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Topic subjectthe Pacquiao Mayweather fight was to be the 2 best fighters
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2182342&mesg_id=2182427
2182427, the Pacquiao Mayweather fight was to be the 2 best fighters
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Fri May-17-13 11:27 AM
>>being a shot fighter...
>>it's just not a pay per view worthy fight when Floyd could
>>fighting Manny or any number of other fighters who pose an
>>actual challenge..
>>plus Khan has lost 2 of his last 4 fights...
>>the fight fits floyd's criteria for an oppoenent but it's
>>a fight that should even be discussed when there are so many
>>other fights out there for him.
>Since Manny lost two of his last TWO fights, including being
>KTFO by a man Floyd demolished. I agree that there are better
>fights to be made, but there are also FAR worse fights that
>could be made.

of that weight class in recent times meeting....kind of like a Pryor Arguello type of match up...

His pedigree presents a better match up..but historically and in the present tense then Khan...