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Topic subjectTHIS NIGGA DONE CHANGED HIS MIND?????????????
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2206573
2206573, THIS NIGGA DONE CHANGED HIS MIND?????????????
Posted by LAbeathustla, Fri Jul-05-13 08:41 PM

here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2206576, lol
Posted by Cenario, Fri Jul-05-13 08:45 PM
2206577, Y'all sure y'all still want this nigga? God-DAMN.
Posted by ZooTown74, Fri Jul-05-13 08:45 PM
He need to just quit basketball and go to WWE or some shit

Jesus H. Christ.

Im not posting in PTP
2206583, this boy is shaky as a leaf...
Posted by LAbeathustla, Fri Jul-05-13 08:47 PM
now i gotta listen to chris broussard voice all fkn night
2206579, All this for a 3rd piece
Posted by Ceej, Fri Jul-05-13 08:46 PM
2206582, if this skitzo nigga stays in LA.....might be a blessing in disguise
Posted by liveguy, Fri Jul-05-13 08:47 PM
2206586, Kobe Bryant Lesson 3: Decisiveness Is Quickness
Posted by Nodima, Fri Jul-05-13 08:49 PM

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." © Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
2206587, neither the rockets or dwight have said anything official so....
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jul-05-13 08:50 PM
sources say!
2206590, i dunno if he changed his mind as much as speculation abounded
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Jul-05-13 08:53 PM
golden state already filled up their ship, dallas and mavs were never in it. hopefully he REALLY drags it out and then comes back to a shitload of acrimony in LA. at this point, if he re-signs, every missed foul shot will be a catastrophe and every turnover will be compared to an especially bloody genocide.
2206611, right and of course espn is reporting that he changed his mind
Posted by Cenario, Fri Jul-05-13 09:07 PM
when he or his camp haven't said anything official AND houston said they haven't received word yet.
2206591, THEM SOURCES!!
Posted by laizquierda, Fri Jul-05-13 08:53 PM
y'all need to stop trusting "sources" when it comes to Dwight

the whole Orlando saga was all about what "sources said"

any 3rd party report about what Dwight is thinking has to be considered hearsay, period
2206593, ikr? hol up lemme call him. I'll find out.
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri Jul-05-13 08:54 PM
2206615, just got to pay attn to the right ones
Posted by D_Tox151, Fri Jul-05-13 09:08 PM
key laker reporters were reporting that the lakers hadn't gotten official word yet from dwight (even though espn reported the opposite) and that dwight was en route to LA to meet with mitch 4 hours ago.
2206594, sportscenter reporting that he's flying to LA to talk with Mitch right now
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jul-05-13 08:55 PM
nigga wants D'Antoni FIRED
2206598, I hope that happens and he still goes to houston lol
Posted by El_essence, Fri Jul-05-13 08:57 PM
2206614, lol
Posted by Cenario, Fri Jul-05-13 09:07 PM
2206639, ha ha.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Fri Jul-05-13 09:32 PM
2206599, lol real talk
Posted by LBs Finest, Fri Jul-05-13 08:57 PM
2206595, I guess Calderon going to the Mavs fucked it up for the Rockets
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Fri Jul-05-13 08:56 PM
2206596, The L.A. Times reported he was on a plane back to L.A.
Posted by ZooTown74, Fri Jul-05-13 08:56 PM
as of 4:30 with plans to meet with Mitch later tonight

That $30 mil was on a nigga's (schitzo-ass) mind

Im not posting in PTP
2206597, As much as we want to assign blame for him waffling on
Posted by El_essence, Fri Jul-05-13 08:56 PM
whoever or whatever, it's abundantly clear that this nigga is a headcase. I never thought I'd get to the point where I would be happy letting him just go.

What I see from this nigga if he changed his mind and stayed in LA is him having a nervous breakdown after a couple years of not winning a chip. The expectations are too high. Kobe blowing shit up might have been an unintentional blessing for both him and LA should he still go to houston. He and Houston will be great without the pressure.
2206600, don't blame Dwight because you jumped to conclusions
Posted by laizquierda, Fri Jul-05-13 08:57 PM
Ramona Shelburne is on ESPN Making sense right now

"why didn't Houston or LA ever confirm?"


perhaps, because he hadn't made up his mind between the two?

that should've been enough to give anyone pause

basic logic
2206613, this is more accurate
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri Jul-05-13 09:07 PM
@briancmahoney: Bottom line on Dwight saga: Many writers with people they trust telling them Houston. Problem is, nobody trusts Dwight.
2206621, which is just another reason why people should chill nm
Posted by laizquierda, Fri Jul-05-13 09:15 PM
2206601, This fuckboy....smh
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jul-05-13 08:58 PM
2206604, LOL
Posted by Poorspellir, Fri Jul-05-13 09:00 PM
2206605, $30 mil will make you do that
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Fri Jul-05-13 09:01 PM
2206606, LMAO, is anyone surprised?
Posted by DJR, Fri Jul-05-13 09:02 PM
2206607, the $30 million dollars is the sticking point cause of his health
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jul-05-13 09:03 PM
hmmm sounds familiar
somebody needs to tell him he can get another max and about texas tax laws

and if the $30 mil is that big a deal GS needs to pick up that fucking phone
2206626, why?
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri Jul-05-13 09:18 PM

>and if the $30 mil is that big a deal GS needs to pick up that
>fucking phone
2206608, RE: THIS NIGGA DONE CHANGED HIS MIND?????????????
Posted by ZooTown74, Fri Jul-05-13 09:04 PM

Im not posting in PTP
2206616, that's my cut nm
Posted by El_essence, Fri Jul-05-13 09:08 PM
2206610, http://i.minus.com/i071lLRdI0Rgy.gif
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Fri Jul-05-13 09:05 PM
2206612, What are the chances
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Jul-05-13 09:07 PM
he does a two year deal with either the Lakers or Houston?
2206619, This nigga is fucking up my Jeremy Lin championship agenda.
Posted by Kira, Fri Jul-05-13 09:12 PM
NOPE! I refuse to believe it.

This is merely D12's last attempt to tarnish the Lakers' legacy by forcing them to fire a coach. He's still going to HTown.

Dan Fegan reminded him of 30 million reasons to reconsider.

I cannot wait to hear Max Kellerman's take on it.
2206620, What this tells me is he wants to stay in LA but he wants D'Antoni GONE
Posted by LBs Finest, Fri Jul-05-13 09:14 PM
2206623, It's only about the scratch
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jul-05-13 09:16 PM
2206625, yea. but he's also crazy nm
Posted by El_essence, Fri Jul-05-13 09:17 PM
2206624, yep. that and that he's fucking crazy nm
Posted by El_essence, Fri Jul-05-13 09:17 PM
2206630, ^^^
Posted by D_Tox151, Fri Jul-05-13 09:19 PM
maybe he did some mushrooms with PJ in aspen
2206631, i dunno what y'all do w/ him if he comes back
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri Jul-05-13 09:19 PM
obviously he's not capable of standing on his own
but he doesn't want anyone telling him shit
and if he doesn't get what he wants everyone's gonna be miserable.

crazy people w/ that much leverage scare the shit out of me.
2206629, LOL like he wouldn't have said that already. Prolly about $$$$
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Jul-05-13 09:19 PM
Sign and trade or not, shit like that.
2206668, he didnt say it about SVG
Posted by AlBundy, Fri Jul-05-13 10:07 PM

“Floyd Mayweather should be taking fights up to 157 or 160 pounds...His frame can hold the weight..it's not even a lot of weight....Go to the gym and lift weights man..lol.”-- Warren Coolidge
2206735, he told the organization and they acted upon it
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jul-06-13 12:01 AM
2206622, lmao
Posted by JBoogs, Fri Jul-05-13 09:16 PM

I've traveled far and wide through many different times...
2206627, staying for the money...
Posted by LAbeathustla, Fri Jul-05-13 09:19 PM
nice...nigga dont wanna win...and if they do ANYTHING....bean gon get all the credit....but if they lose dwight will....get that paypa tho mane!!!
2206632, staying for the money will get worse backlash then running from the
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jul-05-13 09:20 PM
lol, nigga can't win
2206633, IMO this is a stunt to hype his Twitter decision, he still going Houston
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Jul-05-13 09:23 PM
2206635, face to face meeting with Mitch, i think he's really confused
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jul-05-13 09:26 PM
i think he wants to go to houston but is probably scared of being seen as a quitter (supposedly that's why he stayed in orlando the extra yr) and he wants the guaranteed money because of his health
2206636, so he's admitting it's only for the dough and LA is cool with it?
Posted by rjc27, Fri Jul-05-13 09:30 PM
damn, y'all aint winning a chip with him regardless, keep your dignity and pull the offer! Even A-Rod at least SAID it was about the pinstripes and not the money...

I could understand if he resigned from the jump and said it's a bigger contracts etc, but he picked the place he'd rather play and is not second guessing himself because he's afraid injuries will shorten his career... he will NEVER win a title, it's a fact after statements like that, so why bother? Do the league a favor Mitch, and pull the deal
2206637, he just realized the Houston Rockets are in Houston
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Jul-05-13 09:30 PM
2206638, i quit
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri Jul-05-13 09:31 PM
@AlexKennedyNBA: It's Houston. Source close to Dwight Howard confirms that he'll join the Rockets. He'll inform the Lakers and make an official announcement.
2206640, Woj: He's officially going to HOU
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Fri Jul-05-13 09:34 PM
RT @WojYahooNBA: Los Angeles issued a statement saying that Howard informed Kupchak of his decision "to not return to the Lakers."
2206642, ok. *now* you can go back to your initial kneejerk reaction
Posted by laizquierda, Fri Jul-05-13 09:35 PM
speculating on Houston winning a chip and Kobe being an unbearable asshole

2206643, the fukked up part is that now Laker fans have to root for this weirdo
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Fri Jul-05-13 09:37 PM
to stay..

because the fact that he's changed his mind obviously means that the Lakers have expressed a willingness to fire Dantoni. Couldn't be anything else....he and Kobe were straight...he didn't like Dantoni and didn't like the Lakers not taking his, and other teammates opinions into consideration when they fired Mike Brown..

if that changes...I could see Dwight staying...
2206644, I'm just casually checking in on this story
Posted by Rick Fox Jr, Fri Jul-05-13 09:38 PM
and still I'm like, is you shittin me bruh?

OK. It's over now.
2206645, He never did change his mind
Posted by nipsey, Fri Jul-05-13 09:39 PM
Broussard was WRONG AGAIN!

RT @WojYahooNBA: Los Angeles issued a statement saying that Howard informed Kupchak of his decision "to not return to the Lakers."

RT @WojYahooNBA Howard's plan was always to meet with Lakers a final time and tell Kupchak of his decision.
2206647, http://i.imgur.com/DczazT1.gif
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri Jul-05-13 09:40 PM

2206646, he updated his twitter
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jul-05-13 09:40 PM
2206648, Broussard has collected L's at every turn of the Dwightmare since day 1
Posted by rjc27, Fri Jul-05-13 09:41 PM
going back years now
2206649, If Dwight did indeed tell Mitch him face to face, I got respect for that
Posted by LA2Philly, Fri Jul-05-13 09:42 PM
2206650, lol @ his new twitter avi, houston @ la next yr is as must watch
Posted by rjc27, Fri Jul-05-13 09:43 PM
as must watch gets, way moreso then even bron's return to cleveland
2206652, *looks around for Bin's dick drunk posting ass*
Posted by seasoned vet, Fri Jul-05-13 09:45 PM
Posted by LAbeathustla, Fri Jul-05-13 09:47 PM
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Jul-05-13 09:50 PM
2206656, I almost feel bad for Dwight
Posted by Tek4mula, Fri Jul-05-13 09:51 PM
10 years ago and nobody would think he was crazy. He just happened to hit his prime in the twitter generation and he gets constantly shitted on because reporters hit the web with info that isn't solid. Then I remember he's making insane amounts of money and I don't feel bad for him at all.
2206657, So does Asik for Josh get done before the night ends?
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Jul-05-13 09:51 PM
2206659, And that's a wrap on Broussard
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Jul-05-13 09:52 PM
Seriously. The only value this dude has is as an anti-gay voice in Outside the LInes reports on homosexuality.
2206661, You would think, but accountability is not a thing @ ESPN
Posted by calminvasion, Fri Jul-05-13 09:56 PM
2206663, dude really looked awful in this....kinda feel bad for him
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Jul-05-13 09:56 PM
2206671, ESPN had to call in SAS off of his vacay to clear up the mess
Posted by daskap, Fri Jul-05-13 10:14 PM
Posted by LAbeathustla, Fri Jul-05-13 09:54 PM
"Howard kept mentioning the name Kevin McHale along with Hakeem '
The Dream' Olajuwon and said, 'Who has that to offer (me)?'"
2206669, So he was going to houston...
Posted by gmltheone, Fri Jul-05-13 10:07 PM
Wanted to tell mitch face to face.

word got out that he was meeting with mitch.

The goofball then just squashed it.

Just bounced.
Same as it ever was!
2206672, Explain the Broussard hate? He covered it perfectly the whole time
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jul-05-13 10:17 PM

What's the problem?
2206675, You're trolling. That dude is the worst.
Posted by Ryan M, Fri Jul-05-13 10:19 PM
He owes Woj his entire job at this point.
2206686, Not as bad as Pringles, who, btw, cost you Dwight Howard
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jul-05-13 10:36 PM

Cry with your stinky stinky franchise

And your stinky coach


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2206696, Lol. Not addressing the point as usual. Knicks are terrible btw.
Posted by Ryan M, Fri Jul-05-13 10:52 PM
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jul-05-13 10:59 PM



O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2206751, LMAO, you asked a question, I answered it.
Posted by Ryan M, Sat Jul-06-13 12:59 AM
Then you changed the subject.

Kinda standard.

LOL Bargnani.
2206676, Consistently wrong. Last refuge was Dwight
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Jul-05-13 10:22 PM
And he's been dead wrong every step of the way on that.

The guy doesn't break news and his "sources" are almost always wrong. Basically, all he does now is confirm the scoops of Yahoo! and USA Today.
2206685, Wrong about what? He said Houston was the frontrunner
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jul-05-13 10:35 PM

And the Lakers were done

He said this, like, two weeks ago


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2206688, no, he got got by Fegan likely w/ the 50-50
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri Jul-05-13 10:38 PM
dwight was going to houston and it was done.
he just wanted to tell mitch to his face or at least by phone

then someone in dwight's camp told him 50-50 and he went to air with it.

Amick @ usatoday had him by hours.

he's really only as accurate as CAA wants him to be.
2206695, A week ago, he said Dallas was the frontrunner
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Jul-05-13 10:52 PM
Dude hasn't scooped a story in forever, looked like a fool tonight, and basically said what anyone on this board could have said about Dwight: Houston and Dallas frontruners, Atlanta little chance, doesn't want to go back to LA.

He got scooped on his man connect (Dwight) and then started a bullshit rumor. If he was getting it done, OK, but he's gotten lapped by everyone out there.
2206701, Dude. You're lying.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jul-05-13 10:59 PM

He said Houston was the frontrunner

Like, weeks ago



O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2206704, Nope. Houston and Dallas neck and neck
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Jul-05-13 11:03 PM
Chris Broussard: Personally, I think the Rockets are his best option. But I'm told that he really likes the Mavericks. I think it's neck and neck between the Mavericks and the Rockets. What he likes about Dallas is that it would be his franchise. Even though Dirk is there and certainly a superstar, he's clearly toward the end of his career and wouldn't mind passing the reins to Dwight. And then, in 2014, they'll have cap room to really build around Dwight. He looks back at his time in Orlando when he led a team built around him that had really good players, but no perennial All-Stars, besides him, and he was able to lead them past LeBron James into the Finals. He thinks he can do that again in the right situation in Dallas. And Rick Carlisle, obviously one of the top coaches in the league. Through his history, you can see he would know how to utilize Dwight Howard to the fullest.

Then you've got Houston. Dwight likes the potential that they could have. He just wants to make sure that they would play in the style that would best suit him, not only defensively but offensively as well. In playing with a superstar perimeter guy, he'd prefer that guy be a point guard who's going to be passing the ball rather than a shooting guard.

He's fickle. That's why you can't write off the Lakers just because you don't know what Dwight's liable to do. As far as the Mavericks, I think he just sees Mark Cuban is one of the better owners in the league. They're clearly a team that will go to any length to build a championship team. And Dallas is smaller than LA in terms of the media coverage but still a big city. He likes Dirk. Dirk can still play and produce

2206708, This is Dwight Howard, you imbecile. That story is probably true.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jul-05-13 11:05 PM

He was interviewing for a reason

He's a dumbass prick who probably hadn't decided
until just recently


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2206719, Wow. You're mad and copping pleas
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Jul-05-13 11:30 PM
Bottom line:
Broussard didn't know where he was going.
Broussard, for all of his inside sources, didn't get the scoop when the deal was done.
Broussard then posted that the LAKERS, the team he said had no chance, were stil alive AFTER Dwight had made his decision.

And this is after two or three years of being so bad at his job that he turned "Source say" into a punchline.

Defend him if you want. I seriously can't think of a worse thing to do on a Friday night.
2206724, Nah, he said Houston had the best chance. Houston won.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jul-05-13 11:39 PM

There's nothing to discuss

He was right the whole time


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2206899, he just loves sticking up for loser ass dudes
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jul-06-13 01:42 PM
if they are lazy, unprepared guys who underachieve woefully in big moments, that's also a plus for him. i knew it applied to players like DC, C Webb and Melo, but apparently it also applies to media personalities.

in the end, broussard TOLD us water was wet, although at times he said it was a toss-up and it might be dry. he SAID the sky was blue and the grass was green, although at times he said he got conflicting information from sources.

he did a perfect job reporting, just like last summer!
2206677, How did he change his mind? smh the press just making shit up again
Posted by icecold21, Fri Jul-05-13 10:22 PM
they were waiting and hoping he'd flip flop and when he didn't they said he did anyway
2206683, here for the archive
Posted by CherNic, Fri Jul-05-13 10:32 PM
2206699, fuck him
Posted by las raises, Fri Jul-05-13 10:58 PM
Glad he's gone
2206707, smh
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri Jul-05-13 11:04 PM
@AlexKennedyNBA: When asked if Phil Jackson being coach would've affected decision, Dwight Howard said he asked Lakers to hire Jackson earlier in the season.
2206712, Dwight Howard: "I'm sick and tired of sources. I'm tired of people coming up with stories."
Posted by laizquierda, Fri Jul-05-13 11:15 PM
Dwight Howard: "I'm sick and tired of sources. I'm tired of people coming up with stories."


from a Q&A that'll be posted shortly on HoopsWorld
2206716, I ain't even mad at him. Yeah he could've saved all of the drama
Posted by El_essence, Fri Jul-05-13 11:23 PM
and just bounced sooner. But his reasoning is sound. Harden, Dream, and getting the fuck away from MDA. Taking less money to win too? nah, I can't be mad.
2206743, he is kinda stuntin with that though, he will come out ahead $ wise
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jul-06-13 12:34 AM
as long as his next deal is another max, then he got over here. because he will have year 1 at a higher pay scale to balance out that fifth year, plus pocket substantial money in state income tax (though not the full 14%, it's still considerable).

i'm not worried about the lakers in all this, they'll be aggressive and put something interesting on the floor soon.
2206733, Dwight's first interview as a Houston Rocket (swipe):
Posted by laizquierda, Fri Jul-05-13 11:58 PM
On Friday evening, Dwight Howard officially decided to join the Houston Rockets. He had been weighing his options in Aspen, Colorado and ultimately chose the Rockets over the Los Angeles Lakers, Golden State Warriors, Atlanta Hawks and Dallas Mavericks.

Shortly after making his decision, he spoke to HOOPSWORLD in an exclusive phone interview.

Why did you select the Rockets over the other four teams you met with?

Dwight Howard: “I felt like Houston was the best fit for me. I felt that James and I would really have an opportunity to grow together. I felt like having a coach like Kevin McHale and having Hakeem Olajuwon, who’s in Houston, can really help me grow as a player – help me as a post player and help my overall game. It was very appealing. I felt like this was a great opportunity for me to start fresh. I’m just looking forward to this opportunity.”

How excited are you to play with James Harden in Houston?

“Ah man, I’m very excited. I’m very excited. I’m looking forward to it. I’ve been in contact with James and we’ve just been talking about developing a good relationship so we can lead that team as far as we can. We’ve been talking about winning championships.”

Do you feel that this is the closest you’ve been to a championship in this your career?

DH: “Nothing is ever promised, but I feel like this is going to be a great opportunity for us to win. Playing with a guy like James and the rest of the team they have, we have a great opportunity. You only have a small window to win in the NBA. I think this gives me a good window, a good opportunity, to win. I’m going to do what I can to help this team win. I think, right now, I’m the oldest guy on the team so I’ll be the youngest veteran in the NBA. But it’s a great opportunity. Looking at this team and the team we had in Orlando, it’s a very similar team, but we’re adding a guy like James Harden to that team. It’s a great opportunity.”

What stood out for you in the Rockets’ presentation earlier this week?

DH: “It wasn’t really the presentation. Every team that I talked to had a great presentation. And it’s not like I came in thinking that the Rockets would be the team and didn’t pay attention in the other meetings or anything like that. I really listened. I took notes. I asked questions. I did everything I could to make sure I was making the best possible decision for myself. I just looked at everything in the end and I just felt like this was the place to go.”

Are you happy to move on from this process and just focus on basketball again?

DH: “I am. Now, I’ll get a chance to just put down the hammer somewhere and just play. There’s no more uncertainty. People don’t have to worry about anything for the next four years or say anything for the next four years. I’m just going to play and be who I am. I’ll get back everything that I lost. I’m looking forward to it.”

How tough have these two years and all of this drama been on you?

DH: “I’m sick and tired of all the sources. I’m sick of people coming up with stories. I mean, it’s just a blessing for me. I had the opportunity to go through all of this – go through this process – but it’s been tough. Seeing all of the stuff on the internet. Seeing stuff that the reporters are saying when it’s nowhere near true and not who I am as a person. I was perceived as someone who I’m not. It hurt a lot. It really hurt a lot. But the only thing now is to move forward. I have an opportunity to get past all of that and I’m looking forward to it. This summer has been great. I’ve gotten away from everything this summer. I didn’t pay attention to anything that was being put out there on T.V. I had to hear about it, but I didn’t focus on any of that stuff. I focused on getting better. I’m just looking forward to the next half of my career.”

Was it tough walking away from a franchise like the Lakers? They really haven’t lost a marquee free agent before.

DH: “Very tough. Very, very, very tough. Very, very tough. People wouldn’t understand. Walking away from them and walking away from $30 million. That shows you right there that I want to win. I want to win. Nothing else matters other than winning. I don’t think anybody would’ve ever walked away from $30 million, but I want to win. But yeah, just walking away was tough. I was walking away from six million fans. I was walking away from a storied franchise. All of that makes it tough and it makes it a really, really big risk. I learned a lot from the situation in Orlando though, when I was afraid to walk away because I didn’t want to hurt people. I was afraid to leave because everything seemed like it was great. But now, I’m doing what’s best for Dwight. People are going to be mad and upset either way, so I’d rather be happy. I want to be happy playing basketball rather than upset doing what everyone wants me to do.”

What did you think of Kobe Bryant’s comments that he could teach you how to be a winner?

DH: “He didn’t say anything of that sort. People twisted a lot of stuff that he said. But in my personal opinion, I’m a winner. I’m a winner because I’ve been playing for nine years when the average career for an NBA player is three years. I’m a winner because I made it to the NBA from a small school in Atlanta, GA, with 16 people in a class. I’m a winner because I’m succeeding in life. I’ve had problems and I’m not better than the next man, but I’m going to push myself to be a winner when it comes to winning a championship. But he didn’t say anything like that and a lot of people twisted what he did say.”

If Phil Jackson had been more involved with the Lakers or coaching the team, would that have affected your decision?

DH: “Well, I asked to have him as my coach earlier in the year. (pause) The best decision for me was to do what’s best for Dwight. I think this is the best thing for me. This wasn’t a decision about anybody else. I didn’t have anybody pushing me to do anything. This is what Dwight wanted.”

Have you gotten much sleep lately?

DH: “Man, I’ve actually gotten some good sleep. When the meetings were going on, I didn’t really get much sleep. But after that, after I left, I really got the chance to sleep and just enjoy life. I went up to Colorado and had a good time. Man, I had a good time. I really enjoyed myself. I played chess, ping pong and just got away. I want to get back to that person. That’s who I am. That’s the person that made me who I am and who people love. I have to get back to being that.”

Why did you decide to weigh your options in Colorado?

DH: “I love that place. I love the mountains, trees and nature. That’s who I am as a person. I love that stuff and I wanted to get away. I wanted to enjoy the beauty of the earth. That’s why I went there.”

Did the Rockets talk about acquiring Josh Smith during their presentation?

DH: “They didn’t talk to me about it. They just talked about the opportunity that they have for me and what they can provide for me as a player. That’s what was intriguing for me. But like I said in the beginning, it was very tough. Very, very tough.”

2206747, ARCHIVE, Por Favor
Posted by Kira, Sat Jul-06-13 12:45 AM
This post has everything.

You Kobestand fucking suck by the way.
2206962, http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BOgJCl1CQAEb1z8.jpg
Posted by Buck, Sat Jul-06-13 03:40 PM

Meeks not happy.