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Topic subjectESPN Ticker: Cutler out at least 4 Weeks TORN GROIN....LINK
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2249640, ESPN Ticker: Cutler out at least 4 Weeks TORN GROIN....LINK
Posted by murph71, Mon Oct-21-13 12:43 PM
Torn groin....4 weeks...More news coming...But yeah...My Bears season is over....Horrible defense and all...

Link: http://espn.go.com/chicago/nfl/story/_/id/9858963/jay-cutler-chicago-bears-quarterback-least-four-weeks

Jay Cutler tears muscle in groin

Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler suffered a muscle tear in his groin Sunday and will miss at least four weeks, the team announced Monday.

An MRI on Monday confirmed the diagnosis.

Jay Cutler left with a groin injury and Roy Helu rushed for three touchdowns, including the game winner, to lift the Redskins to a 45-41 win against the Bears.Tags: Bears, Redskins, Roy Helu, Jay Cutler, Josh McCown, Martellus Bennett, Aldrick Robinson

Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler suffered a muscle tear in his groin Sunday and will miss at least four weeks, the team announced Monday.

An MRI on Monday confirmed the diagnosis.

Cutler suffered the injury with 10:09 remaining in the second quarter of the Bears' 45-41 loss to the Washington Redskins while being slammed to the ground on a sack by Chris Baker.

EnlargeJay Cutler
Brad Mills/USA TODAY SportsJay Cutler limped off the field after suffering a groin injury Sunday against the Redskins.

In the meantime, the Bears (4-3) are set to bring in Jordan Palmer as a potential backup to Josh McCown, a source told ESPN. The Bears signed Palmer and Trent Edwards at the end of the preseason after former No. 3 quarterback Matt Blanchard fractured a knuckle on his throwing hand.

Trestman on Monday said the addition of Palmer was "certainly an option."

"We're just going to sit back here today and evaluate the game and coach our guys up to the best of our availability, and we'll see where Jay is at and what the prognosis is for the next couple weeks and work from there, but Jordan certainly is an option," Trestman said in an interview with WBBM-AM in Chicago.

Cutler appeared to suffer the injury as Baker swung him to the ground, causing the quarterback's lower body to slam down on top of the defensive end's knee. Cutler eventually limped off the field under his own power, and the team's medical staff immediately walked him into the locker room.

McCown filled in and completed 14 of 20 passes for 204 yards, including a 7-yard touchdown pass to Martellus Bennett in the fourth quarter. McCown finished the game with a passer rating of 119.6.

Before the injury, Cutler was 3-of-8 passing for 28 yards and had an interception returned 29 yards for a touchdown by Redskins linebacker Brian Orakpo.

Cutler hasn't missed time since Nov. 11 of last season, when he sustained a concussion against the Houston Texans that forced him out the next week against the San Francisco 49ers. In 2011, Cutler missed the club's final six games because of a broken thumb, and the Bears lost five of those games.

2249645, We werent winning shit this year anyway.
Posted by select_from_where, Mon Oct-21-13 12:51 PM
time to get some serious tanking going on so we can get some defensive studs.

another bears season down the drain

2249649, RE: We werent winning shit this year anyway.
Posted by murph71, Mon Oct-21-13 12:55 PM

We def. need to get faster and younger on D...

But I will say this...Coach Trestman is the real deal...That whole offensive genius tag is no hyperbole...I feel good about our Offense going forward...

That D, though? A whole other story....
2249651, so since we cant blame Martz...
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Oct-21-13 12:56 PM
playcalling or Lovie for ignoring the O-line...why does Jay continue to get beat the fuck up?
2249662, Bears fans gotta do better than this....
Posted by murph71, Mon Oct-21-13 01:03 PM
>playcalling or Lovie for ignoring the O-line...why does Jay
>continue to get beat the fuck up?

U joking right?...lol

Before this season, Cutler was a tackling dummy...It's amazing that he hasn't been hurt more often...Last season he took his team to a 10-6 record while getting planted to the ground on a daily....If you want to get a better idea of how tough Cutler is, look up his sack totals during the Lovie era...Your eyes will pop out...

There's "no continue" to....That dude takes a serious beatdown and still shows up on the field....

Injuries happen....Welcome to the NFL....
2249670, As much as I don't want to agree, he held the ball way too long on that throw
Posted by select_from_where, Mon Oct-21-13 01:08 PM
Find the vid of that shit and you'll see him pull the ball back down for some reason.
2249677, RE: As much as I don't want to agree, he held the ball way too long on that throw
Posted by murph71, Mon Oct-21-13 01:14 PM
>Find the vid of that shit and you'll see him pull the ball
>back down for some reason.

Dog...I will allow anyone to say that Cutler at times tries to throw the ball into small spaces TOO much because of his faith in his arm...That's a real criticism....

But all this injury stuff? nah...I'm not going to beat up on Cutler for that...Not when this was the first season as a Bears in which he had a competent offensive line...

U see the QB's that have gone down just this Sunday alone? This is a violent sport...Shit happens...

But let's not try to make it out like it was Cutler's fault for getting injured....because if he would have thrown that ball and gotten an INT, Bears fans would have been the first to say YOU SEE?!!!..

It is what it is, homie...
2249702, I probably should have qualified...I am a Cutler stan...
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Oct-21-13 01:41 PM
love Jay. Didn't mean this to be a dig at him at ALL.
2249667, well most of this season he was among the least sacked
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Mon Oct-21-13 01:06 PM
which might have something to do with him having the highest qb rating of his career
2249672, RE: well most of this season he was among the least sacked
Posted by murph71, Mon Oct-21-13 01:09 PM
>which might have something to do with him having the highest
>qb rating of his career

Indeed....That was just a weird, nasty hit he took....Shit happens....
2249663, id imagine thats the most painful injury possible
Posted by Binlahab, Mon Oct-21-13 01:04 PM
torn groin?! jesus h christ

does it even matter?
2249668, fock
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Mon Oct-21-13 01:06 PM
Posted by nighttripper, Mon Oct-21-13 01:09 PM
and I know technically he's not the 3rd QB, but he was last year (and we only had two on the roster so far)

so a whooride it is.
2249680, whoo-fucking-ride
Posted by select_from_where, Mon Oct-21-13 01:16 PM
Mac 10 gonna put on the navy and orange
2249682, Cutler looks like the type of dude that don't stretch properly
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Oct-21-13 01:19 PM
well basically every white quarterback

I bet the Big Rape can't even touch his toes
2249686, surprised it was so severe
Posted by smutsboy, Mon Oct-21-13 01:22 PM
the tackle looked completely ordinary.
2249688, I think it happened when he got slammed against the tackles knee
Posted by select_from_where, Mon Oct-21-13 01:24 PM
2249694, Apparently all of Chicago is melting down right now, but
Posted by select_from_where, Mon Oct-21-13 01:27 PM
But I will say this.

Josh Mccown doesn't need to be a great QB to beat detroit. (cause we not beating green bay)

He doesnt even need to be good

He just needs to be pedestrian.

All dude has to do is move the ball with the tools he has, and go on long, sustained drives and keep the fucking defense off the field.

If we get 36 minute TOS against detroit. i swear to you we can go 3-1 in this four-game stretch.

I know trestman knows it too. hes no dummy.

We shall see.
2249704, Why did i have flashbacks to this video?
Posted by GOMEZ, Mon Oct-21-13 01:45 PM
2249705, this hurts just to read.
Posted by guru0509, Mon Oct-21-13 01:46 PM
2249709, I can't recall ever hearing of a TORN groin, fuck that hurts just thinking
Posted by J_Stew, Mon Oct-21-13 02:00 PM
Bout it
2249710, Fred Taylor once tore his groin completely off the bone
Posted by LA2Philly, Mon Oct-21-13 02:03 PM
That's the most significant groin tear (or hell, muscle tear) that I can remember.
2249857, goddamn...that hurts just to read.
Posted by DunDaDa, Mon Oct-21-13 07:03 PM
2249885, Fred had some RUGGED injuries, man...
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Oct-21-13 07:30 PM
which makes it that much more amazing when you look at what kind of career he had. I remember sitting in Altell Stadium in Jacksonville for a Ravens/Jags game and Fred was out. A bunch of Jags fans were calling him "Fragile Fred". I went on a 10 minute rant about how much of a stud he was and they were lucky to have him on what was an otherwise shitty team. No one else around me said shit for the rest of the game, lol.
2249761, fuck, Briggs is out 4 weeks too?
Posted by nighttripper, Mon Oct-21-13 03:28 PM
that should really do it. it's going to be a painful 9 games.
2249862, http://wepresent.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/231154_10150291454149152_531234151_9642368_1865516_n.jpg
Posted by RandomFact, Mon Oct-21-13 07:06 PM
2250048, I hope your pussy heals fast Jay
Posted by cantball, Tue Oct-22-13 09:07 AM


Behold my works,ye mighty
2250205, torn hymen
Posted by Deebot, Tue Oct-22-13 02:18 PM