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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectPacquiao
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2310832&mesg_id=2311985
2311985, Pacquiao
Posted by Lightfoot, Wed Apr-02-14 07:23 AM
Couple of nice jabs by Bradley. Both guys blocking almost everything for almost a minute—cleanest punch for a while was a another nice jab by Bradley at 1:30. Nice uppercut by Pacquiao at 1:50, best power shot so far. Lampley is being a schmuck, acting like Pacquiao winning the last minute is a forgone conclusion, then crediting him with a left that Bradley blocked. Nice right by Bradley at 2:10—Lampley silent. Nice left by Pacquiao at 2:20, and landed a bit in the follow-up. Bradley with two body shots and an uppercut, all clean, all ignored—and then a right. Uppercut by Pacquiao, and then a left at the bell. Very difficult round to score. Pacquiao probably landed the two hardest shots, plus a big body shot I missed, so Pacquiao by a narrow margin.