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Topic subjectMonday NBA 11.11.13 - Bulls/Cavs with lines
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2260636, Monday NBA 11.11.13 - Bulls/Cavs with lines
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Nov-11-13 07:01 PM
Memphis @ Indiana -7
OKP special finals preview

SA-6.5 @ Philly
If the 6ers hang here, they might be alright.

ATL -3 @ charlotte
eh. Id bet on ATL though

Orl @ Bos -3
Good spot to take Orl if Bos is really tanking since they got their 2 Ws last week

Cle @ Chi -7.5
id stay away from betting thisunless u wanna take Cle Moneyline

Tor @ Hou -8
Id bet against rockets and any big line right now. If we lose this clutchfans will be on full meltdown mode

Den -3.5 @ Utah
The Post Javale McGee era begins

Det @ Por -4.5
Interested to see how Det plays in a tough west coast road game

Minn @ Clippers -6
should be a fun game. Nice Blake/Love agenda lite. I think i like Minn and the pts.

2260641, Larry Sanders out 6 weeks
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Nov-11-13 07:25 PM
2260652, RE: Larry Sanders out 6 weeks
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon Nov-11-13 08:00 PM
2260646, Understand we're not going to be very good..
Posted by gmltheone, Mon Nov-11-13 07:43 PM
But darius morris and lavoy can't be out there BSing...
Same as it ever was!
2260669, Gotta find a way to replicate the ball movement of this lineup
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Nov-11-13 08:51 PM
2260681, Celtics streakin!
Posted by electricflower, Mon Nov-11-13 09:19 PM
keep runnin (c) tommy
2260683, this is a technical foul = http://i.minus.com/iKRslc7xdMG22.gif
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Mon Nov-11-13 09:23 PM

nba please.
2260702, disgusting
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Nov-11-13 10:08 PM
2260851, lol @ tony allen reaction then calling traveling.
Posted by Cenario, Tue Nov-12-13 09:27 AM
2260699, If the Celtics are close to .500 when the 18th Letter comes back.......
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon Nov-11-13 09:58 PM
he's gonna force Danny's hand to trade him, because they'll make the playoffs.
2260705, can't wait for the Cavs to be smarter...what a dumb team
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Nov-11-13 10:17 PM
the shit waiters does is remarkable
2260810, he strikes me as a 'by the time he gets it, he'll have lost it' type
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Nov-12-13 01:42 AM
>the shit waiters does is remarkable
2260722, ugh game shouldnt be this close
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Nov-11-13 10:53 PM
these cats dont look happy with each other right now.

Its crazy how quickly that chemistry and teamwork this team had just fell apart. I guess like they say - pressure busts pipes.

Hopefully they find a way to get it back. Usually those things dont happen unless things go real bad first.
2260726, cmon James pass the ball
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Nov-11-13 10:56 PM
everyone knows youre gonna shoot it every time and theyre just converging on you
2260733, lol what a joke
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Nov-11-13 11:05 PM
tjones is all over Rudy Gay in the 4th including stopping him at the end of regulation. What does Mchale do? switch Parsons onto him. Granted Parsons played decent D, but why even make that move?

Fuckin mcfail
2260741, T-Jones!
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon Nov-11-13 11:18 PM
2260755, Just let him fuckin play
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Nov-11-13 11:33 PM
He can guard 2.5 positions. He has a nice motor. He has good chemistry with Jeremy Lin :).
2260742, This game murdering my Survivor team.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Nov-11-13 11:18 PM
2260754, Lol yea man
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Nov-11-13 11:32 PM
Mine too
2260757, I'm gonna get zero points out of 45-50 minutes, if I'm lucky.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Nov-11-13 11:35 PM
Unless Ba's team majorly shits the bed, loss #2.
2260753, Christ Rudy gay, 11-37
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Nov-11-13 11:31 PM
2260771, he just having fun out there shooting.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Mon Nov-11-13 11:49 PM
2260772, woulda won with ariza
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Nov-11-13 11:50 PM
2260773, Definitely woulda won with Shane
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Nov-11-13 11:53 PM
2260850, you lost with Ariza though, Dr. Agendastein. He's dead, Jim.
Posted by Castro, Tue Nov-12-13 09:26 AM
2260783, #GunnersUnited: The Rudy & DeRozan Show
Posted by FILF, Tue Nov-12-13 12:07 AM
2260799, lolkevinlovelol
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Nov-12-13 12:54 AM
2260801, Wow...Clipps so fortunate, that game shoulda been on ice
Posted by LA2Philly, Tue Nov-12-13 12:58 AM
2260812, this is what Dwight Howard can do for you
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Nov-12-13 01:49 AM
2260847, miss 8 out of 12 ft's and help blow another double digit 2nd half lead to...
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Nov-12-13 09:22 AM
a bum ass team?