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Topic subjectNFL, "Eagles cut DeSean Jackson for football reasons, not gang ties." (swipe)
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2319033, NFL, "Eagles cut DeSean Jackson for football reasons, not gang ties." (swipe)
Posted by The Real, Fri Apr-25-14 08:10 AM
Ummmmmm yeah okay, if you say so NFL. So, you let the Eagles run dudes name through the mud for "football reasons?" Let me put this where the goats can get it. The NFL is helping the Eagles avoid a lawsuit.

NFL: Eagles cut DeSean Jackson for football reasons, not gang ties
By John Breech

After the Eagles released DeSean Jackson back in March, the NFLPA promised to investigate the circumstances that led to Jackson's released. Specifically, executive director DeMaurice Smith said the NFLPA would look into "whether or not there were comments or leaks from the team."

In the hours before Jackson was released on March 28, NJ.com reported that the Eagles were concerned with his "continued association with reputed Los Angeles street gang members who have been connected to two homicides since 2010."

There was also a report that Jackson was cut because he was a problem in the Eagles locker room. There was some concern that one or both of these reports came from the team.

Although the NFLPA hasn't provided any updates on its investigation, the NFL has weighed in. Adolpho Birch, the league's senior vice president of law and labor policy, said on Thursday that the NFL believes Jackson was released for football-related reasons.

"I think we are comfortable that the decisions that were made on both ends were football decisions," Birch said, via the Philadelphia Inquirer. "Both sides, the objective that they sought from a football perspective, they got, whether that be the Eagles or the Redskins. I think the player's going to be in a good position. I think at the end of the day, everyone was comfortable with that."

As far as possible gang-ties, Birch said there was "certainly no indication that the reviewed or looked at anything like that" when they released Jackson.

Jackson issued a statement the day he was released saying he has "never been part of any gang."

Of course, the Eagles could have made this whole thing easier if they had commented on Jackson's release and explained why they dumped him. It has been almost a month since Jackson was cut on March 28 and the team still hasn't commented on the move.

A football-related reason could mean almost anything, Chip Kelly may not have liked Jackson's locker room demeanor -- he was reportedly selfish -- and it's highly probable that money played a factor. Jackson had three years left on a five-year deal that was going to pay him over $10 million in 2014.

Whatever the specific reason was for Jackson's release, the NFL is convinced that it was a legitimate one. So now we can put all of this behind us and go circle Sept. 21 and Dec. 20 on our calendars so we don't forget to watch Jackson and the Redskins play the Eagles.
2319035, what possible football reason? he was coming off a great year
Posted by Binlahab, Fri Apr-25-14 08:10 AM
that doesnt even make logical sense

does it really matter?
2319045, Timing of this story is suspect too
Posted by The Real, Fri Apr-25-14 08:22 AM
Release it on a Friday (this is when you release stories to have them buried) and during the NBA and NHL playoffs.

2319048, that's when i make my "i was wrong" posts
Posted by Cenario, Fri Apr-25-14 08:23 AM
>Release it on a Friday
2319053, *dead*
Posted by The Real, Fri Apr-25-14 08:28 AM

2319038, RE: NFL, "Eagles cut DeSean Jackson for football reasons, not gang ties." (swipe)
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Apr-25-14 08:13 AM
oh DeMaurice Smith talked a nice game then didn't do shit?
never saw that before
lol @ thinking anything was going come of this
weakest union out of the 3 major sports
2319051, well he did end up signing a fat contract 2 days later
Posted by rjc27, Fri Apr-25-14 08:26 AM
so what was De really gonna do?

2319060, that just proves it wasn't football reasons even more.....
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Apr-25-14 08:39 AM
fwiw i don't think it was for the gang ties either and i'm not convinced the eagles even leaked that
i think it was personal between chip and desean which imo isn't justifiable if it hurts the team
2319087, football reasons is just the catch-all they're going with here
Posted by Bombastic, Fri Apr-25-14 09:29 AM
it could mean literally anything (cap figure, Terio Dance, Chip Kelly).

Whoever wasted time bringing this to court shouldn't have.
2319042, what did ya'll expect the nfl to say?
Posted by Cenario, Fri Apr-25-14 08:19 AM
2319050, wait, all you guys are disagreeing with this article?
Posted by rjc27, Fri Apr-25-14 08:25 AM
you think the Eagles got rid of Desean for throwing up a few signs?

Dude missed meetings, most of his teammates wanted to kick his ass, Chip doesn't think he needs him, he complains about his contract every year, speed guys don't age well, he disappeared in half their games, they did not want him anymore

anyone who ever believed the gang story was the main reason was gullible in my opinion... they just didn't want him anymore, the gang thing was nothing more then convenient timing, or more likely, PR spin

2319054, ^missing the point
Posted by The Real, Fri Apr-25-14 08:29 AM

2319056, when did the Eagles every mention the word "gang" ?
Posted by rjc27, Fri Apr-25-14 08:30 AM
The eagles could have publicly disputed the story, as it would have been the right thing to do, but they didn't HAVE to

2319062, being that most of the source in the NJ article was from twitter pics (lol)
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Apr-25-14 08:43 AM
i don't think the eagles leaked it either
most likely it was just shitty journalism looking for an angle to explain tension between desean and the team
desean throwing up signs + in wshh vids with thugs == jaccpot
2319064, I agree
Posted by rjc27, Fri Apr-25-14 08:47 AM
if this article came out of absolute blue, I'd say maybe they did...

But the smoke was around Desean/Philly since February about them wanting to trade him... the article came after all the talk, so at that point it made sense the media would try to put something like this together

I don't remember such a big outcry when the Steelers traded the Super Bowl MVP for a 5th round pick... I like Desean, he's a good player and he's fun to watch, and I don't even think he's a bad dude and as a Jets fan I would've been on board with signing him in a heartbeat, but enough with the tears for him, what Philly did throughout this was within their rights

>i don't think the eagles leaked it either
>most likely it was just shitty journalism looking for an angle
>to explain tension between desean and the team
>desean throwing up signs + in wshh vids with thugs == jaccpot

2319081, sounds like you might guilty of that same gullibility you see in others
Posted by Bombastic, Fri Apr-25-14 09:23 AM
he missed one meeting last year and was at every practice, more importantly while on the field he produced (not to mention as they'll discover soon, was the only guy who could occupy a safety and get guys open).

The 'teammates hated him' spin was the next predictable propaganda card they pulled out after the gang-tie bullshit got proven to be a lot of garbage and public opinion began to sway against the Eagles. Not one person put their name on it nor do we even know whether it was an actual team member or just an Eagle employee, shit whether it exists at all. But if it did come from someone, it was prolly Jason Kelce because some of it sounded in his tone and he put that tweet out. Plus, ya know, he & Riley Cooper are 'Flyer Fans' if you know what I mean.

NFL players aren't gonna all pipe up speaking for someone else because their jobs ain't guaranteed. Shady's sorta is for all intents & purposes, so he already did.

There was no complaint about a contract, he got asked a question in the locker room after exits by a reporter and answered it honestly (that he was happy with his deal but of course like everybody else in the league would love for it to be guaranteed.....and really he didn't even fully connect what he was saying or being asked if you hear it in context). He immediately clarified that.

All the other shit they come up with is stuff that happened way back in the Reid era and they were so unhappy with Desean they gave him a new deal.

The bottom line is Chip Kelly thinks he invented football, Desean isn't one of 'his guys' who slurped down all of his smoothie every morning so he's going to make an example of his omnipotence as the ruler of all things Eagle right now since his employers plus a large contingent of fans are so taken by a 10-win season with a home playoff loss that they're blindly trusting anything this guy does.

He also was an 11.5 million dollar cap hit this season, so Chip thinks he can strike gold in the draft (even though we have our least amount of picks in a decade & our first should definitely be used on a safety or corner). He's now a 6 million cap hit for us anyway to play in DC. Personally for a team 25 million under the cap this season with a QB that makes 650K, it seemed like they could have taken that hit but that's just me.

They tried to shop him but bungled the shit out of it, it became public in terms of rumors/articles/speculation. Rather than address those or have any official from the team speak to the media at any point, they dug their heels in further and rather than squash it by at least coming out with a denial to calm it down & thus regain some leverage they continued their vow of silence before feeding a story to some little Peter Parker motherfucker at NJ.com as a buffer when they announced they'd be cutting one of the team's best players for nothing. They had to do so because teams were so emboldened with the knowledge that he was getting moved that even dumb organizations like the Jets and Raiders didn't offer them a pick for an All-Pro receiver.

And I don't know who the fuck told you that *elite* speed (catching while not breaking stride speed as well) doesn't age well. Holla at Darrell Green. Deion. Vick. Champ Bailey. Randy Moss. Shit, Santana Moss is still playing and he was never as fast as Desean is right now, which is probably still the fastest or Top 5 in the entire league. Not to mention his speed has catch-without-breaking-stride ability, something the Heyward-Bay & Mike Wallaces don't have.

Desean made his first Pro Bowl as a rookie before Chip Kelly had been a head coach *at any level* before in his life, which was 2008. He does a great job of not bearing the full brunt of many big hits and has been durable over the course of his career, with I believe 2012 being the only one he missed more than one game in a season.......and that was because they basically sat him out of the concluding couple games since he had been recovering and the season was finished plus had just gotten Shady hurt in the Skins game.

They did this over money plus Chip Kelly is a genius and thinks he can make anybody work in his offense.......and shit, maybe he can.

But I ain't buying this helping our team in the short or long-term on multiple fronts and I'm not gonna let them off the hook for it until he proves it.

We had what would have been the #1 Offense in the NFL (last year it was #2) with Desean while adding Maclin/Sproles/Urtz-stepping-up along with a guaranteed division title. I still think they're the NFC East favorite mostly because the comp is weak but basically Chip just took the honeymoon offseason of all honeymoon offseasons which would have been Birds' Fans first controversy/cloud-free offseason since 2004. Instead we now have Riley Cooper & Jeremy Maclin off a second knee surgery as our top two receivers plus tossed the DC QB the deep-threat life-raft he desperately needed in a make-or-break year for him.

So yes, I'm still mad.......

However it must be said that there was no legal ramifications that were ever coming from this and I'm amazed people were naive enough to think there would be. The NFL can cut ANYBODY at ANY TIME for ANY REASON. I didn't even know the NFL was 'looking into it' at all but please, that was never going anywhere.
2319098, A lot of these are strong points
Posted by rjc27, Fri Apr-25-14 10:00 AM
I didn't exactly research the list of "other reasons" but, his teammates not liking him had nothing to do with hearsay, everyone but shady who has spoke out on this matter has made it pretty clear how much they wanted him back. the speed thing, yes speed can age well, but this is a guy who has been banged up, I worry about him staying a top level wr beyond the next 2 years, we'll see what happens. The missed meetings thing I didn't exactly research, threw it in as part of my response since it was another "non gang thing".

You are blaming it all on Chip not wanting him, which is still in same wheelhouse as my initial reply. The fact is the gang shit had nothing to do with it, Chip didn't want him anymore. I just made a list of reasons I thought Chip had for not wanting him. Ultimately it's because he see's him as replaceable at a lower cost.

If I was an Eagle's fan I'd be pissed too. I wasn't one of the jets fans saying ya know what, Revis is a primadonna dickhead who wants to be overpaid, I said fuck that, he's our guy, KEEP HIM SOMEHOW.

And we are clearly on the same page as the NFL looking into it. They don't owe Desean jackshit when it comes to explaining his release

>he missed one meeting last year and was at every practice,
>more importantly while on the field he produced (not to
>mention as they'll discover soon, was the only guy who could
>occupy a safety and get guys open).

>The 'teammates hated him' spin was the next predictable
>propaganda card they pulled out after the gang-tie bullshit
>got proven to be a lot of garbage and public opinion began to
>sway against the Eagles. Not one person put their name on it
>nor do we even know whether it was an actual team member or
>just an Eagle employee, shit whether it exists at all. But if
>it did come from someone, it was prolly Jason Kelce because
>some of it sounded in his tone and he put that tweet out.
>Plus, ya know, he & Riley Cooper are 'Flyer Fans' if you know
>what I mean.
>NFL players aren't gonna all pipe up speaking for someone else
>because their jobs ain't guaranteed. Shady's sorta is for all
>intents & purposes, so he already did.
>There was no complaint about a contract, he got asked a
>question in the locker room after exits by a reporter and
>answered it honestly (that he was happy with his deal but of
>course like everybody else in the league would love for it to
>be guaranteed.....and really he didn't even fully connect what
>he was saying or being asked if you hear it in context). He
>immediately clarified that.
>All the other shit they come up with is stuff that happened
>way back in the Reid era and they were so unhappy with Desean
>they gave him a new deal.
>The bottom line is Chip Kelly thinks he invented football,
>Desean isn't one of 'his guys' who slurped down all of his
>smoothie every morning so he's going to make an example of his
>omnipotence as the ruler of all things Eagle right now since
>his employers plus a large contingent of fans are so taken by
>a 10-win season with a home playoff loss that they're blindly
>trusting anything this guy does.
>He also was an 11.5 million dollar cap hit this season, so
>Chip thinks he can strike gold in the draft (even though we
>have our least amount of picks in a decade & our first should
>definitely be used on a safety or corner). He's now a 6
>million cap hit for us anyway to play in DC. Personally for a
>team 25 million under the cap this season with a QB that makes
>650K, it seemed like they could have taken that hit but that's
>just me.
>They tried to shop him but bungled the shit out of it, it
>became public in terms of rumors/articles/speculation. Rather
>than address those or have any official from the team speak to
>the media at any point, they dug their heels in further and
>rather than squash it by at least coming out with a denial to
>calm it down & thus regain some leverage they continued their
>vow of silence before feeding a story to some little Peter
>Parker motherfucker at NJ.com as a buffer when they announced
>they'd be cutting one of the team's best players for nothing.
>They had to do so because teams were so emboldened with the
>knowledge that he was getting moved that even dumb
>organizations like the Jets and Raiders didn't offer them a
>pick for an All-Pro receiver.
>And I don't know who the fuck told you that *elite* speed
>(catching while not breaking stride speed as well) doesn't age
>well. Holla at Darrell Green. Deion. Vick. Champ Bailey. Randy
>Moss. Shit, Santana Moss is still playing and he was never as
>fast as Desean is right now, which is probably still the
>fastest or Top 5 in the entire league. Not to mention his
>speed has catch-without-breaking-stride ability, something the
>Heyward-Bay & Mike Wallaces don't have.
>Desean made his first Pro Bowl as a rookie before Chip Kelly
>had been a head coach *at any level* before in his life, which
>was 2008. He does a great job of not bearing the full brunt of
>many big hits and has been durable over the course of his
>career, with I believe 2012 being the only one he missed more
>than one game in a season.......and that was because they
>basically sat him out of the concluding couple games since he
>had been recovering and the season was finished plus had just
>gotten Shady hurt in the Skins game.
>They did this over money plus Chip Kelly is a genius and
>thinks he can make anybody work in his offense.......and shit,
>maybe he can.
>But I ain't buying this helping our team in the short or
>long-term on multiple fronts and I'm not gonna let them off
>the hook for it until he proves it.
>We had what would have been the #1 Offense in the NFL (last
>year it was #2) with Desean while adding
>Maclin/Sproles/Urtz-stepping-up along with a guaranteed
>division title. I still think they're the NFC East favorite
>mostly because the comp is weak but basically Chip just took
>the honeymoon offseason of all honeymoon offseasons which
>would have been Birds' Fans first controversy/cloud-free
>offseason since 2004. Instead we now have Riley Cooper &
>Jeremy Maclin off a second knee surgery as our top two
>receivers plus tossed the DC QB the deep-threat life-raft he
>desperately needed in a make-or-break year for him.
>So yes, I'm still mad.......
>However it must be said that there was no legal ramifications
>that were ever coming from this and I'm amazed people were
>naive enough to think there would be. The NFL can cut ANYBODY
>at ANY TIME for ANY REASON. I didn't even know the NFL was
>'looking into it' at all but please, that was never going

2319101, not to mention any move that increases Giants chance at success
Posted by rjc27, Fri Apr-25-14 10:05 AM
I fucking hate... So I'm not happy with Chip's decision either

2319106, eh, think you're safe there, the Giants look pretty shitty to me
Posted by Bombastic, Fri Apr-25-14 10:14 AM
>I fucking hate... So I'm not happy with Chip's decision
2319107, I've heard/said that b4
Posted by rjc27, Fri Apr-25-14 10:16 AM
and magically seen them hold trophies... like theyre on earth to make my life hell

I'm just worried at the possible easy path to the division crown IF Philly falters in some weird karma towards Chip... Dallas and Washington aren't good

2319129, funny thing is they're not even that good in those years
Posted by Bombastic, Fri Apr-25-14 11:13 AM
us beating a Romo-less Cowboy team in the second to last season is the only reason they crept into the playoffs with 9 wins before running the table last time.


That D-Line isn't there like it was anymore.

Coughlin is really old.

Eli should bounce back but the o-line is still highly questionable.

I think they are battling with Dallas to stay out of the basement.

Washington I actually think could have a decent season (winner of this division is 10 at best, more likely 9, I'd still have to say the Eagles but I think on some level they're in for a rude awakening this season.......especially Riley Cooper & Nick Foles).

I'd put them at 2, buoyed by the Desean pickup, RGIII being healthy and of course us giving them Desean while paying him 6 million this year.

Eagles' schedule sets up about as nicely going in as a 'first-place' (one of the most overrated supposedly difficult things to contend with in sports) schedule.

Jacksonville at home to open, a Thanksgiving game with extra time to rest for Seattle who will be traveling about 3500 miles, then close with three straight division games (one of each) to end the season.
2319157, that's my point! lol
Posted by rjc27, Fri Apr-25-14 12:33 PM
>us beating a Romo-less Cowboy team in the second to last
>season is the only reason they crept into the playoffs with 9
>wins before running the table last time.
>That D-Line isn't there like it was anymore.
>Coughlin is really old.
>Eli should bounce back but the o-line is still highly
>I think they are battling with Dallas to stay out of the
>Washington I actually think could have a decent season (winner
>of this division is 10 at best, more likely 9, I'd still have
>to say the Eagles but I think on some level they're in for a
>rude awakening this season.......especially Riley Cooper &
>Nick Foles).
>I'd put them at 2, buoyed by the Desean pickup, RGIII being
>healthy and of course us giving them Desean while paying him 6
>million this year.
>Eagles' schedule sets up about as nicely going in as a
>'first-place' (one of the most overrated supposedly difficult
>things to contend with in sports) schedule.
>Jacksonville at home to open, a Thanksgiving game with extra
>time to rest for Seattle who will be traveling about 3500
>miles, then close with three straight division games (one of
>each) to end the season.
2319114, It still seems counter intuitive to say:
Posted by bentagain, Fri Apr-25-14 10:35 AM
Specifically, executive director DeMaurice Smith said the NFLPA would look into "whether or not there were comments or leaks from the team."

and then follow that up with:

"In the hours before Jackson was released on March 28, NJ.com reported that the Eagles were concerned with his "continued association with reputed Los Angeles street gang members who have been connected to two homicides since 2010."

There was also a report that Jackson was cut because he was a problem in the Eagles locker room. There was some concern that one or both of these reports came from the team."

so where did that information come from then?

even if the NJ.com article put the gang stuff together on their own

where did the stories about him missing meetings, being late, a problem in the locker room , etc...

where did those stories come from, if not from the Iggles?

sounds like the NFLPA put their head in the sand because DJax got his money from the Racists

some BS!