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Topic subjectHoke's, without a doubt
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2397718&mesg_id=2627273
2627273, Hoke's, without a doubt
Posted by cgonz00cc, Tue Oct-24-17 10:16 AM
ruined whatever morris could have been, speight was a miss, malzone was a miss

Brandon Peters was JH's first QB recruit and he is a redshirt freshman. McCaffrey is behind him as a true freshman. If Peters isnt ready next year, then thats a serious problem, unless McCaffrey is ready, and then its not.

its not a coincidence Michigan is starting a shitload of youth on offense. the recruiting was terrible until 2015 in all aspects, and it continues to plague them. any success they have had up to now is because of Mattison's work pre-JH, and the fact that Hoke actually did hit on Butt, Darboh, Perry, and Chesson. But thats pretty much it on that side of the ball.