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2349552, https://twitter.com/DragonflyJonez/status/487721423717167105
Posted by El_essence, Fri Jul-11-14 05:17 PM
2349558, Miami just made Bosh the highest paid player in the NBA.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Jul-11-14 05:21 PM
What exactly was Morey going to do to beat that?
2349566, Nah, Morey is a joke.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jul-11-14 05:23 PM

He got ethered by Melo and Bosh

And LOL @ shopping Jeremy Lin

2349573, I'm just talking about the Bosh news.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Jul-11-14 05:27 PM
The reason people thought he'd be gone was, well, nobody thought Riles would make him the highest paid player in the league. But since he did...

... I also just think it's too early to condemn his offseason. If he gets Bledsoe and another piece, that's still a big come-up.

Y'all can party on punting Lin tho.
2349578, only way this becomes more of a L is if he panics and matches for Parsons
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jul-11-14 05:30 PM
(or if the asik/lin deals fall thru)
2349567, alot of teams are striking out...like the lakers.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Jul-11-14 05:23 PM
2349736, Except Houston already has two stars in their prime
Posted by LA2Philly, Fri Jul-11-14 11:01 PM
Bit of a difference
2349763, so wouldn't that make their situation better?
Posted by Cenario, Sat Jul-12-14 05:36 AM
The fact that they struck out and still have 2 superstars in their prime?
2349827, Huh? It should make that situation more alluring
Posted by LA2Philly, Sat Jul-12-14 12:28 PM
Being able to play with two young superstars vs an aging one and who knows what else.
2349571, whiffing on all three of your top choices ain't a good look
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jul-11-14 05:24 PM
wonder if ppl don't like DHo or just don't take Harden seriously
this makes it look like Bosh played the rockets for the max to drive up his price with the heat in the event bron bounced
2349572, This made me laugh.
Posted by Ryan M, Fri Jul-11-14 05:26 PM
2349697, That's good
Posted by bshelly, Fri Jul-11-14 08:29 PM
2349700, thats funny seeing that kobe cant even recruit pau gasol to stay
Posted by LAbeathustla, Fri Jul-11-14 08:32 PM
but he enticed linsanity..
2349711, and in the end we both winning the same thang.. NATHAN..
Posted by LegacyNS, Fri Jul-11-14 08:55 PM

<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2349748, Your season lasted 6 games longer than the busted ass Lakers season.
Posted by Ryan M, Fri Jul-11-14 11:36 PM
2349801, So what I'm get from what you're saying here is that
Posted by El_essence, Sat Jul-12-14 10:15 AM
you're mad. Look, I post the tweet cuz it was funny as fuck. Morey wasted assets for nothing and gotta come off some gwop to retain Parsons. He gave us Lin and draft picks for nothing. Funny.
2349941, what i'm saying is we cookin right now & somehow the lakers are
Posted by LAbeathustla, Sat Jul-12-14 06:24 PM
getting worse by the day..
2349757, I don't think its Morey's fault. Nobody wants to play with Dwight.
Posted by Castro, Sat Jul-12-14 01:43 AM
At nobody who is solely focused on rings.
2349842, correction: Nobody wants to turn down 30 million to play with Dwight
Posted by rjc27, Sat Jul-12-14 01:21 PM
big difference... if all things were equal financially I think Melo is in Houston, maybe Bosh too but he seemed to legitimately prefer Miami, BUT that could have easily been the money talking

This is the problem with clearing cap space in general and will be the knicks problem, u can do everything right and still lose out, you aren't dealing with #'s and fit, you are dealing with real peoples emotions and indecision

2349764, Harden and Dwight in consecutive off seasons
Posted by bshelly, Sat Jul-12-14 07:12 AM
2349770, People are so short sighted and what have you done for me lately-ish
Posted by Binlahab, Sat Jul-12-14 07:45 AM
Lemme remind y'all of a few things

1) We have 2 of the best players on the planet and a great complimentary piece in parsons if we match...and if we don't we have a ton of cap room to sign pieces

2) we had our way with San Antonio last season...we just ran into the worst team match up wise and lost by 1 in their bldg...San Antonio breathed a big sigh if relief as they didn't want any of us in the offs...ie we aren't that far off right now as is

3) speaking of San ant...just won their 18 title in 12 yrs. why? Stability. Continuity. Not running out and paying premium dollars for that big name. We got enough big names. We need shooters. We need pass first playmaking pg. We needed Kyle Lowry. We don't need bosh. He'd fit..but it's not a need

We will be ok. Money is still dork Elvis

All is right with the world

does it really matter?

vote for bin: http://tinyurl.com/qz8zep5
2349832, that was the move they needed
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jul-12-14 12:45 PM
> Kyle Lowry
2349835, Niggas mad as fuck in here. Well done.
Posted by ZooTown74, Sat Jul-12-14 01:04 PM
Funcrusher Plus
2349944, Morey would've traded Duncan for Shaq
Posted by roaches, Sat Jul-12-14 06:32 PM