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Topic subjectBulls @ Cavs. Game 1
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2442011, Bulls @ Cavs. Game 1
Posted by RandomFact, Mon May-04-15 12:05 PM
Making this post before the stateless bandwagoners/too-much-time-on-their-adult-hands agenda warriors sully the experience of what should be a great series.

Both teams have issues. Both teams will need to play to a level they haven't (or rarely) reached all year to win.

Let's do this.

2442018, Fuck a 4pm West Coast start, btw
Posted by RandomFact, Mon May-04-15 12:18 PM
Sucks not being able to watch games in realtime.

Got to literally be off the grid for hours to avoid spoilers. Though the benefits of fast forwarding commercials via DVR is significant.
2442036, got friends that used to do this for laker games bcz of work
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon May-04-15 12:43 PM
>>Got to literally be off the grid for hours to avoid spoilers. Though the benefits of fast forwarding commercials via DVR is significant.<<<

i jus cant...i mean i'll watch a replay..but i gotta know whats goin on
2442038, lol that's gotta suck.
Posted by guru0509, Mon May-04-15 12:47 PM
waking up at 9/10 on the weekends to watch football must be a chore (for ppl who dont like waking up early)

EST ftw.
2442045, nah, PST rules
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon May-04-15 12:53 PM
you can watch MNF and SNF, you can have a full day on Sunday after your team plays, etc. for football, it's way better. if you cant suck up waking up at 10AM, i dont know what to tell you. it's not like watching european soccer, which is a condemnable act at any hour anyway.

similarly you can watch eastern, central and west coast teams, provided you structure things well. i mean back east you can see the eastern teams, whooptydamndo. in the nba (and to a lesser extent the NHL) you miss out on all the teams worth watching because they play from 10/1030 until 1230/1. if you have the same square job that keeps you from watching games that start at 4 in the west, there is absolutely no way you can stay up that late on a regular basis.

2442048, basically..in some instances, you can catch the end of the eastern
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-04-15 12:57 PM
games anyway. Wake up on Sunday morning and watch the game from your bed. I remember waking up at 10am on vaca and Vegas and watching the Giants play. It was dope.

Even if you are at work, there's ways to follow the action. If its midnight and your ass is tired, you've got no hope.
2442053, i would love it....but for ppl who party hard on friday/saturday nights....
Posted by guru0509, Mon May-04-15 01:13 PM
or ppl who just arent early risers...

but during the weekday it has to suck for ppl working 9 to 5 with games starting at 4....especially during march madess

>you can watch MNF and SNF, you can have a full day on Sunday
>after your team plays, etc. for football, it's way better. if
>you cant suck up waking up at 10AM, i dont know what to tell
>you. it's not like watching european soccer, which is a
>condemnable act at any hour anyway.
>similarly you can watch eastern, central and west coast teams,
>provided you structure things well. i mean back east you can
>see the eastern teams, whooptydamndo. in the nba (and to a
>lesser extent the NHL) you miss out on all the teams worth
>watching because they play from 10/1030 until 1230/1. if you
>have the same square job that keeps you from watching games
>that start at 4 in the west, there is absolutely no way you
>can stay up that late on a regular basis.
2442047, 10 AM NFL IS THEEE SHIT!!!!!
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon May-04-15 12:56 PM
soon as you up and brush up..... KICKOFFF!!!!
2442051, 10am NFL is indeed the shit.
Posted by RandomFact, Mon May-04-15 01:02 PM
but if you don't have the ticket, 10am alcohol consumption at your local watering hole can lead to day-long danger.

2442073, yup..and you official if you was doin that before the tkt got popular
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon May-04-15 02:19 PM
i prolly did the whole sports bar ev sunday am for good 10 yrs before i could afford the ticket
2442059, Yes.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Mon May-04-15 01:32 PM
2442175, noon NFL is perfect.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon May-04-15 08:59 PM
the first games start at noon in the Central time zone. the Sunday night game starts at 7:30.

i think the 10AM start is too early - the Sunday morning news shows are still on then. plus i like to watch NFL Countdown...which starts at like 7AM out there. that's too early too.

and out east it all starts too late.

IMO Central gets the best of NFL scheduling. though Mountain might be better.
2442221, the football thing killed me the first year I was out here
Posted by Bombastic, Tue May-05-15 01:30 AM
went from two-time defending champion of my fantasy football league back home to dead-last with at least five times not setting my lineup because I woke up past 10 on Sunday morning after a Saturday night out.

Also it made tailgating stressful (because I had switched from Eagles season-tickets to hitting every Trojan game since I was able to see them for the first time in my life).

But I was also still in my mid-20's then.

Now I'm on the back end of my 30's.

I don't even play fantasy football anymore.

My Trojan live game attendance has dwindled to a couple games a season.

My body can't really sleep to 10 anymore no matter what I do the night before.

I never have to be out watching football past 10 ever.

On a Sunday where the Birds have an early game and I don't have a vested interest in later games, I can have my entire viewing obligations done by 1 PM and still have a productive or interesting afternoon.

It's the east-coast sports that aren't football that are/were a bit tougher due to my team's games starting while still actually at work.

But even that's been easier recently because I can just stream the shitty Sixer games while at work or watch later via online League Pass five-pack, Temple basketball the times when I remember they're playing I can listen to on the streaming internet radio, I won't even pretend to watch this old/bad Phillies team play baseball except to troll fans/mad-media members now that Chase Utley is worse than Ryan Howard yet getting a pass and the Flyers' franchise is officially dead to me until there owner is while I pretty much don't care about the sport otherwise.

So that pretty much leaves me with Western Conference NBA games in my primetime sweetspot or college football on Saturday and NFL on Sunday for my sports viewing outside special events (good both because I don't have to wait long after waking and that they're wrapped before it gets anywhere near late enough for me to be in bed).

The other way would probably feel weird to me now.

Plus the chances of shitty weather are far greater.

So this is pretty much the way I'll likely prefer riding it out from here.
2442042, yup..i do this regularly for games i care about. I'm not on facebook, twitter
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-04-15 12:52 PM
instagram etc anyway so its easy. Just gotta avoid texts.

Although, its usually someone that you least expect it that will spoil it for you.

edit: Plus you get to fast forward the late game reviews...and when it approaches blow out status, i start fastforwarding free throws lol
2442220, agreed, I missed this game and had it spoiled for me via text commentary
Posted by Bombastic, Tue May-05-15 01:11 AM
>Sucks not being able to watch games in realtime.
>Got to literally be off the grid for hours to avoid spoilers.
>Though the benefits of fast forwarding commercials via DVR is

Didn't realize I was gonna have to go into Airplane-Mode on a Monday to keep this one a secret.
2442044, Bulls need to come out and smack em in the mouth.
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-04-15 12:52 PM
Def should take 1 of these first 2. No excuse to go down 2-0.
2442230, Not quite the smack in the mouth i was going for, but it'll do.
Posted by Cenario, Tue May-05-15 07:49 AM
2442046, *Wide ass Grin*
Posted by auragin_boi, Mon May-04-15 12:54 PM
2442049, dump to pau early....game ova
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon May-04-15 12:57 PM
2442062, My thought too.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Mon May-04-15 01:37 PM
But Mozgov has given him problems.
2442079, thibbs doesnt handle pau properly imo..but we'll see
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon May-04-15 02:26 PM
mozgov aint never give pau no problems before he got to chicago.. thibbs needs to force feed pau and make cleve commit..
2442132, RE: dump to pau early....game ova
Posted by murph71, Mon May-04-15 06:57 PM

The Russian ain't no punk in the post defensively.....Pau has to face him, not post him up...
2442063, PRESSED as hell.
Posted by Vex_id, Mon May-04-15 01:37 PM
I'm convening with True Bron fans who don't jump ship and then bandwagon when he happens to work for the owner they cheer for.

Cavs in 6.

2442093, I'm in Cali now
Posted by Mash_Comp, Mon May-04-15 03:14 PM
i'm siced the game is gonna be on and off in enough time for me to make the kamasi washington show
2442113, This shit is Agenda-Palooza 2k15
Posted by Beezo, Mon May-04-15 05:51 PM
"Can't wait"
2442118, Cavs flat as hell to start
Posted by Beezo, Mon May-04-15 06:11 PM
2442119, Dunny putting in work.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon May-04-15 06:15 PM
2442121, Jumper just wet
Posted by Beezo, Mon May-04-15 06:19 PM
2442120, Good defense, Ky
Posted by Dstl1, Mon May-04-15 06:19 PM
2442122, smh...c'mon, Chris...Shump has gotten his own shot three times
Posted by Dstl1, Mon May-04-15 06:21 PM
so far tonight.
2442127, Bulls need to get this to single digits by halftime...
Posted by Dstl1, Mon May-04-15 06:42 PM
regroup, make some adjustment. Bulls cannot be scorchin from 3 like that in the second half...you'd hope.
2442128, Noah can't post jones
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-04-15 06:45 PM
Smh...why is he chilling at the top of the jey?
2442129, Jones is liquid ass
Posted by Dstl1, Mon May-04-15 06:51 PM
2442130, Kyrie is puttin the team on his back doe
Posted by Dstl1, Mon May-04-15 06:54 PM
2442131, RE: Bulls @ Cavs. Game 1
Posted by electricflower, Mon May-04-15 06:55 PM
wow wow, kyrie strickland, that drive going into the bigs going to right hand was nasty
2442133, James Jones making everyone miss JR.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon May-04-15 06:57 PM
2442135, Best handles in the league.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon May-04-15 07:00 PM
2442138, Cavs look like ass undermanned.
Posted by Vex_id, Mon May-04-15 07:04 PM

2442143, Ky will be done
Posted by Dstl1, Mon May-04-15 07:26 PM
2442144, so much for kyrie cant score on rose
Posted by agentzero, Mon May-04-15 07:27 PM
2442146, Who started that dumb shit?
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon May-04-15 07:33 PM
Like Rose has been sidelined so long he was reimagined as Gary Payton or some shit.
2442222, cant recall but they stopped soon as I started talking putting $ on it
Posted by Bombastic, Tue May-05-15 01:33 AM
>Like Rose has been sidelined so long he was reimagined as
>Gary Payton or some shit.
2442145, Beastly travel by Butler on that steal and finish, but the play was over
Posted by Deebot, Mon May-04-15 07:30 PM
so nobody cared.
2442147, 13-0 run by da Bulls
Posted by Beezo, Mon May-04-15 07:34 PM
2442150, MVPau
Posted by Deebot, Mon May-04-15 07:41 PM
2442154, If the Bulls can win one of these games without Jr...
Posted by Dstl1, Mon May-04-15 08:03 PM
it will literally be stealing a game...even though they're at home.
2442177, damn, mean to say Cleveland
Posted by Dstl1, Mon May-04-15 09:15 PM
2442155, bron bout to go nuclear
Posted by Basaglia, Mon May-04-15 08:04 PM
2442166, he shoulda gave the ball to Ky...Bron lost this game
Posted by auragin_boi, Mon May-04-15 08:29 PM
2442186, yep.. 9/22.. late turnovers... time for the Kyrie show...
Posted by LegacyNS, Mon May-04-15 09:41 PM
*throwin grenades & hiding to see the subsequent explosion* - lol
<---- 5....

2442192, Lol you not supposed to show your hand legacy
Posted by auragin_boi, Mon May-04-15 10:05 PM
2442267, Imma try the obvious bait approach..... lol
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue May-05-15 09:55 AM
Hopefully someone will take this and run with it so I can sit back w/ popcorn and a root beer float..

<---- 5....

2442156, Lebron playing like butt cheeks
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon May-04-15 08:15 PM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2442157, Yup
Posted by Deebot, Mon May-04-15 08:15 PM
2442158, Little Orphan Jimmy.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon May-04-15 08:20 PM



O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2442159, Product of Marquette University
Posted by Deebot, Mon May-04-15 08:21 PM
2442160, Chicago guards have to get the ball to Pau when mismatched
Posted by LA2Philly, Mon May-04-15 08:21 PM
There was a switch on the possession where Rose basically got a shot clock violation and then on this play where Butler got a bit fortunate with that bank, Tristan was matched up on him the entire possession
2442161, no overreaction.
Posted by Dr Claw, Mon May-04-15 08:24 PM
Cavs missing their best outside shooter next to Kyrie, still avoided the GUILE.

LeBron won't be as sloppy going forward.

only thing that gives me some pause was Cavs defense on some of those PnRs.

this was never going to be a sweep.
2442163, ^^^^^^
Posted by Dstl1, Mon May-04-15 08:27 PM
2442162, Ky came to play, Shump came to play, Bron didn't
Posted by Dstl1, Mon May-04-15 08:26 PM
2442164, 6 hot turnovers for Braun. Gotta bring that number down
Posted by Beezo, Mon May-04-15 08:28 PM
2442165, Hey Bron.. time to hand over them keys dawg....
Posted by LegacyNS, Mon May-04-15 08:28 PM
*planting seeds. starting a civil war* - lol
<---- 5....

2442169, Some of them shots Ky was making tho.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Mon May-04-15 08:44 PM
2442170, Amazing left hand
Posted by Deebot, Mon May-04-15 08:47 PM
2442203, Yeah man it really is crazy how nasty he is
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Mon May-04-15 10:33 PM
2442171, Thibs: "I don't know if WE'RE healthy."
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Mon May-04-15 08:48 PM
...when asked question about Cavs being short handed.

2442199, Good. No sympathy for facing adversity.
Posted by RandomFact, Mon May-04-15 10:18 PM
Bulls understand this better than most teams.
2442172, Bad rotations: Bulls are about to have a setback next game
Posted by select_from_where, Mon May-04-15 08:49 PM
But that's ok, I'm fully with the context that we just needed to get one game in cleveland.

Excellent shooting night though, it will come back down to earth a bit and cavs will win the next one. games 3 and 4 will be huge

2442174, The shooting definitely will come down.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Mon May-04-15 08:54 PM
Outside of when Dunleavy was going off in the 1Q, and the PNR with Rose and Gasol, it was ISO Rose and Butler. I'd like to see more movement.
2442176, very entertaining game 1. gonna be a great series.
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-04-15 09:11 PM
2442191, Man do the Cavs miss Love against Gasol
Posted by MothershipConnection, Mon May-04-15 10:05 PM
Not that Love can stop Gasol at all, but he would at least make him work on the other side and give some muscle on the post.

Cavs should play better though, never thought JR Smith being on the court would be so important in a playoff series.
2442194, :)
Posted by RandomFact, Mon May-04-15 10:13 PM
2442200, Umm hmm
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Mon May-04-15 10:22 PM
2442224, classic "this our championship" response from bulls fans
Posted by Basaglia, Tue May-05-15 06:00 AM

this exactly why y'all ain't winning this series. you have no aspirations beyond it. you just wanna talk shit about beating bron.
2442225, RE: classic "this our championship" response from bulls fans
Posted by bshelly, Tue May-05-15 06:03 AM
2442227, and the haters arrive almost on queue mad as expected
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Tue May-05-15 06:08 AM
2442265, lol. Where? I don't see any extra shit in here.
Posted by RandomFact, Tue May-05-15 09:52 AM
And lol @ Bshelly for the lame follow up.

Nobody is gloating, you dorks. Y'all are pressed.
2442226, ba right now
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Tue May-05-15 06:07 AM
2442228, RE: classic &quot;this our championship&quot; response from bulls fans
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 06:16 AM
U mean Bulls fans outside of OKP? Because I don't see any such posts here...

All I'm reading here is Bulls fans dapping up our team for a good win on the Cavs home turf, some giving props to Kyrie's sick ass play, others pointing out that Bron didn't deliver enough (if Rose didn't come through in certain spots last night y'all would be saying worse shit...lol); and some gleefully trying to start a Civil War between Ky Ky STANS and Bron STANS....That's about it...

But this is great Strawman posting though...Cute....
2442237, I think this goes perfectly right here:
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue May-05-15 08:17 AM
When asked last week if this is a championship team, even with the recent rash of injuries, Butler told USA TODAY Sports, "Hell yeah, it's a championship team. We're going to win that (expletive).”

^^^Jimmy Buckets in November

And we gonna EARN it. That's all this team has been about. LMAO at "this our championship".

We wanna beat the Cavs and if it's the Wiz in the ECF there's LOTS of incentive to beat them as they knocked us out the playoffs last year and talked sh*t while doing it.

1-1 vs G-State (beat them at home too...rose dotted Klay's eye for the game winner, but they DO have the MVP)
1-1 vs Houston (Can't beat clips without CP3...doomed)
1-1 vs Clippers (CP3's hammy is an issue)
1-1 vs Memphis (Conley broken face)

^^^Not afraid of any of the remaining west teams and not one of them has been to the finals either. Only 2 teams have a player with Finals experience even (Dwight, Turkeyglue) and one won't make it out the 2nd round and the other barely plays. lol

We have a VERY good shot. But one game at a time.


2442429, LOL @ 1 game at a time after
Posted by muzuabo, Tue May-05-15 04:02 PM
mulling over potential championship matchups.
2442232, Kyrie kept Cleveland in this obviously.
Posted by Cenario, Tue May-05-15 07:53 AM
Lebron demolished Jimmy buckets in the post for 2 possessions then went back to jacking jumpshots smh.

2 free throws?

Didn't even pickup a foul on Butler the whole game smh
2442241, This Cavs team reminds me of the 1996 orlando magic
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue May-05-15 08:30 AM
And the strategy should be kinda the same. Try to slow Bron/Kyrie as much as possible but expect they are gonna get off. But contain all of the other players to whatever extent possible so that none of them make a significant difference. Shump almost won them the game last night. If we keep him at 12-14 points this is a double digit blowout.

I'll give Bron and Kyrie 30 as long as no one else gets more than 12. We have about 7 guys who can get us 20 (Jimmy, Rose, Pau, Niko, Brooks, and Dunny/Snell if hot) if needed so we don't have to depend on significant scoring from just 1-2 guys.

Even last night, we're up 6 late in the 4th, Rose goes iso, misses, Cavs TO, Rose goes iso again, misses, Cavs score, Jimmy says, "I got this." Gets a bucket...6pt lead with seconds left. Game over.

^^^I loved that he took the onus off Rose to close.

Allstar Jimmy Butler.
2442242, i text my boy last night, "Shump hits all the shots, except the ones that
Posted by Cenario, Tue May-05-15 08:44 AM

JR is kind of the opposite lol.

Shump needs to add another dimension to his game badly. No reason Joakim should be able to guard him. Too many scenarios when he was a knick that the other teams pf/c was guarding him and he couldn't do anything about it.
2442247, As much as JR is a pain in the ass with them 3's
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue May-05-15 08:58 AM
Shump is the dude that worries me the most. If he could do what he did last night, all series, I'd be a lil nervous.

He hasn't played that well in at least a month. Starting/extended time may have had something to do with it. With the Cavs going small with Bron at the PF, Shump's gonna start next to JR. That's when it'll get really interesting.

^^^This makes me think winning the first 2 games is VERY important.
2442250, From what I saw last night
Posted by Numba_33, Tue May-05-15 09:02 AM
looks like the Bulls mainly shot outside jumpers, which helps the Cavs in terms of not drawing fouls and putting the Bulls on the free throw line. Do the Bulls normally depend on outside jumpers for offense?
2442252, RE: From what I saw last night
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 09:10 AM
>looks like the Bulls mainly shot outside jumpers, which helps
>the Cavs in terms of not drawing fouls and putting the Bulls
>on the free throw line. Do the Bulls normally depend on
>outside jumpers for offense?

The Bulls takes what the defense gives them...But the main "jump shooters" were guys who usually make their jumpers: Dunny and Pau...

Pau is lethal 15 feet in. And Dunny Dukie shoots 3's in his sleep...

Everyone else though were mixing it up. Rose drove inside which set up his floaters and jumpers...Jimmy The Mechanic was all over the floor slashing and shooting the open jumper...

I think we all realize that we wont be shooting at that high of a clip for the rest of the series....We just need to keep our rebounding together...
2442255, dunny will revert back to single digits soon enough
Posted by Basaglia, Tue May-05-15 09:27 AM
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue May-05-15 09:36 AM
If you were watching, you'd know he's been in double figures in 5 of our 7 playoff games. Usually landing around where he did last night (14 points) and he shoots about as good as he did last night.

He hovers around 12-14 ppg. Yeah there was one dud game against the bucks but the Cavs don't have the defenders to harass him into an 0-for game.

LMAO @ you going in on Dunny.
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 09:44 AM

Agendas make u do the unthinkable....
2442268, how am i hating? i just don't think much of dunny at age 34.
Posted by Basaglia, Tue May-05-15 09:55 AM
and when he plays like dunny at 34...we'll see who hating.
2442270, RE: how am i hating? i just don't think much of dunny at age 34.
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 10:06 AM

But u r saying all this without understanding what Dunny gives the Bulls....

We have never depended on Dunny to be on some high double figure role player shit. He stretches the floor. He gives Rose and Butler the space to slash and go to the lane....And if he gives us around 13 points and a 2 to 3 3 pointers (which he has done for about 6-7 games now during these playoffs) that's all that matters....

34 year old Dunny can still make a wide open jumper....

2442262, RE: dunny will revert back to single digits soon enough
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 09:39 AM

The beauty of Dunny is we don't need him to drop high double figures....We just need him to get around three 3 pointers....We can win games with Dunny scoring under double digits...Just be there for spacing...

Again...this series will depend on three things: Pau, Rose's health and rebounding....If we come off shaky on two of those three things then we will lose....

Bron goin' get his. Ky goin' get his. The rest? We will see...
2442256, What the stats say:
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue May-05-15 09:29 AM
Cavs - 19 attempts
Bulls - 16 attempts

Cavs - 26 attempts
Bulls - 18 attempts

Bulls - 42 (11 offensive)
Cavs - 39 (11 offensive)

So I don't think we were the only ones taking jump shots. I think we shot very well from the mid range but we got inside too. They probably had more points in the paint than we did but not by some wide margin.

2442264, Last night Bulls proved why most picked them to come out the East
Posted by Vex_id, Tue May-05-15 09:46 AM
at the beginning of the year.

When healthy (as they presently are) - this is a team that can beat anyone.
They've got all the ingredients to compete for a title, particularly when
Rose is playing like he did last night.

Starting Mike Miller was a bit of an omen for the Cavs last night. W/ all
the criticism of Love, he's really showing how important he is to the team
as a stretch 4 who can rebound at an elite level. You can't replace that on
the fly against a fully loaded Bulls squad.

Both Bron and Ky have to go off each night in order for Cleveland to win
right now - and Bron didn't step up last night. Cavs better get urgent.

2442269, RE: Last night Bulls proved why most picked them to come out the East
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 09:58 AM

Cut out this lie....lol

Just stop it....
2442481, no one believes him bruh
Posted by astralblak, Tue May-05-15 11:54 PM
I honestly doubt he watches ball outside of Bron games
2442339, Omg please stop dog
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Tue May-05-15 01:29 PM
2442422, you mean, please stop UNDERdogg.
Posted by Vex_id, Tue May-05-15 03:51 PM
: )

2442271, MVPau
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue May-05-15 10:17 AM
that was one of the best offseason pickups since the lakers did it...lol
2442273, RE: MVPau
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 10:22 AM
>that was one of the best offseason pickups since the lakers
>did it...lol

And he did it the smart way....He can't easily score on the Russian with his back to the basket. But Pau's face up game is LETHAL....

That's what I was trying to tell u. It's not about being a star or your previous playoff success. It's about skill set. Pau was smart enough to know not to waste time pasting the Russian up because that big fucker clogs up the lane and plays SOLID D...He's not some stiff. Dude makes an impact...

So Pau does the smart thing: Take him out 17 feet in and pull that wet jumper...
2442274, dogg my whole point was mozzy cant see Pau, period
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue May-05-15 10:25 AM
theres a reason mozzy is basically a career dud and MVPau is a HOFer,...Pau whole game is lethal...i jus wasnt speaking on no back to the basket shit..i knew Pau could face mozzy up and hit Js all day..then out it on the floor and blow by...Pau has fkng game...mozzy is just ok...yall thinkin he good now bcz of Bron?? nah dude ..still mozzy...he aint ever been able to check pau..
2442275, RE: dogg my whole point was mozzy cant see Pau, period
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 10:29 AM

Yeah...But this ain't NBA Live. That was MY point...

Pau has issues with physical post play historically...Mozzy is physical and plays very good D in the post. So Pau did the smart thing: He took him outside...

The issue is this: that jumper is not going to be wet the entire series. Pau is going to have to go inside on the Russian....How Pau does in that regard will have a lot to do with how far the Bulls go in this series...

U can't make sweeping statements about players being career duds without factoring in WHERE THEY PLAYED AND WHO THEY PLAYED WITH...lol

2442287, but pau is smart hes gonna put it on the floor some too
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue May-05-15 10:47 AM
murph dogg...cmon....mozzy couldnt beat out nurkic.... denver had one of the weakest post games in the league...and cleveland did too... coincidence?? you not gonna get me to give mozzy no props..pau should destroy him..like he doin
2442289, RE: but pau is smart hes gonna put it on the floor some too
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 10:56 AM

I've seen enough disappearing acts from Pau in the playoffs to know that his play is not always a slam dunk...U rough him up and he checks out...

On the real, whenever Pau tried to put it on the floor last night he either got rejected or stripped...The good thing is we don't need him to be MVPau...Just get low double figures in 'bounds and at least 15 points...

I'm more concerned with rebounding and Rose's 1 game issues more than anything else...But Pau killing Mozzy INSIDE is not some simple check-off....
2442292, its happening right before yur eyes...
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue May-05-15 11:01 AM
.But Pau killing Mozzy INSIDE is not
>some simple check-off....

you can keep giving mozzy props if you want to... he cannot handle noah and pau....noah has a lot to do with how and why pau should dominate this series...
2442298, RE: its happening right before yur eyes...
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 11:08 AM
>.But Pau killing Mozzy INSIDE is not
>>some simple check-off....
>you can keep giving mozzy props if you want to... he cannot
>handle noah and pau....noah has a lot to do with how and why
>pau should dominate this series...

I get when things sound logical. But it's not always that easy...Pau didn't get the majority of his points posting up the Russian. He took him outside...And guess what? Cleveland will make adjustments...

Also Noah had 0 points last night because he had no lift...At all. Missed four layups...

It's not about giving Mozzy props. It's about understanding Pau's strengths...
2442303, noah dont need to score to be effective..
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue May-05-15 11:18 AM
he just does "noah" things... if he score..thats a bonus to me...i love his game tho...not much adjusting cleve can do down low w/out love on the floor..and chi needs to keep exploiting that...bcz as soon as they bring bron down low...rose and jimmy, dunleavy gon kill from 3..cleve is seriously outmatched in the post....even with love they still were...bron is gonna have to play superbron to win this series....
2442295, RE: dogg my whole point was mozzy cant see Pau, period
Posted by rl9, Tue May-05-15 11:04 AM
>The issue is this: that jumper is not going to be wet the
>entire series. Pau is going to have to go inside on the
>Russian....How Pau does in that regard will have a lot to do
>with how far the Bulls go in this series...

as you have said, that's Pau's strenght. just keep shooting, no matter if u miss a few.
interior passing will be key. the bigs are able to drive and pass the ball well. draw the D and dish it off. That'll do a lot of damage since the Cavs pretty much just have Mozgov and Thompson.

>U can't make sweeping statements about players being career
>duds without factoring in WHERE THEY PLAYED AND WHO THEY


2442277, Also, how banged up is Mirotic?
Posted by Numba_33, Tue May-05-15 10:30 AM
What's his injury and is it possible he'll get playing time for game two?
2442280, RE: Also, how banged up is Mirotic?
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 10:37 AM
>What's his injury and is it possible he'll get playing time
>for game two?

Niko ain't right....Not since he got mugged in that last series....That's why this is going to be a tough series...Between Noah not being 100 percent, Rose, who seems to struggle without two days off, and Niko being gimpy it's a wash....
2442290, and whats goin on w/ taj?? he used to kind of beast on
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue May-05-15 10:56 AM
that 2nd team,,,, he jus seem weak now...
2442293, RE: and whats goin on w/ taj?? he used to kind of beast on
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 11:01 AM

Taj played well for us last night. Banged and got key rebounds. He's not right too. But hey, no excuses. Around this time EVERYBODY is not quite right...
2442416, I actually thought he had a solid game.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Tue May-05-15 03:47 PM
Thibs is going with him over Noah to end games.
Offensively he has more tools than Noah.
2442301, Bulls series to lose....still
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Tue May-05-15 11:12 AM
2442504, *sets crockpot on low* KYRIE CAN'T SCORE ON ROSE
Posted by mashpg89, Wed May-06-15 06:58 AM
finally watched the game and although Kyrie scored, Rose played him well defensively and Kyrie struggled while they were matched up, as he always does.



Only bet I'm taking is that while Rose is guarding Kyrie this series, Kyrie will shoot under 50% from the field. Not interested in points, assists, moves, etc.

So far so good, let's see if Rose can play him better in Game 2.

2442508, keep him on kyrie ALL GAME then, cuz 30 look like 30, dogg.
Posted by Basaglia, Wed May-06-15 08:02 AM
2442519, Nah...that's too much pressure, Kyrie attacks too much
Posted by auragin_boi, Wed May-06-15 08:25 AM
for one man to play him the whole game.

Rose got 2 quick fouls in like 45 secs at one point. I'm like "nah, they gotta mix that up."

Just like Kyrie ain't on Rose all game. Too much pressure.

I DID notice how all the "Bron gonna shut Rose down" contingent was real quiet when Rose was still dropping Buckets in Bron face Monday night too tho.

Including you.


Funny how you get a couple other consistent offensive running mates and keying in ain't so easy anymore.
2442536, rose did his usual awkward athletic throw at the rim jumper shyt
Posted by Basaglia, Wed May-06-15 09:14 AM
them shots don't fall often. they fell a lot monday tho. congrats.
2442573, Ha. No.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Wed May-06-15 11:43 AM
2442530, he'll be on him when it counts. 30 is 30 and an L is an L
Posted by mashpg89, Wed May-06-15 08:56 AM
Seeing how this Cavs team ain't winning a chip this year, I take it you'd rather have Kyrie average 40 and lose the series than 15 and win it though, so...

Kyrie is going to score this series, but he'll struggle to do it against Rose and I'll keep reminding you. Kyrie can't score on Rose and you're going to have to adjust your stance on that mechanic bamma too.
2442537, and game 1 is game 1
Posted by Basaglia, Wed May-06-15 09:17 AM
2443631, was telling a co-worker if Warriors make finals
Posted by High Society, Sat May-09-15 01:24 AM
then I want to see Lebron playing against them.

But, when Derrick Rose hit that shot?
I smiled. I think the whole basketball watching world smiled.
Sure, Cavs fan were probably mad it happened, calling it luck,

"...we got LEBRON BACK! He just went to the finals 4 years
in a row w/ Miami. And you're telling me that injury plagued,
hasn't been healthy since Lebron was shutting him down in the playoffs and he won an MVP, Derrick Rose, is making fadeaway buzzer beating 3's in the playoffs against US?...with LEBRON!..."

but when they were driving home, watching the 2nd game, looking at the Vine 50x in a row on twitter, THEY SMILED.

D. Rose has been through a lot, and he's just kept pushing. Working. Believing - in his team, in his city, in himself.

Rose made that shot and I immediately said I'm now pulling for
the Bulls no matter what. Even if I would want to see Lebron
and Kyrie more vs the Dubs if the Dubs make it.

The Pelicans are done, I'm just rooting for good ball at this point.
I'm a fan of players though and I'm a fan of Derrick Rose.
Hope he stays healthy and continues to play well.
He deserves a second chance to at least get close to being the player
we thought he had the talent to become.
He may only ever get to 90% of where he was athletically,
but he can still be an MVP caliber basketball player.

And like he said tonight, ah fuck it... I'll let him tell you himself...
