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Topic subjectDallas vs Tennessee
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2367863, Dallas vs Tennessee
Posted by LegacyNS, Sun Sep-14-14 01:28 PM
Cowboys 16-0 @ the half. Romo looks really good when he's handing the ball off.. lol
<---- 5....


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2367865, Locker having a snap back to reality
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun Sep-14-14 01:41 PM
2367882, Damn. Crazy pick
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sun Sep-14-14 02:19 PM
2367889, Carr trash
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Sep-14-14 02:44 PM
2367890, feed murray you bums
Posted by LAbeathustla, Sun Sep-14-14 02:44 PM
2368191, Damn, we only had 4 posts? It was a good game. Solid, not great...
Posted by Pinko_Panther, Mon Sep-15-14 01:05 AM
...but, I will say I have been waiting for YEARS to see
us close out the last 5-7 minutes of a game on the ground
like teams have been doing to us over the years. It was
so refreshing to see that even a gibbled Romo at three
quarters of his former self, is enough to win. I am happy
with the line, the backs, and the weapons at wide receiver.
Dan Bailey plus special teams look possessed and the defense
is playing significantly than I or anyone has expected. Let's
hope they build on this.
2368351, well, we won so.. lol
Posted by LegacyNS, Mon Sep-15-14 12:11 PM

<---- 5....

2368522, the fuck am i gonna say? we're on track for an optimistic 8-8 whoop de do
Posted by rob, Mon Sep-15-14 05:37 PM
let's see the defense stop a qb who has a track record of throwing well

let's see the defense avoid the crumple when we're down.

let's see the team stick with the run for more than one game at a time.

let's see tony not fuck up more.
2368524, BASE!! I had this penciled in as 1 of our 6 wins
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Sep-15-14 05:45 PM
2368531, my nigga i didnt pencil in shit but losses
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon Sep-15-14 06:05 PM
i just figured we'd stumble up on a couple
2368534, I wasn't speaking about our fanbase tho.. we know the score
Posted by LegacyNS, Mon Sep-15-14 06:12 PM
I meant there would be more ppl in here clownin if we lost... lol
<---- 5....

2368536, i think, like us, the nfc east are all worried and wait-and-see
Posted by rob, Mon Sep-15-14 06:22 PM
the eagles might be feeling pretty good, but they also have the deal with the scare last week and the weight-of-modest-expectations.

but no one in the division is looking good enough to clown the others and no one is in a deep enough hole yet that we feel safe clowning them.
2368537, well one thing we always know..the eagles aint winning shit
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon Sep-15-14 06:25 PM
2368309, rolando mclain is a fkn baller when his head is on straight
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon Sep-15-14 10:41 AM
this defense isnt as bad as we thought...when they get selvie and ..dare i say it ..sorry ass scandrick...they will make a few more plays... romo still looks stiff...but looked a bit better this week... they need to keep feeding demarco...and he needs to hold onto the ball..