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Topic subjecthe's way overpaid considering the results so far
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2397718&mesg_id=2627238
2627238, he's way overpaid considering the results so far
Posted by guru0509, Tue Oct-24-17 06:36 AM
6 – 5 in the last 11 games

0 – 5 against teams over 0.500 in that time.

Michigan has now lost 15 consecutive road games to ranked opponents, going back 10 years.


>I'm going to say it now because people are still talking
>about this guy like he can do no wrong and the current
>situation in Niner land has no reflection on his abilities as
>a coach.
>I don't doubt that he can help coach up teams that need some
>fighting spirit and a "name" coach who can come in and command
>But...this is an offensive coach whose offense keeps
>regressing no matter how many talented players they add. Not
>only that, but the offense has no discernible identity and
>often seems to be selecting plays at random.
>The only consistent thing about the Niners has been playing
>hard (like I said, if you are lacking in spirit, Harbs can
>probably provide) and great defense, which is presumably the
>work of Vic Fangio.
>It's not that I think he is a terrible coach or something but
>dude seems like a cross between Gruden and Ken Wisenhunt.
>If the Niners get a decent hire at coach next year and keep
>Fangio, they will be BETTER than they were with Harbaugh.
>Raiders could prolly use his discipline etc, but if they trade
>a first round pick for him they are idiots.
>If the Jets dump Rex for Harbuagh that would be the actual
>definition of hustling backwards.