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Topic subjectThis new Sac trio needs a nick name:
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2282342, This new Sac trio needs a nick name:
Posted by auragin_boi, Mon Dec-30-13 10:51 AM


Offer up some suggestions...I'm thinking Gun GCT or something to that effect.

THEM DUDES TOOK 60 SHOTS BETWEEN THEM!!! How is that even possible?

Oh, I know how, freeze out the promising rookie who needs to develop so your 9-20 team can somehow garner sellout home games...wait, they were gonna sell out anyway as SAC is the only game in town.

WTH is going on with the Kings? I mean, they even shot above 50% combined but still lost cuz they let Manu's ancient ass drop a season high on them. SMH

But back to these nicknames...

-RG3? (Run & Gun, Gun, Gun)
-New Year's Eve? (Lots of shots in the air)
-Sactown M60's (60 damn shots)
-MK 48 LWMG's (MachineGun Kings, 48mins losing way more games)

2282347, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly?
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Dec-30-13 10:57 AM
2282348, Three Kings
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon Dec-30-13 10:57 AM
2282353, meh, mclemore has been shitty so far
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Dec-30-13 11:01 AM
>Oh, I know how, freeze out the promising rookie who needs to
>develop so your 9-20 team can somehow garner sellout home
>games...wait, they were gonna sell out anyway as SAC is the
>only game in town.

he's getting real minutes which at this stage of his career is good enough
not exerting himself was his main knock in college so it's going to be a work in progress playing with those 3
either way cousins is the franchise player and gay and thomas are clearly the sidekicks
don't really get the point of the post. the team is as shitty as everyone expected coming into the season and well on their way to another lotto pick
which is a good thing
2282457, if the fuck around and get Embid or Randle....
Posted by PIMPINCHICAGO, Mon Dec-30-13 01:21 PM
They will definitely be a problem.

Hell they could still get Jabari at this point.

Nobody wants to talk about Rudy Gay shooting 48-49% from the field on 15 shots a game and still getting 19+ ppg with his new situation.

The team is thin, but if 3 dudes can give the Spurs some go and beat the Miami Heat...the only thing left is coaching the role players and game management.

Cousins top 3 center in the game easy...
Gay top 10 sf easily top 5 arguably...
Lil Zeke is a top 10 PG arguably...

Get them a shot blocker and someone that has perimeter D and they are a problem.

Manu got off last night because BMac isn't the best defender at all.

They can kill most teams in the East
2282693, Wht does probably the best trio in the league need anything else
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Tue Dec-31-13 01:35 AM

To make the playoffs?

>They will definitely be a problem.
>Hell they could still get Jabari at this point.
>Nobody wants to talk about Rudy Gay shooting 48-49% from the
>field on 15 shots a game and still getting 19+ ppg with his
>new situation.
>The team is thin, but if 3 dudes can give the Spurs some go
>and beat the Miami Heat...the only thing left is coaching the
>role players and game management.
>Cousins top 3 center in the game easy...
>Gay top 10 sf easily top 5 arguably...
>Lil Zeke is a top 10 PG arguably...
>Get them a shot blocker and someone that has perimeter D and
>they are a problem.
>Manu got off last night because BMac isn't the best defender
>at all.
>They can kill most teams in the East
2282757, They are one of the best scoring trios...not defensive
Posted by PIMPINCHICAGO, Tue Dec-31-13 10:49 AM
Which is why I say they need to add defense.

Shotblocker, perimeter D....

It's basketball and you can't win without defense.

2282527, Point of this post is...THEM NIGGA SHOOT...ALOT!!!
Posted by auragin_boi, Mon Dec-30-13 03:56 PM
lol as far as Ben goes...more reps he gets the better. Rudy Gay ain't their future and likely not a big part of it. Ben is. May as well let him take his bumps and bruises on both sides of the ball now than stunt him offensively cuz Gay Cousin Thomas is shooting 60 times a night. I mean, they fucking suck so they should develop, suck and get another cornerstone come draft time.

Anywho...this post was more about them gunning than it was the makeup of their team.
2282363, Gay Cousin Thomas
Posted by Hitokiri, Mon Dec-30-13 11:38 AM
that works, right?
2282449, Lol
Posted by Kungset, Mon Dec-30-13 01:11 PM
2282523, Brilliant lol
Posted by auragin_boi, Mon Dec-30-13 03:52 PM
2282526, Wait,... Cousin Thomas Gay?
Posted by LegacyNS, Mon Dec-30-13 03:56 PM

<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2282650, Zeke's Gay Cousin
Posted by ErnestLee, Mon Dec-30-13 10:31 PM
2282684, Ma, Cousin Thomas is Gay!
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Tue Dec-31-13 12:18 AM
2282395, Funny this wasn't posted when they beat the Miami Heat...
Posted by PIMPINCHICAGO, Mon Dec-30-13 12:19 PM

That three is probably one of the best trio's in the league.

They need better coaching and more depth but that core is hard to count against.

Sacramento in the East would be a top 5 team easily.

I vote for Trecherous Three or Three Times Dope

2282446, Lottery bound...
Posted by gmltheone, Mon Dec-30-13 01:06 PM

Same as it ever was!
2282451, ... Jimmer is still getting a check.
Posted by Kira, Mon Dec-30-13 01:12 PM
I nominate Shottas. They'll shoot anytime anywhere.
2282471, they should give I.T. Jimmer's check.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Dec-30-13 01:41 PM
2282482, I thought they played defense at Kansas. Mclemore is fkn horrible
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon Dec-30-13 02:14 PM
not to mention all the dumb turnovers he makes every night
2282524, The Kingstown Trio
Posted by ZooTown74, Mon Dec-30-13 03:53 PM
But y'all stay happy with your Internet fame, tho
2282597, The Lone Rangers
Posted by KosherSam, Mon Dec-30-13 07:02 PM
3 gunners just out for themselves.

also, Airheads references are always good.
2282761, "I ain't farting on no snare drum" (c) Boogie
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Dec-31-13 10:58 AM
2282627, http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/612vuHe-VtL._SL1500_.jpg
Posted by dula dibiasi, Mon Dec-30-13 08:54 PM
2282682, I say ten-buck-chuck
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Dec-31-13 12:10 AM
The chuck double meaning is obvious and they are a cheap, classless product that is also high-priced.
2282733, lol this is perfect
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Dec-31-13 09:51 AM
especially considering that "two buck chuck" wine is produced about 60 miles south of Sac
2282697, The A Team, they fire a million shots and never hit anything
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Dec-31-13 02:14 AM