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Topic subjectFCC eliminates Blackout rule
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2373162, FCC eliminates Blackout rule
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Sep-30-14 12:32 PM
I'm sure leagues will ask networks to keep blacking out non-sold out games but this is still probably good news for fans of teams with so-so attendance.

WASHINGTON — The Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously Tuesday to eliminate its sports blackout rule, which for nearly 40 years has prevented cable and satellite systems from televising some National Football League games.

The move is unlikely to eliminate the league’s attempts to blackout games, which it can do on local broadcast channels when tickets to a game are not sold out. Because of the sport’s soaring popularity, however, only two N.F.L. games were blacked out locally last season.

The N.F.L. strongly opposed the F.C.C. action. But Commissioner Ajit Pai, a Republican, echoed the sentiments of the five the commissioners by saying: “It is not the place of the federal government to intervene in the private marketplace and help sports leagues enforce their blackout policies. It is the commission’s job to serve the public interest, not the private interests of team owners.”

While the N.F.L. and its supporters argued that eliminating the blackout rule would endanger the availability of games on free over-the-air television, members of the F.C.C. staff and commissioners said they believed that was unlikely, in part because the current N.F.L. broadcast contract extends through 2022.

“I hope the N.F.L. will seize on this opportunity to repudiate blackouts,” Tom Wheeler, the agency’s chairman, said.

Decades ago, ticket sales were a much bigger part of an N.F.L. team’s overall income. The league instituted its blackout rule because it wanted to encourage people to pay for a ticket instead of watching free on television. In some markets, games were regularly blacked out on TV.

Now, television rights contribute a majority of teams’ revenue.

The N.F.L., under its agreement with broadcast networks, will still be able to blackout a game on broadcast TV. But because of the F.C.C. vote, a cable provider could show a blacked out game in a market where the broadcast version is blocked.

“For 40 years these teams have hidden behind a rule of the F.C.C.,” Mr. Wheeler said. “No more. Everyone needs to be aware who allows blackouts to exist, and it is not the Federal Communications Commission.”

The rule will officially be repealed 30 days after a notice of the F.C.C.’s action is published in the Federal Register, which generally takes about two weeks. So it will probably be about six weeks before the blackout rule is voided.​

2373163, I remember having to watch the Lions via illegal cable in bars as a kid
Posted by Ceej, Tue Sep-30-14 12:33 PM
2373188, Lol...you really wanted to see how Andre Ware was progressing?
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Tue Sep-30-14 01:17 PM
2373189, That and I loved seasoned fries and pinball
Posted by Ceej, Tue Sep-30-14 01:18 PM
2373185, So the NFL can still black out games
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Sep-30-14 01:10 PM
But now they can be subverted by any cable company willing to get on the NFL's bad side?
2373187, Yeah, won't make a huge difference except...
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Sep-30-14 01:15 PM
the whole "We won't be able to show this playoff game because it hasn't sold out yet" moments probably won't happen anymore. Doubt the networks will refuse to show a playoff game. The fact that it is their call and customers will lash out at them will probably carry more weight (and those games almost always just get shown anyway.)

But overall, I doubt much changes in the short term, at least.