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Topic subjectJR back... Bulls vs. Cavs - Game 3
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2443473, JR back... Bulls vs. Cavs - Game 3
Posted by Beezo, Fri May-08-15 07:12 PM
Bron back to the headband. Uh oh
2443477, Decent start but refs seem to be on some bs early
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 07:25 PM
2443479, damn...that foul on JR was Bron fault
Posted by Dstl1, Fri May-08-15 07:32 PM
2443482, Bulls.....
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 07:43 PM

struggling to score again.....
2443484, European beard knockin em down tho
Posted by Beezo, Fri May-08-15 07:47 PM
2443483, is dova a problem or sum??
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 07:44 PM
2443503, so annoying.
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 08:23 PM
we need brooks to step it up to offset this asshole
2443485, gaaaaaawd, D. Rose J broken
Posted by Dstl1, Fri May-08-15 07:50 PM
2443488, And Noah's everything is broken
Posted by Beezo, Fri May-08-15 07:56 PM
2443486, Kyrie...
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 07:54 PM

is a SG....don't want to hear anything differently. Dude can pull up from anywhere. Jumper wet...
2443487, Rose is being too sloppy with the ball.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri May-08-15 07:55 PM
2443491, Refs are letting them play. I like it
Posted by Beezo, Fri May-08-15 07:59 PM
2443496, that was a fucking charge cmon
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 08:03 PM
2443497, kyrie is hurt dunny need to go at him
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 08:05 PM
2443498, That was a 3rd....
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 08:06 PM

(offensive) foul on Bron. If we can't get that call on our home floor we are def. in trouble....
2443499, We got a good one
Posted by Beezo, Fri May-08-15 08:08 PM
2443500, Noah....
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 08:12 PM

playing like a mad man on D....Getting rebounds and talking shit. But he needs to take advantage of those mismatches....He's literally missing layups....Keep up that strong D though....
2443502, we're gonna need Derrick to stop playing like ass in the 2nd half
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 08:18 PM
that was a clear charge on Bron, though. some bullshit.

dundun and niko suave kept us in it offensively, Jo with the rebounding.
2443505, DAMN that was reminiscent of MJ's spin off Oak/dunk on Ewing.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-08-15 08:35 PM

90's Basketball BACK.

2443506, LeBron James....
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 08:36 PM

is the great equalizer.....He just makes everyone around him better....

2443507, I like what...
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 08:40 PM

I'm seeing from Rose....

Pau? Not so much...And Tristan is killing us on the boards....

We not winning anything if we can't get offensive rebounds...
2443509, I agree He just gotta stop taking those bad 3's
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 08:42 PM
But I'm really liking his play today
Esp when he is going to the rack
2443513, he really stepped it up in the second half
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 08:49 PM
we need Jimmy to follow suit. he's playing some great D on Bron, but he needs to show up offensively. he's starting too but we're gonna need more.

Pau is m.i.a.
2443508, We might need to think about starting Nikola
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 08:40 PM
He gives us more than Noah right now
I'll actually be ok with a Nikola taj starting front court
2443510, RE: We might need to think about starting Nikola
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 08:42 PM
>He gives us more than Noah right now
>I'll actually be ok with a Nikola taj starting front court

Noah is killing it on the boards though...And on D....
2443511, Rose so far: 16 6 and 5
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 08:45 PM
2443512, Bulls got the worst....
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 08:48 PM

big man offensive post play in the playoffs....Either we too soft (Pau), too erratic (Taj) or too limited (Noah).....We got to take advantage of small guards sticking us....
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 08:51 PM
2443515, If u got jokes about Jimmy Butler....
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 08:52 PM

U don't know shit about basketball.....That dude is all over the floor......
2443516, Come the fuck on! Gotdamn.. that's nothing.
Posted by Beezo, Fri May-08-15 08:53 PM
2443517, Dova got away with the illegal screen but brooks was dumb to shove
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 08:54 PM
He was mad bron bowed em
Took it out on dova
2443518, real dumb.
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 08:56 PM
he needs to focus on scoring some gotdamn points instead of trying to goon it up
2443520, RE: Dova got away with the illegal screen but brooks was dumb to shove
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 08:58 PM

He hurt us on that play...big time....
2443519, Dellavendova is killing us man smh
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 08:57 PM
2443521, Really need Ky to have a big 4th. He's been too quiet.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-08-15 08:58 PM

2443522, dunny dogg been CLUTCH these offs
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 08:59 PM
2443523, Shit man if Noah and pau were hitting this
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 09:00 PM
Would not be close
2443524, it's not like cleveland is shooting the lights out.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-08-15 09:01 PM
Bron & Ky both cold as could be.


Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 09:05 PM
2443527, Why is Bron getting these calls....
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 09:06 PM

on our home floor??????????
2443529, you know why
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 09:08 PM
some bullshit

Jimmy is amazing on defense this half
2443528, Rose 20 5 and 7 so far
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 09:07 PM
2443530, Irving & James are a combined 9-31 from the field.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-08-15 09:09 PM
Might take a miracle to win w/ that field goal productivity.

2443531, Ugly
Posted by Beezo, Fri May-08-15 09:11 PM
2443532, mirotic just committed two dumb fouls
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 09:14 PM
He got 5 now
2443533, Noah and pau are a combined 4-15
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 09:17 PM
Pau got 4 boards dog
2443534, Tristan is fucking killing us
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 09:19 PM
2443535, JIMMMMAY
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 09:21 PM
2443536, Gasol needs more than 7 shots.
Posted by BlassFemur, Fri May-08-15 09:26 PM
2443541, Gasol is hurt (hammy), he hasn't played at all in the 2nd half
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 09:33 PM
2443537, that was another fucking goaltend
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 09:31 PM
2443544, yep
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 09:33 PM
2443538, Two bad shots by Rose
Posted by Beezo, Fri May-08-15 09:31 PM
2443539, derrick needs to give Jimmy some touches
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 09:32 PM
three forced drives, nothing to show for it
2443540, bron hit jimmy in the head no call
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 09:32 PM
2443542, The refs....
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 09:33 PM

r literally fucking the Bulls.....Terrible calls/non calls....
2443543, SMH, Lebron travelled before Butler fouled him
Posted by DJR, Fri May-08-15 09:33 PM
2443545, Horrible fucking calls down the stretch
Posted by RandomFact, Fri May-08-15 09:34 PM
2443547, RE: Horrible fucking calls down the stretch
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 09:36 PM

And at home too....
2443546, muthafuckin jimmy lets geux!
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 09:35 PM
2443548, So Butler gets to take 5 steps? oh ok. Refs gave y'all a gift.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-08-15 09:36 PM

2443550, Yeah, Jimmy traveled his ass off.
Posted by BlassFemur, Fri May-08-15 09:38 PM
Glad they didn't call that shit though. lol
2443551, LOL, it was 3 steps just like Lebron took on the foul previous possession
Posted by DJR, Fri May-08-15 09:38 PM
2443570, um no. Dude came to a jump stop (2 steps) then shuffled 3-4 steps.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-08-15 09:44 PM
and the bulls were down by 1 with 30 seconds to go.

had the refs seen an egregious travel, that would have likely sealed it.

happens tho - i'm not crying like these pressed ass bulls fans.

2443583, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGes7FDmHAM
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 10:01 PM
2443687, RE: So Butler gets to take 5 steps? oh ok. Refs gave y'all a gift.
Posted by j0510, Sat May-09-15 08:19 PM
NBA's final 2-minute officiating review says Jimmy Butler should've been called for traveling w/ 35 seconds left last night on layup.


NBA also said that LeBron should've been called for a foul when Rose shot with 1:33 left, but no call was made.

2443549, Man bron is strong as SHIT
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 09:37 PM
Jimmy knocks that ball out of 9/10 people's hands
2443552, JR back!!
Posted by Beezo, Fri May-08-15 09:38 PM
2443553, Bron got away with a hack. Jesus.
Posted by BlassFemur, Fri May-08-15 09:38 PM
2443554, LOL, Lebron just beat the shit out of Rose with no call
Posted by DJR, Fri May-08-15 09:39 PM

Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 09:39 PM
2443591, The refs left a lot of fouls out there on both ends but it made sense
Posted by Bombastic, Fri May-08-15 10:21 PM
This was a meat grinder game with everyone tossing shot puts at the rim.

No need to make it about free throws.
2443556, Thibs.....
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 09:39 PM

like u got to tell your team to foul to kill that 3 point shot....

Since the refs are fucking us, we got to be smart....
2443557, D muthafuckin Rose
Posted by BlassFemur, Fri May-08-15 09:40 PM
2443558, BAM!
Posted by ne_atl, Fri May-08-15 09:40 PM
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri May-08-15 09:40 PM
2443560, ROSE!!!!!!!
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 09:41 PM

2443561, dont make me call drose boy
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri May-08-15 09:41 PM
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 09:41 PM
2443563, great game by rose...giving credit and moving on
Posted by Basaglia, Fri May-08-15 09:41 PM
2443564, You mother FUCKERS!
Posted by select_from_where, Fri May-08-15 09:41 PM
2443565, shit. y'all *better* win at home when Cleveland plays that horrible.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-08-15 09:42 PM
happy for D. Rose tho.

2443566, Damn shit got me going wild!
Posted by MothershipConnection, Fri May-08-15 09:42 PM
I don't even care about these two teams but great finish!
2443567, Sideline reporters annoying as fuck. Let that man enjoy the moment
Posted by Beezo, Fri May-08-15 09:42 PM
2443568, that made me smile....love, D. Rose
Posted by Dstl1, Fri May-08-15 09:43 PM
2443571, yea - it was nice to see him get that moment. Deserved it.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-08-15 09:44 PM

2443569, Oh yeah...don't want to hear any of u Cav fans talk about Love....
Posted by murph71, Fri May-08-15 09:43 PM

missing in action....Pau hurt now....So it's a wash.....No more crying....No more...
2443572, What a game.
Posted by Numba_33, Fri May-08-15 09:44 PM
Feels weird to say this since I'm a Knicks fan, but I have to feel sorry for you Bulls fans given the number of Bulls bigs that are banged up right now. Obviously Love is the biggest name that is out of the series, but the number of bigs for Chicago that are playing subpar right now hurts.

Solid win none the less though. Rose had great lift in his legs for his outside shots in the second half from what I saw.
2443573, Damn! That game was ugly as hell, but still fun!
Posted by DJR, Fri May-08-15 09:44 PM
2443574, Kyrie played his worst game of the season. He gotta bounce back.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-08-15 09:46 PM

2443577, Bad wheel??
Posted by Beezo, Fri May-08-15 09:50 PM
2443580, he did tweak his ankle early. He looked horrible trying to create
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-08-15 09:51 PM
off the dribble.

2443578, aw man, gotta love the ice grill after that shot too
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-08-15 09:51 PM
2443584, after all he's been through, even my hating ass can tip the cap
Posted by bshelly, Fri May-08-15 10:06 PM
2443589, Basketball Gods (on MJ/Ehlo anniversary night): take it, we owe u one.
Posted by Bombastic, Fri May-08-15 10:18 PM
I love this sport those who play it at its highest level way too much to be mad at that.

What an all-around ugly, physical, heartfelt, gut checking, Arch Rivals-arcade style dramatic-ass game we just saw.

Bron is way overdue for his first efficient offensive game of this series, I'd expect it in Game 4.
2443593, nah Jordan's was straight accuracy. Rose's was a hail mary.
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-08-15 10:42 PM
Which actually makes it that much more magical. He just threw it up
and the Ball Gawds guided it in.

Tonight was throwback smashmouth Eastern Conf. basketball, and I love it.

Bron Son'ing Noah will live in infamy.

2443790, yeah I was just mentioning it was on the anniversary of MJ/Ehlo
Posted by Bombastic, Sun May-10-15 02:09 PM
the bit about Basketball Gods rewarding the suffering was about Rose.
2443585, 8/25 tho
Posted by LegacyNS, Fri May-08-15 10:06 PM

<---- 5....

2443586, Lucky athletic throw at the rim jumper
Posted by auragin_boi, Fri May-08-15 10:08 PM
2443592, Dat Leadership! Bron building that buffer for Ky's confidence. #RWTW
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-08-15 10:38 PM
that's how you deal w/ a loss and exhibit leadership (post-game interview).

this team is going to be so fun to watch for the next 5 years as they continue to grow.
Priceless playoff experience for them right now.

2443633, what does #RWTW mean?
Posted by High Society, Sat May-09-15 01:32 AM
Saw Lebron in his presser wearing a hat that said that.
2443652, Roll With The Winners
Posted by Vex_id, Sat May-09-15 08:40 AM

2443634, I thought Irving fell back on some bad habits late in the game
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat May-09-15 02:15 AM
Pulled a three early in the clock, dribbled down the 24.

Props to Rose. That baseline shot he made over LeBron was a beauty in addition to the game-winner and that one spinning layup. He did his thing.
2443653, yea Kyrie was trying to hero ball down the stretch
Posted by Vex_id, Sat May-09-15 08:41 AM
and missed every single shot he took when it mattered.

>Props to Rose. That baseline shot he made over LeBron was a
>beauty in addition to the game-winner and that one spinning
>layup. He did his thing.

Rose willed the Bulls to this W. Gotta give him his props.

2443628, oh y'all thought I was kidding about that Kyrie can't score on Rose, huh?
Posted by mashpg89, Sat May-09-15 12:49 AM
1-10 while Rose was guarding him.

Mark Jackson: "Derrick Rose has been outstanding in this game defending Kyrie Irving."

Mike Breen: "Kyrie Irving is 3-11 from the field and Rose's defense is a part of that"

Kyrie made 10% of his shots against Rose tonight lol.

*sets crockpot to medium*

2443629, If I'm a cavs fan I'm not too worried
Posted by absence, Sat May-09-15 12:59 AM
Lebron and kyrie were pretty terrible and it took a miracle heave to beat them. Hopefully it's not a significant injury for kyrie and just a bad game. Hope Paul doesn't miss any further time either. Too many damn injuries.

For all of the articles I've read and commentators talking about Lebron being a basketball Einstein, he makes a lot of pretty terrible decisions. Driving into the paint and jumping with no idea what to with the ball? And going one on one is fine, but holding the ball and jab stepping for five seconds before hand is not. Jimmy is too good of a defender to do that. Can't be bailing him out with 20 footers. When he goes bully ball, good things happen for Cleveland. Recency bias maybe, but I don't remember brons handle being so jacked up in the past. It's not just butler, it's been terrible all year.

Rose was clearly more aggressive. Still not terribly efficient. Pick and rolls getting the switch onto kyrie seemed to be the difference. Wonder if Cleveland should let kyrie play him straight up and if rose wants to go one on one they'd have the defense set a bit versus having rose coming at him off the switch with a head of steam. If they go pnr, go under and if he makes that lawn jart jumper, live with it.

Gibson was great on d at the rim on all those Irving attempts in the paint. Those were much easier shots when gasol was the last line of defense.

Looks like it's going seven.
2443640, RE: If I'm a cavs fan I'm not too worried
Posted by murph71, Sat May-09-15 06:29 AM
>Lebron and kyrie were pretty terrible and it took a miracle
>heave to beat them. Hopefully it's not a significant injury
>for kyrie and just a bad game. Hope Paul doesn't miss any
>further time either. Too many damn injuries.

That wasn't a half court shot. It was indeed a wild play but Rose had the confidence to make that 3 pointer. Crazy shots like that are par for the course in the NBA....

>For all of the articles I've read and commentators talking
>about Lebron being a basketball Einstein, he makes a lot of
>pretty terrible decisions. Driving into the paint and jumping
>with no idea what to with the ball? And going one on one is
>fine, but holding the ball and jab stepping for five seconds
>before hand is not. Jimmy is too good of a defender to do
>that. Can't be bailing him out with 20 footers. When he goes
>bully ball, good things happen for Cleveland. Recency bias
>maybe, but I don't remember brons handle being so jacked up in
>the past. It's not just butler, it's been terrible all year.

No...it's Butler....Give dude some credit. He's playing Bron very physical. Nobody can shut James down. But Jimmy is doing his best and the results are there for all to see...

>Rose was clearly more aggressive. Still not terribly
>efficient. Pick and rolls getting the switch onto kyrie seemed
>to be the difference. Wonder if Cleveland should let kyrie
>play him straight up and if rose wants to go one on one they'd
>have the defense set a bit versus having rose coming at him
>off the switch with a head of steam. If they go pnr, go under
>and if he makes that lawn jart jumper, live with it.

Fuck efficiency....Rose was a beast out there on both ends of the floor...

>Gibson was great on d at the rim on all those Irving attempts
>in the paint. Those were much easier shots when gasol was the
>last line of defense.
>Looks like it's going seven.

Probably the most on point thing u said in this entire post...
2443632, whoops, posted this in GAME 1.
Posted by High Society, Sat May-09-15 01:29 AM
was directed there through a link of a Rose step back J on Lebron.

Wrote this regarding tonight's game...

If the Warriors make it to the Finals
then I want to see Lebron playing against them.

But, when Derrick Rose hit that shot?
I smiled. I think the whole basketball watching world smiled.
Sure, Cavs fan were probably mad it happened, calling it luck,

"...we got LEBRON BACK! He just went to the finals 4 years
in a row w/ Miami. And you're telling me that injury plagued,
hasn't been healthy since Lebron was shutting him down in the playoffs and he won an MVP, Derrick Rose, is making fadeaway buzzer beating 3's in the playoffs against US?...with LEBRON!..."

but when they were driving home, watching the 2nd game, looking at the Vine 50x in a row on twitter, THEY SMILED.

D. Rose has been through a lot, and he's just kept pushing. Working. Believing - in his team, in his city, in himself.

Rose made that shot and I immediately said I'm now pulling for
the Bulls no matter what. Even if I would want to see Lebron
and Kyrie more vs the Dubs if the Dubs make it.

The Pelicans are done, I'm just rooting for good ball at this point.
I'm a fan of players though and I'm a fan of Derrick Rose.
Hope he stays healthy and continues to play well.
He deserves a second chance to at least get close to being the player
we thought he had the talent to become.
He may only ever get to 90% of where he was athletically,
but he can still be an MVP caliber basketball player.

And like he said tonight, ah fuck it... I'll let him tell you himself...

2443635, ...
Posted by tingum, Sat May-09-15 02:48 AM
2443639, Cavs got Ehlo'd again.
Posted by rl9, Sat May-09-15 05:16 AM
it was a good hard fought game but the refs were on some BS late. some very questionable superstar Lebron calls.
i hope everybody can play to their fullest on both sides in game 4. all those injuries are a mess.
Niko needs more touches especially against against Jones.

2443641, .... I'll allow it
Posted by Dr Claw, Sat May-09-15 06:42 AM
Bulls came back from some real bullshit that game, you can't do much but give them props

Not happy with the offense of Kyrie and LeBron here, but I will say that the role players are doing what they need to do. LeBron should steal all the NyQuil from the locker room
2443645, ....
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Sat May-09-15 07:19 AM
2443680, transparency report released
Posted by RandomFact, Sat May-09-15 07:59 PM
K.C. Johnson @KCJHoop ยท 3h 3 hours ago
NBA transparency report says 3 missed calls at end: LBJ fouled Rose w/ 1:32 left. LBJ traveled before Butler foul. Butler traveled on layup.

And Bron hit Jimmy in the head on that three attempt.

I really hope they clean this shit up moving forward. Last few minutes were brutal from an officiating standpoint. Too many head scratchers. Let these two rivals play without the bullshit.

2443690, Rose's game winning shot from the scorer's table (video)
Posted by j0510, Sat May-09-15 08:23 PM