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Topic subjectMichigan. Ohio. The Game.
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2267412, Michigan. Ohio. The Game.
Posted by brown sugar, Mon Nov-25-13 07:03 PM
Even though the energy feels sapped out of this
one, it's still the greatest rivalry in sports.
So yes, it still gets its own damn post.

Urban Meyer and the Buckeyes have held up their
end of the bargain, while Brady Hoke and UM have
sputtered in a trainwreck of incompetence.

Brady Hoke has shown that he can recruit,
be a generally good human being in the face of
adversity (compare with: Brian Kelly), and...
um... that's about it so far. He is responsible
for hiring and retaining quite possibly the worst
OC I have ever seen. Until he unceremoniously
fires Al Borges' ass, that's on him.

This season is a complete waste for UM. The only
thing that can salvage it is playing spoiler to
OSU's national title hopes.

I think the game will be tight, but Bucks roll
2267416, 38-10 OSU. Percent Buckeyes in the Big House: 40
Posted by bshelly, Mon Nov-25-13 07:04 PM
2267417, Wouldn't surprise me.
Posted by brown sugar, Mon Nov-25-13 07:07 PM
Michigan's only hope is that we will get a bit
healthier on defense, and Jake Ryan is shaping
back up into his pre-injury form. As long as we
get 5 defensive TDs, we should hang tough.
2267435, RE: 38-10 OSU. Percent Buckeyes in the Big House: 60
Posted by guru0509, Mon Nov-25-13 07:37 PM
fixed that for ya.

michigan fans are fairweather as hell when the team blows.

2267439, there's 6,000 tix available currently on stubhub
Posted by 3xKrazy, Mon Nov-25-13 07:44 PM
I'm not familiar with how much tix usually cost at the outhouse but it looks like people are damn near giving their seats away.

2267541, al borges doesn't deserve support for the shitty product he puts out.
Posted by ACRG, Mon Nov-25-13 10:43 PM
2267654, Lots of my friends on Facebook are unloading their tix...
Posted by Marbles, Tue Nov-26-13 10:01 AM

I don't know if that has anything to do with it being the week of Thanksgiving or if it's because the outcome is pre-determined.
2267790, It will be a SEA of red.
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Nov-26-13 01:21 PM
Few factors:

(1) we suck

(2) week of thanksgiving/finals

(3) we really, really suck

LOL @ um-uconn tickets selling for more than
The Game.
2267823, lol, factor 2 is completely irrelevant. nice try though.
Posted by guru0509, Tue Nov-26-13 02:20 PM
>Few factors:
>(1) we suck
>(2) week of thanksgiving/finals
>(3) we really, really suck
>LOL @ um-uconn tickets selling for more than
>The Game.
2267927, for nerdy/out-of-state students, it does
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Nov-26-13 07:00 PM
2267941, Nope, The Game two years ago was packed. I was there.
Posted by guru0509, Tue Nov-26-13 07:42 PM
And it was the same time. IDK if it was finals week but that's a weak excuse as well because the majority of the stadium crowd isn't made up of students, nerdy or otherwise.

attendance is going to be down because you guys suck

if I were Brady Hoke, I'm not sure I want recruits to be on campus this weekend lol

2267461, At least 50 percent, and by the end of the game 75.
Posted by soulfunk, Mon Nov-25-13 08:52 PM
2267434, 55-13..this game doesnt deserve it's own post this year
Posted by guru0509, Mon Nov-25-13 07:36 PM
I'll probably wake up at halftime and laugh until the real game comes on at 330, the one far more important and meaningful than this bloodbath.

this is the first OSU michigan game that I will not be attending since 2000, and I even shelled out for the Dick Rod beat downs.

maybe I'll go in '15 to watch the new head coach of the Lolverines get his shit pushed in by Darth Meyer

2267794, thats impressive..you went to all the ann arbor games too?
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue Nov-26-13 01:27 PM
i'd love to attend one of those games..
2267820, Yessir, I'm mad my streak is ending but I just cant swing it this yr
Posted by guru0509, Tue Nov-26-13 02:19 PM
(my parents live about 40 mins from Ann Arbor and the game was always a week or so before thanksgiving, so airfare wasn't that bad. now its a pain in the ass)

moved to a new city, about to buy a new car, and I'm goin out of the country for Xmas. My stingy side is just refusing to let me shell out thanksgiving priced airfare tix for this game..(drove to Ohio last year bc I couldnt get a plane ticket. NEVER ever doing that again)

and if Auburn wins on Saturday (PLEASE LORD LET THIS HAPPEN), my pockets will be sore as fuck but IDC. I'd rather go to Pasadena than Ann Arbor.
2267835, ohio st getting fkd..i think
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue Nov-26-13 02:53 PM
they should be in the championship if they stay undefeated
2267836, Over whom?
Posted by Ceej, Tue Nov-26-13 02:55 PM
2267904, well, if OSU wins out their SOS will be better than FSU's
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Nov-26-13 05:19 PM
not saying that OSU is better than FSU for that reason or that FSU should be the one to stay at home but it is what it is
2267934, I honestly didn't know that.
Posted by Ceej, Tue Nov-26-13 07:26 PM
I thought that Clemson win was their saving grace
2267936, Well, OSU would have Wisky and MSU
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Nov-26-13 07:29 PM
FSU has Clemson and...Duke?

Clemson could also lose to USC this weekend.

The highway robbery of Wisky out in the desert in September really fucked OSU over something awful.
2267939, Clemson being in the top six is inane
Posted by will_5198, Tue Nov-26-13 07:39 PM
they've beaten...Georgia (7-4). and got beaten like a FCS team by Florida State in their own stadium (lmao @ Swinney saying they'd win a rematch).
2267943, u think they make it past south carolina this weekend?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Nov-26-13 07:44 PM
2267947, I have no faith in South Carolina
Posted by will_5198, Tue Nov-26-13 07:54 PM
but they're at home and will be motivated to win the East with A&M and Missouri playing at the same time. regardless, Clemson is a great case for scheduling a marquee non-conference game to start the year -- they've been coasting off it ever since.
2267437, LOL
Posted by 3xKrazy, Mon Nov-25-13 07:42 PM
>Brady Hoke has shown that he can recruit,
>be a generally good human being in the face of
>adversity um... that's about it so far.

The fact that he's a 'nice guy' prob buys him that extra year that Dick Rod didn't get. And really his likable personality is all that separates Hoke from Lane Kiffin.

2267907, jesus christ lol
Posted by cgonz00cc, Tue Nov-26-13 05:26 PM
2267438, OSU 45-17
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Mon Nov-25-13 07:42 PM
2267443, I don't see how we get double digits
Posted by Ceej, Mon Nov-25-13 07:59 PM
2267626, the real question: hoke sleeves or no?
Posted by bshelly, Tue Nov-26-13 08:39 AM
2267628, Over under 48 seconds wearin a headset
Posted by Ceej, Tue Nov-26-13 08:52 AM
2267448, *insert favorite forced sodomy metaphor here*
Posted by ZooTown74, Mon Nov-25-13 08:18 PM
Isn't that how these posts go you guise?

Gotta hear both sides
2267465, 42-6. Our offense is so incompetent that I expect
Posted by soulfunk, Mon Nov-25-13 08:59 PM
OSU's defense to score more on us than our offense will score itself. I'll never root against my team, but at this point I think it will take something big to force their hand into making changes to this coaching staff.

But eff it.

2267545, I'm going to go into work and catch the scores (OSU will have multiple) via yahoo
Posted by ACRG, Mon Nov-25-13 10:49 PM
2267547, 52-9, Gibbons is the only Wolverine who scores*
Posted by ACRG, Mon Nov-25-13 10:50 PM
2267549, Michigan. gonna tear them turkeys up
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Mon Nov-25-13 10:52 PM
ohio state bout to get served on saturday.
2267618, lol
Posted by DeepAztheRoot, Tue Nov-26-13 07:56 AM
2267789, lol
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Nov-26-13 01:19 PM
2267632, *play action posting*
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Nov-26-13 09:04 AM

<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2267641, lol
Posted by guru0509, Tue Nov-26-13 09:17 AM

2267643, I predicted he'd go to a BCS before Michigan
Posted by Ceej, Tue Nov-26-13 09:19 AM
2267788, As did I. Zona is my #2 rooting interest.
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Nov-26-13 01:19 PM
Would love to see Rich Rod stick it to Dave Brandon.
2267905, Can you explain the dick rod stannery?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Nov-26-13 05:23 PM
do you feel that he deserved more time at UM and would have been successful if given a 3 year extension?

Hoke has really showed his ass here as a head football coach but he's still cleaning up the mess that dick rod left behind.

whoever follows up hoke in 2015 should have an easier go at it.
2267923, He was handcuffed from the start
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Nov-26-13 06:16 PM
Look, hiring and choosing to retain GERG was
definitely a fireable offense, but I have 3
reasons why RR deserved at least one more year:

(1) RR was denied the adequate funds to bring
the DC of his choice (Jeff Casteel, who Arizona
shelled out for and just held Oregon to 16
points... with ARIZONA caliber players).

(2) It is my universally-held belief that, at
a big-time program like Michigan, OSU, etc.,
any coach, especially one that brings in a
radically different schematic philosophy,
deserves at least 4 years to get his players
and scheme in place.

(3) RR was an easy punching bag, but I will
flat out disregard your opinion as a
knowledgible football fan if you don't think
he's an offensive genius. Even moreso than Xs
and Os, the dude's situational playcalling
is ridiculous. Didn't *DENARD* end up posting
top-20 efficiency numbers as a passer as a
SOPHOMORE for RR? The fact is, the guy had
WVU within 90 seconds of a national title
game and won a couple of BCS bowl games with
them. He's a generally good guy who got FUCKED
over by an incredible string of misfortune (a
cheap AD, a completely bare cupboard upon
arrival, a nasty streak of injuries on the
defense, and a fanbase too rigidly set in its
old ways to give him a true shot). I think he's
going to do great things at Arizona, and I'll
be happy when he does.
2267926, Yep to all of this. I will add though that I think that it may have
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Nov-26-13 06:36 PM
never worked for him, because of the point you mentioned about the fanbase being so rigid and some of the Michigan culture aspects that they were never going to fully accept from him. BUT I do think that if he had gotten Casteel as his defensive coordinator from the start that he would have won way more games in those three years here, and winning has a way of making the fanbase ignore the stuff they didn't like about a coach.

If we gave him a fourth year, and he fired GERG and got a decent DC, that team would have been even better than Hoke's 11-2 team. The next year (Denard's senior year) would have been great as well.
2267933, RE: He was handcuffed from the start
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Nov-26-13 07:23 PM

>(2) It is my universally-held belief that, at
>a big-time program like Michigan, OSU, etc.,
>any coach, especially one that brings in a
>radically different schematic philosophy,
>deserves at least 4 years to get his players
>and scheme in place.

well then you have to give Hoke another year before y'all bail on him. the mass exodus has arrived a bit early, IMO. I really am surprised that mich fans are bailing on this team and not giving them any shot vs OSU. honestly, I'm shocked.

no coach should ever insult its fan base but hoke is right in his characterization of 'fickle fans'. y'all get too high over X recruit or Y coach and subsequently get too low when unrealistic expectations aren't attained overnight.

>(3) RR was an easy punching bag, but I will
>flat out disregard your opinion as a
>knowledgible football fan if you don't think
>he's an offensive genius. Even moreso than Xs
>and Os, the dude's situational playcalling
>is ridiculous.

I think Dick Rod is a better football guy than Hoke, absolutely. I'm really not sure what Hoke even does on game day. Dick Rod had an identity, and I respect that, but I never ever thought that identity would survive in the big 10, let alone succeed.. He also wasn't bringing in Big 10 caliber players. At least Hoke is doing that, bringing in really good talent...what's happening once that talent arrives in AA is another issue.

2267940, RE: He was handcuffed from the start
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Nov-26-13 07:40 PM
>well then you have to give Hoke another year before y'all bail
>on him. the mass exodus has arrived a bit early, IMO. I really
>am surprised that mich fans are bailing on this team and not
>giving them any shot vs OSU. honestly, I'm shocked.

Hoke will definitely get another year, and I think most fans are fine with that. Gotta fire Borges though, no question there.

>I think Dick Rod is a better football guy than Hoke,
>absolutely. I'm really not sure what Hoke even does on game
>day. Dick Rod had an identity, and I respect that, but I never
>ever thought that identity would survive in the big 10, let
>alone succeed.. He also wasn't bringing in Big 10 caliber
>players. At least Hoke is doing that, bringing in really good
>talent...what's happening once that talent arrives in AA is
>another issue.

Hoke is (in theory) a CEO type coach who is the face of the program, and relies on his coordinators for game day management. He does the face of the program thing well, and he really recruits well. That's what's going to get him a fourth year. As far as relying on your coordinators, if they suck, then...

Rich Rod wasn't bringing in recruiting classes close to what Hoke is doing, but I think he would have eventually. He problem with that was he was making wholesale changes to the program which required him to get completely different type players than what we have in abundance in the Midwest. So he was getting guys from Florida and other states, but when you are recruiting from a pipeline like that you're getting the second and third teer Florida guys that aren't going to Alabama, Miami, Florida, FSU, etc. BUT if Rich was able to get a couple BCS bowl bids with the talent he had coming in, I think it's VERY possible that he would have started getting top 5-10 recruiting classes WITH his type of player here, and that would have been a dominant program.
2267951, The bar was set when Hoke went 11-2 his first year
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Nov-26-13 08:18 PM
Whether he or anyone else likes it, and with that success comes expectations, whether they're "reasonable" or not

That said, if one:

- Adds to that the highly-ranked recruiting classes

- And the talk from Hoke, and Borges before the season about this year's team marking a return to downhill running and smash-mouth football

- Not to mention the glowing praise Devin received when he went to the Manning QB camp

And the results on the field aren't commensurate with all that was said and all that was seen and hyped up, then the fan base understandably (right?) tends to get a little unhappy

People do watch these games, and pay attention to the rankings, and listen to what's said by the coaches, and put their belief and trust in what they're hearing

All of this so-called turmoil and hand-wringing is not the result of "unreasonable expectations," it's based on what was said and heard before the season

The coach can't go get pissy with the fans for being unhappy with the product when he himself helped hype the product to the moon before the first game

And that's not some sign of The Abandonment of Brady Hoke, nor is it some stinging indictment of a "fair-weather" fan base; it's just the observation that you can't try to sell people something that clearly isn't there and wasn't there from jump. It's not something I think he should lose his job over; it might just be that he thought the team was better than they're showing.

Now, as to *how* he actually coaches? I don't know how he coaches, and don't really care. I'm not one of those cats who needs to, for example, see him screaming into a headset in order to mollify/prove to me that he's a coach, or that he can coach (like more than a few our fans do). Seems to me that all football coaches don't have to coach the same way, or do the same "coach-like" things to get results. No one in the fan base was bitching about him not wearing a headset when the team went 11-2. Now that we're struggling, there's an issue with him not overriding Al Borges' shitty play calls by barking into a headset every week. It's absurd. Like you said, he's like a CEO in that he remains in constant communication with every department.

I think Hoke will/should most certainly get (at least) 1 more year, but he has to bring in a different OC, and/or a QB coach and/or a new o-line coach. Seems to me that strength and conditioning's an issue as well...

Gotta hear both sides
2267956, I am still confident Hoke can be an excellent coach at UM
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Nov-26-13 08:57 PM
But as you said, his style of coaching (the
managerial/recruiting guru/CEO) demands that has TOP
NOTCH coordinators. Mattison has proved he can operate
at that tier, but Borges... good god.

I don't think quite as many fans are bailing on Hoke as you
think. At least in my circles of friends its all about Borges.
Now if Hoke decides to retain Borges after getting
shelled by OSU... that's a whole 'nother story.
2267962, I'm only going by the 'we have no chance against OSU'
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Nov-26-13 09:04 PM

>I don't think quite as many fans are bailing on Hoke as you

and the anticipated poor turnout from mich fans for The Game.

If that's not bailing out on your program, I don't know what is.

I don't buy into this plea copping of 'he's a CEO and needs to delegate to top notch coordinators'. How much money does Hoke make? coach the fucking TEAM and take some responsibility, geeze.

You can get yourself a top notch recruiting coordinator for $200k.

Most head coaches have something to hang their hat on from a strategic aspect.
2267655, aka the Blowout
Posted by temps2020, Tue Nov-26-13 10:01 AM
2267796, Great piece on the impending attendance disaster (swipe):
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Nov-26-13 01:30 PM

cot damn, brian went IN:

In Michigan's specific case, they have beaten Ohio State once in the last nine years and are two-touchdown home underdogs. They are getting gouged on ticket prices in an unprecedented fashion. The athletic department has made it absolutely clear that it has no loyalty to them with "dynamic pricing" that only goes one way. Up.

There is a breaking point for even the most zealous fan. I'm the guy with the blog that's his career and I'm at mine. The only reason I am going on Saturday is because I would feel shame at not going. Absent the weird moral imperatives of fandom, I would be doing anything else. Like bowling, which I hate.

Everybody in blue in that stadium—and it will still be a majority, probably—is paying for the privilege of having their heart punched. Unlike you, they are not getting three million dollars to watch Michigan shuffle around like a syphilitic pig who thinks everything's a truffle. Collectively they are in fact giving you those three million dollars. Collectively they built the stadium you play in and the opulent locker rooms you dress in.

So take your "fickle" and shove it. Angry, sure. Impatient, sure. Because we are locked into this thing we do every week that we pretty much hate. We do so out of a sense of loyalty that the program goddamn well doesn't reciprocate with its 500 dollar waiting lists and worst access level in the country—the team that is going to stuff you in a locker on Saturday has open practices in front of the entire student section—and scheduling goddamned Appalachian State because the athletic director thinks it's cute. Any reasonable person would look at the recent history of Michigan football and go do anything else. We're here because we're locked in.

You? You've got a buyout.

It is not the fans' fault that this program is awful to be a fan of. It's not Rich Rodriguez's fault. Anyone who sells their ticket for whatever they can get—currently 60 bucks and dropping from 80 yesterday—is only making a logical decision to not get punched in the soul dong on Saturday.

I'll hate them all the same, but half out of envy this time. They are no longer mindless wallets. They don't give a crap if Brady Hoke calls them fickle, and don't write articles on the internet about it. They are logical people.

The reason Michigan Stadium is going to be half-red on Saturday isn't because of "the world we live in" except insofar as it contains a M
2267808, as a fan of a storied program in a much more dire state than Michigan
Posted by will_5198, Tue Nov-26-13 01:46 PM
even I'm offended by that "fickle" line. seriously, the last thing Hoke or any coach in his position needs to do is to shit on the fanbase. tone-deaf moron.
2268499, he lost me w/ that one..
Posted by LegacyNS, Thu Nov-28-13 02:19 PM
but this is bigger than the coaching staff. The administration needs to show that they really want to win and not just make cake of the Michigan brand..

<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2267837, *les miles spreadeagle'd finger clap*
Posted by Ceej, Tue Nov-26-13 02:57 PM
2267924, the rumblings have already started fwiw
Posted by guru0509, Tue Nov-26-13 06:32 PM
2267935, Sure, let's get him another raise to stay
Posted by Ceej, Tue Nov-26-13 07:27 PM
2267859, Brian's my favorite Michigan blogger
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Nov-26-13 03:59 PM
Gotta hear both sides
2267914, All truth.
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Nov-26-13 05:38 PM
2267920, Ouch
Posted by Frank Mackey, Tue Nov-26-13 06:05 PM
2267958, i laughed loudly at this
Posted by guru0509, Tue Nov-26-13 08:59 PM
> to watch Michigan shuffle around like a syphilitic pig
>who thinks everything's a truffle.
2267950, Upset special.
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Nov-26-13 08:12 PM
2267952, We can add this one to your growing list of OSU related L's
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Nov-26-13 08:24 PM
2267955, What are the others?
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Nov-26-13 08:51 PM
2267957, umm, do we really need to up that Meyer thread?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Nov-26-13 08:58 PM
i know your memory isn't *that* bad.
2267968, I remember saying none of those slow white linebackers you had at the...
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Nov-26-13 09:15 PM
time would make it in the league and as far as I know they didn't, what else you got?
2267990, lol
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Nov-26-13 09:41 PM
OSU linebackers for The Game in 2011 were Storm Klein (who sucked, nobody was propping him up for the NFL) and Ryan Shazier who is a Butkus award finalist this year and will prob have one of the fastest 40 times for LB's in this year's combine. Anyway...

The bigger L's, off the top of my head, were you saying that Meyer would never coach at OSU, he'd never want to leave the SEC, it'd be too cold in Ohio...if he came to OSU he wouldn't be a winner, he'd never get SEC kids to play at OSU or win recruiting battles with Bama, Florida, etc, etc, etc.

But congrats on calling out Storm Klein as not being NFL caliber, lol. You should really be a NFL scout!!
2267997, This was before Shazier was even there, I think your studs then were...
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Nov-26-13 09:52 PM
Homan and some other stiffs.

I didn't think Urban would go there and I was wrong so big L for me. He still hasn't won shit yet.
2268018, there were prob 2 separate convo's...neither all that important
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Nov-26-13 10:18 PM
>Homan and some other stiffs.

Homan played with Brian Rolle who is still in the league. Ross Homan was a 6th round draft pick. Other than Shazier, Homan would start in a heartbeat over the 2 other 'fast black kids' we got at LB.

> He still hasn't won shit yet.

Other than 23 straight games...yes, nothing at all.
2268027, Brian Rolle is still in what league?
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Nov-26-13 10:25 PM
2268041, futures/reserves contract with the steelers
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Nov-26-13 11:06 PM
and prior to that he was drafted and played 4 years with the eagles

i would say that contradicts any predictions about him never being an nfl player
2268445, lmao @ Dave Brandon
Posted by guru0509, Thu Nov-28-13 07:42 AM
Brady Hoke is our coach and will be leading our football program well into the future. There is no question about it. Brady has done a great job rebuilding the program and reshaping the culture to the level it was under coaches Bo Schembechler, Gary Moeller and Lloyd Carr. Anyone making efforts to stir up a coaching controversy at Michigan is ill-informed and is likely promoting a personal agenda that is not in the best interest of Michigan Football.

We don't make excuses at Michigan when we fail to reach our goals, and we never will. We recognize areas we need to address and improve -- and we will. We also know how to hold people accountable for the roles and responsibilities they have as part of the privilege for being a part of Michigan Football -- and we will. However, it is valuable to occasionally step back from the disappointment and frustration that occurs when things don't go as well as expected and consider a few facts that may help put things into proper perspective.

Is our program where we want to be? No. We want to consistently compete for championships. That is the expectation at Michigan and that has been Brady's stated expectation from day one. When we don't meet those expectations there's disappointment -- and that starts with Brady, the coaches, players and everyone else that represents our football program. If you saw how hard everyone inside Schembechler Hall works every day, you would understand why they are disappointed. They pour their lives into developing these young people to prepare them to compete at the highest level and consistently win.

Many don't remember that Alabama finished fourth in its division during Nick Saban's fourth year with the Crimson Tide. At present, Alabama seems to be doing pretty well!! Stanford had 4-8, 5-7 and 8-5 records under Jim Harbaugh before reaching its current string of consecutive BCS appearances. This shows that it takes time for the right leader to build a consistent winner. We have the right leader, and despite the fact we have lost three very close games (and WE ARE ALL feeling the pain that comes from it!) the consistency will come. There have been speed bumps along the way and unforeseen obstacles that have hindered our progress this season, but the resiliency of this team has been remarkable.

Our coaches are recruiting nationally from New Jersey to California, from Michigan to Florida, and continue to bring in the type of young men that can compete on the field and in the classroom at the University of Michigan. The depth that this program needs to be a consistent winner is coming, but it doesn't happen overnight or in one or two recruiting classes. It takes time and probably a little more time than we all anticipated. However, the only threat to our continued success in recruiting is the same old, tired tactic being used by some who wish to see us fail -- to try and scare young recruits into believing that our coach "is on the hot seat" -- which simply isn't true. In fact, this is the same guy that was Big Ten and national coach of the year two seasons ago.

Brady inherited a team during his first season that had many juniors and seniors who played key roles in previous years. The senior class was recruited by Coach Carr and had some terrific talent that had simply been underperforming. We only had one freshman crack the depth chart on the offensive and defensive lines during that Sugar Bowl winning season. Right now, this year's team is counting on 11 freshmen or redshirt freshmen in the trenches. Not to make excuses, but to point out the obvious, this shows how much we are investing in young talent that will make huge contributions to our future success.

I'm really proud of how the players have bought into the new direction. Our coaches are changing schemes, and that requires a different recruiting philosophy and asking current student-athletes to adapt to a different style than previous years. The transformation and improvement of our defense under the leadership of coach Greg Mattison has been outstanding. Our coaches have worked hard to blend and develop schemes that bridge the gap between what was previously done and what they ultimately hope to run on both sides of the ball.

I have seen firsthand what Brady and his coaching staff are doing to make this program better. It takes time and sometimes patience by all of us before we can build the consistent winner that meets our expectations. I can assure you that our student-athletes are working hard every day to get better on the field, in the classroom and in the community. That hasn't changed at any point during the season; this group is fighting through obstacles. I know and see the drive that Brady, his coaches and players have to win -- and win for Michigan.

We recognize what makes Michigan so special is the passion and enthusiasm that our fans have for the team. However, those individuals who are spreading inaccurate rumors and saying inappropriate things about our coaches, players and recruits don't know what's happening inside Schembechler Hall or on that practice field. They are only trying to hurt the program and the progress our coaches and student-athletes are fighting to make on Saturdays. Sometimes that progress takes a little bit longer than we all like, but we know the long-term success that it's going to bring.

The 2013 season is far from over! We have two more big games to play, and we should all be looking forward to the opportunities they represent for our program. It is important and exciting for our young team to have the opportunity to experience an additional 15 practices, heal up some injuries, and compete in a bowl game at this stage in their career. And, for our seniors, these last two opportunities to play for Michigan are very special.

I know that Brady Hoke will finish his career at Michigan as one of the most successful coaches in our program's storied history. And, thanks to our many loyal fans and supporters who will be along for the ride because they care so much about Michigan Football for all of the right reasons!

Happy Thanksgiving and Go Blue!

• Dave Brandon Home Page
2268448, Great comparison!! What's dave brandon's okp username?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Thu Nov-28-13 08:25 AM

>Many don't remember that Alabama finished fourth in its
>division during Nick Saban's fourth year with the Crimson
>Tide. At present, Alabama seems to be doing pretty well!!
>Stanford had 4-8, 5-7 and 8-5 records under Jim Harbaugh
>before reaching its current string of consecutive BCS
2268950, what an out of touch douchebag
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Nov-30-13 10:12 AM
2269047, other things Brandon blames on Rich Rod
Posted by bshelly, Sat Nov-30-13 01:36 PM
Global warming
the passage of Obamacare
Mitt Romney's L
2268452, Happy Thanksgiving fellas.
Posted by guru0509, Thu Nov-28-13 09:20 AM

AMEN!!!!! (in Meek Mill voice)
2268945, I can hear sweat tricklin down ya cheek
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 10:05 AM
Heartbeat sound like brady hoke feet
Thunderin shakin the concrete....

Bottomless Bloody Marys for this bloodbath....seems fitting.

Sorry lolverine fans...youre about to enter another loong painful decade of losing to your big brother.

Revised score 63 to 13..Urban Meyer =/= Jim Tressel.. there will be no running out the clock or taking a knee. You all got your wish with Tressel getting canned, only now there's someone 25x worse at the helm...lol, careful what you wish for.

Cant wait to hear the pleas for Mattison and his "Baltimore Raven" defense after the game...

Bring out the bodybags....
2268949, Roll Damn Tide
Posted by Ceej, Sat Nov-30-13 10:12 AM
2268985, Our coach is fat
Posted by ZooTown74, Sat Nov-30-13 11:45 AM
Were you aware of this?

Gotta hear both sides
2268991, ^^was cracking fat jokes about Charlie Weis....
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 11:52 AM
Nope. I remember everything on here. I'm an OKS Griot (sad to admit that, but oh well)

Today you should probably watch whatever bullshit WWE event you got DVRed..this post wont be fun for you


2269055, Lol
Posted by brown sugar, Sat Nov-30-13 02:02 PM
2269002, Roll Hyde
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 12:10 PM
2269007, welp
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 12:20 PM
2269011, His name is Devin Smith.
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 12:30 PM
2269012, Beautiful throw and catch
Posted by ThaTruth, Sat Nov-30-13 12:30 PM
2269024, LMAO @ OSU. Just LMAO.
Posted by brown sugar, Sat Nov-30-13 12:52 PM
These bums gave up 14 to michigan. In one quarter. Lol.
2269025, yooo wtf?
Posted by vik, Sat Nov-30-13 12:54 PM
2269027, RE: LMAO @ OSU. Just LMAO.
Posted by brown sugar, Sat Nov-30-13 12:54 PM
2269028, Al DeBorges is coaching for his life
Posted by ACRG, Sat Nov-30-13 12:54 PM
2269026, Did he get McGuffied? n/m
Posted by Gemini_Two_One, Sat Nov-30-13 12:54 PM

Keep the crack raps up that shit is double plus what-ever-the-fuck.
Everybody's afraid to say that it just sucks to watch talented motherfuckers pretending they sell drugs - EL-P
2269029, Lotta punches by that model citizen oh st team
Posted by vik, Sat Nov-30-13 12:58 PM
Urban's fault?
2269031, OSU lost that fight lol
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Nov-30-13 01:01 PM
2269032, Maurice Hall slangin dem Birds! My dogg, enjoy the shower
Posted by calminvasion, Sat Nov-30-13 01:02 PM
2269084, Marcus
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 02:57 PM
2269034, Hall is ignorant as fuck lol.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Nov-30-13 01:02 PM
2269036, He went full pro wrestling heel!
Posted by Gemini_Two_One, Sat Nov-30-13 01:05 PM

Keep the crack raps up that shit is double plus what-ever-the-fuck.
Everybody's afraid to say that it just sucks to watch talented motherfuckers pretending they sell drugs - EL-P
2269045, This post is hilarious. The GOAT TGIS potential
Posted by calminvasion, Sat Nov-30-13 01:28 PM
2269054, lol...I KNOW
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Nov-30-13 01:47 PM
2269078, No.
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 02:48 PM
2269050, that's about that
Posted by bshelly, Sat Nov-30-13 01:38 PM
OSU's D is done falling for the misdirection, which should pretty much wrap this up.
2269052, Embarrassing half for OSU.
Posted by brown sugar, Sat Nov-30-13 01:43 PM
2269053, great game...michigan finally showing a pulse
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 01:46 PM
Wish I could say the same about our defense

2269059, he was down.
Posted by PROMO, Sat Nov-30-13 02:19 PM
edit: wow, these refs on that Pac-12.
2269060, :)
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 02:22 PM
2269064, I just came here to post this: https://vine.co/v/hPHq9OAHaub
Posted by MothershipConnection, Sat Nov-30-13 02:33 PM
2269067, brady hoke is a ceo!!! lmao
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 02:36 PM
2269070, feel bad for my Mich friends, but the University deserves this
Posted by bshelly, Sat Nov-30-13 02:39 PM
clown organization.
2269068, Michigan played a perfect first 25 minutes and is gonna get blown out
Posted by bshelly, Sat Nov-30-13 02:38 PM
2269069, yea this bout to get ugly
Posted by SeV, Sat Nov-30-13 02:38 PM


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2269179, WORD
Posted by ZooTown74, Sat Nov-30-13 04:48 PM
Gotta hear both sides
2269071, Brilliant halftime adjustments by Mattison
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 02:39 PM
2269074, Michigan hasn't made a halftime adjustment all year
Posted by bshelly, Sat Nov-30-13 02:43 PM
2269075, the way lolverine fans tell it, youd think it was dick lebeau on the sideline
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 02:44 PM
2269072, If it keep on raining...the levees gonna break (c)
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Nov-30-13 02:39 PM
2269073, Good game, OSU folks. Tips hat
Posted by the_time_is_when_god...lounge, Sat Nov-30-13 02:43 PM
2269076, so you're telling me...
Posted by PROMO, Sat Nov-30-13 02:44 PM
michigan don't have NO ONE else who can kick a 25-30 yard FG?

that's a failure in coaching then.
2269077, he's a CEO though
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 02:47 PM
(c) OKS michigan
2269083, man, you know i hate Ohio St.
Posted by PROMO, Sat Nov-30-13 02:56 PM
but you can't expect to win if something like that is an issue for your team.
2269079, lol bullshit bailout call..uncatchable as hell
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 02:49 PM
devin gardner throwing ducks up and getting saved.

2269080, Thanks for everything Luke Fickell, good luck at your new gig
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 02:52 PM
just leave Vrabel alone tho.
2269081, I'm embarrassed to say I'm a michigan fan now
Posted by the_time_is_when_god...lounge, Sat Nov-30-13 02:53 PM
A shit program with a basic coach and a shit OC.

Everything is second rate in comparison to what the tradition is supposed to entail.

Fucking ridiculous
2269082, GREAT play by Gardner...dude is hangin in there.
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 02:54 PM
tough son of a bitch
2269085, That play was epically dope.
Posted by C. Thelonius, Sat Nov-30-13 02:58 PM
Great awareness
2269086, Michigan is really shootin a fair one with these dudes
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Nov-30-13 03:00 PM
2269088, that one is gonna haunt yall...like brax to posey two years ago for us
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 03:04 PM
2269089, Funches is trash. Gardner out here limp stunting.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Nov-30-13 03:05 PM
Sick run.
2269090, Dude earned my respect this game...I shitted on him all year
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 03:07 PM
he's doing his thing today.
2269091, he losing draft stock re: funchess.
Posted by PROMO, Sat Nov-30-13 03:07 PM
you gotta adjust/give more effort.
2269094, Gardner out here beating these nyggas on 1 leg
Posted by SeV, Sat Nov-30-13 03:14 PM

he needs to get hurt more often

best iv seen him look since week 2

Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2269095, Here we go, hell of a game..God Damn
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 03:14 PM
Kudos m fans.
2269096, THIS is why this is the GREATEST rivalry in the land.
Posted by ACRG, Sat Nov-30-13 03:15 PM
2269098, wow @ this texting commercial....ive never seen that.
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 03:16 PM
2269106, There are guilt trip commercials... And then that
Posted by HecticHavoc, Sat Nov-30-13 03:20 PM
2269110, which one was it?
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Nov-30-13 03:24 PM
2269112, the one where the bald dude kills 3 kids texting "i love you"...
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 03:26 PM
that shit killed my buzz man, i had to go pour up again...smh

god damn
2269125, ugh...yeah, they go in hard on those
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Nov-30-13 03:36 PM
they right, though.
2269099, what a got damned game.
Posted by CherNic, Sat Nov-30-13 03:17 PM
2269100, man...this kid wants it
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Nov-30-13 03:17 PM
2269102, yikes at that kick...
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 03:18 PM
2269103, lol who the fuk is their kicker
Posted by SeV, Sat Nov-30-13 03:18 PM


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2269105, disgusting
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Nov-30-13 03:20 PM
2269109, hes bout to become a 'you had 1 job' meme
Posted by SeV, Sat Nov-30-13 03:23 PM


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2269104, Brax being brax....
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 03:19 PM
2269107, Well that was easy.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Nov-30-13 03:21 PM
2269111, What a ball game
Posted by Amritsar, Sat Nov-30-13 03:24 PM
2269115, omg
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 03:32 PM

2269116, If Mich scores here, they need to go for 2
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Nov-30-13 03:33 PM
Don't put this thing into OT
2269119, Yes!!!!Do it!!!!!!
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Nov-30-13 03:34 PM
2269118, YOLO
Posted by SeV, Sat Nov-30-13 03:34 PM


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2269120, I'm looking at OSU Defense with the side-eye
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Nov-30-13 03:34 PM
2269121, man fuk that kicker go for it
Posted by SeV, Sat Nov-30-13 03:35 PM


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 03:36 PM
2269123, what a shitty decision
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Nov-30-13 03:36 PM
2269132, ^^^^^^^^
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Nov-30-13 03:38 PM
2269136, RE: what a shitty decision
Posted by Amritsar, Sat Nov-30-13 03:39 PM
2269137, I was 50/50 on it.. it was clear Mattison couldn't stop OSUs 3 plays
Posted by LegacyNS, Sat Nov-30-13 03:40 PM

<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2269144, Unless they made it, expert sports analysis
Posted by Y2Flound, Sat Nov-30-13 03:43 PM
2269160, shitty either way
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Nov-30-13 03:56 PM
no reason to argue though
2269148, Great decision, poor play call.
Posted by ThaTruth, Sat Nov-30-13 03:44 PM
2269149, yep, go to Funchess or Butt there or give Devin a chance to move
Posted by LegacyNS, Sat Nov-30-13 03:45 PM

<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2269180, Nope, it was the right call
Posted by ZooTown74, Sat Nov-30-13 04:51 PM
Even in tying the game there's still 32 seconds left

That's 32 seconds for Miller and Hyde to get into field goal range, even with no timeouts

And the defense hadn't shown any inclination as to how they were going to stop either or both of them

I know our fan base loves to shit on Borges but I wasn't mad at the play call, either, Ohio just had it well-defended

Gotta hear both sides
2269184, But what does a 1 pt lead matter if they can get a FG?
Posted by Y2Flound, Sat Nov-30-13 05:00 PM
I think it was the right call but your logic doesn't make sense.

If Michigan is assuming they get in FG range it doesnt matter if it is tied or they are up 1 all that matters is if the kick is good or not.
2269186, You're right, woulda been better to lose in overtime nm
Posted by ZooTown74, Sat Nov-30-13 05:04 PM
Gotta hear both sides
2269124, damn Michigan.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Nov-30-13 03:36 PM
2269126, gardner got to atleast look him off
Posted by SeV, Sat Nov-30-13 03:36 PM

Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2269133, lookin at it now that was just a horrible play call
Posted by SeV, Sat Nov-30-13 03:39 PM
too many receivers in 1 place


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2269127, man, Hoke should be more fired than Sark.
Posted by PROMO, Sat Nov-30-13 03:37 PM
2269128, who needs a kicker?
Posted by ACRG, Sat Nov-30-13 03:37 PM
2269129, Game Of The Year.
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 03:37 PM
*SALUTE* Michigan fans (yes, you get the capital M for this effort today, dont get used to it)


2269130, Wow, what game, Gardner played brilliantly until the end.
Posted by ThaTruth, Sat Nov-30-13 03:37 PM
2269134, CHRIST!
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Sat Nov-30-13 03:39 PM
Michigan getting Big13293290438972 money
2269135, got dammit! Oh well they still ain't going to the chip
Posted by CherNic, Sat Nov-30-13 03:39 PM
2269138, what an oakley wearing fat fuck
Posted by falafel stand pimpin, Sat Nov-30-13 03:40 PM
extend that fucking awesome game
dude made that swift decision with dinner in mind
2269145, RE: what an oakley wearing fat fuck <- LOL
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Nov-30-13 03:43 PM
2269163, hilarious
Posted by SeV, Sat Nov-30-13 03:59 PM
fukers ran out of snickers on the sideline

dude panicked

Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2269139, crazy how Ohio St is about to finish undefeated 2 years in a row
Posted by LBs Finest, Sat Nov-30-13 03:40 PM
but with no appearances in the BCS title game
2269639, right bro?! like totally crazy.
Posted by guru0509, Sun Dec-01-13 03:58 PM
2269140, Why would you call that play again?
Posted by HecticHavoc, Sat Nov-30-13 03:41 PM
They saw the formation, called a time out, game planned for the formation and Michigan gives them the same play. Bad.
2269151, Same shit we've been running all fucking SEASON!
Posted by doberman, Sat Nov-30-13 03:46 PM
You come with something in the back of the playbook that they haven't seen before on that play!! Fucking Borges.
2269159, Should have kicked the field goal .SMH
Posted by Case_One, Sat Nov-30-13 03:50 PM


Knowing, Being, and Doing is the best way to live.

A great Audio bible link http://www.biblica.com/bibles/audio/niv/
2269141, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCMpecJf3H4#t=21
Posted by ACRG, Sat Nov-30-13 03:41 PM
2269153, L
Posted by Ceej, Sat Nov-30-13 03:46 PM
Won't watch B1G championship game
2269154, I support the decision, surprise surprise, hated the play #alborges
Posted by ACRG, Sat Nov-30-13 03:46 PM
I STILL WANT Borges shown the door.
2269157, gotta target Funchess or Butt given the flow of the game.
Posted by LegacyNS, Sat Nov-30-13 03:50 PM
Or give Devin a chance to run even tho he was a little hurt..
<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2269156, WTF was up with Mattison? 6 in the box the whole fucking game.
Posted by doberman, Sat Nov-30-13 03:48 PM
2269167, Braxton Miller threw 15 passes & we called like 2 run blitzes...
Posted by LegacyNS, Sat Nov-30-13 04:15 PM
same old play not to lose coaching...
<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2269161, Great game.
Posted by Baron, Sat Nov-30-13 03:58 PM
It was the right idea to go for the win, but yet again another stupid playcall that didn't fool the defense. Not sure why Borges thought it was a good idea to have two receivers within five feet of each other in the end zone.
2269164, OSU defense was beyond embarrassing
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Nov-30-13 04:11 PM
it's just not there from a personnel or coaching perspective. looking forward to a new DC next year but linebacker depth won't be fixed overnight.

but for all the Borges griping...he took an enormous shit on Fickell's face in that game.

and yeah, that was some real cool tough guy shit that mich pulled surrounding the 180lb frosh. typical bitch shit from a bitch program.
2269169, I hated this co-coordinator shit from the jump
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 04:20 PM
Lol @ Taylor Lewan's post game comments too

what a cunt.
2269170, what he say?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Nov-30-13 04:24 PM
2269173, Dude was holding back tears & said "that not the #3 team in the country"
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 04:28 PM
typical post game mike hart crying shit

think Dontre Wilson will be motivated next year? lol
2269175, mich players are the shit on twitter and at pressers
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Nov-30-13 04:33 PM
and at ganging up on 170lb slot receivers

at the end of the day they stay losing on the field
2269177, And here we are. Two grown men on a message board
Posted by brown sugar, Sat Nov-30-13 04:46 PM
Arguing about the manliness of 18 year olds. Sports make people irrational.
2269189, Yea, two grown men were talking until you chimed in.
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 05:06 PM
run along now.

you can crawl back out when the lolverines lose in basketball too.
2269202, no we're discussing how pathetic your program is
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Nov-30-13 05:23 PM
if the idea of a sports message board is too much for you to contend with then i'm not sure why you're here
2269205, Haha alright.
Posted by brown sugar, Sat Nov-30-13 05:34 PM
Btw why do osu fans always seem so mad? Win or lose. I feel like taking you and guru out for some soft serves. Enjoy the win. Cheers
2269616, ^got mad over people questioning Tate's "street smarts"
Posted by guru0509, Sun Dec-01-13 03:32 PM
like furious, look in the archives for dirt levels of mad.

just slink away now.
2269174, #3, lol
Posted by isaaaa, Sat Nov-30-13 04:33 PM

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2269176, Classic. The Game Takeaways:
Posted by brown sugar, Sat Nov-30-13 04:35 PM
(1) lol @ guru's prediction

(2) lol @ that OSU defense

(3) lol @ that Michigan defense

(4) horrible fumble call changed the game

(5) that osu fresh needs anger medication

(6) osu is not the third best team in the country

(7) great call by hoke to go for 2

(8) bad play-call on the 2pt conversion

(9) still need to fire borges
2269187, lol @ you never seeing a michigan w in your undergrad
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 05:05 PM
lol @ you only seeing two michigan wins in your entire OKS existence, and the track record is worse in basketball...

congrats on the first half win, hang it up next to the september heismans and half championships...

as long as you have your guy and we have ours, you're gonna be on the losing end, either by 1, 5, or 15

2269191, Shouldn't you be looking for a body bag? Lol
Posted by brown sugar, Sat Nov-30-13 05:09 PM
2269193, scoreboard, lol
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 05:11 PM
and it'll be the same result next year and the year after.

see ya around!
2269209, you just got two more years of borges off this game
Posted by bshelly, Sat Nov-30-13 05:37 PM
not 1.


the morons running michigan are going to point to this game to show his offense works.
2269490, and hopefully another 5 years of Hoke
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Dec-01-13 09:26 AM
2269178, What I miss?
Posted by ZooTown74, Sat Nov-30-13 04:47 PM
Can't ask for a better game from them cats, man

Devin poured his heart and soul into that game, I'm not mad at him at all for this, or this season, for that matter

Also, shout-out to our coach (he fat, yo) for going for two at the end, they just had it well-defended and Devin couldn't really move on his ankle to scramble


Gotta hear both sides
2269315, :)
Posted by guru0509, Sat Nov-30-13 07:54 PM

2269410, we should have beat them turkeys
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Sat Nov-30-13 10:51 PM
i ain't worried about no overrated Ohio State.
2269599, michigan class
Posted by guru0509, Sun Dec-01-13 03:03 PM

(lol at Brax yanking that little scrub around by his facemask though....loved it)

2269608, no doubt that was orchestrated
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Dec-01-13 03:18 PM
whatever respect i had for loser ass hoke died right there
2269615, i dont have respect for coaches who luck into prime jobs
Posted by guru0509, Sun Dec-01-13 03:30 PM
aka lane kiffin'd

lane had his daddy...hoke had lllllloyd

its going to be so fun owning this program for another decade.

2269703, LOL and your respect for the dolts that threw punches?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-01-13 05:39 PM
2269710, 5 goons surrounded and knocked wilson around like a pin ball
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Dec-01-13 05:52 PM
and then the 180lb kid had his helmet ripped off while continuing to be attacked.

refs need to get in front of that shit before it happens...because once something like that jumps off its guaranteed to get ugly...and it did.

between lewan's bullshit against MSU and this latest stunt its obvious what this mich program is all about. they don't have the talent to succeed on the field so they'll thug it out on twitter and goad superior teams into losing their cool. congrats on succeeding with that BS but as usual they go home with a big fat L.
2269713, Clearly Wilson was the instigator
Posted by guru0509, Sun Dec-01-13 05:58 PM
Teams that play for Fortune 500 CEOs like Brady Hoke wouldn't stoop to such levels.

Lol, I'm still dying at the CEO bullshit parroted throughout this post.

A competent CEO would have more than 1 fucking FG kicker
2269718, **supposedly** wilson was fucked with in the tunnel during pre-game
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Dec-01-13 06:09 PM
if true they were clearly targeting the kid

like damn, at least try and pick a fair fight??
2269721, It's gonna be fun watching him run the jet sweep nxt year with JT Barret
Posted by guru0509, Sun Dec-01-13 06:13 PM
Texas in the building.

Urban doesn't forget shit...next year at home. Should be a doozy.

2269755, brax really needs to come back
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Dec-01-13 07:17 PM
he missed a bunch of throws in that game
2269723, lol thats really fucking stupid
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-01-13 06:18 PM
Ppl are responsible for their own actions

And Marcus Hall's display was worse than anything a Michigan player (or player from just about any other team in America) jas done all year

Foh lol
2269726, RE: lol thats really fucking stupid
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Dec-01-13 06:31 PM
>Ppl are responsible for their own actions

I wish they would have acted differently but I understand their emotions and why they retaliated. What was Wilson supposed to do, curl up in a ball? His teammates were supposed to let him get pummeled? If you've ever played sports you'd understand the emotions involved here.

Like I said, the refs cannot let that situation happen in the first place. Congrats to mich for making it happen. 10 out of 10 times that scenario will end in a fight with ejections. I' sure OSU will be on the lookout for mich goonery in future games.

>And Marcus Hall's display was worse than anything a Michigan
>player (or player from just about any other team in America)
>jas done all year

Right. Trying to decapitate someone like Lewan or whoever ripped Wilson's helmet off definitely doesn't compare to the destructive consequences of flipping the bird, lol.

We also have a potential heisman QB who is currently being accused of rape but way to keep things in perspective.
2269730, youre really reaching if youre bringing Jameis Winston into this
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-01-13 06:34 PM
Hall's behavior happened on live TV...cmon
2269733, I didn't start a national behavior comparison
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Dec-01-13 06:38 PM
Hall lost his shit.

Hell, I was at home in my living room and I lost my shit.

This game means the world to these kids...to be ejected in your last rival game as a senior while trying to protect one of your teammates...he lost his shit but I get it. I hope those in the stands can one day recover from his obscene gesture.
2269731, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEVJyf0ft3I
Posted by ACRG, Sun Dec-01-13 06:36 PM
2269734, third party: both teams looked dumb as fuck
Posted by will_5198, Sun Dec-01-13 06:38 PM
Braxton running in there to headwhip people was really, really stupid leadership.

but hey, rivalry.
2269737, seeing the 1st string QB run in to defend a 3rd string FR rb was dope
Posted by guru0509, Sun Dec-01-13 06:42 PM
*and* stupid.

but, we would have beaten those lames with kenny g anyway.

fuck em.

2269739, I would have been more bothered had nobody run in to help
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Dec-01-13 06:46 PM

I mean I'm sitting there watching that shit unfold (u could see that developing from a mile away) and yelling out 'someone get out there and help that kid!'

Just not a good situation at all.
2269743, every team has back-up goons to handle that
Posted by will_5198, Sun Dec-01-13 06:50 PM
no team in the national title race needs their quarterback running off the bench to be an enforcer. that's actually rewarding the other team.
2269753, RE: every team has back-up goons to handle that
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Dec-01-13 07:15 PM
>no team in the national title race needs their quarterback
>running off the bench to be an enforcer.

the offense was coming onto the field after the kickoff.

>that's actually
>rewarding the other team.

yep. mich won the battle but lost the war.
2270839, the dude braxton threw around = dymonte thomas...
Posted by guru0509, Tue Dec-03-13 11:34 AM
i wonder if he and kalis are having second thoughts..

2270789, Borges back.
Posted by guru0509, Tue Dec-03-13 10:23 AM


Michigan may have just finished the regular season with a 7-5 record, but if you were expecting some major changes to be made to the coaching staff in Ann Arbor, Brady Hoke has some bad news for you.

Hoke told reporters that the entire Michigan coaching staff would be returning next season, as will quarterback Devin Gardner.

Hoke didn't need VOC

There had been some speculation that Michigan might look to replace offensive coordinator Al Borges after the offense struggled in Big Ten play this season. While the Wolverines scored 41 points against Ohio State on Saturday and 63 points against Indiana in October, it averaged only 24.8 points per game in its other six Big Ten contests, and that includes seven overtimes. Take out those overtime sessions and the number drops to 20.8 points per game.

All that being said, having Devin Gardner return for his senior season -- which was expected -- should help matters on offense next season. Gardner got beat up a bit this season playing behind a young offensive line, but he finished with 3,443 total yards and 32 total touchdowns. If he can get some better protection next season and cut down on the turnovers -- Gardner threw 11 interceptions -- Michigan's offense should improve by default.

Topics: Devin Gardner, Big Ten, Michigan Wolverines, NCAAF

2270801, smh
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Dec-03-13 10:34 AM
2270858, LOL @ the OSU fan revisionist history in this post
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Dec-03-13 12:05 PM
First they got their "blowout" prediction
wildly wrong. Then they shift the blame for
players throwing PUNCHES and flipping off the
fans on national TV to Michigan. Beyond that,
they claim Brady Hoke "orchestrated" a sinister
conspiracy to evoke such a reaction. LOL Brady
Hoke can barely orchestrate a positive offensive

LOL, just LOL.

Also, when I said Brady Hoke
was a CEO style coach, I did not necessarily
mean it in a complimentary manner. It was meant
to describe him as a style of coach who delegates
a lot of responsibility to his coordinators and
manages them. It doesn't always work (see: Mack
Brown). Obviously, this analogy was too complex
for some people to wrap their minds around.
2270864, the .GIF speaks for itself
Posted by guru0509, Tue Dec-03-13 12:09 PM
worry about that average bball team you got

2270879, RE: the .GIF speaks for itself
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Dec-03-13 12:27 PM
>worry about that average bball team you got

You mean the 20th ranked team in the country
coming off a national title appearance? Didn't
you learn anything last year? You spent the
entire season talking about how Mitch McGary
sucked, Beilein sucked, how Michigan was
overrated... and then we went to the Final
Four while OSU was at home watching. You'd think
you'd learn to temper your blatantly wrong
trash talk after suffering such an embarrassing
and complete L.
2270884, Thad Matta vs michigan...17-3. SEVENTEEN.
Posted by guru0509, Tue Dec-03-13 12:33 PM
more final fours, more B1G championships, more B1G tournament championships and any other metric you wanna use...more 1st round picks..more academic all americans...

& you bums just lost to Charlotte.

2270926, And yet, everything in my original post stands.
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Dec-03-13 01:40 PM
Nowhere did I mention Matta.

Just your horrible, laughable, and
humiliating L that bashed you over your head
over and over again for an entire basketball
season. Just an epic L all around.
2270945, LOL...good thing you didn't mention it.
Posted by guru0509, Tue Dec-03-13 02:33 PM
Just admit that your bball and fb programs are light years behind ours, and I'll stop yanking your chain.

& making the championship game only to lose it in heartbreaking fashion was an epic win for everyone not wearing those ugly ass colors. congrats on the first final four since G H W was in office.

..bragging about being ranked 20th in the country in December...lmao

*in AI voice*

Charlotte. Not Nc State. Not Wake Forest. Not UNC. Not Duke (that's tonight, edit but I hope you win)

but Charlotte.
2270982, Yeah our basketball program is *light years* behind OSU's lol
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Dec-03-13 03:42 PM
Right today, that's a ridiculous assessment of
the program. If a neutral observer looked at both
schools right now and had to pick one going forward,
it would be close to a toss-up. Not "light years."

Especially considering one team is off the high
of a final four... and you yourself picked them
to win the division this year... right?

But I get it. It's your schtick. You come on here
to beat your chest about how OSU is awesome and
Michigan sucks. You're not here to have any sort
of discourse on sports. So more power to you my
man; hope you feel great and have a good day.

2270985, RE: Yeah our basketball program is *light years* behind OSU's lol
Posted by guru0509, Tue Dec-03-13 03:49 PM
>Right today, that's a ridiculous assessment of
>the program. If a neutral observer looked at both
>schools right now and had to pick one going forward,
>it would be close to a toss-up. Not "light years."

close to a toss up? wow. talk about delusional.

>Especially considering one team is off the high
>of a final four... and you yourself picked them
>to win the division this year... right?

1 final four doesn't really impress anyone dude. That's not elite.

>But I get it. It's your schtick. You come on here
>to beat your chest about how OSU is awesome and
>Michigan sucks. You're not here to have any sort
>of discourse on sports. So more power to you my
>man; hope you feel great and have a good day.

Lol, I'm reasonable with reasonable people.

At least you've grown up and learned to leave out personal insults/academic rankings etc in your sports "discussion".

Good for you kiddo.

2270987, I don't think you know what a light year is.
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Dec-03-13 03:53 PM
2270994, I'm not sure if you've been paying attention the last 10 seasons.
Posted by guru0509, Tue Dec-03-13 03:59 PM
2270965, RE: LOL @ the OSU fan revisionist history in this post
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Dec-03-13 03:14 PM
>First they got their "blowout" prediction
>wildly wrong.

Who is 'they'? There are two OSU fans on this board so address us by name. I said nothing of a blowout...all I did was cosign Hoke's assessment of your fan base as fickle and stated that it was wack as fuck that mich fans were unloading their tix.

Go ahead and actually read the earlier posts...all of the blowout predictions were from your own fan base, lol.

But hey, congrats, you didn't get blown out hooray!! Enjoy that little caesars pizza pizza bowl as your big reward.

>Then they shift the blame for
>players throwing PUNCHES and flipping off the
>fans on national TV to Michigan.

The video speaks for itself. 5 players surrounded a 180lb kid and ripped his helmet off. From a fan base who worships Taylor Lewan and the many other sore loser mich cry babies throughout the years, it doesn't surprise me that you cosign on the goon shit that clearly instigated that brawl.

>Also, when I said Brady Hoke
>was a CEO style coach, I did not necessarily
>mean it in a complimentary manner.

You explained it adequately the first time. And it's still every bit as stupid now as it was after the first explanation. Nobody perceived it as a compliment so I don't know what the hell you're whining about.

Frankly, I love your CEO head coach. I hope he sticks around for a long, long time.
2270970, Epic L's = slobbing Tate Forcier and Barwis..
Posted by guru0509, Tue Dec-03-13 03:24 PM
dude has seen two michigan wins in the last 10 years and has the nerve to talk Ls...


2270974, I mean do we really wanna start talking about predictions?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Dec-03-13 03:30 PM
2270984, My predictions have been right more often than not
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Dec-03-13 03:48 PM
I've had epic Ls and even more epic Ws. About
par for the course. And I'll admit when I'm wrong.

I'm also blatantly biased for certain teams, esp
Michigan, but I'm not so blinded by my fandom that
I spout unintelligble nonsense and act like a
dense idiot who parrots the same lines over and
over again. And, frankly, that's exactly the
behavior that is ruining this board and has led
directly to my diminished posting.

BTW 3x, you specifically are an idiot sometimes
(like me), but at least you are largely logical
and level-headed. So that's not a shot at you.
2270997, you're hitting well below 50%
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Dec-03-13 04:02 PM
unfortunately tressel only counts as 1 W...not 50 as you'd like us to think.

and had Meyer not been unemployed at that time I don't believe your prediction would have come true on that one either.

look, most (if not all) of your predictions are mich related and it's been a disastrous last 10 years or so. so by definition your hit percentage is going to be putrid.
2271318, /end post
Posted by guru0509, Wed Dec-04-13 10:59 AM

2270861, Brady Hoke meets 12yo Buckeye fan cancer patient at The Game:
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Dec-03-13 12:07 PM

Cool story. Props to Hoke.
2270896, so i finally watched the game in 1 continuous swoop
Posted by cgonz00cc, Tue Dec-03-13 01:04 PM
was tailgating for u(sic)ga - gt and saw about 15 broken up minutes of the first half's 30 minutes

not much to say surprisingly

it was a classic, and Devin Gardner was channeling isiah thomas for most of the game. also it was glaringly obvious how much they've missed Dileo. he turned in a huge effort.

coaches were scared to man up with safeties and Brax/Hyde went nuts. with good reason a it turned out, as Furman was over-relying on his admittedly impressive makeup speed and getting burned over the top of a deep half. ben gedeon looked good, but it seemed like Michigan's plan was to funnel Hyde to Desmond Morgan and Hyde won that definitively.

as for the fight, im not surprised that there was a "dust-up" at some point but the helmet-rippers/punch-throwers acted extra dumb and selfish. no one getting suspended is kind of a joke, but its not even about OSU; any team 12-0 in the B1G would be getting the same treatment with BCS on the line. dont really care what OSU does, but i wouldnt be mad at RJS missing the 1st half of the bowl game.

anyways, great game
2270947, They were ejected from the biggest game of the season.
Posted by guru0509, Tue Dec-03-13 02:36 PM
That's more than enough.
2270969, the big 10 set a precedent by not suspending Lewan
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Dec-03-13 03:23 PM
> no one getting suspended is kind of a
>joke, but its not even about OSU;

and I love how fans are more concerned with Marcus Hall playing than Winston, lmao.

bird flipping has now become the ultimate sin.
2270979, Lewan should have been suspended.
Posted by brown sugar, Tue Dec-03-13 03:39 PM
I'm fine with Hall/the frosh not getting

But it was still classless.

Also, even if 5 players surround you, it doesn't
warrant throwing a punch. This isn't the mountains
of Afghanistan,he had nothing to worry about.

Believe me - if he had just tried to jog out of
that circle of Michigan players, the players
would have either: (1) parted to let him through
or (2) continued to intimidate/shove him and get
a personal foul themselves.

Classless, yes. But neither OSU players should
be suspended IMO.

2270989, RE: Lewan should have been suspended.
Posted by 3xKrazy, Tue Dec-03-13 03:55 PM

>Also, even if 5 players surround you, it doesn't
>warrant throwing a punch.

nobody was happy about how that turned out. I'm just not sure how it could have turned out any other way. as i said earlier, the refs can't allow that type of situation develop because its a guaranteed disaster.

>This isn't the mountains
>of Afghanistan,he had nothing to worry about.

LOL. easy for you to say behind your keyboard. dontre is a tiny ass dude and he was in the middle of a brawl without his helmet (courtesy of a mich player). that's a dangerous situation by definition.
2270991, well to be frank I dont expect much out of fsu
Posted by cgonz00cc, Tue Dec-03-13 03:56 PM
I wouldnt want GT playing a guy with an open rape case, but fsu has made it very clear in their history that they just dont give a fuck
2270996, that's pretty much what I've said to myself...
Posted by guru0509, Tue Dec-03-13 04:01 PM
Some schools..
2271736, Great video from the game...
Posted by guru0509, Thu Dec-05-13 09:58 AM