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Topic subject**** The DAMALI Football Pool - Week 7 ****
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2246679
2246679, **** The DAMALI Football Pool - Week 7 ****
Posted by Damali, Tue Oct-15-13 01:11 PM

same as last week...congrats!

Week 7 GAMES:

Seattle Seahawks at Arizona Cardinals 825

St. Louis Rams at Carolina Panthers 1
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Atlanta Falcons 1
Cincinnati Bengals at Detroit Lions 1
Chicago Bears at Washington Redskins 1
Dallas Cowboys at Philadelphia Eagles 1
San Diego Chargers at Jacksonville Jaguars 1
New England Patriots at New York Jets 1
Buffalo Bills at Miami Dolphins 1
San Francisco 49ers at Tennessee TitanS 405
Cleveland Browns at Green Bay Packers 425
Houston Texans at Kansas City Chiefs 425
Baltimore Ravens at Pittsburgh Steelers 425
Denver Broncos at Indianapolis Colts 830

Minnesota Vikings at New York Giants 840

"The amount of self-belief and bravery necessary to truly be at the vanguard of any aspect of culture will look like insanity or egomania to anyone inclined toward timid, pragmatic conformity." - Matthew Perpetua (via Buzzfeed) on Kanye Wes
2246681, San Diego (1)
Posted by Poorspellir, Tue Oct-15-13 01:15 PM
2246690, San Diego (2)
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Oct-15-13 01:32 PM
2246708, ^^^that easy cheese & Frank im ashamed of you
Posted by Binlahab, Tue Oct-15-13 01:58 PM
how you gonna pick against your squad, dog? dirty pool man

does it even matter?
2246722, True, it's easy
Posted by Poorspellir, Tue Oct-15-13 02:45 PM
I'm looking for easy though, after having to sweat out that overtime game last week.

Hadn't picked against Jacksonville yet this year. Probably gonna take my team against them next week in London too, should I make it that far.
2246724, he's basically done that every week
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Oct-15-13 02:53 PM
2247081, lol
Posted by Ceej, Wed Oct-16-13 11:19 AM
2247125, It's a great strategy.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Oct-16-13 12:17 PM
Although it may bite me this week.
2247037, I want my team to lose. #TankForTeddy
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Oct-16-13 09:58 AM
2247126, lol! thanks for keeping it real nm
Posted by Binlahab, Wed Oct-16-13 12:22 PM

does it even matter?
2246693, Kansas City (1)
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Oct-15-13 01:34 PM
2249198, & this dudes going down too nm
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Oct-20-13 03:31 PM

does it even matter?
2246707, MIA (1)
Posted by Binlahab, Tue Oct-15-13 01:58 PM
i dont think ive picked that one this season

Bills again got a scrub as their qb and are 32-16 in Miami. add in the fact Miami is actually good, and i feel pretty comfy in this pick

does it even matter?
2246761, you picked miami in Week 1. Pick again
Posted by Damali, Tue Oct-15-13 04:29 PM
other teams you picked already:

green bay tennessee denver indianapolis cincinatti

please write them down so i don't have to babysit yo ass :)

"The amount of self-belief and bravery necessary to truly be at the vanguard of any aspect of culture will look like insanity or egomania to anyone inclined toward timid, pragmatic conformity." - Matthew Perpetua (via Buzzfeed) on Kanye Wes
2247077, fine. NYG'z (1)
Posted by Binlahab, Wed Oct-16-13 11:16 AM
& baby sit these nuts

thanks for doing this again tho

does it even matter?
2247119, lol cute
Posted by Damali, Wed Oct-16-13 12:03 PM

"The amount of self-belief and bravery necessary to truly be at the vanguard of any aspect of culture will look like insanity or egomania to anyone inclined toward timid, pragmatic conformity." - Matthew Perpetua (via Buzzfeed) on Kanye Wes
2246966, MIAMI
Posted by WHOOPA, Wed Oct-16-13 06:24 AM
phi hou ne den sf dal
* *
The above statement is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
2249196, ^^^^ha ha! - nelson muntz
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Oct-20-13 03:31 PM
and i wouldnt been gone too but Damali had to be an efficient stickler for the rules soooo LOL

does it even matter?
2249482, Whatevs! Imma Chiefs fan and WE THE ONLY UNDEFEATED BABY!!!!
Posted by WHOOPA, Mon Oct-21-13 01:17 AM

* *
The above statement is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
2249481, Dangnabbit!
Posted by WHOOPA, Mon Oct-21-13 01:13 AM

* *
The above statement is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
2247443, Seattle (1)
Posted by mtbatol, Thu Oct-17-13 06:26 AM
2248255, And I'm still alive, will all ye follow me?
Posted by mtbatol, Fri Oct-18-13 04:41 PM
2248936, Green Bay
Posted by jigga, Sun Oct-20-13 11:58 AM