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Topic subjectRS manny and Roach lost all credibility w me after that fight
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2443764, RS manny and Roach lost all credibility w me after that fight
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Sun May-10-15 07:19 AM
It's not because he loss
It's how he carried the post fight
Ok I get u got hurt (even though you know it's not why u lost)

I even get u might have been off your rocker saying u won
But the way him and roach never gave any credit to Floyd
Was bitchmade and is def an ITWAN

just thought about it
2443775, this shit is so wack
Posted by Dr Claw, Sun May-10-15 11:23 AM
and the way Floyd's life out of boxing being what it is and how it has shaped some coverage of the fight, I don't think we'll really see someone call out this fall out from Manny/his camp for what it really is. at least not from the same media outlets who swam in their own piss trying to pretend they knew anything about how boxing actually works.

I don't even think you heard this much plea copping from him after the KO.

it's a bad look for all involved, and Manny might end up taking a bigger L if the regulatory bodies look into that "injury" plea cop

2443782, started earlier for me.. around Rd 3.... lol
Posted by LegacyNS, Sun May-10-15 12:23 PM

<---- 5....

2443804, been real disappointed with how he's handled the loss
Posted by Kungset, Sun May-10-15 03:46 PM
nothing else i can say. he's always represented his fans well with his graciousness. i hope he comes to his senses once the sting of the loss wears off a little. and that trickles down to the fans too, i can't tell them nothing. i called home after the fight like "can you believe his post-fight interview?" and the response i got was "yeah that kellerman is so rude" lol i just dropped it.
2443805, Arum's been a disgrace yet again. Manny's legacy takes a huge hit
Posted by Vex_id, Sun May-10-15 03:50 PM
For Arum to go out there right after the fight and try to make his
manufactured case about Manny's elbow was absurd, and there was
real tension between Roach and Arum in that presser, as Roach refused
to co-sign what Arum was saying on the specifics of the injury. There's
no doubt that Pac got injured at some point, but there's a real doubt as
to how it happened and how long he sustained through the injury in camp.

Manny also failed to show the requisite respect to the clear winner of the fight.
Floyd showed nothing but respect for Manny afterwards and would have
absolutely granted a rematch - but Pac's refusal to be gracious in defeat
may have cost him a shot at the rematch, and I don't blame Floyd for not
wanting to do business w/ Arum's manipulative team.
