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Topic subject3 - 2 ain't shit to brag about but...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2242451
2242451, 3 - 2 ain't shit to brag about but...
Posted by PG, Mon Oct-07-13 04:19 PM
sacking Brady on his 1st pass attempt and giving the Pats their 1st loss felt good

sure felt better than losing the the Bears or worse the Browns.
2242454, Y'all played a hell of a game
Posted by josephmurf2384, Mon Oct-07-13 04:24 PM
Might cost me a W in fantasy, but i was highly impressed. You think Pacman will get Goodelled? Get some consistency on O and get Green the ball you guys can be something coming out of the AFC. One of those teams that can keep Peyton close and cause mistakes down the stretch.
2242457, Y'all gonna be a problem in the playoffs
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Oct-07-13 04:26 PM

Physical, nasty, well-coached
2242577, Shit, i'm bragging bout it
Posted by ChampAreno, Mon Oct-07-13 07:12 PM
We've got 2 quality wins over teams that will more than likely be in the playoffs. Sure, they weren't the prettiest games but a win is a win. I sure don't see us losing to the Browns the next time around. We've got Buffalo next week, should take care of them. Then the Lions and Jets, which also shouldn't give us as tough a time as our other opponents. I'm feeling good. We need Dalton to catch fire and start making some big plays and get some momentum going. I'm looking at the schedule right now and I'm not mad. Gonna be fun!
2249707, 5 - 2 ... is getting there. imo.
Posted by PG, Mon Oct-21-13 01:56 PM
2249894, Dalton beginning to catch fire
Posted by MaxPtah, Mon Oct-21-13 07:45 PM
if Gruden starts utilizing Eifert more, and out D quit making small boneheaded mistakes, we will be okay.

Plus Marv's challenging has been superb this year. Usually he'll challenge shit that Radio would look at him crazy on.