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Topic subject | Is Mark Jackson an asshole or what? |
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2323355, Is Mark Jackson an asshole or what? Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun May-04-14 01:41 AM
Adrian Wojnarowski @WojYahooNBA 23m Mark Jackson doesn't have one GSW front office ally who'll make a case to ownership to keep him. "He's on an island," league source says.
folk act like it's basically a foregone conclusion that he's getting fired. yeah he could stand to brush up on the Xs and Os shit but i thought he was doing a pretty good job w/ this roster.
2323358, there's a difference between front office politics and asshole Posted by rob, Sun May-04-14 01:50 AM
Let me know when a player says shit about him
2323360, Furious George Karl could do a much better job w/ the squad Posted by FILF, Sun May-04-14 01:56 AM
Marc Jackson isn't tapping into Klay's potential & lacks creativity. Klay would be averaging 25 points per if he played in your typical George Karl system & Iggy would be an all-star. Curry would also have plenty of chances for transition 3s rather than depending on Isos or half court sets while negotiating screens w/ defenders draped all over him.
2323373, FOH Posted by RexLongfellow, Sun May-04-14 02:35 AM
Karl is known for collapses and 1st round exits with talented squads
2323382, That shyt is overblown...his teams just overachive in the reg season Posted by FILF, Sun May-04-14 05:15 AM
>Karl is known for collapses and 1st round exits with talented >squads
-Last years Nuggets were nothing more than an overachieving regular season team. Iggy was their best player.......muphuckin' Iggy! Ty Lawson was looking like an all-star under Karl & now looks mediocre under Shaw.
-1994 was Deke's coming out party & he absolutely took over the series.
-Then he had to coach a bunch of knuckle heads in Denver: Melo/AI/Jr/McGee/K-Mart & got bounced by the better team or EVENTUALLY champs...although he took them to the WCF when he had Bullips at latter end of his prime.
-He went to the Finals in 1996, was one game away from the Finals in 2001. Both times he lost to the team that had the league MVP.
-In the 90s he had to go up against Malone/Barkley/Hakeem.....when they were all league MVPs.
-He never coached an MVP, the best player in the league nor an all-time top 20ish player.
The fact of the matter is all the teams he left ended up toiling in mediocrity after he left.
2323361, Mama there goes that man? Posted by MothershipConnection, Sun May-04-14 01:56 AM
2325762, LOL Posted by Mgmt, Fri May-09-14 03:05 PM
2323364, Hell yes, that fake preacher has been an asshole for decades Posted by Bombastic, Sun May-04-14 02:00 AM
His sanctimonious self-serving commentary from earlier this series while throwing his supposed friend Doc under the bus was yet another example.
As was tonight with his mic-d up rah rah farewell fourth quarter huddle.
Can the corny act for the camera and call a fucking play if it's not about u, it's Game 7.
Never liked him even a little bit as a player, broadcaster and/or coach.
I don't necessarily believe he deserves to be fired but will shed no tears if/when he does, especially if it's basically just for being an insufferable arrogant asshole without the resume strong enough to excuse it.
Doc hit him with that classy complimentary ether post-game which made it even better.
Hopefully he coaches the Lakers next season.
2323368, Dude, I don't like the fake preacher stuff, but it works for this team Posted by mrhood75, Sun May-04-14 02:28 AM
The players love it. Especially a team as devout as the Warriors (Curry, Thompson, Lee, Green, and O'Neal are all uber-Christian, as are probably a good chunk of the rest of the roster). He's a supreme motivator, and the players buy when he's selling, so I'll take it.
>As was tonight with his mic-d up rah rah farewell fourth >quarter huddle. > >Can the corny act for the camera and call a fucking play if >it's not about u, it's Game 7.
I was watching the local feed of the game, so I don't know what he said exactly. But it's probably the same thing I've seen/heard him do lots.
>I don't necessarily believe he deserves to be fired but will >shed no tears if/when he does, especially if it's basically >just for being an insufferable arrogant asshole without the >resume strong enough to excuse it.
Here's my thing: who would we replace him for? Watch candidate out there is going to take this team to the next level? All the coaches available are retired or also-rans. Jeebs help us if we fire Jackson and hire D'Antoni.
>Hopefully he coaches the Lakers next season.
That's the one way the Warriors get around losing Jackson without looking like assholes: he takes another job.
2323376, this team has talent, let's not pretend they've overachieved Posted by Bombastic, Sun May-04-14 03:06 AM
they lost in the first round.
He's done a fine job objectively speaking, if he wasn't a dickhead he's definitely done a good enough job to keep the gig, as I said I don't actually on surface level believe he should be fired.
But if so, c'est la vie, he'll get another gig and do nothing extraordinary with it.
The next Laker coach is fucked anyway, so just for the initial Kobe ballwashing into the inevitable head-butting, him going to the Lakers would make me happy.
Jackson is more bluster than brass tacks, I don't see swapping him out for a comparable coach making too much difference on the bottom line.
And the guys on this team are all mostly pretty coachable as far as NBA players go.
They won't change their colors (David Lee didn't all the sudden become a good defender & GS didn't become a good defensive team just because Jackson came in with that mantra) but they're all going to play hard regardless of who is on the bench.
2323392, LMAO...they HAVE overachieved Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun May-04-14 08:54 AM
>they lost in the first round.
He took them from 13 to 51 wins, doggie
He's completely turned around the franchise
And losing to the Los Angelels Clippers, easily the deepest team in the league, is hardly a disappointment
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2323408, they lost in the first round, my dude Posted by Bombastic, Sun May-04-14 10:15 AM
>>they lost in the first round. > >He took them from 13 to 51 wins, doggie > Good timing has a lot to do with that, he came in guaranteeing playoffs season one & went deep lottery, he talked a bunch of shit about turning that talent into defenders but really the only reason they improved to respectable there was by getting one of the Top 5 wing defenders of the past decade and Bogut mucking it up down loan.
On offense they've got a plethora of talent but generally play undisciplined & careless with the basketball.
They have a young talented backcourt tandem that's likely the best in the league (along with above average supporting talent) growing into their games & Curry has been healthy the past two years.
The Thunder went from 20 wins in PJ's last full season to 50 wins in Brooks' first full season.
Scottie Brooks is still a shitty coach, shittier than Jackson sure, however it shows you what can happen if you catch them at the right time.
>He's completely turned around the franchise > LOL
>And losing to the Los Angelels Clippers, easily >the deepest team in the league, is hardly a disappointment > Three seasons, one playoff series win, 'whoopty-damn-do'(c)D.C.
Nellie did that too.
He's an average coach & seems like an arrogant douchebag much like he did as a player and commentator.
I don't think he should be fired but if he is, I won't cry for him nor do I see him going somewhere else and becoming an elite coach.
If he's gone & they hire someone other than Vinnie DelNegro or Johnny Davis, it won't hurt Golden State's bottom line much as long as Curry stays healthy.
'Antoni could win 50 games with this roster next year if he got the shot and I don't even like that dude.
2323705, You have doo doo cheese on your lip again, breh Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon May-05-14 10:21 AM
After a solid month of shit breath free posting, the old Bomb is back
This is not a bad thing, but I shall point it out
Gargle dun dunny
2323367, He doesn't play well with others in the front office Posted by mrhood75, Sun May-04-14 02:21 AM
Or his assistant coaches, for that matter.
Whatever, he still shouldn't be fired. He took the team, without their center, to game 7, which they played without even a back-up center, and still had a legit shot to win (or at least tie) with 10 seconds left. Add in the 51 wins and the fact that the players love him, and you definitely keep him next season.
If they make a first or second-round exit next season (the Dubs really should take it to either the conference finals or the Finals period), then you make a change. But now, leave it as it is.
2323385, LMAOOO @ y'all BLAMING Mark Jackson Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun May-04-14 08:46 AM
LMAO @ y'all thinking that that team is full of world beaters
Much worse than say...Minnesota in terms of overall talent
You guys are a bunch of dicks
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2323389, base. Posted by darius heyward bey, Sun May-04-14 08:52 AM
I looked at the tale of the tape last night.
Clippers had the advantage down low.
They need an athletic big man.
Even Brandon Wright would have helped them last night.
By Mark ain't do nothing but take this team from 13 wins to 51.
Niggas like "what he do for lately?"
2323391, Clippers are 30,000 times better and deeper than GSW Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun May-04-14 08:53 AM
>By Mark ain't do nothing but take this team from 13 wins to >51.
End of post, really
That it was a series at all is a testament to how good he is
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2323403, exactly. they tryna give him that Dungy treatment. Posted by darius heyward bey, Sun May-04-14 09:55 AM
2323405, If he were a better coach, they wouldn't have fallen to the 6 seed Posted by Frobert, Sun May-04-14 10:02 AM
...and they wouldn't have had to play a team 30,000 times better than them in the first round.
2323417, LMAO...so you saying they are better than Portland or Houston!?!?! Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun May-04-14 10:52 AM
2323422, As talented as Houston. More talented than Portland/San Antonio Posted by Frobert, Sun May-04-14 11:05 AM
2323425, WRONG! © Charlie Murphy Posted by darius heyward bey, Sun May-04-14 11:13 AM
Aldridge Howard Duncan Ibaka Blake/Jordan Gasol/Zbo Wright (honorable mention)
Who is GSW's dynamic big man?
The Clippers have Blake AND Jordan and GSW STILL made it debatable and pushed it to 7 games!
2323428, lmao ok. Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun May-04-14 11:31 AM
2323461, Archive Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun May-04-14 02:22 PM
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2323478, This and post 10 have really upped the stupidity ante Posted by LA2Philly, Sun May-04-14 02:43 PM
2323529, wow Posted by astralblak, Sun May-04-14 04:17 PM
2323616, WTF? The 2nd best player on GSW would be 4th best on Houston at best Posted by Lach, Sun May-04-14 08:24 PM
2323655, So wait, both Klay and Lee are worse than Parsons and Beverly? Posted by mrhood75, Mon May-05-14 01:30 AM
And you said "at best" , so I assume they're possibly worse than Lin and Asik too.
2325131, GTFOH Posted by MistaGoodBar, Thu May-08-14 03:44 PM
2449060, Well whaddya know.... Posted by Frobert, Sun May-24-15 08:05 PM
Lol at the string of loud and wrong jerkoffs above
2323423, most of these seedings came down to the last week. Posted by darius heyward bey, Sun May-04-14 11:08 AM
There are scenarios where they could have been seeded higher and had identical matchups or have to play Portland, Houston, or OKC.
The West is just tough this year but they didn't lose because of coaching the way Houston did. They needed size inside. They hit more threes and had their game plan together for last night but LAC shot a higher percentage cause they ate above the rim.
They are one dynamic big guy away from advancing the way they want to. If you want to gut this team tho? Then fire Mark Jackson.
2323462, Clippers finally got a great coach, so now they're a legit contender Posted by Bombastic, Sun May-04-14 02:22 PM
2323524, wrong post Posted by astralblak, Sun May-04-14 04:14 PM
2323401, Nobody GState fan in here is blaming and saying fire mark Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Sun May-04-14 09:29 AM
They're talking about the media and Front office.
It was news to me a few months ago when the rumors started floating he wouldnt be back. From his tone and comments this series, it seems like he himself is sure of it.
2323407, I'm mad Posted by okayplayery, Sun May-04-14 10:11 AM
because Bogut, Curry and Iggy would be the best at their positions in Timberwolves history (all-time) if those teams switched rosters. If you want to talk about FLAWED rosters the current Minnesota squad was as flawed as it gets.
2323411, lol cmon Posted by veritas, Sun May-04-14 10:34 AM
> >LMAO @ y'all thinking that that team is full of >world beaters > >Its a DEEPLY FLAWED team > >Much worse than say...Minnesota in terms of overall >talent
2323413, am i reading this correctly? Posted by Amritsar, Sun May-04-14 10:42 AM
> >Its a DEEPLY FLAWED team > >Much worse than say...Minnesota in terms of overall >talent
holy shit
2323476, LOL Posted by LA2Philly, Sun May-04-14 02:40 PM
> >LMAO @ y'all thinking that that team is full of >world beaters > >Its a DEEPLY FLAWED team > >Much worse than say...Minnesota in terms of overall >talent >
2323394, Is Woj an asshole? He's the one keeping this meme alive. Posted by Castro, Sun May-04-14 08:59 AM
2323406, wojo is definitely an asshole Posted by Rjcc, Sun May-04-14 10:08 AM
but if what he's hearing is accurate (and I don't know why we'd assume it isn't? for all of his douchiness dude has solid sources) then is it his fault?
www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2323395, One question: Is Mark the one who opted to rely on Andrew Bogut? Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Sun May-04-14 09:03 AM
2323412, he was at least part of pushing Monta out, so yea kinda Posted by veritas, Sun May-04-14 10:34 AM
2323414, this tells you everything right here: Posted by Amritsar, Sun May-04-14 10:45 AM
yeah he could stand to brush up on the Xs and >Os shit
lol @ an NBA coach needing to brush up on fuckin X's an O's ..
i know the players like him, but there's only so many times we can watch him call Iso plays for CUrry before we throw up in our mouths a bit
I'm sorry Mr. Jackson
I am for reaaaalll
2323426, C'mon man, they knew what they were gettng when the hired him Posted by mrhood75, Sun May-04-14 11:13 AM
If you hire a coach with no prior coaching experience, you can't be shocked, yes, shocked, when he's not the best with the X's and O's.
Warriors fans know about his deficiencies and that he often gets out-coached in the final minutes of close games. But 51 wins and a seven game series against a 3 seed washes that away.
The best course of action right now would be to somehow find an assistant coach who's really good at X's and O's who can get along with Jackson. Go into next season with about the same roster, with everyone one year wiser and more seasoned. They get booted early next season, fine, then you've given Jackson his chances with this talent, and you look for something else. Until then, you keep him.
2323441, the problem with the asst thing is hes seemingly clashed Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Sun May-04-14 01:06 PM
with everyone right?
2323526, He gets along with Hunter. And spoke well enough of Erman Posted by mrhood75, Sun May-04-14 04:15 PM
I don't particularly care if he fought with Scales. And yeah, butting heads with Malone wasn't great, but he likely saw him as a plant for ownership.
2323463, Jackson kinda balked last off-season on an experienced asst. Posted by Tek4mula, Sun May-04-14 02:24 PM
>The best course of action right now would be to somehow find >an assistant coach who's really good at X's and O's who can >get along with Jackson. Go into next season with about the >same roster, with everyone one year wiser and more seasoned. >They get booted early next season, fine, then you've given >Jackson his chances with this talent, and you look for >something else. Until then, you keep him.
I think this is where a lot of the issues started. The front office understood that he was inexperienced and not an expert with X's and O's which is why they paid Malone so much to be his lead assistant. Then when Malone got the King's job the owners offered to open up their Wallet and bring in another big name assistant but Jackson didn't want to. He wanted to promote his own guys and bring in Hunter and Scalabrine.
I think the front office was nervous about not bringing in an experienced tactical assistant but they gave Jackson the benefit of the doubt. Then when things went bad in the coaching room it really cost Jackson a lot of credibility.
2323420, Jackson has done a solid job with that team.. Posted by Warren Coolidge, Sun May-04-14 10:58 AM
if they can him....they'd be making a mistake, but obviously people are not getting along with the guy..
Ima tell you though... if he is out of a job...Larry Bird needs to give him a call... I think he'd be just what those pacers need.
2323421, that would be fine and dandy Posted by Amritsar, Sun May-04-14 11:04 AM
until he stops letting Larry attend team activities like he did Jerry West
2323433, He's under contract next year, Bogut's expired = $20mil under the Posted by bentagain, Sun May-04-14 11:59 AM
it would make no sense to fire him
especially when the players, to a man, are saying they want to play for him
back to back playoff appearances
and GS could add a big name FA
firing the HC = DUMB!
GS just went to 7 games with JO staring at C against a loaded Clips team
miss me witht he Xs and Os
and explain how firing him makes them better?
2323464, Bogut's got 3 more years Posted by Tek4mula, Sun May-04-14 02:28 PM
Warriors aren't gonna be under the cap for a while. Only on-the-court improvements coming any time soon are from trades or MLE.
2323506, You're right, my bad. Fire the GM in that case! Posted by bentagain, Sun May-04-14 03:19 PM
I've heard Jerry West's name circling in this nonsense
I hope he didn't have anything to do with that extension
they lost some good parts after last season
added Iggy, which didn't seem to make up for it
and are stuck with Bogut now too = FIRE THE HC
2323531, Bogut was great for the Warriors this season Posted by Tek4mula, Sun May-04-14 04:25 PM
Just broke his rib at the wrong time. Injuries are always going to be an issue with him but I'm OK with the extension because you gotta pay for big men who can anchor the defense.
As far as losing important pieces... ask the Cavs and Kings how much Jack and Landry moved the needle for their teams. They are nice role players but giving 4 year deals at significant money for role players is dumb, the FO was right to let them leave.
2323679, Bogut's expiring >>> 3 years @ $14mil for 7 and 10, IMO Posted by bentagain, Mon May-05-14 08:38 AM
67 GP was his biggest achievement thie year
doubt he does it again, as in ever.
which is why I was saying that's on the GM/FO
this is what they do
cap space + draft picks >>> extending an often injured C
2323434, 51 wins can turn into 31 (c) Jermaine O'Neal Posted by Kira, Sun May-04-14 12:03 PM
“Winning is hard, and hopefully everybody that supports this organization, that runs this organization, understands just how hard it is to win,” he continued. “And if you get a group that’s a good group that loves each other, that fights for each other, and can get a head coach (where) you see (former Warriors point guard and current Cleveland Cavaliers point guard) Jarrett Jack speaking about now from another situation, don’t take that for granted (because) 51 (wins) can go to 31.”
Fuck all this nuance shit OE and the rest of y'all talking about.
I want his sorry loser ass coaching the Jazz or the Knicks or the Timberwolves or the Lakers any other team in need of a promising coach on the rise.
2323435, giving examples of MEM and DEN, are those ringing endorsements Posted by bentagain, Sun May-04-14 12:12 PM
for improving a playoff team
by firing your head coach
last I checked, both MEM and DEN did worse this year
2323455, Memphis didn't do worse Posted by rob, Sun May-04-14 01:59 PM
They won a series last year playing 5 on 4. They lost to the same team in a game 7 ggoing 4 on 5.
2323507, Explain to me how this year wasn't worse for MEM than last year Posted by bentagain, Sun May-04-14 03:21 PM
they won 6 less games
finished in the 7th seed
and lost in the first round
= not worse than last year (c) you
2323511, gasol injury covers first 2 and I explained the playoffs Posted by rob, Sun May-04-14 03:31 PM
Seems pretty obvious.
2324990, right? a clock can't keep time with a missing cog Posted by hardware, Thu May-08-14 08:48 AM
2324589, And JO will be the first one to quit on that team Posted by EmDub, Wed May-07-14 10:15 AM
2323465, bleacher gossip report Posted by Riot, Sun May-04-14 02:29 PM
2323498, They don't need a new coach, they need to make trades... Posted by BlassFemur, Sun May-04-14 02:59 PM
they need a reliable center in the west and they need to settle on a SF and a real rotation. They need to try and peel Asik away from Houston.
2323501, how they paying him that salary next year? Posted by Bombastic, Sun May-04-14 03:01 PM
>They need to try and peel >Asik away from Houston.
2323503, Lee for Asik Posted by rob, Sun May-04-14 03:03 PM
its risky for both teams but it opens up possibilities
2323528, Ye gods, no. Posted by mrhood75, Sun May-04-14 04:16 PM
2323509, He's Christian. Owner = Jewish. Pres = Gay Posted by DJ Wade-O, Sun May-04-14 03:25 PM
You do the math on that one.
Download my new mixtape featuring Lecrae, Andy Mineo, Christon Gray and more. Positive Hip Hop: http://www.noistrade.com/wadeoradio
2323514, This post just keeps on giving... Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Sun May-04-14 03:36 PM
2324325, lol Posted by kinetic94761180, Tue May-06-14 05:41 PM
2323518, grabs calculator, prepares presentation for Sloan Posted by rob, Sun May-04-14 03:50 PM
>You do the math on that one. > > >Download my new mixtape featuring Lecrae, Andy Mineo, Christon >Gray and more. Positive Hip Hop: >http://www.noistrade.com/wadeoradio
2324590, Lmao Posted by Kungset, Wed May-07-14 10:18 AM
2323532, Inside sources report... Posted by Tek4mula, Sun May-04-14 04:30 PM
Harvey Fierstein leading candidate for the Warriors head coaching job.
2323536, Maybe David Geffen can buy the majority share of the team Posted by mrhood75, Sun May-04-14 04:39 PM
2323539, Don lemon and Anderson cooper beat reporters Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Sun May-04-14 04:49 PM
2323547, Those damn gays and Jews, keeping good Christian men down Posted by J_Stew, Sun May-04-14 05:10 PM
2323572, Can one of y'all La-li-lu-le-lo OKPs do the quick math on this? Posted by Kira, Sun May-04-14 06:17 PM
Break this down for the plebians.
2323654, Their General Counsel is a Muslim. Wonder if he's in on it... Posted by mrhood75, Mon May-05-14 01:26 AM
2323684, I love this place Posted by DJ Wade-O, Mon May-05-14 08:56 AM
Download my new mixtape featuring Lecrae, Andy Mineo, Christon Gray and more. Positive Hip Hop: http://www.noistrade.com/wadeoradio
2323741, And just so we're clear.... Posted by DJ Wade-O, Mon May-05-14 12:32 PM
Download my new mixtape featuring Lecrae, Andy Mineo, Christon Gray and more. Positive Hip Hop: http://www.noistrade.com/wadeoradio
2325092, tolerant Christian coaches + Muslim players are to blame too? Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu May-08-14 01:57 PM
2323530, Man, there's a lot of dumb in this post Posted by mrhood75, Sun May-04-14 04:18 PM
2323593, There really is. Posted by Ryan M, Sun May-04-14 07:08 PM
2323579, Probably. But it was a bad situation. Posted by SoulHonky, Sun May-04-14 06:36 PM
The new GM didn't want him. Jackson didn't want to be there (lobbied for Clippers and Nets job this past offseason.) He clearly needs to pick his own assistants, having clashed with two top assistants and Scalabrine (but I think Scal was probably to blame for a lot of his undoing.)
At the same time, a lot of those things could be said about many coaches in the NBA.
Personally, from the stories I've heard, I think he's an asshole but he clearly a great motivator and solid coach and I think he could have continued success and less controversy if he went somewhere else. Detroit might be the best landing spot for him.
2323609, The problem is he did pick his own assistants Posted by Tek4mula, Sun May-04-14 08:08 PM
He lobbied hard to bring Scalabrine in, the front office wanted to bring in more experienced assistants with strong tactical reputations. Jackson didn't want guys with strong resumes looking for head coaching jobs. I don't know what was going on behind the scenes but it definitely looks bad for all involved.
2323644, What's The Difference Between What Jackson and Kidd Did? Posted by RexLongfellow, Sun May-04-14 10:35 PM
>The problem is he did pick his own assistants >He lobbied hard to bring Scalabrine in, the front office >wanted to bring in more experienced assistants with strong >tactical reputations. Kidd did the same thing lobbying for Lawrence Frank. Once they clashed on coaching philosophies, Kidd demoted him
To me, that's exactly what Jackson did with Scales...and if this report is true, that's confirmation that Jackson did the right thing
Erman, of course, was not the first assistant coach to leave the staff this season. Several days before the loss to the Knicks, assistant coach Brian Scalabrine was reassigned to the team's NBA Development League squad, the Santa Cruz Warriors, because of "a difference in philosophies" with Jackson. Scalabrine was the third assistant in his first coaching stint after 11 seasons as a player. Although Jackson aggressively pursued Scalabrine despite his lack of experience, sources say Scalabrine almost immediately became disenchanted with Jackson's coaching style and, for his last five weeks with the team, carried out his duties while refusing to speak to Jackson. One source said Scalabrine found fault with Jackson's level of accountability of the players, particularly in comparison to Scalabrine's last two coaches, Doc Rivers and Tom Thibodeau.
Another source, however, says that Scalabrine was unhappy that the team's power structure did not more clearly delineate a difference between the third assistant coach and non-coaching positions such as video coordinator. Scalabrine's frustration came to a head shortly after a halftime dispute between he and lead assistant coach Pete Myers over how the team executed a particular defensive set in the first half of a March 22 loss to the San Antonio Spurs. Sources say sometime afterward, Scalabrine shouted at Jackson, "If you were Tom Thibodeau or Doc Rivers or Jeff Van Gundy, you would've fired me five weeks ago!"
At the time of Scalabrine's reassignment, a report from Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo Sports suggested Warriors management wanted him to remain on the staff until the end of the season but that Jackson insisted on his transition.
I don't know what was >going on behind the scenes but it definitely looks bad for all >involved. It's no different than what's happening in Chicago with Thibs...the players LOVE Jackson, they perform on the court, and he's responsible for the best 3 year stretch in decades.
2323920, Wait......what? Posted by ODotSoHot, Mon May-05-14 09:06 PM
>Scalabrine shouted at Jackson, "If you were Tom Thibodeau or >Doc Rivers or Jeff Van Gundy, you would've fired me five weeks >ago!"
2324975, uh, Dem Specs ain't firing Kidd in year one, that was his call Posted by Bombastic, Thu May-08-14 02:39 AM
nor does the Russian take the same hands-on approach or even take any role in basketball decisions beyond cutting checks.
So there's really no point continuing the comparison from there.
2325024, Well, The Comparison Being Posted by RexLongfellow, Thu May-08-14 10:34 AM
That Jackson and Kidd both demoted assistant coaches for interfering with their coaching philosophy. They both were successful in their own right getting the most out of their teams
So for Jackson to trigger any sort of anger from the front office when he did exactly what Kidd did, and in his opinion what was best for the team is startling.
What's also startling is your unabashed hatred for Mark Jackson...that came out of nowhere
2323591, yeah yeah yeah who can the Warriors get to replace him? Posted by TRENDone, Sun May-04-14 06:57 PM
2323711, So I've heard Kerr and Scalabrine Posted by The Real, Mon May-05-14 10:56 AM
Kerr flamed out as a GM so who knows if he can even coach. And why has management fallen in love with Scalabrine? Rumor has it that's why Scalabrine and Jackson butted heads.
2323720, PHIL JACKSON, GET ON THE PHONE. Posted by MistaGoodBar, Mon May-05-14 11:30 AM
Melo might stay for Mark Jackson.
2324185, Woj on it: Posted by themaddfapper, Tue May-06-14 01:40 PM
Golden State owner and GM meeting with Mark Jackson now, and sources close to management and coaching staff believe Jackson will be fired.
2324193, Might as well get it over with as soon as possible Posted by Tek4mula, Tue May-06-14 02:02 PM
If the relationship is really unrepairable might as well pull the band-aid off now and let the players get pissed. Guys like Steph and Lee are clearly all in behind Jackson but I think given time they'll get over it so long as the Warriors don't bring in some chump to replace him.
2324194, just the Knicks luck... Posted by rjc27, Tue May-06-14 02:05 PM
they get Phil but now Phil will want 1 of his guys while MJack would have been the PERFECT hire for the Knicks...
2324200, he was perfect in 2008. im still mad at that. Posted by themaddfapper, Tue May-06-14 02:14 PM
2324227, he was... I wanted the Nets to hire him when they hired Avery J Posted by rjc27, Tue May-06-14 02:42 PM
knicks get a chance at a redo and probably won't do it... if i was a knick fan passing on mjack would bother me
2324195, Larry Bird should actually holler... Posted by rjc27, Tue May-06-14 02:05 PM
Indy is so broken that I think Vogel may lose his job... MJack has the attitude to bring the swagger back to indy
2324197, FIRED. Posted by Oak27, Tue May-06-14 02:09 PM
Adrian Wojnarowski ā€¸@WojYahooNBA Golden State has fired coach Mark Jackson, league sources tell Yahoo Sports.
2324198, what IN the fuck is going on here exactly? Posted by select_from_where, Tue May-06-14 02:10 PM
2324199, Politics? Assholeness? Posted by Oak27, Tue May-06-14 02:12 PM
2324223, Blackness. n/m Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue May-06-14 02:39 PM
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324203, He lost the owners and the GM Posted by SoulHonky, Tue May-06-14 02:16 PM
Which often means more than losing games in the NBA.
2324222, When you're black. n/m Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue May-06-14 02:39 PM
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324355, or Rick Carlisle Posted by ErnestLee, Tue May-06-14 07:22 PM
2324499, Or Scott Skiles in Phoenix. Posted by SoulHonky, Wed May-07-14 01:02 AM
2324504, Skiles got multiple chances, was a terrible coach Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 05:28 AM
Mark Jackson is off to a faster start than most coaches ever, really
2324670, You don't think Jackson will get another chance? Posted by SoulHonky, Wed May-07-14 12:52 PM
Skiles's career was somewhat similar. In Phoenix: 40 wins in season one. 51 wins in season two. The difference is that in season 3, the Suns traded Kidd for Marbury and Skiles took the fall during the season when it didn't pan out as hoped.
In Chicago, thye tanked season one but then went from 19 wins to 47. Next two seasons were 41 and 49 wins (including a trip to the semis) and then got fired after a slow start at the start of the following season.
Personally, I don't think Jackson's a good X's and O's coach either. The world of difference between the two is that Skiles is a hard ass who loses his players after a few seasons whereas Jackson inspires them. I'd be surprised if Jackson didn't find another coaching gig in the next year or two.
2324686, Of course he will Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 01:13 PM
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324204, religion. paranoia. hubris. insane shit. Posted by themaddfapper, Tue May-06-14 02:17 PM
2324225, Blackness n/m Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue May-06-14 02:39 PM
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324214, dude apparently damaged his relationships w ownership, mgmt + assts Posted by dula dibiasi, Tue May-06-14 02:28 PM
other than the players, pretty much everyone in the org couldn't stand him.
i keep hearing words like "arrogance", "paranoia", "insecurity"
whole lot of smoke there to be no fire.
2324219, Remember Cito Gaston? Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue May-06-14 02:34 PM
>whole lot of smoke there to be no fire.
Not saying that's the reason, but let's no go acting like niggas ain't been fired for no reason before
He's black.
2324229, no doubt. Posted by dula dibiasi, Tue May-06-14 02:43 PM
when you're black, it's twice the work for half the credit.
which is why it especially makes no sense to be burning bridges and trashing relationships, like shit is sweet.
nigga better learn from his man doc how to play that game. glenn is the "smile and play nice" king lol.
2324232, Obama in office, I'd be coaching with a dashiki on Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue May-06-14 02:46 PM
>when you're black, it's twice the work for half the credit. > >which is why it especially makes no sense to be burning >bridges and trashing relationships, like shit is sweet. > >nigga better learn from his man doc how to play that game. >glenn is the "smile and play nice" king lol.
Glenn half white, still thorough but not on no Queens nigga shit like Mark
Don't sleep on Mark Jackson being half Dominican tho
He just don't rep it hard because his momma is from that era when Dominicans basically just blended in with niggas
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324233, lol @ dat 'shiki Posted by dula dibiasi, Tue May-06-14 02:53 PM
my seat on the bench would look like this
2324205, Welp, it's official. Warriors put it on their website Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-06-14 02:18 PM
I'm not sure where they go from here. Not like there are tons of great candidates out there.
2324206, how you gon disrespect woody like that? Posted by themaddfapper, Tue May-06-14 02:20 PM
>I'm not sure where they go from here. Not like there are tons >of great candidates out there.
2324208, How's his preacher act? Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-06-14 02:23 PM
2324210, holy trinity: Posted by themaddfapper, Tue May-06-14 02:27 PM
the iso the switch and the wtf? face.
2324215, Ooh, Mark Jackson resurrected, but with less hair. Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-06-14 02:30 PM
2324207, http://oi59.tinypic.com/2cn2vb.jpg Posted by Cenario, Tue May-06-14 02:22 PM
2324209, Shoot me in the fucking head Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-06-14 02:24 PM
Man, we just got these guys to commit to playing D.
2324212, lmao. I almost did the same thing. lacob aint that nuts. Posted by themaddfapper, Tue May-06-14 02:28 PM
2324213, old ownwership: move players. new ownership: move coaches Posted by TRENDone, Tue May-06-14 02:28 PM
2324217, Also: move team Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-06-14 02:32 PM
Him moving the team to SF will be the worst of his crimes.
2324277, yeah & they did move it back an extra year from 2017 to 2018 Posted by TRENDone, Tue May-06-14 03:58 PM
everything will be more expensive than giants tickets. yay lacobs! i'm also putting it on them to keep Bogut healthy next season.
2324218, Sorry, I can't root for success of the Warriors franchise any longer Posted by Lach, Tue May-06-14 02:33 PM
2324224, LOL, this probably doesn't even crack the top 10 of dumb things Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-06-14 02:39 PM
that this franchise has done in the last 35 years. Might not even crack the top 15 or 20.
So if this was anyone's breaking point, they haven't been paying attention.
2324242, or it could simply be the final straw... Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue May-06-14 03:09 PM
*skatin' the rings of saturn*
..and miles to go before i sleep...
2324260, This isn't even the biggest groan-inducing situation involving... Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-06-14 03:27 PM
...someone named Marc(k) Jackson.
My Warriors fandom survived through the Joe Barry Carrol debacle, the Cohan debacle, the Webber debacle, the Spreewell debacle, other Marc Jackson debacle, the Jamison debacle, the Arenas debacle, and countless other debacles.
I've seen fire and I've seen rain. This slightly moves the outrage needle in the grand scheme of things.
2324226, Where will they find a coach that is as big a douchebag as their players? Posted by haj20, Tue May-06-14 02:42 PM
Jackson was such a perfect fit.
2324236, Watch somebody like Pringles get this gig Posted by The Real, Tue May-06-14 03:01 PM
2324243, I see dude.... Posted by murph71, Tue May-06-14 03:10 PM
going straight to Indy....Perfect fit (and a history) with the Pacers...
Also, don't sleep on OKC....But really, Houston should be on the line now...But that won't happen....Because they dumb as shit...
2324298, he's a great next coach for all 3, but I like least for indy Posted by rob, Tue May-06-14 04:38 PM
He was a great pg but I haven't seen evidence that he's especially good at designing offense. But the tone shift would help okc, couldn't make Indy worse, and might do wonders in Houston.
Dwight would eat his shit up. Bev would relate. Think Lin would be with it too. If Harden can't buy in it's just another indictment.
2324259, ARE YOU PEOPLE ENTERTAINED YET?!? Posted by mtbatol, Tue May-06-14 03:27 PM
2324261, And Mchale still has a job Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Tue May-06-14 03:28 PM
2324262, : - ) Hi Shawn Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue May-06-14 03:30 PM
How's the gig and family
Please update an African American, thank you
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324264, What if they hire Kareem? Posted by Castro, Tue May-06-14 03:35 PM
2324267, Man, they won't even hire Rick Barry Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-06-14 03:41 PM
And he's a Warriors hero. Kareem is definitely not going to happen.
2324269, I could see Jerry Sloan coaching them Posted by melmag, Tue May-06-14 03:43 PM
2324286, That would be a bad idea Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-06-14 04:11 PM
You bring in a task-master/disciplinarian when the team is under-performing. And despite the spin coming out of the front-office, they didn't under-perform: they won more games than last year in an even stronger West. Bringing in someone who's old, rigid, and will ride the players is a quick way to pissing off the roster and thus make it difficult to keep the good players here on the team.
2324274, was the planned walk-off at the outset of Game 5 the last straw? Posted by T Reynolds, Tue May-06-14 03:51 PM
I do agree that "paranoid" "insecure" and "arrogant" are code words though
2324275, Bob Ryan is going in on Mark Jackson on LeBatard's show Posted by The Real, Tue May-06-14 03:53 PM
He just said, "The players may be upset but next year when this team (Golden State) is in the final next year, they'll be glad he was fired."
Then 2 minutes later LeBatard asked him if the same could be said for Scott Brooks.
"No, I don't think that's the case he might be a little conservative but I don't think he's a bad coach..."
Now I have to throw shades at this. OKC's offense consist of pass to Durant and pass back to Westbrook, and then have Westbrook create something or Durant shoot a 3.
2324285, White people are not particularly fond of black people. Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue May-06-14 04:10 PM
>He just said, "The players may be upset but next year when >this team (Golden State) is in the final next year, they'll be >glad he was fired." > >Then 2 minutes later LeBatard asked him if the same could be >said for Scott Brooks. > >"No, I don't think that's the case he might be a little >conservative but I don't think he's a bad coach..." > > >Now I have to throw shades at this. OKC's offense consist of >pass to Durant and pass back to Westbrook, and then have >Westbrook create something or Durant shoot a 3. > > > >------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2324353, RE: White people are not particularly fond of black people. Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Tue May-06-14 07:08 PM
2324302, yes its very stupid. gs beats the clips with a starting caliber post defender. Posted by rob, Tue May-06-14 04:45 PM
That all there is to it. Adams or perk or Ibaka might have been enough.
He made adjustments and almsot got there. Mark Jackson almost got Jermaine O'Neal to be that.
Scott Brooks can't even fix the only problem his squad has had these past five years.
2324320, A healthy Bogut likely would have done it. Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-06-14 05:19 PM
Possibly a healthy Ezeli. Shoot, even 15 years ago Ezeli would been greenlit to play during the regular season, rather than before Game 6 of the first round.
>He made adjustments and almsot got there. Mark Jackson almost >got Jermaine O'Neal to be that.
The best adjustment was putting in the small-ball line-up with Lee at the center and Green in the line-up. That got us Game 4 and probably Game 6, and almost Game 7.
But it's complicated, because by the same token, better coaching might have gotten us Game 3. If Jackson had actually designed a play for the last shot of the game, rather than just give it to Curry and hope he hits a three at the buzzer, maybe we win. Or maybe if the Dubs hit their threes and don't turn it over as much. There's a lot of things that could have gone either way. Regardless, I still think Jackson should have kept his job.
2324327, designing a last play is also something both Brooks and McHale failed to do Posted by rob, Tue May-06-14 05:44 PM
Casey maybe but that looked more like a bad decision by Lowry. And I have no idea how Vogel is at the end game.
So I can't hold it against Jackson for those jobs.
2324330, You'll get no argument from me about those guys Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-06-14 05:57 PM
I just know what Jackson did and didn't do while we was here.
2324486, they woulda lost with Bogut too, the only reason the series went 7 Posted by Bombastic, Tue May-06-14 11:28 PM
is because the Clips basically gave away Game 4 as the Sterling shit was flaming up.
The Clippers were the better team with the better star combo and better coach.
2324503, I don't believe that for a second. Either of those statements Posted by mrhood75, Wed May-07-14 02:09 AM
I don't buy that the Sterling situation prevented the Clips from winning Game 4. And I don't believe that putting Bogut on Griffin for the series wouldn't have limited Blake's effectiveness and helped as turn one of those games.
2324683, and Jordan wouldn't have had total freedom to do whatever Posted by rob, Wed May-07-14 01:07 PM
He was damn near 20 and 20 and 4 in those last three wins.
2324973, I like Bogut but if he's stopping DJ he ain't stopping Blake too Posted by Bombastic, Thu May-08-14 02:27 AM
y'all are overstating the case a bit.
2325176, But see, that's the point: he only need to stop one Posted by mrhood75, Thu May-08-14 05:37 PM
We went 7 games and were minutes away from winning the series without anyone stopping either. Even preventing Jordan from turning into a 20-20 guy changes the complexion of the series.
2324972, Bogut couldn't guard both their bigs & they clearly mailed in Game 4 Posted by Bombastic, Thu May-08-14 02:26 AM
under unprecedented circumstances.
They have two legit superstars to Golden State's one, they are better deeper/more talented overall and they had a better coach.
They didn't even play well & it still never felt like they would lose this series.
2324304, Wolves Posted by Marauder21, Tue May-06-14 04:46 PM
2324311, lakers better stay away Posted by falafel stand pimpin, Tue May-06-14 05:06 PM
regardless of whether the FO are being bitches... he is clearly not easy to get along with lakers def dont need that. need someone a little cooler.
2324336, why? If players play hard for him I don't see the issue. Posted by Lach, Tue May-06-14 06:15 PM
2324313, The next coach will face the same problems Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Tue May-06-14 05:09 PM
Basketball wise Jackson wasnt the problem tho he had his shortcomings Warriors are just a flawed team. Their best players are jump shooters. Run-n-gun style of bball is all good during the reg.season But during the playoffs teams can lock up the perimeter and force you to play halfcourt ball, thats were the Dubs fall apart. Until they realize they need to get easier baskets in the halfcourt inside the paint, Warriors gonna live by the jumper & die by it.
In reply to rob in the post that was locked.
Tho i was talking offensively and not defensively becuz the Dubs are solid there. You contradicted yourself If the Warriors were good enuff to win a chip theyve wouldve stopped DeAndre Jordan's one dimensioanl game. Fact is theyre not good enough to win a championship however you wanna slice it.
2324315, Ric Bucher said all the blame for the team is on management and the owner Posted by spawn2k, Tue May-06-14 05:13 PM
Listen to the latest BS report. He put the blame squarely on the iggy trade and the bogut signing. Iggy hasn't lived up to what they gave for him (2 ist rounders and 2 expiring) and bogut is always damn hurt. Firing Mark isn't gonna fix these things. Name me the coach that is gonna beat the clips without Bogut. OE right how come scott brooks keeps under achieving with a FULL roster but Mark gets the axe?
2324334, I feel like Iggy lived up to it in the playoffs except game 2 Posted by rob, Tue May-06-14 06:12 PM
His hammy really hampered much of the season. Game 1 the refs took him out of it.
But if they get Olympics Iggy for a playoff stretch he's worth it.
2324507, White people are not big fans of the black race Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 05:31 AM
Not really, anyway
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324318, tough break....I think with Bogut they would have beat the Posted by Warren Coolidge, Tue May-06-14 05:15 PM
but I got to say that there has to be something with how Mark dealt with the front office people and his assistants for him to be looked at the way he is/was by so many in that organization..
2324322, Don't agree with it but he didn't play the game Posted by LA2Philly, Tue May-06-14 05:24 PM
He clashed with basically everyone except the players...as a young coach, that's putting yourself in a position to be fired.
2324324, Weird how we only blame black guys for this Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue May-06-14 05:38 PM
Do you KNOW that its his fault?
How do you KNOW that HE wasn't wronged?
His PLAYERS seem to like him...that's evidence of nothing??
Interesting how these double standards work
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324340, everything is speculation and always will be Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Tue May-06-14 06:28 PM
We'll never know the full story/
Playing the game is a slippery slope, that you're right--white people don't have to do as much. Period.
That said, part of the reason dumbass Mchale isnt fired yet is because he smooches it up with management and is a likeable guy. Seems like Jax chose to clash.
I was in a similar situation 2 jobs ago. Going in, I was told by a former colleague that it was like a Game of thrones and to watch my back. I was basically like whatever, ill just stay away from that shit cause that work gossip/alliance shit wasnt my style. First day of work in the summer, I meet a woman who tells me all kinds of gossip about another person who was the Director of Operations...Its my first fuckin day and shes casually telling me this dude is an idiot. As usual I just nod and KIM.
Ultimately because I didnt make alliances and kiss anyones ass I got caught in some BS even though I had the best placement record of any placement counselor in years. More than 70% of my kids got into their first choice school. The people I was hired to work with directly (students and parents loved me for the most part). Any clean cut white dude or woman woulda been praised.
On my end..
I chose to not give a fuck about my appearance and grew out my james Harden beard without shaving for 4 months. I also refused to come in earlier when they tried to change my start time up an hour and a half.
Recounting the story still makes me kinda mad, but Im also happy (probably like Jax)mthat i didnt have to kowtow to anyone and still did a good job at what I felt I was hired to do. I still landed on my feet somewhere else where I didnt have to deal with the bullshit.
> >Do you KNOW that its his fault? > >How do you KNOW that HE wasn't wronged? > >His PLAYERS seem to like him...that's evidence >of nothing?? > >Interesting how these double standards work > >---------------------------- > > > >O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain" > > > > >"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..." > >(C)Keith Murray, "
2324341, pretty much george karl last year Posted by rl9, Tue May-06-14 06:31 PM
won COY. fired after playoff exit because the org couldn't stand him.
2324354, he also lost in the 1st round though Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Tue May-06-14 07:13 PM
that was the final straw.
jax lost in the 1st round but he upset that same Denver teamlast season.
2324498, Karl was there for 8 or 9 years. Posted by SoulHonky, Wed May-07-14 12:59 AM
Maybe they should have fired him in his third season but he outlasted his star player and was there for a long time before getting tossed out. Hard to compare him to Jackson.
2324506, Not to mention on the asshole scale he's not in the same discussion Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 05:30 AM
Karl has denigrated black coaches getting jobs before OPENLY to the media
You can do that, be white, and be called "intense"
Black guys HAVE TO BE NICE
LOL @ there being ZERO white coaches 1/4445555888th as nice a guy as Doc Rivers
Its part of the rules breh
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324460, Wrong...Denver was the HIGHER seed + Karl traded Carmelo Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue May-06-14 10:05 PM
>won COY. fired after playoff exit because the org couldn't >stand him.
Jackson's Warriors were the six seed and had to play what is probably the best all around team in the league
2324488, Iggy was their best player & they didn't have Gallo in the post-season Posted by FILF, Tue May-06-14 11:32 PM
2324505, I'll take cheese with those pleas. Karl traded 'Melo, failed Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 05:28 AM
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324529, Melo forced a trade. . .what is going on here? Like fantasy land Posted by veritas, Wed May-07-14 08:38 AM
2324527, Rick Carlisle has been fired a couple times for being difficult to Posted by soulfunk, Wed May-07-14 08:34 AM
deal with in the front office.
2324530, "White people think like children on matters of race." (c) Basaglia Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 08:40 AM
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2325174, . Posted by DeepAztheRoot, Thu May-08-14 05:25 PM
2324356, new owner is a micro manager Posted by southphillyman, Tue May-06-14 07:25 PM
they say he's worse than mark cuban seems like mark jackson had NO respect from ownership/management who were constantly trying to undermine him how the hell does scalabrine come in on his first ASSISTANT coaching job trying to tell jackson what to do? that only happens in an environment where ownership doesn't have full confidence in the coach smh @ ppl trying to paint jackson as paranoid when he just had foresight
2324404, CISM in 2014 isn't simple Posted by bshelly, Tue May-06-14 08:36 PM
It can be as complex as a white man not trying to understand where a black man is coming from and having the power and the will to act on his feelings.
2324467, Watch them hire D'antoni Posted by BlassFemur, Tue May-06-14 10:12 PM
2324487, they could win 50 games & lose in the playoffs with D'Antoni too n/m Posted by Bombastic, Tue May-06-14 11:29 PM
2324491, What the hell are they going to do w/ Bogut in a D'Antoni system? Posted by FILF, Tue May-06-14 11:37 PM
Dude is going to be reduced to a Jordan Hill type role if Pringles take over. Considering he's due 36 mill for the next 3 years & is basically untradable w/ his injury history ....that ain't going to work.
2324494, he'll have an exciting team to watch in streetclothes n/m Posted by Bombastic, Tue May-06-14 11:42 PM
2324502, See post #95 Posted by mrhood75, Wed May-07-14 02:06 AM
2324508, So Kerr, Pringles and Dunleavy are the front-runners? Posted by Dstl1, Wed May-07-14 05:32 AM
2324510, Bwahahaahahahah @ the WHITE RACE Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 06:04 AM
Why oh WHY do you not like negroids?
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324522, Dunleavy and Pringles, jesus christ white people Posted by bshelly, Wed May-07-14 08:16 AM
2324599, I mean, at least TRY to hide racism doggie...shit is blatant now Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 10:30 AM
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324520, Golden State is probably the best situation for Kerr Posted by Cenario, Wed May-07-14 08:10 AM
only downside is that the west is thick, but if he wants to be close to home, he gonna be out there anyway.
Only good thing bout ny is feel and its ny...but he don't seem like a ny type o guy anyway.
I wonder who is 2nd on the knicks list?
2324537, bottom line: we reached our ceiling with Jackson Posted by Amritsar, Wed May-07-14 08:51 AM
goodbye iso after iso play calling, stupid hockey-style lineup changes and blown 4th qtr leads as a result.
I appreciate what he did to help change the culture of defense, but his role in that is entirely overstated imo. We have Klay (maybe the best 2 way guard in the league), Draymond, Iggy and Bogut -- all guys who bring a ton defensively regardless what a coach does.
this feels sorta like when Mike SIngletary was let go by the Niners
a talented underachieving squad in need of a qualified coach to take them farther into the playoffs
now we just need to go out and find our Harbaugh
2324539, Bwahahahahaahahhahaha Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 08:55 AM
>goodbye iso after iso play calling, stupid hockey-style >lineup changes and blown 4th qtr leads as a result > > >this feels sorta like when Mike SIngletary was let go by the >Niners > > >a talented underachieving squad in need of a qualified coach >to take them farther into the playoffs > > >now we just need to go out and find our Harbaugh
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324540, you said GSW's lineup is more flawed than Minnesotas dude Posted by Amritsar, Wed May-07-14 08:57 AM
not sure why you're still in here existing
2324542, You said Mark Jackson = Mike Singletary, you Klan member/Uncle Tom Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 08:59 AM
>not sure why you're still in here existing
Delete your account and start over
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324994, dude there's a whole LOLtrain directed at you Posted by Amritsar, Thu May-08-14 08:56 AM
reply to that before you reply to me sweetheart
2324559, Dawg, this is no "Harbaugh" out there Posted by mrhood75, Wed May-07-14 09:23 AM
It's been established that Kerr has a lot of hype, but still has no actual experience as a coach. You know, like Mark Jackson when we first hired him. And even if we was as good as his hype, he's going to NY. Otherwise, the remaining field is made up of retreads. Boring retreads. I don't see one guy in this field who I honestly think can get us "over the hump" through his coaching.
Also, I don't think it's fair at all to say this team underperformed with Jackson. Even this year. He's not perfect by any stretch, and you can definitely point to games where he got out-coached down the stretch. But there's also a fair share of games wear 1) injuries sank us and 2) turnovers and sloppy play cost us. So it's not as simple as Jackson only running ISOs.
And I don't think the Singletary comparison is fair. Singletary talked god game, but he was in over his head and the players figured out he was full off it quickly, then tuned him out. Jackson actually motivated these guys and they played. That's why I've always maintained they should have given him one more year. They don't Make the leap then, fine, move on from Jackson. This current situation doesn't suggest anything beyond a lateral coaching move.
2324583, Jackson is literally the opposite of Singletary. He's actually like Harbaugh. Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 10:06 AM
Singletary belittled players, created a culture of fear and punishment
Harbaugh is a player's coach. He's snarky and witty and loves to coach, just like Jackson
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324602, On Top Of That Posted by RexLongfellow, Wed May-07-14 10:32 AM
Management don't really like Harbaugh either, but the players LOVE dude
Sounds familiar
2324615, Exactly, glad you brought that up n/m Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 11:03 AM
>Management don't really like Harbaugh either, but the players >LOVE dude > >Sounds familiar
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324993, he's exactly like Harbaugh! Posted by Amritsar, Thu May-08-14 08:56 AM
except when it comes to knowing X's and O's and that one other thing ....
oh yeah, preparation.
2324613, LOL@ Mark Jackson hype revision history Posted by ISmashedYourBitch, Wed May-07-14 10:59 AM
Mark Jackson interviewed for three seasons for jobs before GSW and didn't get any while Kerr is going to get the job of his choosing off being a subpar GM and horrible announcer who says incorrect shit about the team he watches and is bland and boring.
Being white is great
2324736, Exactly Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed May-07-14 02:59 PM
2324791, Are you responding to anything I said? Or just talking. Posted by mrhood75, Wed May-07-14 05:38 PM
2324974, what are you talking about? Jackson was getting a TON of interest Posted by Bombastic, Thu May-08-14 02:33 AM
and he was a shitty broadcaster on national TV with no coaching experience too.
He actually turned down chances at gigs in two straight offseasons, including refusing to even interview with the Sixers who went to him first and the Nets before going to Golden State.
The overall point of black coaches not getting the same opportunities (for instance a Vinny DelNegro HC slot or Kiki Vandewaghe GM spot) has merit but Mark Jackson specifically got more burn before ever coaching at any level than any black coach I can remember.
2324992, there's gotta be someone out there we're not considering Posted by Amritsar, Thu May-08-14 08:55 AM
>It's been established that Kerr has a lot of hype, but still >has no actual experience as a coach. You know, like Mark >Jackson when we first hired him. And even if we was as good as >his hype, he's going to NY. Otherwise, the remaining field is >made up of retreads. Boring retreads. I don't see one guy in >this field who I honestly think can get us "over the hump" >through his coaching.
but I completely agree. The names I've heard through rumors do not interest me at all. Kerr could maybe come in and establish something, but I'm not that confident in him right now.
>Also, I don't think it's fair at all to say this team >underperformed with Jackson. Even this year. He's not perfect >by any stretch, and you can definitely point to games where he >got out-coached down the stretch. But there's also a fair >share of games wear 1) injuries sank us and 2) turnovers and >sloppy play cost us. So it's not as simple as Jackson only >running ISOs.
it was a tough year for us injury-wise. I think Iggy's hamstring was hampering him more than we had thought. And re: turnovers, that was a result of two things imo. 1.) not having a true Point guard coming off the bench. 2.) play calling. The first reason was a personnel issue, the second is on the coaching.
Damnit if only we still had Malone as the genius behind the scenes we wouldn't be in this mess.
2324541, Can we get a list of coaches that don't rely on iso's down the stretch? Posted by Cenario, Wed May-07-14 08:59 AM
because i hear that as a common complaint but i can't think of many coaches that don't just get the ball to their best player and tell everyone else to get the eff out the way? So far, I got...
2324547, Carlisle + Stotts run stuff, their star is involved in action at least Posted by celery77, Wed May-07-14 09:06 AM
LaMarcus' left-block set begins with a two-man game entering the ball, with an option on the weak side while the entry is made, then there's a cut after he catches it.
If you missed Grantland's recent piece on Dirk's unguardable play, click through at least to get to some of the youtubes in there. The Youtube clips are much better than the article:
2324550, Dirk is the best shooting 7 footer in the history of basketball. Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 09:08 AM
There's no fucking genius scheme for a guy that can shoot like that and is 7 feet
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324552, ^^ could use a martini ^^ Posted by celery77, Wed May-07-14 09:10 AM
2324553, Anything to help me understand the white race's disdain 4 blacks Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 09:12 AM
Got any suggestions?
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324555, Have you tried exploring Rush's catalogue yet? Posted by celery77, Wed May-07-14 09:16 AM
I'm not sure one band can really do it, but at least it's a start...
2324557, Nah, Rush isn't as big a problem as the hipsters. Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 09:21 AM
They are the ones ruining the galaxy, not Rush
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324933, OE... people having double standards don't necessarily Posted by Warren Coolidge, Wed May-07-14 10:48 PM
have a disdain for Black people. You're point would probably have more weight if you just pointed out their double standard rather than assuming they hate Black people. You may be helping someone realize something about themselves they didn't....
just a thought.
2325142, I retired from a long career as a white people eye-opener Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu May-08-14 04:16 PM
I'm black and do rocket science for a living
I know white people that didn't know blacks could add or subtract before they met me, now doing outreach in the inner-city
I retired, so I'm just gonna gone ahead and keep it funky
2324556, Well i'm talking end of game situations. And pick and roll/pop Posted by Cenario, Wed May-07-14 09:19 AM
is basically a 2 man iso anyway, and the ones to force a switch are isos after....but look at these vids..for the record i just youtubed dirk game winner vs. and these are the first links that came up when dallas had sets out of a timeout with more than 5 seconds on the clock.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k4Li-iT8QU (love the wade flop btw)
2324558, NOOOPE!!! Dirk shooting over the galaxy = WHITE coach strategery Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 09:22 AM
>is basically a 2 man iso anyway...but look at these vids..for >the record i just youtubed dirk game winner vs. and these are >the first links that came up when dallas had sets out of a >timeout with more than 5 seconds on the clock. > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ukhj4nQcxk > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k4Li-iT8QU (love the wade >flop btw) > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNMQ9-1ZBJ0 > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKiON_H9ra0 > >
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324562, well I thought MJ's knock was going iso too often in midgame sets Posted by celery77, Wed May-07-14 09:24 AM
as far as end of game, yeah everyone runs isos. Blazers run the 1-4 flat set for Lillard all the time.
I thought the critique against Jackson was that the Warriors offense turned into 1v1 battles too often, not just at the end of games. I didn't watch enough Golden State to really hold an opinion on it one way or the other, but I do think iso-heavy offenses are a dinosaur of the NBA.
2324567, man please, as a knick fan who say way too many mj isos Posted by Cenario, Wed May-07-14 09:29 AM
we woulda loved if Phil was causing some motion plays down the stretch as opposed to jordan v starks bw of late patrick ewing help.
I'm just saying i see it as a common complaint down the stretch about coaches..People said it about woody all the time and i'm not sure what they'd prefer besides Melo iso's...jr smith pin down screens?
2324585, defensive rules were different in Jordan's era, that kinda O is now extinct Posted by celery77, Wed May-07-14 10:10 AM
>we woulda loved if Phil was causing some motion plays down >the stretch as opposed to jordan v starks bw of late patrick >ewing help. > >I'm just saying i see it as a common complaint down the >stretch about coaches..People said it about woody all the time >and i'm not sure what they'd prefer besides Melo iso's...jr >smith pin down screens?
2324588, defensive rules actually make iso offense easier now. Posted by Cenario, Wed May-07-14 10:14 AM
2324592, LMAOO. HAND CHECKING was legal in Jordan's days, EINSTEIN Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 10:18 AM
Iso ball is EASIER today than EVER before
Jordan would average 40 fucking points today for THAT reason
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324594, lol yeah, he's making a point that i'm not even trying to make Posted by Cenario, Wed May-07-14 10:22 AM
at this point.
I'm just saying most coaches run isos for their best players. Its kinda smart. He talking bout how defenses were different in Jordan's days lmao no duh.
2324595, http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/ANn6k.gif Posted by spawn2k, Wed May-07-14 10:24 AM
2324618, "illegal defense" also resulted in technical FTs Posted by celery77, Wed May-07-14 11:09 AM
Or did you forget when the rule on that changed + Larry Brown said, "Selfishly, it's a bad rule change for my star AI. As a fan of basketball, though, it's a rule that needs to change."
Watch classic a NBA a bit closer next time -- Ds aren't dramatically different these days just cuz Thibodeua got access to SportsVU.
2324620, there is still "illegal defense" its called def 3 seconds Posted by Cenario, Wed May-07-14 11:12 AM
and lol at that being in the same stratosphere as handchecking.
2324685, a 1v1 D-scheme was literally codified by the league Posted by celery77, Wed May-07-14 01:13 PM
lol @ a hand on the hip being more impactful than allowing a team defense to play space as opposed to their man.
2324689, Dog, for isolation defense, hand-checking is THE #1 killer Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 01:18 PM
Motherfuckers used to literally be able to PUSH Jordan with a hand AS SOON AS HE
Its not even debatable.
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324693, regardless of how well or poorly jordan would handle diff. defenses Posted by thejerseytornado, Wed May-07-14 01:24 PM
the new rules *should* change the offensive schema simply by the fact that clearing out a side is more complicated.
it might affect individual players, but the ability to play a semi-zone does make it harder to complete an isolation. hand-checking makes it harder to start. you design the play differently based on that, if you're a good coach.
still end up with iso's, just different plays to get to that point.
----------- Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow
Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario
It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou
2324698, Bwahahahahahahaha "regardless" *MUTUMBO FINGER* Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 01:31 PM
>the new rules *should* change the offensive schema simply by >the fact that clearing out a side is more complicated.
Bwahhahahahah @ you just IGNORING HAND CHECKING bro
Isolation offense INFINITELY HARDER BECAUSE OF THE HAND CHECK...it was an innovation that Stern HAD TO MAKE in order to cater to SUPERSTARS most of whom benefited from one-on-one play
Jordan is literally putting in 40 per today
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324705, yeah, THAT'S NOT THE POINT Posted by thejerseytornado, Wed May-07-14 01:45 PM
i don't care which era is easier or harder to pull off an iso. assuming you want to run an iso, YOU DO IT DIFFERENTLY IN EACH ERA.
----------- Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow
Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario
It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou
2324702, you can shade the paint w/ a weakside defender, double before the catch Posted by celery77, Wed May-07-14 01:38 PM
You can do all kinds of help + recover actions to attack a stagnant iso set that '70s / '80s / '90s scorers just didn't have to deal with. I still think Jordan woulda mauled it, just saying he prolly couldn't get away with running clearout as often as he did. The whole POINT of a clearout set is to drag defenders, who are bound to their man by rule, to the weak side of the play.
2324596, basically, lol... Posted by ThaTruth, Wed May-07-14 10:27 AM
>because i hear that as a common complaint but i can't think >of many coaches that don't just get the ball to their best >player and tell everyone else to get the eff out the way? So >far, I got... > >Pop.
2324600, maybe doc...but in boston he had KG, Pierce, Allen and rondo Posted by Cenario, Wed May-07-14 10:30 AM
KG the most illest screen setter in history and Pierce and Allen's clutchtivity, you can run some stuff lol.
2324614, 1/2 the Pierce legend is disgusting one-on-one play in 4th quarters Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 11:02 AM
>KG the most illest screen setter in history and Pierce and >Allen's clutchtivity, you can run some stuff lol.
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2324621, oh thats def true. Posted by Cenario, Wed May-07-14 11:13 AM
2324696, all iso sets aren't equal Posted by thejerseytornado, Wed May-07-14 01:27 PM
Doc's isos for pierce involved off-ball movement designed to give Pierce more options with the ball. Yes, it was Pierce's job to just make the move, but he had options because there were other players moving to good spots and setting picks and pinning, etc.
meanwhile, there's the scott brooks version where Durant starts way above the 3 point line, everyone just stands around, and durant does superhuman things.
both are a 1v1 play. but Doc designed boston's plays to make it harder to have help defense and easier to respond when that help came over. Brooks hangs his players up to dry with poor design of how to do an iso offense.
and, to bring in another post in which i was anti an analytic argument, this is what that harvard analytics piece was trying to quantify with its "movement score."
----------- Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow
Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario
It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou
2324708, Eh, I'd say a good 60 - 70% were straight isos Posted by SoulHonky, Wed May-07-14 01:58 PM
The Paul Pierce ISO leading to an elbow/foul line jumper was a staple at the end of the Celtics games. I actually didn't understand why we did it so much when we had Ray and KG around.
2324737, why are people so focused on endgame sets? Posted by celery77, Wed May-07-14 03:00 PM
Still haven't heard anyone correct me that the criticism of Jackson's playcalling wasn't about the endgame, it was the offense overall, same as tjt talking about OKC's busted overall offense, not just their endgame sets.
Stagnant, iso-heavy offenses are a dinosaur in the NBA <--- that's what I said. Doesn't mean they're useless, just means they're passe.
2324748, A couple guys mentioned end game sets Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Wed May-07-14 03:37 PM
Mchales problem isnt exclusive to end game....He runs teh same bullshit whole game
2324794, i think the problem here (as with the whole post) Posted by rob, Wed May-07-14 05:48 PM
is we all have our current concerns and agendas with different coaches and its making folks do logical loops.
2324787, Nah, you got destroyed. Go home. Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-07-14 05:30 PM
Nah, every one of your points got destroyed pah
2324937, or a list of coaches who had the best shooter in the league Posted by Warren Coolidge, Wed May-07-14 10:56 PM
on their team and DIDN'T call a ton of ISOs for them..
2324711, what the fuck happened in here?? and also... Posted by cgonz00cc, Wed May-07-14 02:02 PM
ill take Mark Jackson in Detroit please
i would also be happy to see Avery Johnson
2324738, I would love to see Avery try to wrap his brain around Jennings game. Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed May-07-14 03:01 PM
He might slap him.
2324749, that point guard experience is a big part of it Posted by cgonz00cc, Wed May-07-14 03:40 PM
both of those guys are probably anyone's last best chance to turn Jennings into the guy his raw talent suggests he can be
hes still young, but youth is fleeting. if someone can whip him into shape with those two big boys...the potential is there
2324995, sounds good.. long as u can find a GM and assistant coaches Posted by Amritsar, Thu May-08-14 08:57 AM
who actually get along with the guy
2325002, shit he can pick his own GM and assistants for all I care lol Posted by cgonz00cc, Thu May-08-14 09:28 AM
Except for Sheed, who actually got a promotion and is needed for development if Monroe & Drummond
With draft and Monroe's RFA period right around the corner, and other more high profile jobs available, gotta act fast
2324929, "word on these streets, some gay exec got Mark Jack got fired bruh" Posted by TRENDone, Wed May-07-14 10:43 PM
Kerr's boy
2324997, by streets did you mean this post? Posted by Cenario, Thu May-08-14 09:20 AM
2325030, by word, did he mean homophobic conspiracy theory? Posted by thejerseytornado, Thu May-08-14 10:41 AM
----------- Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow
Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario
It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou
2325040, How bout this... Posted by DJ Wade-O, Thu May-08-14 11:30 AM
Download my new mixtape featuring Lecrae, Andy Mineo, Christon Gray and more. Positive Hip Hop: http://www.noistrade.com/wadeoradio
2325100, article based on speculation but he can probably pursue a suit if he mad Posted by southphillyman, Thu May-08-14 02:03 PM
2325423, Wish I could say more... Posted by DJ Wade-O, Thu May-08-14 08:59 PM
But that article wasn't what made me say this initially. But others around the team feel this way as well. I know I'm being vague, but I can't say where I'm getting this info on message board like this
Download my new mixtape featuring Lecrae, Andy Mineo, Christon Gray and more. Positive Hip Hop: http://www.noistrade.com/wadeoradio
2325327, Lol fucker Posted by TRENDone, Thu May-08-14 08:17 PM
I don't have anything else to contribute other than I'm pretty upset about the firing.
The starting 5's health is all on management next season. I also want Anthony Davis for DLee & HBarnes. Lacob bros got the money make it happen!
2325126, When is Steph's contract up? Posted by MistaGoodBar, Thu May-08-14 03:37 PM
2325128, 2017 Posted by ThaTruth, Thu May-08-14 03:42 PM
2325165, Was Jackson the one who traded ALL their assets for Iggy? Posted by Melanism, Thu May-08-14 05:07 PM
2325172, C'mon, dude. The expirings were Jefferson, Biedrins, and Rush Posted by mrhood75, Thu May-08-14 05:22 PM
The former two never got off of the bench. I hadn't even realized the latter was still on the team.
The two drafts are and will likely continue to be late round picks. We still have a young roster filled with players with a ton of upside without those picks. And Iggy helped make us one of the five best defensive teams in the league.
Honestly, if our roster next season is same as our roster this year, I honestly wouldn't mind at all.
People listen to too much Ric Bucher.
2325181, Journalists had chosen sides on this one, sadly. Posted by SoulHonky, Thu May-08-14 05:49 PM
Bucher is Team Jackson. Broussard is basically a mouthpiece for Jackson. Woj and a few others don't care for Mark at all. Kawakami and the Bay Area press has been somewhat shockingly out of the loop during this whole thing.
It's always tough to figure out the truth in matters like these but the reporting on this has been as agend-filled as some of these OKSports threads.
2325184, I expect ESPN to be behind Jackson. He used to work there... Posted by mrhood75, Thu May-08-14 06:03 PM
...and those are his friends. Woj is being Woj. Kawakami has always been a blowhard. I think if you polled the Bay Area press, I'd guess not many would be surprised that this happened. However, leading up to the firing, most said in advance that it would be the wrong move. Or at least not justified by the season that the team just had.
>It's always tough to figure out the truth in matters like >these but the reporting on this has been as agend-filled as >some of these OKSports threads.
Personally, I'd like the thinking and reporting on this not to be binary and more nuanced. I personally come down on the side that, taking everything into context, firing Jackson was a mistake. But I understand some of these frustrations with him that are getting voiced, beyond "He doesn't play well with others in the front office."
So yeah, agenda-filled reporting and writing (and posting) isn't doing this situation any favors. But hey, it's sports reporting, so why should I expect anything different?
2325173, The front office is on notice but let's not be silly Posted by SoulHonky, Thu May-08-14 05:25 PM
Andris Biedrins and Richard Jefferson's and a couple of first round picks isn't going to get you much more than Andre Iguodala.
And he didn't trade any of their actual player assets like Barnes or Green.
I thought the Iggy move was weird but not the end of the world (even if he's overpaid yet again), didn't like the Bogut signing, but after expecting big things and blaming Jackson for them not reaching that level, all eyes on the front office next year.
2327458, Well, the Warriors front office looks pretty fucking stupid right now Posted by mrhood75, Wed May-14-14 12:50 PM
At least when it comes to their efforts in replacing Jackson.
Their plan of action seems to have been:
1. Fire Mark Jackson
2. Hope you can talk Steve Kerr out of taking the Knicks job.
3. If that doesn't work, hire Stan Van Gundy.
4. If THAT doesn't work, beg Kerr to change his mind and coach the Warriors.
And even if #4 works, you've still got Steve Kerr, who hasn't coached a single NBA game in his career, much like Mark Jackson when we hired him. But at least he'll spend his weekends in the Bay rather than LA.
Look, I get that Jackson was far from a perfect coach. But if this move was long in the planning stages (and it's clear this was the game plan before the play-offs ever began), you might want to have a solid plan in place. Now the field is gonna be even more also-rans likely with less impressive resumes than SVG or guys who are just a bad fit for the team.
2327512, True but... Posted by The Real, Wed May-14-14 02:32 PM
>Look, I get that Jackson was far from a perfect coach. But if >this move was long in the planning stages (and it's clear this >was the game plan before the play-offs ever began), you might >want to have a solid plan in place. Now the field is gonna be >even more also-rans likely with less impressive resumes than >SVG or guys who are just a bad fit for the team.
Jackson didn't exactly take over a great team. They won 36 games the year before he got there and never made the playoffs in back-to-back seasons (which is crazy because they had some talented ass teams back in the late 80s early 90s.
Kerr would be taking over a team tailor made for years of success. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2327533, But the most legit knock on Jackson is that he's not an X's & O's Posted by mrhood75, Wed May-14-14 02:55 PM
guy. That he gets out-coached in close games both down the stretch and during the second, third quarter. That they lost too many "easy" home games when he was in games that a better-prepared coach would have the team cruising through.
Okay, so you fire him and let's say you bring in Kerr. What's Kerr bringing to the table that Jackson didn't have? They both have the same roster, but what skill does Kerr have that Jackson doesn't, beyond he plays well with upper management? Is there any evidence that he's better at strategy or is appreciably at with the X's and O's? Or is "gets along with Jerry West" the only criteria?
2327540, Is Scott Brooks and Xs and Os guy? Posted by The Real, Wed May-14-14 03:11 PM
2327649, The honest no agenda truth is: whiteness Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Wed May-14-14 07:52 PM
2327865, I Don't Get This Posted by RexLongfellow, Thu May-15-14 12:24 AM
>But the most legit knock on Jackson is that he's not an X's & O's >guy. That he gets out-coached in close games both down the >stretch and during the second, third quarter. That they lost >too many "easy" home games when he was in games that a >better-prepared coach would have the team cruising through. He won 51 games...how many "easy" games were left to win in the West? He won 47 the year before
And to say he gets outcoached from time to time happens to every coach. The 2 coaches that beat him in the playoffs were: Doc Rivers (took him to 7 games) Gregg Popovich (took him to 6 games)
How much more can someone expect from a guy in his 3rd year in the league?
>Okay, so you fire him and let's say you bring in Kerr. What's >Kerr bringing to the table that Jackson didn't have? They both >have the same roster, but what skill does Kerr have that >Jackson doesn't, beyond he plays well with upper management? >Is there any evidence that he's better at strategy or is >appreciably at with the X's and O's? Or is "gets along with >Jerry West" the only criteria? I don't get that either. I honestly don't know how Kerr became THE candidate for EVERY job (except the obvious)
2327874, RE: I Don't Get This Posted by mrhood75, Thu May-15-14 01:16 AM
>He won 51 games...how many "easy" games were left to win in >the West? >He won 47 the year before
In the regular season the issue was dropping home to teams they should have beaten. And I'm not talking about losing to Miami on a last second three by LeBron; shit like that happens. I'm talking losing to Minnesota, or to the Knicks as the season nears its end (the game which lead to Jackson "firing" Scalabrine) or twice to the Nuggets (once in the final week of the season while trying to play for position), or to the Cavs by 9, or to the Bobcats by 16. Those are all games that you should be winning, and often Jackson coached poorly while they were happening. You win like half of those and you're a #4 or #5 seed instead of a #6.
But still, as I've said probably even in this thread, 51 wins is 51 wins, and it earns Jackson at least one more year. It's more than we've had in 20 plus years. And the team definitely progressed, first round loss or not.
>And to say he gets outcoached from time to time happens to >every coach. The 2 coaches that beat him in the playoffs >were: >Doc Rivers (took him to 7 games) >Gregg Popovich (took him to 6 games) > >How much more can someone expect from a guy in his 3rd year in >the league?
I wasn't talking about play-off performances in terms of him being out-coached. He did as well as and often better than could be reasonably expected of him in the Play-Offs.
>I don't get that either. I honestly don't know how Kerr became >THE candidate for EVERY job (except the obvious)
The only thing I will say is that the Warriors were seriously considering at Kerr three years ago before they picked Jackson. So there's a history of interest, and that's probably a lot of what got the deal done. Well, that and a five year contract.
But beyond that, yeah, I don't get it either.
2327657, Really surprised by Kerr Posted by SoulHonky, Wed May-14-14 08:07 PM
Not sure why they'd go for another first time coach here. Guess it's better than going with someone like Furious George, who I've never liked but I thought they'd look for more experience than running a front office.
2327666, 5 years too. thats surprising. Posted by gusto, Wed May-14-14 08:14 PM
but i guess standard.
2327876, Well, you said it: he's better than the non-Jackson alternatives Posted by mrhood75, Thu May-15-14 01:18 AM
After SVG was off the table, who else was there not under contract? All the other options were far worse.
2327619, oh welp. kerr it is Posted by gusto, Wed May-14-14 07:30 PM
espn reporting kerr likes the sourdough better than bagels
2328965, Hands Down, Man Down: Mark Jackson returns to ESPN Posted by FILF, Sat May-17-14 10:29 PM
"Mama, there goes that man" "Hand down, man down!" "That's a grown man move" "You're better than that! "(to Jeff Van Gundy) "Not on my watch" "Excuse me, I have a meeting with the rim!" "Come get in my poster!" "He's a knock-down shooter" "Come get in my Poster!" "I'll take that guy on my team anyday of the week" "Get outta my way, it's time to dance" "MY GOODNESS"
2328977, "Thanks" Warriors. Posted by rl9, Sun May-18-14 05:09 AM
2449045, Happy Memorial Day Posted by Tek4mula, Sun May-24-15 06:41 PM
A year later this post still has some good memories, this board is crazy.
2449050, https://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/steve-kerr.jpg Posted by Deebot, Sun May-24-15 07:23 PM
2449054, Steph kinda killed this argument, though Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun May-24-15 07:43 PM
http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2293445-stephen-curry-defends-mark-jackson-calls-owners-comments-a-distraction ----------------------------
O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"
"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."
(C)Keith Murray, "
2449077, Old news. No one cares about Mark Jackson anymore. Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun May-24-15 09:08 PM
He is just annoying "hand down, man down" guy to a whole generation of Ws fans. Deal with it.