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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectBrian Cushing just messed his knee up again.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2249275
2249275, Brian Cushing just messed his knee up again.
Posted by laizquierda, Sun Oct-20-13 05:34 PM

smh. dude was rushing the QB. running back went low for a block.
Cushing's foot was firmly planted when the RB made contact.
his knee bent backwards

I hope he gets lucky and there aren't any torn ligaments

he was/is PED'd up, but dude seems cool as hell in interviews

2249301, 48 second mark:
Posted by laizquierda, Sun Oct-20-13 06:36 PM
2249368, thats rough going through that 2 years in a row, both on cut blocks
Posted by rjc27, Sun Oct-20-13 08:57 PM

<< Started From The Bottom

2249533, My Texans are so through. SMH.
Posted by MistaGoodBar, Mon Oct-21-13 09:23 AM
2249534, https://twitter.com/briancushing56/statuses/392136182768734208
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Oct-21-13 09:24 AM
2249546, DAT LAC sitting on blocks
Posted by cantball, Mon Oct-21-13 09:41 AM


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