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Topic subjectSNF: Broncos @ Colts
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2249327, SNF: Broncos @ Colts
Posted by laizquierda, Sun Oct-20-13 07:30 PM
subtitled: a home game for Peyton

we're watching history tonight. crazy response from the fans

love watching this dude play. let's go
2249329, Trent's gonna gouge em for 60 yards on 20 carries
Posted by Deebot, Sun Oct-20-13 07:35 PM
2249332, Trash Richardson
Posted by Tiger Woods, Sun Oct-20-13 07:43 PM
2249449, RE: Trent's gonna gouge em for 37 yards on 14 carries
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Sun Oct-20-13 11:18 PM
2249334, They got Harrison in there like he ain't a got damn murderer
Posted by CherNic, Sun Oct-20-13 07:51 PM
2249337, Lol, Gunshot Marv chillin with Edge
Posted by Deebot, Sun Oct-20-13 07:54 PM
2249346, I'm not about to sit here and let you disparage Harvin Marrison.
Posted by Kira, Sun Oct-20-13 08:19 PM
Everything you mentioned is an allegation. No criminal charges were filed.

Harvin Marrison is on the list of people I'm not speaking negatively about. He's right up there with that man from Detroit that allegedly bodied Yung Berg and Trick Daddy.


I just want to reiterate that I do not know of this gunshot person the poster above is referring to. Never heard of him. Furthermore, I done not condone antagonizing nor slandering alleged rumored urban legends such as this Harvin Marrison person. Apparently, neither do some of the people in that stadium.
2249381, dunno who you talking bout
Posted by themaddfapper, Sun Oct-20-13 09:28 PM
2249345, damn....Del Rio was on Champ's head
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Oct-20-13 08:17 PM
2249351, harvin marrison at the game looking like a stone killa
Posted by themaddfapper, Sun Oct-20-13 08:23 PM
2249353, hahaha nobody's sitting by him...they know he's a killa...hahaha
Posted by Deebot, Sun Oct-20-13 08:28 PM
2249361, Richardson with a career long 8 yard run
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 08:49 PM
2249374, lol
Posted by pretentious username, Sun Oct-20-13 09:12 PM
2249370, Heyward_Bay crying for a call.. the audacity of him
Posted by Beezo, Sun Oct-20-13 08:57 PM
2249379, first, I'll drop a pass.
Posted by darius heyward bey, Sun Oct-20-13 09:25 PM
Then I'll fuck your bitch.


2249371, these refs are literally missing PI calls RIGHT in front of them
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Oct-20-13 08:57 PM
2249372, Heywood - brickhands at it again
Posted by themaddfapper, Sun Oct-20-13 08:58 PM
James Jett 2.0
2249373, Bronco's D is getting roasted
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Oct-20-13 09:11 PM
2249376, Been waiting for Fleener to wake up
Posted by vik, Sun Oct-20-13 09:17 PM
that Andy-Coby connection y'all
2249377, luck is dealing
Posted by themaddfapper, Sun Oct-20-13 09:18 PM
2249387, Richardson doesn't seem to know what cuts to make
Posted by Lach, Sun Oct-20-13 09:53 PM
2249388, Indy recognizes that Peyton "playoff peyton"
Posted by rjc27, Sun Oct-20-13 09:57 PM
salute to Indy D... came to play tonight, surprised, I really thought Denver was gonna roll them

<< Started From The Bottom

2249459, like I said, Colts pass defense is good
Posted by will_5198, Sun Oct-20-13 11:28 PM
Fewest passing touchdowns allowed entering the game
2249389, goodness
Posted by Lach, Sun Oct-20-13 09:58 PM
2249390, Colts looking scary tonight
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Sun Oct-20-13 10:00 PM
Manning looking lost. the Broncos are getting exposed on the lack of defense again. they won't make it far in the post season.

Luck is beasting and making it look so easy
2249394, Colts played like ass last week and lost to San Diego
Posted by laizquierda, Sun Oct-20-13 10:06 PM
folks too reactionary

Indy has been able to: 1) stop the run 2) pressure Peyton
3) play physical man coverage against Denver's receivers

whenever you can do all three of those things plus you force 3 fumbles you should look good

both of these teams are at the top of the AFC and should be dangerous in the playoffs
2249473, Colts beat the 49ers, Seahawks and Broncos
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Mon Oct-21-13 12:12 AM
that speaks volumes and made all 3 QB's play ugly. the loss to the Chargers was a touch of irony because the chargers just played keep away.
2249392, #1 pick last name luck wears a horseshoe helmet
Posted by themaddfapper, Sun Oct-20-13 10:03 PM
Replaces a legend then whips his ass when he comes back

It's a necessary roughness plotline
2249393, Decker might be one of softest guys in the league
Posted by will_5198, Sun Oct-20-13 10:05 PM
2249397, hasn't made a tough play all year
Posted by themaddfapper, Sun Oct-20-13 10:11 PM
Looks great up 26 and shrinks in close games
2249395, Indy's gonna have a franchise QB for 25+ consecutive years
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 10:06 PM
Talk about impeccable timing for #1 picks.
2249401, PYOON
Posted by Deebot, Sun Oct-20-13 10:16 PM
2249402, pyoon!
Posted by KosherSam, Sun Oct-20-13 10:17 PM
2249403, my nigga pyoon!
Posted by themaddfapper, Sun Oct-20-13 10:17 PM
2249405, shoulda been "Neck Brace VS Neck Beard"
Posted by darius heyward bey, Sun Oct-20-13 10:19 PM
2249407, Vontae has to be the man of the match
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 10:24 PM
Dude has been locked up man-man w Demaryius all night...and winning.
2249409, Davis has been one of the best corners in the NFL
Posted by will_5198, Sun Oct-20-13 10:26 PM
since the end of last year. very overlooked.
2249408, Wtf was Landry doing...he saw the inside break and still stuttered
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 10:25 PM
2249410, so bad
Posted by will_5198, Sun Oct-20-13 10:28 PM
I understand getting beat -- it's the NFL -- but how do you get 8 steps behind a post route in bracket coverage
2249414, because pressure
Posted by laizquierda, Sun Oct-20-13 10:38 PM
it's one thing to recognize a play, it's another to MAKE the play

see: Rahim Moore
2249418, Moore misjudged a ball...Landry was just being, well, Landry lol
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 10:46 PM
His deficiencies in coverage are well known...but some of his mistakes still shock me.
2249411, well this just got a bit more interesting...
Posted by KosherSam, Sun Oct-20-13 10:30 PM
2249412, how is Donald Brown still the Colts best back?
Posted by will_5198, Sun Oct-20-13 10:31 PM
the cockroach of shitty running backs
2249415, But you guys just traded for a franchise back!
Posted by Deebot, Sun Oct-20-13 10:39 PM
3 yard Trent is the future!
2249419, honestly, I thought it was weird to think he'd step right in
Posted by laizquierda, Sun Oct-20-13 10:47 PM
in general, the Colts have not blocked well in the running game.
Brown, aka "who's that? Brooooooown." actually played really well last year.
so, it was surprising that he fell to 3 on the depth chart before the injuries

I only saw half a replay of the fumble but like 4 defenders were piled on
top of Rich and the ball got ripped out a split second before his knee hit

dude is having that Chris Johnson bad luck
2249420, lol I didn't even know he was still there
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sun Oct-20-13 10:49 PM
2249413, Butler may be the best slot corner I've seen this year
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 10:34 PM
Toughest secondary spot to play and he's been so good. Made a great play on one of Welker's patented reverse pivots that beats 98% of corners in man coverage.
2249417, Add insult to injury, not only does Wayne get hurt but that's 6 points
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 10:44 PM
Colts have made so many miscues in this 4th. Corner jumps too early which allows Decker to make a catch, Landry stutters on bracket coverage, Richardson fumbles, and now Luck misses Wayne for 6....jeez.
2249422, Damn, I sincerely hope Reggie just has a knee sprain
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 10:52 PM
One of my, if not the, favorite wideouts in the league.
2249424, remember, Tom Brady overthrew a wide-open Welkah in the 'offs
Posted by laizquierda, Sun Oct-20-13 10:54 PM
but folk keep acting like Welker *should* have caught that sh*t vs *could* have
2249474, Welker should have caught that rock in the super bowl
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Mon Oct-21-13 12:14 AM
he has made tougher catches before and tonight.
2249425, Damn! All the hard work they did that drive only to fumble
Posted by Deebot, Sun Oct-20-13 10:57 PM
massive mistake.
2249432, Ball security is why Hillman essentially lost all his playing time
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 11:01 PM
Fumbled away his chance at the start of the season and clearly hasn't rectified that problem.
2249426, Stern about to send Luck a fine for that flop
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 10:58 PM
C'mon refs
2249430, Luck should get nominated for an Oscar for that
Posted by Ray_Snill, Sun Oct-20-13 11:00 PM

2249427, Roughing the passer lol
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sun Oct-20-13 10:59 PM
2249431, nah, Vickerson is just a dumb asshole
Posted by will_5198, Sun Oct-20-13 11:00 PM
he's had two personal fouls already, took off his helmet and tried shredding Steele's knee on an extra point
2249434, That he is but Luck definitely sold that 'late hit'
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 11:02 PM
2249437, of course. that's how you treat dirty players.
Posted by will_5198, Sun Oct-20-13 11:05 PM
Vickerson does extra shit every play, so bait him into it
2249438, Fair enough
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 11:08 PM
2249435, yep. the valedictorian outsmarted him. nm
Posted by laizquierda, Sun Oct-20-13 11:04 PM
2249428, lol@that call
Posted by ThaTruth, Sun Oct-20-13 10:59 PM
2249429, That Luck flop was magical.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun Oct-20-13 10:59 PM
2249439, LOL...Studebaker trying to toss Holliday into the ball on that punt
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 11:10 PM
Does anyone know what the rule is for that? I imagine it's not legal to intentionally shove a punt returner into the ball.
2249446, Thank you Colts for beating the Donkeys for us.....
Posted by KCPlayer21, Sun Oct-20-13 11:17 PM
1st place in the AFC West and the entire AFC is NIIIIIIICE......

You gon' live forever
Whether you want to or not
Some of us gon' end up holy
Some of us gon' end up hot.....
2249452, Colts tried their darndest to give that away in the 4th
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 11:20 PM
Colts D-line came through on that Manning deflection which led to the int and ensuing fg to make it a 2 score game. Very, very impressed by their defensive unit...Davis and Butler stood out in the secondary, Mathis was a monster as he's been all season. Hope Wayne is ok, love that dude.
2249455, LOL..Luck: "haven't thought about it so I can't answer that question"
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 11:22 PM
Love this dude.

Edit: hahahaha, Vontae watching Pats game-tape?
2249456, LMAO....motherfucker said Tom Brady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Deebot, Sun Oct-20-13 11:23 PM
hahahahahahaha best interview EVER.
2249458, costly win
Posted by will_5198, Sun Oct-20-13 11:26 PM
obviously I don't see Wayne playing any time soon. at best it's a month-plus sprain, and that's optimistic. without him and Dwayne Allen, Fleener needs to stop being shitty every two games he's good, DHB needs to have his tenth year breakout or whatever, and Hilton needs to be way more consistent.

Luck was amazing. Mathis is still the most underrated rusher in the NFL. Richardson was terrible. Colts pass defense was spectacular, then good enough after the injuries to Toler and Butler.
2249460, http://i.minus.com/ibbZ5i7kJfVfUs.gif
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Sun Oct-20-13 11:30 PM
2249518, yo, he turns his head toward the ref while still falling! lmao
Posted by KosherSam, Mon Oct-21-13 08:47 AM