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Topic subjectBears vs Skins
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2248950, Bears vs Skins
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 12:28 PM
Cutler needs to stop throwing to anyone near Deangelo Hall, dude is one step from pick sixing him..

Other than that Defense playing much better today. Bostic getting confused early, but Peppers is destroying their Oline, still getting gashed by RGME

2248952, RE: Bears vs Skins
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 12:32 PM

2248953, Tillman with a big interception
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 12:32 PM
2248964, Bears defense....
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 12:49 PM

is all or nothing...

They are making the Skins look like offensive world beaters....
2248979, The pressure is there today tho...
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 01:02 PM
2248982, RE: The pressure is there today tho...
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 01:06 PM

In some spots it is....But we have been having issues against their run....
2248966, HELU!!!!!!!
Posted by bnicedh, Sun Oct-20-13 12:50 PM
2249063, ONCE MORE!!!
Posted by bnicedh, Sun Oct-20-13 02:23 PM
2248968, Bad throw, even worse catch, game over
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 12:53 PM
2248971, Jefferies....
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 12:55 PM

Come on dog....
2248987, Season. Over.
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 01:09 PM
2248989, Oh well....
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 01:09 PM

There goes the game and possibly the season...Hope Cutler is alright....
2248994, HESTER!!!!
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 01:18 PM
2248995, GOAT....
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 01:18 PM

return man.....Hester acting like Hester.....
2249002, everybody blocked. Khaseem Greene in particular.
Posted by nighttripper, Sun Oct-20-13 01:25 PM
2249008, RE: everybody blocked. Khaseem Greene in particular.
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 01:31 PM

Yep...good blocking all the way around....
2249223, RE: GOAT....
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Sun Oct-20-13 03:57 PM
amazing and why cats still kick to him still puzzles me. he has made his mark for a long, long time now
2249005, Man....
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 01:30 PM

Where is our secondary???????
2249032, Terrible call on Orakpo
Posted by bnicedh, Sun Oct-20-13 02:01 PM
2249052, Gotta...
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 02:17 PM

keep running that ball....Good shit Forte!
2249062, Again....
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 02:23 PM

Where is the run defense???????
2249064, This defense is horrible n/m
Posted by RandomFact, Sun Oct-20-13 02:24 PM
2249066, terrible
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 02:26 PM
2249067, RE: This defense is horrible n/m
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 02:26 PM

U finally figured that out?....

This ain't the Bears...
2249100, applies to both teams
Posted by DonKnutts, Sun Oct-20-13 02:44 PM
2249088, slide
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 02:36 PM

dammit...McCown trying to get knocked out????
2249089, This Bears Offense
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 02:36 PM

has a lot of heart....
2249092, A ton
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 02:37 PM
2249102, If Conte never played another snap with the Bears I wouldn't be mad
Posted by RandomFact, Sun Oct-20-13 02:44 PM
Does he do anything well?
2249110, Bears entire secondary should be cut on the plane
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Oct-20-13 02:47 PM
2249112, GODDAMN this redskins D is dirty
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 02:50 PM
I have seen nothin but holding, dirty hits and other bull shit all day
2249115, Do we have the worst.....
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 02:53 PM

defense in the league at this point?

Sure looks like it....
2249123, not yet but close
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 02:57 PM
2249137, it's either you or us
Posted by DonKnutts, Sun Oct-20-13 03:06 PM
2249157, RE: it's either you or us
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 03:16 PM

nah...ours is worse....
2249138, Bears offense has EXPLODED..without cutler
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 03:06 PM
I don't know how to feel about this
Posted by nighttripper, Sun Oct-20-13 03:09 PM
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 03:10 PM

2249147, RE: Bears offense has EXPLODED..without cutler
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 03:12 PM

It's easy...Our running game got loose...That has helped EVERYTHING else...

Forte is the MVP of the game....
2249153, McCown protected the ball too, unlike Cutty. don't front.
Posted by nighttripper, Sun Oct-20-13 03:14 PM
2249166, RE: McCown protected the ball too, unlike Cutty. don't front.
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 03:19 PM

dog...that lone interception was a ball off of Jefferys hands...Let's not get silly here...

The Bears ran the ball in the 3rd...That's what got us the lead...
2249179, Cutler threw a jump ball in his own 30
Posted by nighttripper, Sun Oct-20-13 03:25 PM
that's 40% on him, you need to make safer passes in that area of the field
2249227, A jump ball? That was a high throw to a huge WR which hit both hands
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Oct-20-13 04:09 PM
Trying to blame that on Cutler is just silly.
2249309, RE: A jump ball? That was a high throw to a huge WR which hit both hands
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 06:52 PM
>Trying to blame that on Cutler is just silly.

It's gotten ridiculous, the Cutler hate...Trust me...if he's out for a while fans will once again be silent...

2249312, I'll admit to some amount of gratuitous hating here
Posted by nighttripper, Sun Oct-20-13 06:57 PM
but that was not a good throw, I'm sorry

I just don't want the narrative to be we'd win a super bowl w/Cutler if only the defense held better. cause we wouldn't.
2249343, RE: I'll admit to some amount of gratuitous hating here
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 08:10 PM
>but that was not a good throw, I'm sorry

Our receiver is huge...Dude had the ball in his hand...Couldn't make the play...shit happens...But let's not act like receivers don't make that play on Sports Center all day...

>I just don't want the narrative to be we'd win a super bowl
>w/Cutler if only the defense held better. cause we wouldn't.

Held better?...This defense is TERRIBLE...Peyton manning would have to score over 40 points a game playing with this defense...U guys got to cut this shit out...lol

Cutler is not the issue...Our offense with Trestman is not the issue...Yes...if we had a better defense we could win a shit load of playoff games and maybe even a ring...

But that's neither here or there...Bear fans are a confused bunch...They have a hard time really zeroing in what's in front of their nose...

Our defense is the worse it's ever been....Historically bad...That's the issue..Not Cutler or any other part of our offense...

2249144, This is a turning point in bears history folks...
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 03:10 PM
If the D can't make a stop.....
2249146, Brandon Meriweather is *still* a dumb ass
Posted by nighttripper, Sun Oct-20-13 03:12 PM
2249152, Where'd my Cutler post go?
Posted by cantball, Sun Oct-20-13 03:13 PM


Behold my works,ye mighty
2249155, Wow, Jennings, really
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 03:15 PM
2249168, Can this D get ONE stop please?
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 03:21 PM
2249170, For anyone....
Posted by murph71, Sun Oct-20-13 03:22 PM

that has had anything to say about Cutler or this line, Forte or this offense, just chill...

The Bears' issue this season has been oddly enough (and continues to be) our defense....

Right now, the Skins look like they will win this game because we can't stop ANYBODY....
2249175, Conte needs to not play
Posted by RandomFact, Sun Oct-20-13 03:23 PM
2249241, Yeah dog he is the worst free safety in the L
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Sun Oct-20-13 04:36 PM
2249189, fuck the redskins yo...
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Oct-20-13 03:28 PM
2249326, http://tinyurl.com/kr46tex
Posted by AlBundy, Sun Oct-20-13 07:30 PM

“Floyd Mayweather should be taking fights up to 157 or 160 pounds...His frame can hold the weight..it's not even a lot of weight....Go to the gym and lift weights man..lol.”-- Warren Coolidge
2249243, Marc: Hello ...yeahhhh howyadoin Rod you gotta minute?
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Sun Oct-20-13 04:39 PM
2249259, This team needed this game so badly.
Posted by smutsboy, Sun Oct-20-13 05:05 PM
Well done.