.

Unless I'm thinking of a different poast.
2481804, you're right. it was the race-baiting moron post!
Posted by thejerseytornado, Tue Oct-06-15 01:37 PM
thank you. even better now that i remember the backstory
Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario
It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilarious
2481811, Yep. That post had everything.
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Oct-06-15 02:08 PM
Bignick vs. Basa. Aliases. Racism. OE vs. Michaelo. Everything possible.

And then it was deleted.
2481846, IF I HAD ONE WISH...
Posted by selppataei, Tue Oct-06-15 04:36 PM
...it would be to bring that post back.

imo, the greatest po(a)st ever, in the history of posts and greatness.
2482240, I miss Karl Malone so much...there's a void in my soul
Posted by Deebot, Wed Oct-07-15 10:11 PM
2481791, This was less than a year before Goodell took over
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 12:54 PM
Had this been in the age of Goodell, the entire team would've been suspended for the rest of the season. We had NO idea what was coming to the NFL next.
2481799, #NeverForgetSexBoat
Posted by RobOne4, Tue Oct-06-15 01:32 PM
such a good post.
2481825, Disappointed neither Al or Alma is even commemorating this day
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Oct-06-15 03:26 PM
2481937, Wow, some weird karmic energy
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Oct-06-15 11:24 PM
Just last night in the shower a loud voice in my head said "Why don't you go purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka?"

What a glorious incident and a glorious thread. You know it inspired the Rex Ryans and Shady McCoys of the world.

2482377, When Steve Smith did the Sex Boat Celebration...
Posted by ChampD1012, Thu Oct-08-15 03:02 PM