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Topic subjectWhich NFL team will be the biggest sleeper this season?
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2217009, Which NFL team will be the biggest sleeper this season?
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM

Poll question: Which NFL team will be the biggest sleeper this season?

Poll result (23 votes)
Cleveland Browns (4 votes)Vote
Detroit Lions (3 votes)Vote
Tampa Bay Buccaneers (4 votes)Vote
Kansas City Chiefs (7 votes)Vote
St. Louis Rams (3 votes)Vote
OTHER (2 votes)Vote


2217010, replace Cleveland with Miami
Posted by LBs Finest, Thu Aug-08-13 01:24 AM
2217151, Sad part is you're serious too
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Thu Aug-08-13 11:50 AM

As much as people joke on the Jets, they will always be ahead of Fins and Bills.
2217154, well yea, browns ain't gettin no votes here lol
Posted by LBs Finest, Thu Aug-08-13 11:53 AM
Even with the dolphins being an option I was still gonna pick Tampa, just think Miami is a better candidate to surprise than Cleveland
2217170, Miami is definitely better then the Browns
Posted by rjc27, Thu Aug-08-13 12:18 PM
I think Miami gets the 6 seed...

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2217193, Idk we got Wayne Hunter 2.0 at LT right now
Posted by LBs Finest, Thu Aug-08-13 12:45 PM
I'll say 9 wins, don't know if that's enough for a wildcard spot
2217195, the AFC is awful
Posted by rjc27, Thu Aug-08-13 12:47 PM
leave it to the Jets to be complete shit when the conference is at an all-time low...

Denver is the only team who'd make the playoffs in the nfc imo

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2217013, I pick Tampa btw
Posted by LBs Finest, Thu Aug-08-13 01:33 AM
2217066, I hate to say it but I agree
Posted by Ray_Snill, Thu Aug-08-13 09:19 AM
the only thing about Tampa though is Revis is bout to find out all that holding ain't gone fly on a non-sexy team. plus Schiano is messing up by feuding with Josh Freeman, he better let that man cook

2217165, stop.
Posted by rjc27, Thu Aug-08-13 12:15 PM
>the only thing about Tampa though is Revis is bout to find
>out all that holding ain't gone fly on a non-sexy team.
2217014, Rams......our defense will be one of the best in the league...
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Thu Aug-08-13 01:38 AM
we got multiple running backs who can make plays.....a solid young group of WRs with Tavon Austin bringing a new dimension.... and an O-Line that can protect Bradford..

we ready...
2217017, your RBs are all unproven
Posted by LBs Finest, Thu Aug-08-13 01:44 AM
2217080, perhaps the least important position in football
Posted by smutsboy, Thu Aug-08-13 09:56 AM
as in, it's by far the easiest to get production out of.

provided you have a decent OL and/or pass game.
2217147, true....but the 5 we have all bring something to the table...
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Thu Aug-08-13 11:45 AM
Richardson showed he can play last season..I think he'll be the starter....Pead has great speed and is a solid receiver..he'll probably be our 3rd down and passing situation back....

to me the guy with the best all-around potential is Terrance Ganaway..he was RGIIIs Rb at Baylor ...dude is big....a downhill runner and has breakaway speed..... rookie Zac Stacy is gonna be the other bruiser back.....and Bennie Cunningham is another guy built to be an every down back..

with the exception of Richardson really..yeah we are pretty much unproven..but the last time the Rams had a question as to who would start at Running back was 1998 when Amp Lee, June Henley and Robert Holcombe shared the duties....

it's an exciting time really to have all these young weapons competing and ready to shine.... Jackson was my guy..and last year he played with a lot of heart and desire...but I've been a bit burned out on him for a few years now...he danced to much before hitting the hole and didn't have the break away speed any more...

we got multiple weapons right now...unproven..but ready to whoo-ride...
2217071, I just looked at your roster and I don't see it
Posted by Wonderl33t, Thu Aug-08-13 09:38 AM
I am rooting for Bradford, but I don't see the weapons. Tavon Austin is nice, but slot WRs don't make an offense. Relying on young, unproven WRs is not a recipe for success. You can get away with it at the RB position, but not WR. Jared Cook had better for for 1,000 and 8 TDs or else it could be a long year. I hope I am wrong (Rams are closest thing I have to a #2 team), but that's how I see it.

>we got multiple running backs who can make plays.....a solid
>young group of WRs with Tavon Austin bringing a new
>dimension.... and an O-Line that can protect Bradford..
>we ready...
2217141, lot of folks didn't realize how well Chris Givens played in his
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Thu Aug-08-13 11:40 AM
rookie season...he lead Rookie WRs in a few categories....he's added muscle and with Tavon Austin...those 2 may be the 2 fastest WRs on any team in the league.... Givens is growing into a Steve Smith type of WR...

on the other side.... Austin Pettis and Brian Quick are battling for the other starting spot.... Pettis hasn't gotten too many looks in his short career but last year showed how well he can do as a big possession WR in the red zone.....also he came up with a huge 4th down catch last year against the forty niners in the tie...

and Brian Quick has made huge strides.... worked with TO in the offseason and working with Bruce and Holt now....his routes are crisp..and he's got that explosive speed.... He's gonna really bubble this year...
2217169, lot of people on this bandwagon, I think they'll be real disappointed
Posted by rjc27, Thu Aug-08-13 12:17 PM
they went 4-1-1 in division... as good as that division is I'll give them 3-3 at best this year...

I think they will be better, but that doesn't always equal wins... I say the Rams go 6-10

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2217069, I voted Lions cause I'm a homer, but these are all really good choices.
Posted by Jayson Willyams, Thu Aug-08-13 09:30 AM
There's not a team in this poll that I don't think will improve (I'm sure at least one will regress, just because it's the NFL, but it will be surprising when it happens).

I think the Browns have a lot of good things in place, but their ceiling is just so low as long as Weeden is their QB. They're gonna be right back to drafting a 1st/2nd Round QB in 2014. Nice defense though, and some interesting pieces. But if they think they can run Richardson 360+ times this year for 3.5 yards a pop and actually win anything, they're nuts.

The Lions should be much improved. I think they had the biggest difference last season between "Expected wins" and actual wins, which is frequently a good indicator of the next year's performance. In other words, they lost a ton of close games due to some really outlandish, stupid shit that they did. If they can cut some of that out, their talent level should get them back to the playoffs. Our offensive system was utterly broken last year--teams sold out on the pass 100% and we couldn't make them pay for it. Hopefully, with healthy receivers, Bush, and a more athletic O-line, we'll be able to make some plays in space and keep defenses honest. Hopefully. (And our D-Line should be collecting scalps all year.)

The Bucs took their biggest weakness (secondary) and seemingly turned it into a strength. Now, that looks good on paper, but ask the 2012 Eagles how "on paper" looks. They revamped the secondary with a lot of names, too, and only succeeded in making it worse. Still, a solid team, and they get back two huge pieces along the O-line to help out Martin and Freeman. Murderous division though--they can go 9-7 and still consider 2013 a success, imo.

The Chiefs...man, I dunno. I actually think they're gonna be pretty feisty. I found a site that lets you pick the winner of every single NFL game, and it autopopulates the standings and playoffs for you. By the time I was done, I had the Chiefs at 10-6, with the last Wild Card spot. Favorable schedule, huge upgrade at QB, and a new offensive system that should fit the talent very well. OKS will shit on them because Philly sports fans are cunts, but hey, that's life.

The Rams have no shot of making the playoffs in that division. That's not an insult, Warren. They'll be better, but I don't know wtf you think they're "ready" for. You got some nice pieces on defense, but "one of the best defenses in the league" is a stretch. They were average-to-good last year, but I don't see enough changing there to make the leap to top-tier. Still, they had a great draft top-to-bottom, and they're well coached. Bradford has to put up or walk this year. They'll give Seattle and San Fran fits again, but I think they're still topping out at 3rd place.
2217173, What is this site?
Posted by Y2Flound, Thu Aug-08-13 12:21 PM
I found a site that lets you pick the winner of every single NFL game, and it autopopulates the standings and playoffs for you.
2217176, what site you talking about? sounds like a fun way to kill some work
Posted by rjc27, Thu Aug-08-13 12:22 PM
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2217181, Edit: Here it is (link inside)
Posted by Jayson Willyams, Thu Aug-08-13 12:30 PM

This is how mine looked when I was done (this was back in April, looks like dude has been working on it): http://i.imgur.com/QL6Pkhk.png
2217221, Defensive line has more sacks than any NFL team over the last
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Thu Aug-08-13 01:27 PM
, but "one of the best defenses in the
>league" is a stretch.

2 seasons combined....

2 first team all rookies on defense last year in Jenkins and Brockers..

not not that much of a stretch for a team that went 4-1-1 in the toughest division in football last year...and added Ogletree and TJ McDonald to that defense...
2217224, yeah. St. Louis' has a great d-line, that could easily be even better.
Posted by will_5198, Thu Aug-08-13 01:31 PM
I don't think much of their safeties, but if the offense is anything better than last year (ie one of the worst in football), the defense as a whole can take that next step.
2217230, I was gonna mention their d-line play, which has obviously been excellent
Posted by Jayson Willyams, Thu Aug-08-13 01:40 PM
Still don't think they have the horses to be on top of that division in January. I'd love to be wrong though, I can't stand Seattle/San Fran.
2217074, Bills in the playoffs
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Aug-08-13 09:44 AM
you heard it here first!
2217077, Second, maybe. Maxxxxx still exists.
Posted by Jayson Willyams, Thu Aug-08-13 09:51 AM
>you heard it here first!
2217082, talent, lack of great AFC teams, and coach makes Chiefs the answer
Posted by Tiger Woods, Thu Aug-08-13 09:58 AM
Chiefs actually should win at least 8 this year.
2217177, Raaaaaaaaaaaaaiders ese'
Posted by LAbeathustla, Thu Aug-08-13 12:22 PM
Hahaha..I'm not serious... I'm just used to hearing this all day in LA if I mention the NFL
2217179, The Browns "Why Your Team Sucks" by deadspin was golden this year
Posted by rjc27, Thu Aug-08-13 12:26 PM
although the Colts one actually almost made me piss myself


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2217229, Colts' one was great.
Posted by will_5198, Thu Aug-08-13 01:39 PM
2217226, Watch the Browns go 9-7 in that crazy division
Posted by Lach, Thu Aug-08-13 01:35 PM
2217232, .... And mess up our shot at Teddy!? GTFOH
Posted by Kira, Thu Aug-08-13 01:48 PM

Brandon Weeden about continue his Chris Weinke progression. We winning three games at most and I'm fine because I want Teddy as the quarterback of the future. JC will be a great mentor to Teddy.
2217308, Nah they'll go 2-14 and trade the number 1 pick lol
Posted by IceburgSmurf, Thu Aug-08-13 05:41 PM
2217265, reports are their O is not getting on Norv's page too well so far
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Thu Aug-08-13 02:56 PM
2217337, not following Norv? They're doing better than expected then lol
Posted by Lach, Thu Aug-08-13 07:42 PM
2217338, Not even yo. Browns going to be 4-12.
Posted by Castro, Thu Aug-08-13 07:46 PM
2217280, Arizona Cardinals
Posted by FromTheGo, Thu Aug-08-13 04:08 PM
2217309, The Eagles will win games that they shouldn't
Posted by sfMatt, Thu Aug-08-13 05:46 PM
2217553, It's Carolina guys. Chiefs a close second though
Posted by ChampD1012, Fri Aug-09-13 05:14 PM
2249623, KC is 7-0, who saw that coming?
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Mon Oct-21-13 12:13 PM