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Topic subjectCFB Saturday Week 8
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2248479, CFB Saturday Week 8
Posted by go mack, Sat Oct-19-13 08:17 AM
Some good matchups today. Last week took a while for a thread to start so Im gonna go ahead with the main matchups:

Florida at Missouri- why is this game not nationally televised makes no sense, two ranked teams thought would have been given, guess pull out the laptop for this espn3

SC at Tennessee - could be an upset

Iowa at Ohio State

Auburn at Texas A&M

UCLA at Stanford - Warren's post will be upped regardless

Arkansas at Alabama

LSU at Ole Miss - another potential upset

Florida State at Clemson

2248538, *twiddles thumbs anxiously*
Posted by vik, Sat Oct-19-13 10:52 AM
2248541, so glad Louisville went down...UCF is pretty damn good.
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 10:55 AM
Heisman race...Marcus Mariota, Tajh Boyd...and.....everyone else.

2248544, the heisman doesnt mean much to me anymore
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Oct-19-13 11:00 AM
There is no reference point for the numbers some of these teams put up. Every year is Danny Wuerffel redux. Plus the media annoints a short list early and then hammers it all year. Why exactly was Teddy Bridgewater on the "watch" at all if one loss can take him off of it?

Positional awards are more interesting to me at this point.
2248550, I'm interested in January Heismans..not September ones
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 11:09 AM
>There is no reference point for the numbers some of these
>teams put up. Every year is Danny Wuerffel redux.

i do think it sucks how its turned into the best qb award as of recent..i was hoping for lache to set record books on fire, especially after how Oregon did him dirty...(good morning matt)

Plus the
>media annoints a short list early and then hammers it all
>year. Why exactly was Teddy Bridgewater on the "watch" at all
>if one loss can take him off of it?

I think he was slipping before last night's game anyway. Louisville wasnt all that impressive in recent weeks.

2248577, lol what?
Posted by sfMatt, Sat Oct-19-13 11:55 AM
>after how Oregon did him dirty...(good morning
2248598, how long have you been waiting to cast that lure? lol
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Oct-19-13 12:35 PM

>i do think it sucks how its turned into the best qb award as
>of recent..i was hoping for lache to set record books on fire,
>especially after how Oregon did him dirty...(good morning
2248611, especially since he bore zero responsibility for that loss
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Oct-19-13 01:06 PM
>Why exactly was Teddy Bridgewater on the "watch" at all
>if one loss can take him off of it?

he was pretty automatic throwing the ball
2248645, basically. his only "mistake" was not having the ball last
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Oct-19-13 02:20 PM
2248549, maty mauk time
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 11:09 AM
this should be interesting
2248556, yup targeting
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 11:25 AM
2248560, smh, that was so blatant
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 11:28 AM
2248558, well that was easy
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 11:26 AM
time for some defense
2248563, wtf
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 11:32 AM
2248568, good stand
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 11:37 AM
2248574, let's go offense
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 11:52 AM
2248578, that was some bullshit
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 11:58 AM
2248581, need more points here
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 12:01 PM
2248587, this defense hasn't been pissing me off yet
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 12:16 PM
much nicer than last year
2248602, Big week for Duke football.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Oct-19-13 12:39 PM
A win at UVA feels pretty necessary for our bowl hopes.
2248605, awful throw maty
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 12:45 PM
2248623, Jadaveon Clowny sighting in the first half...
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 01:46 PM
dude was looking like his 2012 self
2248631, i love it so far
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 01:51 PM
2248649, Needed a touchdown there
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 02:29 PM
2248650, DEFENSE
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 02:35 PM
2248651, BALLGAME
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 02:36 PM
2248652, Boy those big12 teams sure are suffering in the SEC
Posted by J_Stew, Sat Oct-19-13 02:37 PM
2248654, :D
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 02:39 PM
2248662, lol
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Oct-19-13 02:49 PM
2248711, We'll see what A&M does without Manziel.
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sat Oct-19-13 04:51 PM
Their defense is awful. He is why they've won. Missouri has their chance over the next few weeks to prove they belong.
2248767, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-sBDbX12cs
Posted by LegacyNS, Sat Oct-19-13 06:38 PM
<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2248655, good for the vols
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 02:42 PM
2248656, LOLE Ball Coach
Posted by Ceej, Sat Oct-19-13 02:43 PM
2248658, When are the preseason polls gonna stop falling for the Georgia okeydoke/
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Oct-19-13 02:45 PM
2248667, every year...theyre.running on a treadmill with Richt.
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 03:07 PM
2248670, This year is not on him. Everybody is hurt on that team
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sat Oct-19-13 03:13 PM
2248768, dat SEC inflation...
Posted by LegacyNS, Sat Oct-19-13 06:41 PM

5 - UGA
6 - SCar
10 - Florida.
<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2248824, stfu. we're down 5 playmakers on offense. we'd be a 1 loss team
Posted by Radio Rahim, Sat Oct-19-13 10:29 PM
if healthy.
2248659, Wow
Posted by go mack, Sat Oct-19-13 02:46 PM
didn't even mention GA and Vanderbilt in my original post, this one I didn't expect
2248660, iowa just punched our defense square in the mouth smh
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 02:47 PM
2248661, told yall ucla had as deep a rb corp
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Sat Oct-19-13 02:47 PM
As anyone in the country.... without our #1 guy jordan james today... u will see what i mean
2248663, fitting that Georgia's loss would end with yet another injury
Posted by laizquierda, Sat Oct-19-13 02:52 PM


this targeting rule is absolute bullsh*t
2248673, I'd make Richt coach in skinny jeans and flip flops for the rest of
Posted by kysersozey, Sat Oct-19-13 03:20 PM
the season
2248688, what do you mean "make" him?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Oct-19-13 04:18 PM
They probably make him NOT wear that
2248704, lol
Posted by kysersozey, Sat Oct-19-13 04:48 PM
2248665, Will, I told your ass!!
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sat Oct-19-13 03:04 PM
Butch Jonessssssss!

Imagine what we're gonna do when actually have talent and depth, which is on it's way with Butch Jones' lights out recruiting.

We're on our way back. Sooner than later.
2249254, VOLS, BITCH
Posted by will_5198, Sun Oct-20-13 04:59 PM
great win
2248668, if hes ejected thats some bullshit
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 03:12 PM
2248672, Good call...according to the rule
Posted by bnicedh, Sat Oct-19-13 03:19 PM
I'm not a fan of either team so I am non-biased. However, if the rule is not to launch and stay away from the head neck area. He is guilty of it.

I will say, the defense is at a disadvantage in plays like that.
2248669, bitch ass eunuch refs
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 03:13 PM
2248671, kansas up 13 on Oklahoma lol..
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 03:18 PM
Of course the jayhawks miss the xpt
2248677, M - I - Z....
Posted by ThaTruth, Sat Oct-19-13 03:32 PM
2248693, Z - O - U
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sat Oct-19-13 04:23 PM
2248680, our defense is awful today
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 03:41 PM
No adjustments at all smh
2248682, its been awful for 2 seasons
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Oct-19-13 03:45 PM
gee i wonder why
2248685, we haven't forced a single 3 and out...so pathetic
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 03:58 PM
2248681, bombastic getting his Ferentz/Meyer ether all warmed up
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Oct-19-13 03:44 PM
2248696, Brilliant catch nm
Posted by vik, Sat Oct-19-13 04:32 PM
2248698, Wow
Posted by Ceej, Sat Oct-19-13 04:34 PM
2248699, cosign
Posted by LAbeathustla, Sat Oct-19-13 04:34 PM
2249079, http://twitpic.com/show/thumb/di0bc2.gif
Posted by vik, Sun Oct-20-13 02:32 PM
2248721, #RollHyde!!!!!
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 05:14 PM
2248737, 3rd quarter huh nm
Posted by vik, Sat Oct-19-13 05:39 PM
2248742, Just win, baby.
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 05:47 PM
2248744, if anyone in this horrible UM vs IU wants to play defense let me know
Posted by ACRG, Sat Oct-19-13 05:47 PM
2248745, Feels like the RichRod era never ended
Posted by ErnestLee, Sat Oct-19-13 05:49 PM
Gallon might get the record tho.
2248746, and I still don't know what to think of this team.
Posted by ACRG, Sat Oct-19-13 05:59 PM
I know that I'm tired of Fitz and his lack of vision
2248755, somewhere in Arizona... a coach is smiling.. lololololol
Posted by LegacyNS, Sat Oct-19-13 06:21 PM

<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2248747, Neither Auburn nor A&M play ANY defense.
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sat Oct-19-13 06:01 PM
I mean, they don't even slow people down.
2248751, Manziel's Heisman moment.. Putting the team on his back doe
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Oct-19-13 06:07 PM
Pushing through a shoulder injury to lead his team.
Probably got all kinds of pain killers running through his veins
2248754, young jokel wont get it done. gotta win.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Oct-19-13 06:19 PM
2248756, 1:19
Posted by vik, Sat Oct-19-13 06:23 PM
2248753, Johnny is so f'kn good! As crazy as it s to say, he's actually
Posted by calminvasion, Sat Oct-19-13 06:13 PM
Underrated at this point. One of the best college QBs of that last decade
2248757, If he scores a TD on this last drive, I'm calling him the GOAT
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Oct-19-13 06:23 PM
2248758, a&m wouldnt win a game w/o johnny.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Oct-19-13 06:24 PM
2248759, Their defense is sooooo bad.
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sat Oct-19-13 06:29 PM
They are an average team without him.
2248778, Not average - BAD.
Posted by Szabo, Sat Oct-19-13 07:33 PM
And yeah that d is a complete joke
2248760, Total horse collar
Posted by J_Stew, Sat Oct-19-13 06:32 PM
2248762, never expected the SEC to have some semblance of parity...
Posted by laizquierda, Sat Oct-19-13 06:33 PM
not this year
2248765, lol @ Auburn players flashing the money sign in the postgame mosh pit nm
Posted by vik, Sat Oct-19-13 06:35 PM
2248775, Why am I watching niggas ride a bus? This some Civil RIghts type shit?
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Oct-19-13 07:17 PM

What's going on here?


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2248776, lol smh
Posted by vik, Sat Oct-19-13 07:19 PM
2248789, lol ahhh man
Posted by VonClay, Sat Oct-19-13 08:32 PM
2248777, This Clemson pregame shit is cold as fuck
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Oct-19-13 07:19 PM
2248779, shit is awesome.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Oct-19-13 07:34 PM
2248782, i cant decide if it's awesome or corny and over the top
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Oct-19-13 07:45 PM
like the hype and seeing the fans go nuts is cool as hell but why do you warm up on the field only to leave the stadium on a bus and then come back in...it's just kinda weird.
2248794, I never, ever, ever wanna see players on a bus again. Ever.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Oct-19-13 09:11 PM
>like the hype and seeing the fans go nuts is cool as hell but
>why do you warm up on the field only to leave the stadium on a
>bus and then come back in...it's just kinda weird.

I didn't buy this expensive ass TV to watch that.

The rest of the intro is pretty cool, though


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2248784, what the fuck is going on today
Posted by CherNic, Sat Oct-19-13 08:00 PM
2248786, another pretender being exposed....
Posted by guru0509, Sat Oct-19-13 08:02 PM
2248787, I was surprised JFF didn't score a TD that last drive for aTm
Posted by MothershipConnection, Sat Oct-19-13 08:13 PM
He's reaching That Dude status where I basically expect him to pull off crazy shit like that.

Disappointed by my Bruins losing but not terribly surprised or distraught... made too many mistakes and I think we get killed at Oregon next week but we still could get 10 wins out this team.

Hoping for Clemson to come back and make this a game though I love me some Famous Jamesis.
2248791, oh clemson
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Oct-19-13 08:51 PM
2248792, Jameis Winston is extremely impressive.
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sat Oct-19-13 09:05 PM
Really reminds me of Andrew Luck.
2248793, I see more Tom Brady...he actually stands tall, delivers like Tom
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Oct-19-13 09:10 PM

Cool like Tom

Will probably marry a model like Tom

Arrogant but doesn't really seem like a jerk like Tom

Teddy has more of that "golly gee" Andrew Luck/Payton Manning swag
2248795, True, Tom can't move like him, though.
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sat Oct-19-13 09:12 PM
Luck can move when he wants to, which how Jameis plays.
2248796, Jameis is actually not a very good runner at all.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Oct-19-13 09:16 PM

As in, Luck can run a lot, lot, lot, lot better than Jameis can.

Jameis might have Aaron Rodgers scrambling ability at best,
which means he can get a first down when you need him too,
effectively run a bootleg on occasion

Luck is a legitimate good runner


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2248797, I think he's a little better than you give him credit for.
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sat Oct-19-13 09:19 PM
He's mobile enough to be a threat. His strength is his passing though, for sure.
2248798, Always amazes me that Brady had a slower 40 than Peyton
Posted by MothershipConnection, Sat Oct-19-13 09:24 PM
I mean, I'm sure these days that he'd beat Peyton, a few years older and plus a few neck surgeries, in a foot race, but Brady is legit really, really slow. And he's not even a particularly big or fat QB.
2248799, Yeah, he's just one of those guys who can't run.
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sat Oct-19-13 09:26 PM
2248805, You're #3, @ home?? Have some pride, embarrassing
Posted by calminvasion, Sat Oct-19-13 09:40 PM
Posted by laizquierda, Sat Oct-19-13 09:45 PM
2248810, eaux tigers
Posted by vik, Sat Oct-19-13 09:50 PM
2248811, lol man, Clemson looks terrible.
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sat Oct-19-13 09:50 PM
They have completely crapped the bed
2248813, Roll Tide
Posted by yoose2lurk, Sat Oct-19-13 09:58 PM
That's all.
2248816, Canes vs Noles Nov 2
Posted by VonClay, Sat Oct-19-13 10:07 PM
Tallahassee will be quite turnt
2248817, fsu is going to eat jittery ass Stephen Morris alive
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Oct-19-13 10:12 PM
if he aint hitting bombs then he aint shit.
2248819, Oh yeah, FSU should blow them out
Posted by VonClay, Sat Oct-19-13 10:13 PM
2248818, Do you have tickets?
Posted by ThaTruth, Sat Oct-19-13 10:12 PM
2248820, RE: Do you have tickets?
Posted by VonClay, Sat Oct-19-13 10:14 PM

2248836, FSU needs to be ranked #2 after this
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Oct-19-13 10:58 PM
best win all season of any team
2248873, if this is true, then rank them no. 1
Posted by sfMatt, Sun Oct-20-13 02:31 AM
>best win all season of any team

You don't get to jump us but not Bama based simply on reputation and previous years' performances. That's bullshit.
2248891, I don't see what's bullshit about it
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Oct-20-13 07:41 AM
they've been the best team in the best league for however many years running now...and they've been dominant this season as well.

they wear the crown until somebody takes it.
2248917, They didn't look dominant against A&M
Posted by DeepAztheRoot, Sun Oct-20-13 10:46 AM
That defense was torched
2248839, FSU gonna run the table & play Bama for the chip...
Posted by LegacyNS, Sat Oct-19-13 11:06 PM

<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2248848, As they should. I'm sold
Posted by VonClay, Sat Oct-19-13 11:54 PM
2248856, A little early for that, either way I got FSU vs. OSU/Oregon
Posted by isaaaa, Sun Oct-20-13 12:20 AM

New Mantra: anti-gentrification, cheap alcohol & trying to look pretty in our twilight posting years (c) Big Reg

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Nike, G-Star, Herschel, Adidas (Men's & Women's clothing)
2248858, We owe them for '07. nm.
Posted by yoose2lurk, Sun Oct-20-13 12:32 AM
Bring it.
2248860, i'm praying USC offers Sark the job and he takes it.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Oct-20-13 12:48 AM
if not, he needs to be canned.

they need to make Justin Wilcox the HC.

today was a fucking joke.
2248868, ahahahahah
Posted by sfMatt, Sun Oct-20-13 01:58 AM
I mean for all I know you are a good dude promo, but your fanbase so deserves this shit. Sark is such a fraud.
2248912, nah we don't.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Oct-20-13 10:21 AM
we deserve a lot better. this is 10 years of being horrible to marginal.

shit is unacceptable.

i mean, maybe we rebound and go 10-3 with a bowl game but this is looking like another Seven Win Sark special.
2248869, As an ASU fan I'm shocked how bad we slaughtered y'all like that
Posted by HecticHavoc, Sun Oct-20-13 02:00 AM
I even bet on Washington to win :/ but I'm an idiot
2248890, as did I...I really thought UW was the better team.
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Oct-20-13 07:40 AM
>I even bet on Washington to win :/ but I'm an idiot
2248911, Sark proved he doesn't have the mettle today for me.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Oct-20-13 10:19 AM
I was unable to watch the game because I had to go to my niece's birthday party, but as we are driving there i'm hearing like every play on the radio "...and Sankey splits out of the backfield..." and i'm like, "WTF is this dumbass Sark doing? You have the #1 RB in the country and you're not running the ball?"

he did the same shit vs. Oregon despite that Sankey had big numbers...he should have run Sankey more because Oregon wasn't really stopping him.

we had -5 (!!!!) rushing yards as a team. Sankey carried the ball 13 times the whole game. inexcusable.

then, when Price was struggling with his game and his injured thumb, Sark just let him in there to flounder.


now I have to listen to him come on our sports radio shows on Monday and hear him give his typical lame ass excuses/explanations about what happend. nah bruh.

2249277, and now Don James passes away.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Oct-20-13 05:39 PM
terrible weekend to be a Husky.
2248874, WSU threw it like 89 times and Coach Al is mad
Posted by sfMatt, Sun Oct-20-13 02:37 AM
called it "bullshit" and "classless" that Leach had them throwing on our scout team until the final whistle lmao
2248919, Coach Aliotti is wrong
Posted by DeepAztheRoot, Sun Oct-20-13 10:51 AM
Leach has always done that, in his mind he says he wants the team to get better

They don't like it, they should stop it

Just because Oregon puts in the 3rd or 4th teamers doesn't mean WSU should automatically acquiesce and run traps up the middle the rest of the game.

The same thing goes both ways though. If Oregon hits 90 points because they keep the talent in there, no hit dog hollering by the Cougs either....
2248920, yep.
Posted by vik, Sun Oct-20-13 10:54 AM
their D did get a few INTs for their own stat sheet as well so *shrugs*

it's not like they were styling on their first team and they were the already up by 30 or whatever.
2248921, yeah.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Oct-20-13 10:58 AM
no one wants to hear Oregon complain about running up anything. i don't think Oregon runs up the score they are just good, but when you score a lot and have success, no one wants to hear you whining about how the other team was throwing on your deep roster guys despite the scoreboard being a blowout in your favor.
2248951, What does he expect from an alcoholic that thinks he's a pirate?
Posted by J_Stew, Sun Oct-20-13 12:31 PM
2248990, This is the one of the dumbest things I've ever heard a coach say
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sun Oct-20-13 01:14 PM
Like I could kind of understand being upset that a team is running the score up and trying to embarrass you.

But to be mad that the other team didn't roll over and give up? Cmon.
2248991, idgaf about the one but hands off the other plz
Posted by vik, Sun Oct-20-13 01:16 PM

The NFL's recently formed advisory panel, which helps to identify potential minority coaching candidates, already is advocating the candidacy of Louisville's Charlie Strong and Stanford's David Shaw, league sources told ESPN.

It will be an upset if Strong is not a leading candidate for various NFL head coaching openings this winter.

There already is speculation swirling in select league circles that Strong and Louisville quarterback Teddy Bridgewater, who is projected to be one of the top picks in next year's draft, could wind up reuniting in the NFL next season.

If Strong and Bridgewater end up on with same team in the NFL, it would be similar to the current situations in Indianapolis, where the Colts hired Pep Hamilton to serve as Andrew Luck's offensive coordinator, and Miami, where Mike Sherman was hired as an offensive coordinator for Dolphins quarterback Ryan Tannehill.

Strong, 53, has posted a 31-15 record in three-plus seasons at Louisville. The Cardinals got off to an undefeated start this season before Friday's 38-35 loss to Central Florida.

Louisville gave Strong an eight-year extension worth $3.7 million annually on Jan. 23, three weeks after the Cardinals upset Florida in the Sugar Bowl.

Shaw, 41, has coached Stanford to a 28-5 record since replacing Jim Harbaugh in 2011. The Cardinal are 5-1 this season and have reached BCS bowls in each of Shaw's first two years as head coach.
2249000, Charlie Strong ain't no damn 53 years old
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sun Oct-20-13 01:24 PM
Dude looks barely over 30
2249221, Clean living + blackness works wonders.
Posted by isaaaa, Sun Oct-20-13 03:48 PM

New Mantra: anti-gentrification, cheap alcohol & trying to look pretty in our twilight posting years (c) Big Reg

Get 25% off www.karmaloop.com w/ rep code JR9103 |
Nike, G-Star, Herschel, Adidas (Men's & Women's clothing)
2249250, I'd like to point out will's absence from this post
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sun Oct-20-13 04:56 PM
He probably frowned through that entire game because he had nothing to complain about.
2249256, I'm old
Posted by will_5198, Sun Oct-20-13 05:01 PM
it takes a day to recover when celebrating
2249270, lol I'm just messing with you man.
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sun Oct-20-13 05:19 PM
I'm sure you tore the club up after that one. I about lost my voice on that last North catch.
2249265, im going to be in pasadena regardless
Posted by guru0509, Sun Oct-20-13 05:11 PM
whether its on new years day or in the bcs title game later in january

hoping for the latter, which means im going to be the biggest stanford/lsu/miami stan these next few weeks...