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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectIt is tough...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2344800&mesg_id=2356616
2356616, It is tough...
Posted by jimaveli, Mon Aug-04-14 11:14 PM
>But MAN, is the content of this promo awful trash.

Yeah...the Bellas just aren't bringing the chops necessary to draw sympathy. And they are Ill-equipped to be the ones who end up giving Steff the ass-whooping she deserves for her latest super heel run.

To me, they botched the whole 'Kane killed DB' part of the story. The 'DB is little and couldn't even start his title reign before breaking down physically in a major way' story from the authority has not been sufficiently countered by anyone. As a result, it dropped the value of almost errbody involved with his run from summerfest 2013 to now. It is impressive really. Only Cena looks like a swell guy who just got got one night in a match against his bro inlaw (if/when he marries the other Bella). And steff is steff so she's good too. Kane, Orton, Bootista, HHH the wrestler? All bitches.

At least I trust steff to be super chickenshit at summerfest to give Brie as much to work with as possible. If she screws the pooch after that...ehh...