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Topic subjectLol @ the Heat parade
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2200539, Lol @ the Heat parade
Posted by LBs Finest, Mon Jun-24-13 01:38 PM
2200540, it's still ten times the size of what the marlins had in 2003
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Jun-24-13 01:39 PM
2200543, a) niggas gotta work b) it's 90 degrees right now c) FOH
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Jun-24-13 01:43 PM
2200548, nigga gave us the philly weather report.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Jun-24-13 01:46 PM

2200550, lol
Posted by NotScared2Ask, Mon Jun-24-13 01:47 PM
2200564, hahaha
Posted by LegacyNS, Mon Jun-24-13 01:54 PM

<---- 5....

Occupy Big Government..

Fannie, Freddie dole out big bonuses
2200566, it's 90 degrees in miami today too dumb fuck
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Jun-24-13 01:56 PM
edit: it's not even 90 degrees in philly, thought u at least got that right, nvm
2200574, nigga I was in the LA Coliseum w/ all the cholos in near triple digits
Posted by LBs Finest, Mon Jun-24-13 02:05 PM
2200575, k. ur a dirtbag
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Jun-24-13 02:06 PM
2200609, that is nothing to brag about
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Jun-24-13 02:39 PM
2201288, triple digit heat in LA is like 82 in miami my nig
Posted by LAbeathustla, Wed Jun-26-13 01:29 AM
2200580, neither was 90 if you wanna get all technical.
Posted by Cenario, Mon Jun-24-13 02:10 PM
2201287, .
Posted by LAbeathustla, Wed Jun-26-13 01:26 AM
2200590, Ha!
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Jun-24-13 02:21 PM
2200588, lolol....Laker parades didn't happen on Saturday.....
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Mon Jun-24-13 02:18 PM
and we got out there in close to triple digit weather more than once...

Miami fans stay bandwaggoning even when they win.....that's what they do.
2200591, it was pretty hot in 2010...
Posted by LegacyNS, Mon Jun-24-13 02:22 PM

<---- 5....

Occupy Big Government..

Fannie, Freddie dole out big bonuses
2200545, everybody is at the beach
Posted by Castro, Mon Jun-24-13 01:45 PM
2200572, Nicely sums up what we all already knew
Posted by LA2Philly, Mon Jun-24-13 02:02 PM
2200611, That the Heat won the Championship so they are holding a parade?
Posted by Oak27, Mon Jun-24-13 02:39 PM
2200576, lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Jun-24-13 02:07 PM
2200577, wonder if miamiheatman is there
Posted by LBs Finest, Mon Jun-24-13 02:07 PM
2200598, www.southwest.com
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Mon Jun-24-13 02:32 PM
2200599, Woah, guys, is Miami not that great of a pro sports town?
Posted by Marauder21, Mon Jun-24-13 02:32 PM
Hadn't heard that before
2200612, How is Atlanta though? Is Phoenix still a hockey city!?!
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Jun-24-13 02:39 PM
2200606, damn kinda pathetic. guess all the Miami fans are in NYC.
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Jun-24-13 02:37 PM
2200619, lol has it come to this?
Posted by SeV, Mon Jun-24-13 02:48 PM
nyggas going in on a 4 block radius of the CHAMPIONSHIP parade route?

come on laker fans

have some pride

dont go out like this..


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2200636, Were you there with a stitched together 1/2 Mavs,1/2 Heat jersey?
Posted by LA2Philly, Mon Jun-24-13 03:04 PM
That turnout is pathetic lol
2200655, the funniest shit ever is ppl trying to turn the biggest W
Posted by LegacyNS, Mon Jun-24-13 03:31 PM
in this boards history (Kobe winning rings w/o Shaq) into a L... lol
<---- 5....

Occupy Big Government..

Fannie, Freddie dole out big bonuses
2200637, but lets add some more pics
Posted by SeV, Mon Jun-24-13 03:04 PM
sense yal seem content with taking more L's even after the season is over




Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2200654, stupid post
Posted by jacksonwonderland, Mon Jun-24-13 03:31 PM
that is the beginning of the parade most people like myself were on Biscayne and by the arena. would it be possible for you to try again on this post?
2200684, Isn't that corner farther down on Biscayne though?
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Jun-24-13 03:55 PM
Unlike a lot of these Heat fans I actually been to Miami
2200662, Guarantee you that if they held a parade for all the Heat haters it'd
Posted by vee-lover, Mon Jun-24-13 03:37 PM
be 5x as large....

To be honest, who cares abt a victory parade if you're a fan of a particular team, unless you're from and live in that city...

I get a joy out of just knowing how many heat/Bron haters out there MAD cuz their city ain't having a CHAMPIONSHIP VICTORY PARADE right now lol
2200667, lol thats the whole point
Posted by Cenario, Mon Jun-24-13 03:43 PM

>To be honest, who cares abt a victory parade if you're a fan
>of a particular team, unless you're from and live in that
Lmmfao exactly

>I get a joy out of just knowing how many heat/Bron haters out
>there MAD cuz their city ain't having a CHAMPIONSHIP VICTORY
>PARADE right now lol
Is your city having one?
2200670, San Jose, Costa Rica doesn't have a team.
Posted by Ryan M, Mon Jun-24-13 03:47 PM

>Is your city having one?
2200853, Lol
Posted by LA2Philly, Mon Jun-24-13 10:50 PM
2200674, walked right into that one
Posted by jigga, Mon Jun-24-13 03:50 PM
2200700, no that's not the point because this Miami we're talking abt, ppl
Posted by vee-lover, Mon Jun-24-13 04:21 PM
have been saying and making fun of the fact how they're NOT a basketball town FOR YEARS even though currently they've had the best team for the last 3 seasons along w/their best player in basketball...and they're still known for routinely showing up late to gms, not being as lively as other fan bases...

Its a party city made up of disparate groups, many of whom have never followed basketball like that...which is why its so GREAT when they win and really not that big of a deal had they/when they lost the finals...unlike ppl from cities such as LA/BOS/NY (even tho they haven't won ish since Frank Lucas was slangin heroin in harlem but every year since 1974 they believe their getting closer lol), and Chicago to a degree

When teams in those cities lose, its much more fun to make fun of their fans because YOU KNOW THEY CARE SO MUCH...Heat fans don't really care, they're still going to party...its no fun rubbing a loss in to ppl who don't really take it to heart when their team loses...

But when they win, it's brings warmth to my heart just knowing the 100s of thousands, maybe millions of heat haters are on the verge of human combustion lol

>>To be honest, who cares abt a victory parade if you're a fan
>>of a particular team, unless you're from and live in that
>Lmmfao exactly
>>I get a joy out of just knowing how many heat/Bron haters
>>there MAD cuz their city ain't having a CHAMPIONSHIP VICTORY
>>PARADE right now lol
>Is your city having one?
2200676, did you just 1 yourself right here?
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Jun-24-13 03:52 PM

>To be honest, who cares abt a victory parade if you're a fan
>of a particular team, unless you're from and live in that


2200679, self-inflicted 1 shot wound
Posted by jigga, Mon Jun-24-13 03:54 PM
2200686, http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18f11z2pz49m0jpg/k-medium.jpg
Posted by Cenario, Mon Jun-24-13 03:58 PM
2200665, RE: Lol @ the Heat parade
Posted by Drewmathic, Mon Jun-24-13 03:42 PM
Kinda like Fox News does it.
Show pre parade pics and call it parade pics.
2200675, were those practice floats?
Posted by Cenario, Mon Jun-24-13 03:51 PM
2200688, Not a parade, we talkin bout practice floats
Posted by jigga, Mon Jun-24-13 03:59 PM
2200668, Let's compare and contrast
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Mon Jun-24-13 03:46 PM
2200683, Philly got over two million for what was then an expansion NHL team
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Jun-24-13 03:55 PM
2200714, oh let's compare..
Posted by SeV, Mon Jun-24-13 05:16 PM
Since 2009 Kobe has..

0 rings



Carry on..

Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2200716, RE: oh let's compare..
Posted by LBs Finest, Mon Jun-24-13 05:21 PM
>Since 2009 Kobe has..
>0 rings
>Carry on..
>Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2200727, lol omg
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Jun-24-13 06:05 PM
2200770, RE: lol omg
Posted by SeV, Mon Jun-24-13 07:58 PM


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2200845, the Parade looks Great and the 3 peat Parade going to be
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Mon Jun-24-13 10:33 PM
even better
2200735, SMH
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Mon Jun-24-13 06:47 PM
>Since 2009 Kobe has..
>0 rings
>Carry on..
>Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2200747, 2010 was pau's ring
Posted by SeV, Mon Jun-24-13 07:23 PM


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2200751, Why are you and vee such LIARS?
Posted by Ryan M, Mon Jun-24-13 07:25 PM
You forgot.

It's okay.

But just admit it.

People scared to take an L is gonna be the downfall of OKS.
2200769, Heat won. where's my L exactly?
Posted by SeV, Mon Jun-24-13 07:57 PM
I could up post the rest of the summer off of yals

But I guess Ws is few and far between in Lakernation

Party up

This one's on me


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2200771, Just admit you lied man, damn. n/m
Posted by Ryan M, Mon Jun-24-13 08:03 PM
2200772, will that make it feel better booboo?
Posted by SeV, Mon Jun-24-13 08:08 PM
Lied is a strong word

More like forgot

But if yal wanna scrounge up a W off of this

I lied


Fukin charity cases

Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2200773, Nah you forgot, then said "Oh that was Pau's ring"
Posted by Ryan M, Mon Jun-24-13 08:10 PM
So yeah you forgot, then you lied as if that was your intent all along.


You lied, so good on you for halfway owning up to it.
2200777, the pau shyt was obviously jokes but ok
Posted by SeV, Mon Jun-24-13 08:24 PM
Feel better?


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2201323, so you forgot, then it was jokes, are u ready to just call it a lie?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Wed Jun-26-13 07:02 AM
2201511, Where the fuk this terd come from?
Posted by SeV, Wed Jun-26-13 12:16 PM


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2201518, is that question directly related to your duckin and dodgin?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Wed Jun-26-13 12:18 PM
2201539, not that bored yet.
Posted by SeV, Wed Jun-26-13 12:31 PM
Check back later

I might go back n forth with u over this dumb shyt in a couple hours

I'll inbox u


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2200681, n/m
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Jun-24-13 03:54 PM
2200685, RE: n/m
Posted by jacksonwonderland, Mon Jun-24-13 03:56 PM
that is its closest to 2nd street and most people were near the arena
2200765, the real parade in Miami is the assparade
Posted by j., Mon Jun-24-13 07:48 PM
of which even the most ardent enemy of Lebronon is a fan
2201118, BASICALLY!!!!
Posted by RexLongfellow, Tue Jun-25-13 04:02 PM
2200787, South Beach knows how to Party
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Mon Jun-24-13 08:59 PM
we will take it they been partying all weekend long got a good long hangover and going to be even bigger when the Heat 3 Peat. you can Quote me on that.

We got it right where we want it.
2200854, RE: South Beach knows how to Party
Posted by pretentious username, Mon Jun-24-13 10:52 PM

>We got it right where we want it.
2201206, another L for Lakernation
Posted by SeV, Tue Jun-25-13 09:00 PM

Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2201207, 'vericks in the lottery 2 years after a title, talk about it
Posted by Ryan M, Tue Jun-25-13 09:03 PM
2201213, gambled on Howard and lost.
Posted by SeV, Tue Jun-25-13 09:44 PM
Ur bout to be familiar with that feeling.

Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2201269, Oh. *goes to root for a contender*
Posted by Ryan M, Wed Jun-26-13 12:21 AM
2201350, LAL / DAL / MIA - FIVE PEAT!!!!! Is you down Ryan M?
Posted by T Reynolds, Wed Jun-26-13 08:45 AM
2201524, u might as well..
Posted by SeV, Wed Jun-26-13 12:21 PM
Lakers ain't sniffing a ring for awhile

Atleast u got the clips to hop on

Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2201280, LOLOLOL
Posted by DolphinTeef, Wed Jun-26-13 12:49 AM
2201293, So this thread is complete bullshit [ARTICLE SWIPE]
Posted by blinded by the lights, Wed Jun-26-13 02:14 AM
Miami Heat-Hating America Really Wants to Believe Heat Fans Didn't Show Up to the Championship Parade

By Chris Joseph Tue., Jun. 25 2013 at 4:01 PM

The rest of Heat Haterz America is so butthurt over the Miami Heat's back-to-back championships, it doesn't know what to do with itself.
So instead of shutting the hell up and taking it good and proper, Heat Haterz America is going to try to tear down the Heat fan base by making sh*t up.

And that's just what the Baltimore Ravens' official Twitter account tried to do Tuesday, when it tweeted out a misleading photo of Monday's Heat parade to try and shoehorn the whole "Heat fans are the worst" because, again, BUTTHURT.

Shortly after noon, @Ravens tweeted this photo of the parade:

And with that ONE photo, the entire nation pointed and laughed at the Heat's fan base as being indifferent and undeserving of this team.

Of course, let's just everyone ignore that an estimated 400,000 people showed up for the Heat parade -- that's twice the number of people who showed up for the Ravens' Super Bowl parade this past February.

Here's how it looked in other photos, where the heart of the parade took place:




Heat fans not only packed the streets; they also risked life and limb by climbing train-track scaffolding to get a better look at their favorite team.

But, yeah, keep on coming at us with how bad our fans are. Because frankly, America, that's all you have left.

Of course, the Ravens are hardly alone in this.

The misleading photo they used actually came from a Boston Celtics blog where Boston sports parades were compared to that one shot.

We would expect nothing less from Boston.

And while we don't have the estimates of how many people showed up to the 2008 Celtics parade versus how many showed up for the Heat's parade, we do know for sure that the Heat parade definitely had more people than any Bruins parade this year.


Eat it.

Source: http://blogs.browardpalmbeach.com/pulp/2013/06/miami_heat_hating_america_real.php
2201296, yeah i saw that raven turkey talking, they better enjoy
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Wed Jun-26-13 02:23 AM
that parade because its going to be the last one their for a good while unless the o's do something in baseball.

and of course boston hating, because basketball in beantown about to be lottery usa.

rondo going to have pull a big o for them turkeys to win 25 games. they are cooked.

you know its horror when a coach would rather be dealt to the clippers than to stay in boston only 5 years removed from jewelry? and 3 from runner up.
2201298, LMFAO!!..fa real..the clippers tho??? hahahaha
Posted by LAbeathustla, Wed Jun-26-13 03:05 AM
>that parade because its going to be the last one their for a
>good while unless the o's do something in baseball.
>and of course boston hating, because basketball in beantown
>about to be lottery usa.
>rondo going to have pull a big o for them turkeys to win 25
>games. they are cooked.
>you know its horror when a coach would rather be dealt to
>the clippers than to stay in boston only 5 years removed from
>jewelry? and 3 from runner up.
2201322, exactly heat have a great fan base....excellent article.
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jun-26-13 06:57 AM
2201324, lol so butthurt they referenced the damn Bruins
Posted by cgonz00cc, Wed Jun-26-13 07:03 AM
2201346, lol @ having a route where the players almost got beheaded *vid*
Posted by KosherSam, Wed Jun-26-13 08:38 AM
2201937, lol, not slowing down or anything.
Posted by pretentious username, Wed Jun-26-13 09:28 PM
2201884, RE: Lol @ the Heat parade
Posted by Drewmathic, Wed Jun-26-13 07:06 PM
We for sure know how to party!

Spin it however you want. Can't blame the team anymore, shift to the league and refs to the fans.
