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Topic subjectRacist Name Fans: Rams got a better QB & all your GOTdamn picks
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2246240, Racist Name Fans: Rams got a better QB & all your GOTdamn picks
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Oct-14-13 03:08 PM

your boys mechanics are still not there and his flaws as a passer were hidden with that junk ass offense last year.

he's an articulate ass dumb pocket passer who had muhfuckas fooled by being articulate. he has no pocket awareness and can't read the D.

The Curse of the Elders is upon you. Bradford gonna be dancing in Super Bowl L and making it rain and y'all gonna still be cysing some damn Dexter Manley sacking Danny White.

And I'm 1/8 Chippewa so this is personal. IT COUNT!
2246252, *pulls up RV, starts grill, cracks cold one & waits for RGPlea Brigade*
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-14-13 03:15 PM
I'm gonna be tailgating for longer than a thirsty college kid in this post.
2246260, lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Oct-14-13 03:29 PM
2246270, Pulls up in my Chrysler T.P. Cruiser....
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon Oct-14-13 03:38 PM
Pulls out some veggie burgers & gluten free beer
2246273, Hate that ties hate that binds pass me a burger
Posted by IceburgSmurf, Mon Oct-14-13 03:41 PM
2246277, so run down the nfc east rivalry rubric for me, guys...
Posted by dula dibiasi, Mon Oct-14-13 03:49 PM
i'd always assumed the highest intensity was reserved for cowboys-skins (mostly bc of the team names, i guess) and giants-eagles (geographic proximity)

but here in oks, it seems more of an equal-opportunity round robin hatefest.
2246286, redsk*ns fans pretty much topped smeagols fans in the asshole
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Oct-14-13 04:00 PM
department in the last two seasons (i'm talking just for me locally in nyc)

which is very fuckin tough to do

I have a feeling that as their trajectories now reverse, and they remain quiet while smeagols fans get louder, it will shift back to regular
2246306, ^^^Pretty much it^^^
Posted by IceburgSmurf, Mon Oct-14-13 04:22 PM
This being the sh*tfest of a season im losing the will to truely hate anyone but the arrogance of some (most) of the redskins fanbase round here has me rooting against them even though i like most of their decent players.

In a normal year its probably Eagles>>>>Cowboys>>>>redskins
2246313, It's weird when the Cowboys are on the bottom of your shitlist
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Oct-14-13 04:27 PM
there's so much to dislike about their fans and entire organization
2246327, Sure, but half of hate is fear and there is no real fear of the cowboys
Posted by IceburgSmurf, Mon Oct-14-13 04:49 PM
acheiving anything but a division win in a historically poor year no less
2246297, The Eagles fans hate everyone the most & want to be rivals, but
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon Oct-14-13 04:13 PM
nobody takes them seriously because their trophy case looks like Vince Young's stock portfolio. So they don't matter,

That's how I always understood it.
2246302, here you go: fuck uhrybody
Posted by bshelly, Mon Oct-14-13 04:17 PM
2246390, in reality, everyone hates dallas.
Posted by themaddfapper, Mon Oct-14-13 06:43 PM
that's hate we can all believe in.
in my gut it's philly first.
however the obstinate racism amd the we outchea chestpuffing of dc havs now made them irksome. they haven't sustained relevance enough lately to get me worked up to hate.
2246392, pretty much my sentiments exactly with North Jersey & Philly swapped
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-14-13 06:47 PM
but I will almost always be rooting for each of them to lose any game they play unless they're playing another NFC East team (when current standings & levels of annoyance with their respective fanbases come into play) or an extreme circumstance (Gints vs Pats Super Bowl to save us from the undefeated season).
2246412, ok i'm starting to see the picture
Posted by dula dibiasi, Mon Oct-14-13 07:31 PM
like in the norris, we capital-H HATE the packers, lowercase-h hate the queens, and are just kind of condescendingly dismissive of the lions, who've been a non motherfucking factor for too long to work up any real hatred towards.
2246871, The Cardinals used to be like that for the rest of the NFC East
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Oct-15-13 09:03 PM
now that they're gone it's pretty much just hate of the traditional/regional/seasonal variety.
2246282, *pulls up a chair and hands over a 6 pack*
Posted by VonClay, Mon Oct-14-13 03:57 PM
This we can agree on.
2246283, *sits down next to Bomb with "to go" plate from Sweetie Pies
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Oct-14-13 03:57 PM
2246301, can I alternate between RGPlea and RGKnees?
Posted by bshelly, Mon Oct-14-13 04:17 PM
They both work, depending on the situation.
2246311, sure, there's also RGFee when discussing the deal to get him
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-14-13 04:26 PM
as well as RGMe when discussing his offseason specials about his rehab or endorsement-portfolio.
2246826, RG3000
Posted by grandmasterfletch, Tue Oct-15-13 06:59 PM
2246264, Oh snap. How it take me so long to find this: http://tinyurl.com/a3jgyv
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Oct-14-13 03:32 PM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2246305, damn thought that was fat d'angelo
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Mon Oct-14-13 04:21 PM
2246316, Fat D'Angelo looks like post-prison ODB/Darius Miles post-knee-cooking
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-14-13 04:29 PM
McNabb needs a bit more puff, scruff & dead look to his eyes to fully qualify.
2246272, You gonna fry up some KBadd fritters on Wednesday?
Posted by Deebot, Mon Oct-14-13 03:38 PM
2246433, i'mma party and he can be mad if he want
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Oct-14-13 08:07 PM
they tried to go on bradford recently, so i'mma party.
2246447, I thought KBadd liked Bradford & TKO was going in
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-14-13 08:52 PM
>they tried to go on bradford recently, so i'mma party.
2246449, Kbadd said he was startin to change his mind
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Oct-14-13 08:58 PM
and suggested maybe bradford just aint got it. classic fence-straddlin.
2246276, Hmmmmmmm
Posted by VonClay, Mon Oct-14-13 03:49 PM
2246307, i sorta imagine this is how longo feels in the duke alum warz
Posted by veritas, Mon Oct-14-13 04:23 PM
i am entertained.
2246308, I know you riding that Bradford Agenda but ain't NO WAY bradford
Posted by Dae021, Mon Oct-14-13 04:24 PM
Wins a chip in this league, not in a quantified (before Griff) he's just not getting there.

Griff as a passer has a LONG way to go in terms of pre-snap reads and just general defensive schemes. He missed the open man a number of times last night on hot reads and is still getting his mechanics together. Missing an entire off season has really hurt a kid who didn't have great mechanics in the first place.

Griff will be a better qb by the time its all said and done and I have no doubt about that.

No Sice
2246318, it's not worth it man.
Posted by smutsboy, Mon Oct-14-13 04:34 PM
2246381, hey buddy, how's that Skin 10-win playoff projection going?
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-14-13 06:18 PM
or the 'clearly the best team in division' one?

is the 'no chance in hell the Eagles could win 8' dismissal still a lay-up?

Would you say you are still scoffing at the notion of last season's gimmicky offense & lack of focus on professional passing concepts being a quick-hit but possibly a hindrance to RGPlea's progression as a passer at this level?

Still snarking about the Kansas City Chiefs lack of defense or running game?

If you had to do it again would you still go with the ASmith GIF of gaffe that led one mad moderator down his lock-happy path?

Why didn't the Nats plummet-to-earth season help DC fans manage expectations for the football team so that one small success would not be considered a given baseline for the following one?

We can stop the inquiry here.

Sorry it's been such an unseasonably frosty fall for a sarcastic know-it-all.

Or maybe the long, cold winter just arrived extra early this year.

Sheeeeeeiit.....at this rate for a mod-marked OKS whipping-boy-who-earns-it like smugsboy, this might even be The Season of The Beast.

Cover Up, Cochise!

But be careful about borrowing a blanket.

Some folks may not be your friends & you can't say where that quilt's been.

Let this little rough patch be a teachable moment to show how exposed smug can leave frostbite fissures when reality's cold starts sniping at your soul.

And Miles To Go Before I Sleep,

Bombert Frost

2246445, bravo sir, bravo
Posted by Beamer6178, Mon Oct-14-13 08:50 PM
>or the 'clearly the best team in division' one?
>is the 'no chance in hell the Eagles could win 8' dismissal
>still a lay-up?
>Would you say you are still scoffing at the notion of last
>season's gimmicky offense & lack of focus on professional
>passing concepts being a quick-hit but possibly a hindrance to
>RGPlea's progression as a passer at this level?
>Still snarking about the Kansas City Chiefs lack of defense or
>running game?
>If you had to do it again would you still go with the ASmith
>GIF of gaffe that led one mad moderator down his lock-happy

oh the combustability of Alex Smith....were he only the dazzling once in a generation wonder like one said Robert Griffin III.
2246843, Man this gotta be one of the top 5 beatdowns in OKP history.
Posted by thebadnegro, Tue Oct-15-13 08:04 PM
that shit was savage, yet refined.
2246329, Bradford better than a RACK of young QBs
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Oct-14-13 04:55 PM
RG3 is among the least of them.
2246330, interested...
Posted by will_5198, Mon Oct-14-13 04:57 PM
2246831, yeah, i think bradford's better. guess we'll see
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Oct-15-13 07:19 PM
2247048, Hey I can see why you ride for him
Posted by Dae021, Wed Oct-16-13 10:35 AM
He was Andrew Luck before luck, coming out of Ok he was supposed to be NFL ready with an arm that didnt' limit him anywhere on the field and accuracy that would enable him to fit ball into tight windows, with smarts that allow him to read NFL D's like the elite qb, it just hasn't happened yet.

I think he's good, but unless you've got the best D in the league good just don't cut it.
2246321, *sigh*
Posted by B.J.S.301, Mon Oct-14-13 04:40 PM
2246339, You don't get government money nor scholarships
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Oct-14-13 05:06 PM

>And I'm 1/8 Chippewa so this is personal. IT COUNT!

So no, it don't

Government okey doked niggas with that "you have to
choose" shit

Most Native Americans I know off of reservations are blonde
with blue eyes now, no hate

Btw, you have a connection to Oklahoma via Blake Griffin
via Jeff Capel

That's why you like Sam


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2246432, ppssshh...blood is blood, nigga.
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Oct-14-13 08:06 PM
2246404, Aside from Philpot they're quiet af. If the Skins turn this around
Posted by RaFromQueens, Mon Oct-14-13 07:12 PM
The oks contingent can't event claim it. Mfers jumped off the bandwagon like it was on fire.
2246716, Cuz, even philpott went ghost for a few days when the eagles beatem
Posted by IceburgSmurf, Tue Oct-15-13 02:29 PM
i was genuinely concerned for dudes mental wellbeing
2246729, I'm trynna figure something out here. So do we have to be irrational
Posted by Dae021, Tue Oct-15-13 03:15 PM
fans to be considered riding?

I don't talk shit about ANY other team, i only go in skins posts and don't snark, so i'ma need a bit of clarification on this one
2247260, Fan is short for fanatic. You can be an unpaid analyst if you want nm.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Wed Oct-16-13 03:13 PM
EDIT: Anyway I'm not even saying you have to predict Ws or a turn around. You just look lame af posting ONLY when your team wins.
2247311, I don't post about shit either way, I look at the game I talk about it
Posted by Dae021, Wed Oct-16-13 04:03 PM
With other skins fans, because listening to angry ass Eagles fans, uppity ass Giants fans or Delusional ass Cowboys fans doesn't interest me. I'd like to talk about the team I fool with, i don't see why that's a problem.
2247315, So why did you reply to me?
Posted by RaFromQueens, Wed Oct-16-13 04:04 PM
lol this guy
2247034, I just haven't been posting much period. More lurking than anything
Posted by The Real, Wed Oct-16-13 09:50 AM


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2246597, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GjTx6riPrY
Posted by AlBundy, Tue Oct-15-13 12:27 AM

“Floyd Mayweather should be taking fights up to 157 or 160 pounds...His frame can hold the weight..it's not even a lot of weight....Go to the gym and lift weights man..lol.”-- Warren Coolidge
2246715, While I think Bradford is good, he's not going to the SB
Posted by isaaaa, Tue Oct-15-13 02:23 PM
unless he buys tickets. NOTHING about this current Rams team has SuperBowl on it.

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2246732, ...
Posted by Crash Bandacoot, Tue Oct-15-13 03:23 PM


"It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
2246771, naw.... a trick offense isn't why he was #3 in QB rating
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Tue Oct-15-13 04:42 PM
behind Rodgers and Peyton last year. It doesn't work that way.

and as a Ram fan...I obviously want Sam to do well...but the honest truth is that he's not the most accurate passer.... I'd say RG is a better passer...maybe not right today being that he's not healthy.... but RG...healthy is a better QB IMO...


He's not so much better than Sam where having Sam and those draft picks isn't a win for the Rams as far as that deal is concerned...
2246836, Really? Then, why isn't he #3 in passer rating again?
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Oct-15-13 07:53 PM
2246872, he's hurt...it's completely changed his mechanics....
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Tue Oct-15-13 09:08 PM
and his ability to escape and hit his receivers downfield like last year..

coming off the bye week last week he looked better...but he's not close to 100 right now..

again..and I watch Sam every week .... his accuracy is a problem....he often misses wide open receivers....people have been complaining about his wrs dropping the ball but dude doesn't throw a very catchable ball a lot of times... when he's pressured his timing gets off and he rushes his throws or throws into coverage...
2246864, please, that offense was a short-sell gimmick because Shanny needed
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Oct-15-13 08:49 PM
to get the ball rolling for he/his-son to remain employed after starting his Redskin tenure with two last place finishes and the fallout from the McNabb Experiment failing.

Plus Shanny is old and he wants to pass this job to his son when he's done.

He decided he didn't have time to waste trying to bring up RG3 the hard way via the growing pains and paces he put Cutler or Griese through before in Denver or how Andy Reid groomed McNabb in 99/00.

So he gave him a run-heavy, one-read offense, had his team's rookie franchise player running around like his hair was on fire while even at one point lining him up out at receiver.

2012 RG3 passed the ball 26 times a game, nearly FIFTEEN passes less than Andrew Luck or Peyton Manning per game last year, he also ran the ball eight times a contest.

Along the way he got fucked up a few times, did so again in the playoffs which led to a bizarre summer of communication struggle and has no real bread-and-butter pro passing stuff to lean on before having to go out there Day One (for some reason) this season and try to pull it without the threat of his legs.

So now you got a head-coach willing to risk sacrificing the most important long-term franchise asset for a short-term/self-interested gain, player willing to hurt his team's ability to win games in the first 3rd, and the little Telemarking Tyrant in the ownership box.
2246874, there have been a lot of QBs put into that same type of situation
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Tue Oct-15-13 09:11 PM
who haven't been 3rd in passer rating for a season.
2246879, haven't really seen an offense that basic & geared reliant on a QBs legs
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Oct-15-13 09:28 PM
in my life.

And that's me as someone who grew up with Buddy Ryan taking no ownership of the offense, Kotite being an offensive coordinator & Buddy just telling Randall 'you just go out there & make 3-4 big plays a game & we'll do the rest'.

I'm also currently watching a read-option-based offense with Michael Vick at the helm.

RG3's lack of attempts have to be accounted for in that passing rating.

I'm not saying he didn't have a great year, he clearly did and as a result deserved the ROY trophy.

What I was saying then & am still saying now as we see is that last year's offense was like a short-cut that didn't give him the chance to learn more of the shit that would be better for him as a QB in the long-term.

He could have handled it & Shanny sold him short.

Now that rookie year QB rating with only 5 INTs rookie year is going to be stuck being his Illmatic, an abbreviated but brilliant body of work that casts the shadow of unfair/unrealistic expectations on all his future performances.
2249639, I'm mad I never called it that..
Posted by RaFromQueens, Mon Oct-21-13 12:43 PM
>So he gave him a run-heavy, one-read offense,

Such clear, efficient hate.
2246774, acknowledged, ignored
Posted by DonKnutts, Tue Oct-15-13 04:49 PM
2246777, cool
Posted by philpot, Tue Oct-15-13 04:57 PM
only 1/2 of the statemesnt is right but enjoy!
2246852, you're only half right homie, and I'm hella biased so just accept that.
Posted by Tiger Woods, Tue Oct-15-13 08:26 PM
He's not a good passer. Thinks he is, he's wrong.

But Bradford ain't shit either.
2247038, RGKneesus will be fine
Posted by The Real, Wed Oct-16-13 10:05 AM
I guess I shouldn't be so shocked that people are piling on dude this year. It's as if people want him to fail just so they can justify how good Luck is - which to me is silly.

AP set the bar waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to high coming off his knee injury. These things take time. A bad knee can screw up everything - anybody that played sports on any type of level with a bad knee can explain that.

I was hoping the *skins would be smart and sit him until after the by week. However a combination of Shanny wanting to save his job, the organizations marketing arm, and to a great extent RGIII's machismo prevented that from happening.

RGIII will be fine. His athletic ability hid how bad the line was last year, and it's being exposed this year. It's just not that good. Combine the factors:

- Franchise QB coming off a major knee injury
- Aggressive timeline to start week one coming off said injury
- Salary cap penalty which prevents the team from adding any decent depth
- Coach trying to remain off the hot seat so he can set his son up to take over the team when he steps down
- Shitty defense and special teams that forces the *skins to play from behind or with bad field position; allowing the defense to blitz a QB coming off major knee surgery

I'm not shocked he's struggling this year but I'm not sounding the panic alarm. Also, I love Sam Bradford and he's had his own set of issues. But it's a strawman argument IMO. At this point, Bradford should be the better QB.


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2247157, Only way you win is if Bradford ever wins a playoff game
Posted by rjc27, Wed Oct-16-13 01:16 PM
and chances are he will never even play in 1

<< Started From The Bottom

2247161, well, this was stupid
Posted by Basaglia, Wed Oct-16-13 01:18 PM
2249441, hmmm
Posted by SeV, Sun Oct-20-13 11:12 PM


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2249447, see you next week when they 2-5 and the rams #1 pick improves
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Oct-20-13 11:17 PM
hmmmmm some grizzly bear nuts in your mouth, nigga.
2249443, ***PE***
Posted by LBs Finest, Sun Oct-20-13 11:16 PM
RT @AdamSchefter: Rams QB Sam Bradford tore his ACL. He's out for year...
2249451, shhhh
Posted by SeV, Sun Oct-20-13 11:18 PM
i dont think he knows yet

Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2249454, i knew when it happened....skins still losing next week
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Oct-20-13 11:22 PM
they gonna be 8-8 and rams gettin that pick.