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Topic subjectCan Someone Explain Why Evan Turner Shouldn't Have Yammed
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2282473, Can Someone Explain Why Evan Turner Shouldn't Have Yammed
Posted by vee-lover, Mon Dec-30-13 01:54 PM
on the Lakers w/only a few seconds to play last night? I wish he woulda did the 'dougie' after he finished...

so he shoulda just laid it up, huh, instead of embarrassing the Lakers? All this faux sports etiquette is becoming too much. Football teams can't continue to score once they're up by a wide margin...baseball players aren't supposed to "show up" the pitcher when they hit a homerun or do a bunt when the pitcher is pitching a no-hitter.

Evan Turner shouldn't apologized to anyone at the end of the game...
2282474, I have a list of things I'd like Duck Sauce to apologize for
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Dec-30-13 01:56 PM
this, however, isn't one of them.
2282479, /post
Posted by bshelly, Mon Dec-30-13 02:09 PM
2282475, I guess it's a sportsmanship thing.
Posted by Ryan M, Mon Dec-30-13 02:01 PM
But I really don't think he should have apologized. Plus the dunk was nice.
2282521, that's what's so stupid abt this - dunking in the closing seconds of
Posted by vee-lover, Mon Dec-30-13 03:39 PM
of a game has absolutely nothing at all to do w/sportsmanship

sorry it hurt 'Swaggy P's' feelings

how abt win the game and you don't have to worry abt him yammin' on your home court

>But I really don't think he should have apologized. Plus the
>dunk was nice.
2282522, they should be upset at his 22 points, seven rebounds and six assists
Posted by guru0509, Mon Dec-30-13 03:50 PM
2282478, he only should have apologized if he laid it up.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Dec-30-13 02:07 PM
2282679, Honestly, it kinda seemed like an asshole thing to do
Posted by chillinCHiEF, Mon Dec-30-13 11:53 PM
but I didn't mind because he's on the Sixers and fuck the Lakers.
2282681, is shooting a 3 acceptable?
Posted by gusto, Mon Dec-30-13 11:59 PM
2 cold scorpio did it up 12 against his future team with 4 seconds left
2282683, he is such a herb, he was apologizing before he hit the ground
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Dec-31-13 12:12 AM
the sixers had ONE road win before that one so there goes the "act like you've done it before" argument. two teams with some history, a hotly contested game between d leaguers ... that sounds like a recipe to say "FUCK YOU" with a big yam to close it out. it wasn't exactly mo cheeks in game 4, but i enjoyed it
2282689, sad on every level, that he apologized to the Lakers, that the Lakers
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Dec-31-13 01:02 AM
needed an apology, that they accepted it outside Swaggy P, that Swaggy P & Thad Young are the leading scorers in a Sixers/Lakers duel, etc.

It was kinda nasty, he needed to stick the landing rather than going on the 'I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry fellas' Ed Norton-going-back-into-his-stutter-in-'Primal-Fear'-bullshit when he came back to the ground.

Also, I need to examine more closely from another angle but part of the reason it sounded so loud was (in addition to the dead silence of Staples) was it could have been a throw dunk that caught part of that iron in a reverberating spot.

Still, better than any other dunk I've seen by him.