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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: I never understood this.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2291756&mesg_id=2292131
2292131, RE: I never understood this.
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jan-23-14 01:36 PM
>NBA players are on the road for most of the season. And most
>have summer homes (Derrick Rose lives in LA).

they're still at home half the time and flying out of FL or CA somewhere and and coming back to single digit temperatures not fun plus the hassle of just getting around back and forth to games/practice/the airport can be a hassle. Most guys that play in LA or Miami don't have a "summer home" so that's one less expense also, lol.

I think most guys would rather play in a cold weather city on a good team rather than a shitty team in a warm weather city but if all things are equal are even close most are going to choose the warm weather city