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Topic subjectAn Eyebrow For An Eyebrow: Seahawks vs. 49ers (SNF)
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2230691, An Eyebrow For An Eyebrow: Seahawks vs. 49ers (SNF)
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 10:20 AM
here it is - the early game of the year in the NFL. i'm confident not cocky. niners are obviously a good team.

24-20 seahawks.
2231123, keeping this on page one.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 04:42 PM
fuck i can't wait for this shit.
2231132, Should be fun, but really not tripping on the outcome either way
Posted by mrhood75, Sun Sep-15-13 04:54 PM
If we win, I'm not gloating, because its likely we're seeing the guys again in the post season. If we lose, then whatever, because sometimes losing to tough teams on the road happens, and all I really care about is the post season.

So yeah, hope the game is fun, but I ain't getting worked up over it.

I will say these dudes are out of their minds with that bet though.
2231140, yeah. i'm the same way.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 05:02 PM
i just think it's gonna be fun but win or lose i'm not one to overreact.

at this point i'm even less likely to overreact since we have so many guys who are injured but will be back later in the year.
2231145, IMO we need this
Posted by Flash80, Sun Sep-15-13 05:18 PM
namely 'cause folks are still hanging their hat on last season's 42-13 shellacking up there.

and seattle didn't look good most of the game against carolina.
2231154, That's how the 80s 9ers would look at it
Posted by OldPro, Sun Sep-15-13 05:27 PM
I'm just not sure the bar has been set to that level here yet. I mean you can talk about it all you want but the actual fear of failure those 80s teams had is a rare thing and usually only comes out of a ridiculous amount of prior success.
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2231339, i ain't looking at it like that though
Posted by Flash80, Sun Sep-15-13 10:06 PM
you should be able to beat your divisional rival in their house from time to time, without relying on a tavaris jackson fumble to seal the W.
2231150, With two squads this close I usually pick the one that needs it more
Posted by OldPro, Sun Sep-15-13 05:23 PM
And in this case that's clearly Seattle. Their whole 'what they hope is a title run' is built around two things.. defending their home field and beating the 49ers.. tonight it's both. Seattle plays on a ton of emotion so if they can get it going earlier I won't be shocked if the thing spirals into a double digit win. But if they fail to handle their business tonight it's a real monkey wrench in what Pete's selling up there.. It's only week 2 so while I wouldn't quite call it a catastrophic loss, it will be a very painful one with some potential fall out if they end up struggling a little on the road (as I expect them to) this year.

38 Seahawks
27 49ers
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2231226, thundershowers here right now. wonder how that'll play out.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 07:26 PM
2231253, Welp, here it is. Sounds like they're saying half an hour or so.
Posted by mrhood75, Sun Sep-15-13 08:08 PM
2231258, yep. watching breaking bad for now. we look like shit.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 08:14 PM
2231262, ***sigh*** Gotta wait for Breaking Bad. Wife's getting her hair done
Posted by mrhood75, Sun Sep-15-13 08:15 PM
I don't have THAT many complaints yet, besides that dumb-ass interception. That was pretty fucking stupid though.
2231281, this weather is CRUNK.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 08:30 PM
these lighting strikes and thunder are bananas.

it's gonna be awhile.

wonder what happens if they can't resume.
2231228, What the hell happened to Shaun Alexander?
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Sun Sep-15-13 07:29 PM
when did he retire?
2231475, The Steve Hutchinson fiasco
Posted by jigga, Mon Sep-16-13 09:14 AM
>when did he retire?

Basically after Hutch left but...

...was nice to have em back in the building & might've played a role in that Lynchin
2231232, i could DEFINITELY hear a whistle.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 07:38 PM
2231246, I couldn't, it kind of sounding like a person whistling but I couldn't make
Posted by calij81, Sun Sep-15-13 07:51 PM
out someone blowing a whistle.
2231251, i'm definitely with collinsworth.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 07:58 PM
before the snapped the ball i looked at my girl and said 'why are they blowing the whistle...the playclock is good and there's no flags'

if I was confused i'm sure it was worse on the field. oh well.

2231341, Well dude snapped the ball
Posted by OldPro, Sun Sep-15-13 10:07 PM
and you see most of the players had reset realizing play wasn't stopped... so it's pretty much on them at that point
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2231285, Same. NBC's replay with sound confirmed it
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Sep-15-13 08:41 PM
Obviously no way to tell where it came from unless you wanna zoom in on each ref and examine their cheek movements.
2231286, More than likely it came from a fan in the stands
Posted by calij81, Sun Sep-15-13 08:46 PM
2231477, It did & he was dumb enough to be twirling it around afterwards
Posted by jigga, Mon Sep-16-13 09:15 AM
Got thrown out too

All is well
2231531, thank you lawd! i wanted to beat that person's ass.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Sep-16-13 11:06 AM
2231289, Lol @ building an open stadium in frickin seattle
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Sep-15-13 08:56 PM
My buzz is killed
2231293, LOL
Posted by Flash80, Sun Sep-15-13 08:59 PM
>My buzz is killed

2231300, c'mon dude. u get lightning like TWICE a year...
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 09:11 PM
this is just random.
2231478, Oh yall would really be bitchin bout pumped in noise if it was closed
Posted by jigga, Mon Sep-16-13 09:16 AM
So shut it

Yer mouth not the roof
2231291, stopping the game for the "SAFETY of the players"....
Posted by Flash80, Sun Sep-15-13 08:58 PM
another goodell/nfl surreptitious attempt to slide in that 18-game schedule?

like, when did this start?

do they suspend afc east games in december 'cause of the elements?
2231306, When players started getting electrocuted?
Posted by ThaTruth, Sun Sep-15-13 09:27 PM
>another goodell/nfl surreptitious attempt to slide in that
>18-game schedule?
>like, when did this start?
2231308, Yeah this a pretty common practice in most sports, CFB does it
Posted by calij81, Sun Sep-15-13 09:29 PM
2231320, right...it's lightning....no one plays on any level during lightning
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Sep-15-13 09:51 PM
2231331, over one bolt of lightning and nothing else?
Posted by Flash80, Sun Sep-15-13 10:00 PM
no snark.
2231342, yeah. that's some normal sport shit.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Sep-15-13 10:07 PM
2231540, RE: over one bolt of lightning and nothing else?
Posted by Kungset, Mon Sep-16-13 11:16 AM
2231316, This is a ugly ass game
Posted by ThaTruth, Sun Sep-15-13 09:48 PM
2231318, THATS A FLAG???????
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Sep-15-13 09:50 PM
guess each player will get a trophy and a juice box after each game.
2231325, Enter Craig Dahl.....smh/lol
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Sep-15-13 09:57 PM
2231329, I'm so glad that dude is not on Rams anymore
Posted by ThaTruth, Sun Sep-15-13 09:59 PM
2231326, LIVE TIGER!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Sep-15-13 09:57 PM
2231330, King Felix pitching a shutout through 5
Posted by Deebot, Sun Sep-15-13 10:00 PM
I guess
2231334, He's tiring though... Just need a few baserunners
Posted by OldPro, Sun Sep-15-13 10:03 PM

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2231345, 62 total yards and the 9ers are only down 5 in Seattle
Posted by OldPro, Sun Sep-15-13 10:08 PM
I think Seattle fights this thing to a win but I'm feeling pretty good about how this division is going to shake out
Reunion Radio Podcasts
Twitter @therealoldpro
2231480, still?
Posted by jigga, Mon Sep-16-13 09:18 AM
I'm feeling
>pretty good about how this division is going to shake out
2231352, this game is good and ugly
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 10:22 PM
2231353, #moneylynch #beastmode
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 10:23 PM
2231354, Lynch is a hammer
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Sep-15-13 10:24 PM
2231358, lol....that tight end carried the shit out of Sherman
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Sep-15-13 10:31 PM
2231482, Sherm got trucked but he more than made up for it in a big way
Posted by jigga, Mon Sep-16-13 09:20 AM
The pick & that hit on Ky
2231359, Never thought I'd say this: Niners D getting beat up front
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Sep-15-13 10:32 PM
That run play was vicious, Niners lineman never stood a chance
2231360, Oh and enjoy kellen davis Seattle, he's a bitch to the 10th degree
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Sep-15-13 10:33 PM
2231363, NBooty
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Sep-15-13 10:42 PM
2231364, Patrick Willis and Navarro Bowmann look like fuckin cyborgs
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Sep-15-13 10:46 PM
2231366, Seriously Aldon?
Posted by Beamer6178, Sun Sep-15-13 10:47 PM
These fucking penalties are sickening.
2231367, yeah. some of this stuff man....
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 10:48 PM
like...no fun league for real.

can you imagine some old school players trying to play in this day and age w/ these rules? HAHAHAHA.
2231370, oh no Kaep. YOU CAN'T DO THAT.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 10:58 PM
2231486, He can't play here period
Posted by jigga, Mon Sep-16-13 09:22 AM
Terrible numbers @ CLink
Posted by cantball, Sun Sep-15-13 10:59 PM


Behold my works,ye mighty
2231372, ummmm
Posted by Beamer6178, Sun Sep-15-13 10:59 PM
1) weak ass throw Kaep

2) VD just coasted expecting it to drop in his hand

put a fork in.
2231373, Sehawks baited SF all night, Now they lighting that green torch on em
Posted by select_from_where, Sun Sep-15-13 11:00 PM
Kap about to have one less eyebrow
2231386, my last comments on this game and this opponent
Posted by Beamer6178, Sun Sep-15-13 11:40 PM
someone fucked up so I missed almost all the first half, but I've seen enough:

1) Seattle is a very good team. At home, they're like GREAT. The crowd gets behind them and they turn it up a notch. With that in mind, we HAVE TO BE SMART AND NOT SCREW OURSELVES WITH THESE DUMBASS PENALTIES. the margin of error is small enough without that foolishness factoring in.

2) On these turnovers, Kaep is throwing bullshit ass soft passes. If you're gonna force it in tight coverage, USE THAT FUCKING CANNON

3) We are not the same football team when we're not running the ball. It sets the tone on both sides of the ball, and opens up our passing game. No question Kaep is more of a dynamic weapon on offense, but we STILL have to establish the ground game; Roman needs to stick with that shit and not abandon it so soon. 9 carries for 16 yards? you just stop on that?

4) y'all can try to downplay it but this is twice in a row that Seattle straight buttfucks us. this is a PROBLEM. they're taking it to us and whupping our ass physically. even in the game we won last year, seattle's receivers dropped some huge passes from Russ so it's not like we blew them out like they have us.

5) i'm glad we're getting beat up so damn bad in week 2. will keep us focused and humble so that we can fix our problems. bottom line, we need to start preparing better to hit these motherfuckers in the mouth.
2231387, kaep gonna have to flex in the mirror tonight.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Sep-15-13 11:43 PM
i ain't gonna talk too much tho.

it's a long season.

49ers are a good team.

i'm mostly excited because we got a gang of starters hurt who will be back, and we played like shit and still dominated. if we can get both sides of the ball to click at the same time, watch out.

2231396, How awesome was Marshawn Lynch's ski mask?
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sun Sep-15-13 11:59 PM
Paired with his black visor, he looked pure evil.
2231436, very
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Sep-16-13 07:31 AM
2231449, thought he wears that every game
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Sep-16-13 08:25 AM
and yeah, it looks dope

2231415, ouch n/m
Posted by VonClay, Mon Sep-16-13 01:52 AM
2231443, weak WR unit got exposed last night
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Sep-16-13 08:09 AM
I remember wondering last week what our passing attack would look like against an elite secondary like Seattle's

have my answer

luckily, we won't have to face too many secondarys like that before we get Crabtree (and possibly Manningham) back

2231458, 1. Seattle wins at home..whoa what a mind fuck
Posted by the_time_is_when_god...lounge, Mon Sep-16-13 08:49 AM
2. Seattle played with a sense of urgency that we clearly did not. They played like they have something to prove. This was a big game for them..they were calling it the biggest regular season game in franchise history... It was a big game for us in the nature that we were playing a team that treated this like a big game.

3. We didn't learn anything new from this game. Seattle is a true threat. Cool. If we lose to them at home later in the season, then i'll trip
2231473, RE: 1. Seattle wins at home..whoa what a mind fuck
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Mon Sep-16-13 09:12 AM
Yeah, uh, it might be time to trip...

Because if the Seahawks get homefield advantage, Niners might as well not even show up for the 'offs.

Anytime you play a division rival twice in a row and they dominate you in every phase of the game on the way to embarassing blowout victories...there is a problem.
2231488, if if if if if if if if if if if
Posted by the_time_is_when_god...lounge, Mon Sep-16-13 09:26 AM
2231700, RE: if if if if if if if if if if if
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Mon Sep-16-13 02:57 PM
Obliterated twice in a row by your greatest division rival but everything is fine.

*chuckles to self*

2231479, SMH...we got worked...again
Posted by auragin_boi, Mon Sep-16-13 09:17 AM
We were never comfortable running the ball and if you take that away, Kaep's arm isn't on the level it should be for us to ride it with a struggling run game. He's a few seasons away from that. We didn't plow away at the line last week but GB isn't as good defensively as Seattle is.

Seattle is REALLY good and a VERY tough place to play.

We need to win the division because seeing them in the postseason up in their place? Smh.
2231484, RE: SMH...we got worked...again
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Mon Sep-16-13 09:21 AM
^^^^^See's it
2231538, The Niners biggest concern has to be their lack of running game
Posted by LA2Philly, Mon Sep-16-13 11:14 AM
Both the Packers and Hawks were able to neutralize the ground game but the difference between the two defenses is that the latter didn't have to commit linebackers because the front 4 was winning the battles up front which allowed them to sit in coverage on any short to intermediate routes which when combined with Seattle's nasty man-man coverage created either really really tight or no windows for Kaep (on the contrary, GB was utilizing predominantly zone looks to try and mitigate the fact that they had to commit linebackers and Vernon/Anquan ate them up between the seams.
2231593, We need to stop with the adjustments at the line
Posted by josephmurf2384, Mon Sep-16-13 12:13 PM
just call a straight fucking play. Trying to make those kind of protection adjustments in that stadium did not work at all. Lynch probably wouldn't have beasted had our D not spent so much damn time on the field. The noise in the stadium is amazing, my ears are still ringing. Glad this happened early in the season and can be put in the rearview. Their fanbase was super hyped like they had just won a ring. Still don't trust them to do that when it matters and they should have had us beat early not just late when Kaep started chucking. We will see them in December and than probably in January just a matter of where.