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Topic subjectFantasy Football: Buy-Low Time?
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2480120, Fantasy Football: Buy-Low Time?
Posted by jimaveli, Wed Sep-30-15 07:32 AM
Some folks are walking around with All of the Lights interlude playing in the background. 0-3. 1-2. 2-1 but no points for tie-breakers.

Their QB is hurt. Their midround reach didn't work (Agholor?). Todd Gurley/Jeff Fisher. They don't have one of the 4 or 5 'obvious' good RBs. A Vikings WR is their #2 or 3 WR. They drafted Sam Bradford and/or Tanny over Brady. They ignored folks like me and drafted Andre, DJax or VJax as their WR2. LAME-R Miller is their RB1. The Beast has jokes...disappearing/showing up late looking like D'Angelo with no Black Messiah-level gift.

You get it.

So, it is time to get in. Who is it time to swoop in on?

A few off the top of my head. Tell me if I'm dead wrong or if you agree.

- Brandin 'Too Many' Cooks: I think dude could easily be a sweet WR2 type down the stretch...especially in PPR. The targets are there. Drew Brees is now allegedly not dead and may be back within a few weeks. Cooks is sitting on a John Brown amount of points in a lot of leagues. The TDs may be there. I'm not saying Brees is Brady, but there was a time last year where the Pats were done and all of their fantasy assets were being traded away and/or dropped. Remember that? Well...this Saints thing could be a low-rent version of that where they go on a 4-week run.

- Ameer Abdullah: I think he's about to whoo ride and end up a top 15-ish RB. I really do. If Joique doesn't turn it on, it is about to be off for him. And don't act like Lions RBs don't just disappear. Kevin Smith anybody? I don't love how Theo Riddick is all up on his cheap catch yardage, but still. The kid is $.

- Mike Evans: I know I know. But he's like Super DJax or Martavis Bryant. He's gonna have some 4 catch 37-yard games. But Crab Legs can buy time and get that man the ball at least as well as Jonathan Football could on Saturdays, right? Right? His total points on the season is hella low after a DNP and a zero. But he just got 17 targets. He had a few drops. Otherwise, it would've been a Madden stats game for him vs the Texans. He's gonna have another crazy month where he wins everyone games. It is so obvious. Get him while you can.

- Mike Wallace: Charles Johnson is hurt. Patterson still can't run a route. Wright? Whatever. Wallace is getting paid and he's getting targets even when they don't throw much. They're gonna have to throw forreal at some point unless Teddy is Alex Smithing us and we don't know it yet. Wallace is prolly on free agent lists in 12-teamers. Drop that random Bears WR and do it, right? I mean really, what are you gonna do with Cole Beasley? Or Micheal Floyd? Cut it out. Mike Wallace!

- Jeremy Heel / Gio Bernard: I know I know! What is the split!? How come they can't run!? Is Dalton forreal now!? Relax. It'll get later in the year. Games will get uglier. And one or both of these dudes will be fine. It ain't like this is a Denver situation where things look legit shaky and it is possible than they really won't be able to run all year. Honestly tho...I'd take Gio by himself just in-case Heel has been going Hollywood and Cincy is hating on him. You KNOW that would be a cheap deal.

Who else? Who do we give up for these folks?