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Posted by Ceej, Mon Aug-19-13 02:58 PM
Fuck that idiot.

glad they lost.
2219618, yea... he wanted zero part of Girardi
Posted by rjc27, Mon Aug-19-13 03:22 PM
Girardi would have beat his ass something serious
2219635, Man's game. Sometimes somebody needs to get hit.
Posted by Buck, Mon Aug-19-13 03:35 PM
2219673, I read this subject-line in Iron Sheik's voice n/m
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Aug-19-13 04:31 PM
2219780, Nope. Northside. We HONEST
Posted by Darryl_Licke, Tue Aug-20-13 12:32 AM
2219783, The narrative they're creating is false anyway.
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Aug-20-13 12:36 AM
Sport's writer are spinning it as "Dempster hit A-Roid because he's DIRTY PIECE OF SHIT CHEATER AND HE'S OUR AVENGING ANGEL." It's really because Dempster thought A-Rod snubbed him at a charity event some months back and had promised to bean him the first time he faced him.

Fuck Dempster. Suspend his ass.
2219796, What an idiot
Posted by LA2Philly, Tue Aug-20-13 03:34 AM
2219798, I know, it makes him an even bigger piece of labia
Posted by Ceej, Tue Aug-20-13 05:55 AM
2219805, let Boston fans keep thinking he was fighting the good fight though
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue Aug-20-13 07:47 AM
2219808, Boston can keep pretending Manny didnt win a world series either
Posted by Ceej, Tue Aug-20-13 07:50 AM
2219876, cause that's happened.
Posted by pretentious username, Tue Aug-20-13 10:13 AM
2220175, He's the franchise's best since Ted Williams...STILL.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Aug-21-13 09:42 AM

And Boston kinda turned on Pedro when Schilling got

Btw, that was Ketchup, dude was not pitching with his
achilles stabled to his calf, that was a lie


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2220267, neither of these statements is true.
Posted by pretentious username, Wed Aug-21-13 12:43 PM
>And Boston kinda turned on Pedro when Schilling got
>Btw, that was Ketchup, dude was not pitching with his
>achilles stabled to his calf, that was a lie

not a big schilling fan, but if you think it was faked then you also think he sat out most of the 2005 season to support a lie.
2220269, Philly fans would have used "are"
Posted by Ceej, Wed Aug-21-13 12:46 PM
2220270, http://tinyurl.com/mecgmrn
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Aug-21-13 12:47 PM


And I wanna see some comedy, biatch


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2220133, Boston fans are what people think Philly fans are
Posted by bshelly, Wed Aug-21-13 07:00 AM
2220146, scum of the earth?
Posted by Cenario, Wed Aug-21-13 08:13 AM
2220147, Is there other celestial scum?
Posted by Ceej, Wed Aug-21-13 08:19 AM
2220171, Philly fans are equal opportunity imbeciles
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Aug-21-13 09:40 AM

Boston fans will actually tell you that
Jason Varitek deserves a statue outside of
Fenway before Big Papi does

Its really quite a site to behold


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2219826, That's the dumbest thing ever
Posted by cyrus, Tue Aug-20-13 08:40 AM
The fact that A-Rod was at a charity event is about all you could reasonably expect from him, you want him to be nice to you and give you some face time too?

That's like expecting Derek Jeter give you a fruit basket AND let you walk out the front door.
2219786, he made A-Rod look like a good guy
Posted by will_5198, Tue Aug-20-13 01:15 AM
which is amazing.
2219792, Basically
Posted by RexLongfellow, Tue Aug-20-13 01:55 AM
That's a damn near impossible feat to pull off
2219807, absolutely
Posted by rjc27, Tue Aug-20-13 07:49 AM
after A-Rod got plunked that was the most in to a baseball game I've been in many years

<< Started From The Bottom
2219872, The sox or your fantasy team?
Posted by jigga, Tue Aug-20-13 10:10 AM
>glad they lost.
2219878, They are the red sox.
Posted by Ceej, Tue Aug-20-13 10:21 AM
Being glad my fantasy team lost, while having NOTHING to do with anything, would just be weird.
2219882, You know he's on your squad tho right?
Posted by jigga, Tue Aug-20-13 10:24 AM
2219884, Ok.
Posted by Ceej, Tue Aug-20-13 10:25 AM
Had no bearing on this post.