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Topic subjectNew NFL Rules (swipe): Goal Post Dunk now 15 yard penalty
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2310067, New NFL Rules (swipe): Goal Post Dunk now 15 yard penalty
Posted by The Real, Tue Mar-25-14 03:12 PM
So tell me why the Lambeau Leap is still legal?

Refs will penalize players who dunk over the goal post
Posted by Michael David Smith on March 25, 2014, 12:46 PM EDT

The goal post dunk, a favored post-touchdown celebration of many NFL players, is going the way of the Ickey Shuffle, the cell phone call, the Sharpie in the sock and all of the other celebrations banned by the No Fun League.

NFL head of officiating Dean Blandino told the Dan Patrick Show that starting this season, dunks will be a penalty. Dan Patrick Show producer Paul Pabst ‏tweets that the NFL has a rule against using the ball as a prop, and apparently that’s the rule that will be used to ban dunks. So it’s not a new rule, it’s a new interpretation of an existing rule.

As we noted a few days ago, the goal post dunk became a concern when Saints tight end (or wide receiver) Jimmy Graham knocked the goal post askew while dunking in Atlanta. The NFL is also considering making the uprights longer, which would make them more top-heavy and therefore potentially more likely to fall over entirely. That would be the NFL equivalent of a dunk that shatters the glass.

It seems unlikely that such a thing would happen, but then again we never thought a dunk would delay the game until Graham’s dunk did it. The NFL apparently doesn’t want to take any chances, and so we have the Jimmy Graham Rule.

2310071, Also you cannot use the ball as a "prop"
Posted by The Real, Tue Mar-25-14 03:15 PM
"While there’s no official reasoning as to why the ‘celebration’ has been banned, it’s believed that delays from altering the goal post are behind the decision.

In addition, simply using the ball as a prop in any ‘celebration’ will now be grounds for a fifteen-yard penalty."

2310091, doesn't that make giving a ball to some kid in a wheelchair
Posted by veritas, Tue Mar-25-14 04:16 PM
a 15 yard penalty?

if you do it right after scoring?
2310309, that, plus Pierre Garcon is a lock for 60+ penalty yds per game
Posted by natlawdp, Wed Mar-26-14 04:01 PM
>a 15 yard penalty?
>if you do it right after scoring?

no ball spins now, right?
2310073, so can you dunk something other than the ball..like your gloves?
Posted by Cenario, Tue Mar-25-14 03:17 PM
2310109, the umpire?
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Mar-25-14 04:53 PM
2310075, Goal Post dunks can actually delay the game. I'm okay with it
Posted by John Forte, Tue Mar-25-14 03:20 PM
2310079, Most of them can't even clear the damn thing anyway.
Posted by Rick Fox Jr, Tue Mar-25-14 03:45 PM
2310082, *works on mid-range goal celebration game*
Posted by rob, Tue Mar-25-14 04:07 PM
2310093, ^makes inefficient but occasionally effective jokes
Posted by thejerseytornado, Tue Mar-25-14 04:18 PM

Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilarious.

2310106, ^actual facts
Posted by rob, Tue Mar-25-14 04:44 PM
2310133, ^^^^Lord Finesse or Large Professor
Posted by DeepAztheRoot, Tue Mar-25-14 07:11 PM
2310315, they fundamentally sound jokes, tho.
Posted by poetx, Wed Mar-26-14 04:11 PM

peace & blessings,



** i move away from the mic to breathe in
2310088, RE: New NFL Rules (swipe): Goal Post Dunk now 15 yard penalty
Posted by Tiggerific, Tue Mar-25-14 04:14 PM
This is some bullshit!
2310089, 30 if you yell 'yeah nigga' during the dunk
Posted by jigga, Tue Mar-25-14 04:15 PM
2310092, 45 if you yell it on a cellphone
Posted by veritas, Tue Mar-25-14 04:16 PM
2310095, one game suspension
Posted by thejerseytornado, Tue Mar-25-14 04:19 PM
if that cellphone isn't from the NFL's official smartphone partner, Verizon.

Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilarious.

2310316, 2 games if that smartphone is pulled out of an unauth'd sock.
Posted by poetx, Wed Mar-26-14 04:13 PM

peace & blessings,



** i move away from the mic to breathe in
2310118, LOL ah man
Posted by HecticHavoc, Tue Mar-25-14 05:52 PM
2310208, ^^^^ Good one! ^^^^
Posted by Ausar72, Wed Mar-26-14 09:22 AM

<<<---"That's my quarterback!" (c) T.O.


my thoughts,

2310108, gingers fuckin it up for everybody, again
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue Mar-25-14 04:50 PM
2310115, Just pantomime it. Or do a lay up and pretend slap glass
Posted by Binlahab, Tue Mar-25-14 05:32 PM
This sucks.

does it really matter?
2310146, Wouldn't that mean the ball is a prop?
Posted by The Real, Tue Mar-25-14 09:55 PM

2310137, The No Fun League is at it again.
Posted by Kira, Tue Mar-25-14 07:34 PM

You can't say nigga and now you can barely celebrate. For the record, players can say nigga but the mere suggestion that it demands a penalty is laughable.

2310168, Torn on my thoughts for this one
Posted by Y2Flound, Wed Mar-26-14 07:16 AM
I hate the NFL banning stupid shit after stupid shit with no real continuity to it.

You can get up and do a dance after a 4 yard gain, or pretend to climb a tree and read Mad magazine after a sack, but do not use the ball as a prop in a celebration.

At the same time the goalpost dunk specifically was banned due to it delaying several games when they misaligned the posts. That would be like if a player scored and then dug potholes into the mid field marker. Obviously that would never happen, but it would delay the game to be fixed.

Easiest fix to not ban fun would be to say if you mess up the goal posts its a penalty. That would put all the pressure on the player as well to not do something that he has a chance of totally fucking over his team for doing.
2310173, I think the point in this instance is to avoid possible delay
Posted by Cenario, Wed Mar-26-14 08:05 AM
not to penalize delay.

>Easiest fix to not ban fun would be to say if you mess up the goal posts its a penalty. That would put all the pressure on the player as well to not do something that he has a chance of totally fucking over his team for doing.

makit it okay provided it doesn't f up the goalposts is kinda silly imo.
2310182, Yea good point
Posted by Y2Flound, Wed Mar-26-14 08:19 AM
I didn't think that would be an actual answer, just a way to please fans by not actually banning it and get what they want across. Making that rule would probably stop anyone from doing it anyway
2310187, right, this is one of the few no fun penalties that make sense
Posted by Cenario, Wed Mar-26-14 08:26 AM
someone said that above.

imagine a giant doing a dunk and getting a penalty tho.

Coughlin be like....http://www.juanelway.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Coughlin-Doesnt-Like-Penalties-GIF.gif
2310218, why are rules so tight on any sport involving mostly black players?
Posted by Lach, Wed Mar-26-14 10:01 AM
My goodness. No show of emotion by you coloreds.
2310230, this is bad. moving the XP back 20 yards would be worse.
Posted by smutsboy, Wed Mar-26-14 10:31 AM
Yes, let's making kicking a bigger part of football.

That's just what the fans want.
2310231, Some coaches want to move it to the 1 to increase 2 pt attempts
Posted by Y2Flound, Wed Mar-26-14 10:33 AM
2310235, The less kicking the better.
Posted by smutsboy, Wed Mar-26-14 10:51 AM
2310237, either make the XP something that matters or don't.
Posted by thejerseytornado, Wed Mar-26-14 10:51 AM
if the 2 pt conversion is still from the 2, it'd make kicking the XP less common. which would be more fun.

Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilarious.

2310266, such a terrible idea...and i don't get the point of testing it in preseasn
Posted by Cenario, Wed Mar-26-14 12:33 PM
like what could happen that would make them say that's a good/bad idea?
2310313, Nigelling an opponent, however, remains perfectly legal. nm
Posted by poetx, Wed Mar-26-14 04:10 PM

peace & blessings,



** i move away from the mic to breathe in
2310317, *fist pump* (c) Michael Sam
Posted by KosherSam, Wed Mar-26-14 04:13 PM