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Topic subjectClippers vs. Rockets - Game 3
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2443575, Clippers vs. Rockets - Game 3
Posted by BlassFemur, Fri May-08-15 09:47 PM
Chris Paul is back in the line-up.

Dwight's already a presence inside. He's playing great.
2443582, Blake diving and rollin hard early. Rockets like nah.. I'm good
Posted by Beezo, Fri May-08-15 09:58 PM
No posters over here
2443587, I thought Spencer Hawes was dead and buried
Posted by MothershipConnection, Fri May-08-15 10:09 PM
Really though the difference in ball movement between this and the Cavs/Bulls game is crazy... both teams just get good shots unless a Rockets power forward is shooting a 3 or the Clippers are playing the bench.
2443594, strange game in that the Clippers seem to be in control but
Posted by astralblak, Fri May-08-15 11:32 PM
It feels like its a 2-3 point game

And Austin just gave Professor the lil shimmy crossover biz lol
2443595, Austin Rivers...wow.
Posted by BlassFemur, Fri May-08-15 11:34 PM
2443597, austin rivers becoming a man in front of our eyes
Posted by electricflower, Fri May-08-15 11:35 PM
2443598, reddick trying to solidify himself as the third best shooting guard
Posted by electricflower, Fri May-08-15 11:36 PM
in the league
Posted by astralblak, Fri May-08-15 11:37 PM
19pts 12 in the 3rd
2443603, Houston getting they back blown out by the second unit
Posted by Dstl1, Fri May-08-15 11:40 PM
2443606, they look tired
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri May-08-15 11:43 PM
like they have reached that point where they are too lazy and impatient to play offense, but their legs are too dead to actually make any of the thoughtless threes they are taking.
2443611, tired from what?
Posted by astralblak, Fri May-08-15 11:51 PM
2443636, no idea but if they werent fatigued, they were withdrawn
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat May-09-15 04:17 AM
which is worse
2443650, RE: they look tired
Posted by jimaveli, Sat May-09-15 08:13 AM
>like they have reached that point where they are too lazy and
>impatient to play offense, but their legs are too dead to
>actually make any of the thoughtless threes they are taking.

Yep...that mental laziness when they funk hits the fan will send you fishing. And harden is having to work for buckets even when he goes into 1996 ISO mode. His easy bake oven stuff ain't working on jj tho. And the clipper bigs are ain't givin up a lot of luv in the lane..certainly not like the Mavs were.

Thoughtless threes...I'm stealing that. I've been calling it 'trying to start the party' threes. The Rox are bad about trying to answer threes with threes but with mad shit missin. You know, the ball movement, the being open, the being high end shooters, etc.
2443604, smh...har'en might as well have a red cape on D
Posted by LAbeathustla, Fri May-08-15 11:42 PM
2443605, We're watching Austin become who he's supposed to be.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri May-08-15 11:42 PM
Gotta feel great for this young man.
2443607, bwhahahaahhaahhahahhaahha
Posted by electricflower, Fri May-08-15 11:47 PM
Rivers is a mfin G now, doing harden's celebration
im loving it
2443608, RE: bwhahahaahhaahhahahhaahha
Posted by electricflower, Fri May-08-15 11:48 PM
wonder if they will give him a hard foul next game for that
2443612, I honestly think that'd make him play even better
Posted by MothershipConnection, Fri May-08-15 11:52 PM
>wonder if they will give him a hard foul next game for that

Not that the sky is as high as it can get.
2443622, JJ going off too. It's a Duke hater's nightmare.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat May-09-15 12:10 AM
2443626, basically.
Posted by Castro, Sat May-09-15 12:34 AM
2443623, btw: redick has always defended harden well.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Sat May-09-15 12:12 AM
doesn't bite on the stepbacks. fucks dude's whole game up.

he isn't bad on that end. ppl who say that he isn't a starting
caliber 2-guard on a legit contender or whatever don't know what
they're talking about. overall he's probably somewhere around 10th
or 12th in the league at his position. the clippers are fine there.
2443624, I tried to find my post from, like, two years ago...
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat May-09-15 12:25 AM
... where I said Redick was right around a Top 10 SG, because (a) it's not a terribly deep position, and (b) most SGs can't do *both* ends as well as he can. And everyone was furious. I think even Ba told me to chill, lol. Now it may have been a *bit* of a cyse at the time... but not as much as people said it was.

He's quietly been a tough defender for years, too. He doesn't go for steals or the passing lanes, just stays with guys and in front of guys. not flashy, not first team-- just always good. He was the Magic's best non-Dwight defender back in the day too.
2443630, anyone that says JJ Redick isn't a good SG
Posted by High Society, Sat May-09-15 01:00 AM
hasn't watched him play since before his last year in ORLANDO.
He's been good since then.
Has worked hard on his game every summer since entering the L.
I had serious doubts, he was a Reggie Miller run around screens
curl, catch, and launch guy at Duke.
By last year in Orlando could curl, catch, and take a dribble or two.
Could pump fake, put it on the floor and get to the rack.

And smart NBA guys, guys that don't have all the talent in the world,
but manage to stay in the league and have a successful career
are those that learn quickly that if you can play D - you can stick.
(Look at Tony Allen - he CHANGES games)

Redick plays good D. He's been giving certain 2 guards trouble
now for years.

Redick's a damn good 2 guard.
2443627, 1. Props to Ba. Austin is good.
Posted by Ryan M, Sat May-09-15 12:43 AM
2. I just want Dwight to fail.

3. OE won't own up to that lie still
2443642, no intensity. no leadership. coaching was atrocious.
Posted by Binlahab, Sat May-09-15 06:49 AM
Cats got emo and had temper tantrums like autistic toddlers.

Clippers are simply the better team. Our top 2 are better then theirs marginally but 3-10, they are just better

Series ends 4-2, clippers setting up the battle for Cali between them & the dubs

2443793, Clips don't got a 3-10. they got a 3 - 7.5
Posted by astralblak, Sun May-10-15 02:33 PM
2443648, That good Rockets defense never disappoints.
Posted by Beezo, Sat May-09-15 07:53 AM
2443649, Lol they're making Rivers look like an all star
Posted by guru0509, Sat May-09-15 07:59 AM