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Topic subjectRE: First, I'm not sure you know what "strawman" means.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2333204&mesg_id=2344335
2344335, RE: First, I'm not sure you know what "strawman" means.
Posted by pretentious username, Fri Jun-27-14 04:45 PM

>Second, your methodology is irreparably flawed. If, as you
>have NOW made clear, after tedious prodding,

what was tedious about this? you asked for an example and i gave it. i said nothing about hiring JR back, and didn't even intend to compare JR to Lawler actually. I was simply providing an example because the way your question was phrased honestly sounded like you were questioning the value of all commentary.

>Much MORE representative, if your agenda is to complain about
>Cole, JBL, and King, is to locate JR's commentary on, say, a
>mid-month Smackdown match between Sheamus and Del Rio, then
>use that as your point of comparison. For that sort of match
>is common, and clearly much more of a challenge for any
>commentator to make interesting than when Mankind falls 3
>stories to his apparent death and dismemberment.

JR has a well of great calls though. and there are crazy spots today for cole and company to make their mark too. i feel they're not doing it. in regards to your next paragraph, vince can give them the narrative, but he can't be telling them the exact call on each spot cause it happens too fast and he doesn't know exactly when they're coming (though obviously that's more cole's job than the other 2).

>Third, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how WWE
>commentary works. In fact, EVERYTHING those three say into
>their microphones is dictated by Vince, yapping in their ears.
>This is well known, not speculation. Their jobs are to express
>what Vince wants them to express, no more and no less.
>Evidently JBL gets more leeway these days because of his
>friendship with Vince, but ultimately, what you hear from
>those three is a regurgitation of what Vince just said over
>their head sets.

it's always felt to me like cole is the most scripted and the other two had leeway, but i'll defer to you on this.

Google this for more info, and read either
>Foley's "Countdown to Lockdown" or "Hardcore Diaries" (I can't
>remember which) for a discussion of why he tried and quickly
>quit doing WWE commentary some years back.

Jerry is traditionally a masterful heel on
>commentary; youtube his old work with Vince and/or JR for

i will, thanks for these suggestions.

>In light of this, what his role has become, more or less, is
>proxy for the sex-obsessed 13-year-old male fan that comprises
>a huge part of WWE's audience. So what YOU don't like,
>basically, are crude/lewd bad jokes that only teenage boys
>laugh at. I don't care for them either, and I begrudge Vince
>(and, perhaps, society) for indulging them, but I certainly
>don't blame Jerry.

eh, they're at least pretending to be serious about the anti-bullying/harassment stuff (i have many other criticisms of that campaign, of course, but we don't have the time to get into all that). a big part of that would be to no longer indulge that fan. that doesn't just include jerry though, but that's a start.

>As for staring at Paige's ass, any criticism of Jerry for that
>is self-serving at best. If you have beef, you should direct
>your attention to what the role of the "Divas" is supposed to
>be. That's a separate discussion.

Yeah, I don't like that either, but I took more issue with him joking about it on twitter than actually getting caught staring. As far as the actual stare: sure, he's a man. it would probably be wise to think "there are cameras on me at all times, maybe don't take a look right now", but whatever. The bigger issue is typically nothing happens when there's a sexual harassment (or worse) incident, especially when it involves someone with a lot of clout. but that is also a separate discussion.