2627171, that almost sounds like it means something Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon Oct-23-17 06:51 PM
edit: meant to reply to truth
the reality is that Hoke's first team was a 10+ win team with Rich Rod anyways AND had Denard Robinson. not to mention his teams got progressively worse from the point, after taking over a team that had gotten progressively better over two years.
Harbaugh meanwhile took over the aforementioned progressively worsening team, and immediately won a citrus bowl in year one. after that, they got even better despite starting an "Al Borges special" at QB. they were one spot away from going to the B1G title game against 2 teams they had already beaten.
Hoke dismantled an ascending team and ruined the 2 most talented QBs Michigan has EVER had in the entire history of the program. Harbaugh turned a combined 5 stars worth of 2 QBs into 19 wins, a Citrus Bowl, a legit NFL backup, and fell short of the playoff by inches.
that's a super silly comparison. lets see where we are at after 51 games. Hoke was 31-20. i dont think Michigan is losing 10 of their next 17. the defense needs only time to be back to a top 5 unit, and they are going to win more games this year because they still have the best DL in the country.
and again, the QB situation. cmon.