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Topic subjectThe May GD in OKS Post.
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2172567, The May GD in OKS Post.
Posted by guru0509, Wed May-01-13 02:20 PM
Spring is here. Thank God.

Going to Vegas next Thurs/Fri/Sat for my 30th bday...debauchery will ensue...

I just finished the painstaking task of purchasing almost every e-version of all the books I have. I'm giddy at the thought of all the space that this will free up. Thank God for .MOBI/EPUB/whatever!

Any summer plans? Going anywhere cool? Doing/Seeing anything interesting?

Do tell.
2172580, Puerto Rico in a couple weeks.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-01-13 02:32 PM

Going to chill all the way the fuck out. Like, seriously
hard, niggas.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2172588, Tony Touch concert?
Posted by Deebot, Wed May-01-13 02:40 PM
2172596, Titty touch concert.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-01-13 02:47 PM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2172590, I was there last month for a Family Reunion. Good times.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed May-01-13 02:43 PM
2172597, o u sorta rican?
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-01-13 02:48 PM



O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2172608, Half. Both of my mom's parents born there.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed May-01-13 03:00 PM
That was the first time I've been and most of my family as well. We all loved it.
2172612, That means you 100% "Sorta" Rican <--LOL.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-01-13 03:03 PM
>That was the first time I've been and most of my family as
>well. We all loved it.


Dope, dope. Glad you enjoyed it


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2172614, Lol
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed May-01-13 03:04 PM
2172605, Puerto Rican Day Parade & The Governors Ball next month
Posted by jigga, Wed May-01-13 02:57 PM
Stayin in Seattle for my 37th bday tomorrow but @ least the weather is finally starting to heat up a bit. Froze my ass off workin the M's game last night.
2172613, I heard the PR Day parade is fun again
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-01-13 03:04 PM

I used to go in the freaknik days when chicks were
getting groped and snatched up and shit

Apparently its become a normal fun parade again


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2172653, Heard the same as well. Never been before so lookin forward to it.
Posted by jigga, Wed May-01-13 04:33 PM
Especially if there's a Nina Sky appearance
2182388, go into the mountains and get some Lechon
Posted by temps2020, Fri May-17-13 10:38 AM
at one of the roadside stands...if you eat pork. if not, still beautiful up there in Guavete.
2182628, Been several times. Just got back. PR kinda sucks to visit, tbh
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat May-18-13 01:02 AM
I have personal friends on the island, from the island
so I've always gone with someone, usually a female, like
this time

If I didn't, PR would be a pretty worthless, awful place
to travel

Most US travelers are country bumpkins who think PR is

If you're from New York, PRs are among the least exotic
people, and so visiting PR does nothing to wet that palette

Basically, you're better off going to Miami OR Dominican Republic
than PR in general

Miami if you want dope US parties/clubs/lounges, bad bitches from
everywhere, nice fly US shit....if you wanna be on the scene, pay
lots of doe, enjoy yourself

DR if you want a CHEAP island experience with bad local broads,
all of the other "luxuries" of visiting a relatively poor country

PR has a worse nightlife than Miami, but is priced almost like
Miami, and has Miami-like ripoff places

PR has less cool local indigenous shit than DR, because its a
fucking US Commonwealth. Don't get me wrong, there's LOTS of
great stuff there because its still an island in the Caribbean,
but again: you're better off going to Costa Rica or
Dominican Republic, which are independent and cheaper.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2172591, I did something similar with my DVDs.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed May-01-13 02:44 PM
Ripped all of them to a harddrive before I moved. Then traded in the dvds to Amazon. The amount of space I saved was crazy.

I could only imagine how painful that shit is with books though.
2172601, The Lotto Lothario was funny shit btw...
Posted by guru0509, Wed May-01-13 02:50 PM
I was glad to see I'm not the only one who goes on tangents like that on the rare occasion I play the lottery...

2172607, Oh word? Thanks bro. Lol.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed May-01-13 02:59 PM
2182391, I really need to do this with my CDs...would take me
Posted by temps2020, Fri May-17-13 10:39 AM
forever but worth it on space since all my CDs are in boxes in a closet in my new apartment. no room with the baby on the way.
2172593, Interesting times at work this week / Nazi Pin / Travel
Posted by KosherSam, Wed May-01-13 02:46 PM
first, I've had a new boss since January. She's awesome, knows her shit, and is a bit on the pudgy side.

Monday, she sits the team down and informs us (and this is a direct quote) "Since starting here, I'm really glad to see how capable all of you are at working independently, because I'm not actually this fat, I'm 8 months pregnant and due the first week of June, so pretty soon I'm gonna be on maternity leave until September."

secondly, my company just gave out new pins for employees to wear for occasions like trade shows. a quick google search points out that the design they chose looks VERY much like the Nazi coat of arms. wtf.

thirdly, in the same meeting with my boss, she informed us that we should use this year to go to events that we don't normally get to attend. So I'm going to get to go on a 3 day photography shoot, taught by a pro, in the middle of Montana. Possibly another one in Alaska. Also, a major sporting event of my choice (College World Series or US Open are two likely choices)
2172598, I was hoping this was the end of that story, lol
Posted by Ceej, Wed May-01-13 02:48 PM
>first, I've had a new boss since January. She's awesome,
>knows her shit, and is a bit on the pudgy side.

Cuz it made me laugh thinking it was.
2172603, The Nazi symbol
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-01-13 02:51 PM

is actually pretty cool aesthetically, which makes it
even more fucked up, because they stank up a lot of
dope looking things

I remember in 4th grade my teacher had the last name that
began with the letter F. I used to write "4F" in a tag style
way, where the 4 and the F were fused. If you write the 4 kid
style, it looks like a fucking swatztika. My moms told me about
that one day, I was even madder at the Nazis. To be fair, I
was about 9 years old, priorities were sorta off


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2172604, Hitler took our swastika and ruined it...smh.
Posted by guru0509, Wed May-01-13 02:53 PM
2172617, Sure did. I mean, if you gonna be wack don't bite nahmsayin n/m
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-01-13 03:10 PM

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2172595, how i feel with the Arizona summer now upon me
Posted by HecticHavoc, Wed May-01-13 02:47 PM
2172606, Going to a LL/Public Enemy/Ice Cube/De La show...
Posted by mrhood75, Wed May-01-13 02:57 PM
...at the end of the month, on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. I'd heard it was coming, but kinda filed it in my mental rolodex. Then a few weeks ago, my brother, who lives in LA, hits me up. He's coming up to the Bay for Memorial Day with his two sons, and asks if I want to go to the show, as there are still good seats available. So he cops us two tickets. That's a good bro.
2172615, Ooh I wanted to do that show, but thought I'd be outta town.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed May-01-13 03:05 PM
Now I think I'll be in town.

2182689, I'm seeing feeling old in your future! Jk, enjoy!
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat May-18-13 12:38 PM
2172610, Saw Jim James last night at 9:30
Posted by josephmurf2384, Wed May-01-13 03:02 PM
i think i am definitely gonna make the treck to Brooklyn for the Roots and Jim James. I am seeing the roots more times in June that the last two years should be fun. Bachelor party in AC in May. Limo from NOVA to AC and sweets at the Taj an Showboat. Should be a good time. Shaping up to be a good summer.
2172618, My one year review living in Boston coming soon.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-01-13 03:11 PM

A lot of y'all gonna be surprised.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2172643, WTF it's been a year?!
Posted by Ryan M, Wed May-01-13 04:04 PM
2172621, It's snowing here. Kind of a lot. It was 75 degrees yesterday.
Posted by veritas, Wed May-01-13 03:17 PM
That's spring here, I guess.

I was inclined to bitch about it, but then I considering the alternate possibility of it being 40 degrees and raining.

Seems like a wash at worst.
2172626, same here
Posted by Drizzit, Wed May-01-13 03:31 PM
this "spring" is on some bullshit.

actually, most of 2013 so far has been bullshit, but whatever.
2172628, We've had winter storm warnings three weeks in a row
Posted by Marauder21, Wed May-01-13 03:33 PM
Not for the whole week, just one day out of the week. It's maddening.
2172686, It snowed 6 inches overnight here.
Posted by CliffDogg, Wed May-01-13 06:12 PM
Someone said that the ski season is one big party, so the spring weather is the hangover.
2172636, lol @ this corny ass post. nm
Posted by Binlahab, Wed May-01-13 03:54 PM

do or die
2172639, Say dog when you come to the crib to watch the game
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed May-01-13 03:57 PM
>do or die

don't bring no bud light


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2172647, im coming w/ wine collers, dog. & gas station weed.
Posted by Binlahab, Wed May-01-13 04:14 PM
lil ceasars pizza.

thats how we roll

do or die
2172652, you ok?
Posted by guru0509, Wed May-01-13 04:22 PM
stay up big guy.
2172640, PROMOTION!
Posted by Ryan M, Wed May-01-13 03:58 PM
Slightly better money for a lot more responsibility, woo!

At least I get a trip to Montreal in July out of it.
2172644, Congrats
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed May-01-13 04:08 PM
2172645, Congrats, sir.
Posted by mrhood75, Wed May-01-13 04:08 PM
Nothing like increased responsibility with very little in the way with increased compensation. I live that dream every year.
2172649, congrats, dude
Posted by Basaglia, Wed May-01-13 04:17 PM
2172658, yeeeee
Posted by Wonderl33t, Wed May-01-13 04:38 PM
2172677, Congrats!
Posted by pretentious username, Wed May-01-13 05:50 PM
>Slightly better money for a lot more responsibility, woo!
>At least I get a trip to Montreal in July out of it.

If I know what you're referring to (re: Montreal trip, given the business you're in), I heard Stanhope holds an anti-festival party every year that everyone attends even though they're warned not to. Only heard about it once though, so it may have just been that one year.
2173879, Fuuuuuug...I'ma need some details on that.
Posted by Ryan M, Fri May-03-13 12:10 PM
Cause yeah, that's why I'm going there...
2174063, RE: Fuuuuuug...I'ma need some details on that.
Posted by pretentious username, Fri May-03-13 04:07 PM

skip to 1:30, but now that I've watched that it seems like it was probably just that one year. I was under the impression that it was an annual thing. If it's still around I'm sure you'll hear about it once your up there. It seemed like the only thing going that night.
2172734, you hiring ? lol
Posted by LAbeathustla, Wed May-01-13 07:27 PM
2172936, Thanks, everyone....
Posted by Ryan M, Thu May-02-13 01:35 AM
2173385, DAS WHAZZUP
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu May-02-13 09:17 PM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2177826, props
Posted by LegacyNS, Thu May-09-13 10:09 AM

<---- 5....

Occupy Big Government..

Fannie, Freddie dole out big bonuses
2172654, dragging out my masters graduation has been pretty awesome
Posted by Wonderl33t, Wed May-01-13 04:35 PM
Defended my thesis in November, celebrated that. Got the degree in December, had big family dinner and party w/friends to celebrate. Now that it's spring, the actual graduation/hooding ceremony is coming around, along with geology department bbq/party with fellow geo peeps. The multi-dip is the way to go.
2172660, Congrats
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed May-01-13 04:45 PM
2172664, Nice work
Posted by HowieDooem, Wed May-01-13 05:04 PM
I have a month of capstone writing and frantic job searching ahead of me...looking forward to being done.
2172671, Good luck with that.
Posted by Wonderl33t, Wed May-01-13 05:42 PM
It will be sweet when it's done. So sweet.

>I have a month of capstone writing and frantic job searching
>ahead of me...looking forward to being done.
2172659, Starting to send out some of my scripts.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed May-01-13 04:41 PM
Getting used to the waiting game.
2172661, Nice. TV or features?
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed May-01-13 04:45 PM
2172669, Primarily features.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed May-01-13 05:37 PM
I have a couple of pilots written, but features are my first love.
2173111, If Hippos doesn't get optioned, man . . .
Posted by magilla vanilla, Thu May-02-13 11:49 AM
2173302, I'm having it read right now.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu May-02-13 04:15 PM
It obviously won't get optioned... but it's fun.
2173452, this may shock you, but my cousin is a movie producer.
Posted by KosherSam, Thu May-02-13 10:38 PM
i could see if he's looking for new scripts.
2173844, HA! Please do!
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri May-03-13 11:24 AM
2175291, send me a script
Posted by KosherSam, Mon May-06-13 08:29 AM
2175410, I'll hit you up on Facebook.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon May-06-13 12:42 PM
2172733, Will OKActivist ever make a comeback?
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed May-01-13 07:25 PM
Four active posts this year. It's deader than a doornail over there.
2172938, I was kinda surprised when I saw that.
Posted by pretentious username, Thu May-02-13 01:51 AM
When I started here a decade ago (under a different handle) I think I actually frequented there more often than OKS. That didn't last long, but I had always assumed that it was just as crazy/paranoid in the late Bush/early Obama years. In reality it died down, and has come to a screeching halt at this point.
2175302, yeah I used to post over there.
Posted by smutsboy, Mon May-06-13 09:01 AM
I stopped, for a lot of reasons.
2172947, Its the board that's least resistant to trolls
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu May-02-13 03:31 AM

And the one where trolling is the most discouraging.

On the other boards, there's a pervasive understanding
that we're talking about sports/movies/music and so it
ain't all *that* important

Not the case when it comes to real life issues.

Its a shame. I remember good conversations and discussions
on there at one point.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2172735, could I get some Likes for a FB business page of mine
Posted by J_Stew, Wed May-01-13 07:27 PM
I made a GD post but I know a lot of y'all wisely don't go in there. I need over 100 likes to get a livingsocial deal going that could make me a few grand, here is the link:

2173124, Done
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu May-02-13 11:58 AM
2173127, Done
Posted by Ryan M, Thu May-02-13 12:06 PM
2173259, Done.
Posted by mrhood75, Thu May-02-13 02:54 PM
2173260, Yes.
Posted by Ceej, Thu May-02-13 02:56 PM
2173266, dun
Posted by ErnestLee, Thu May-02-13 03:11 PM
2173267, Yup.
Posted by Drizzit, Thu May-02-13 03:11 PM
2173328, appreciate you guys
Posted by J_Stew, Thu May-02-13 06:07 PM
at about 97 or so, so i'm sure i'll hit over 100 or so in the next day or so.
2173389, how does this even work? groupon/living social
Posted by veritas, Thu May-02-13 09:24 PM
have minimum facebook likes to work with them?

seems silly.
2173475, Yeah it's really dumb
Posted by J_Stew, Thu May-02-13 11:05 PM
The only thing I can think of, is that when people look at the deal, they want it to seem like the business has a buzz or established.
2173114, Showing my work this Sunday in a salon show at my apt.
Posted by magilla vanilla, Thu May-02-13 11:50 AM
My roommate and I are gathering a bunch of artists we know and throwing a big art party on Sunday.
2173152, Word? Time and place homeboy, might be visiting momz
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu May-02-13 12:44 PM
>My roommate and I are gathering a bunch of artists we know
>and throwing a big art party on Sunday.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2173189, inbox
Posted by magilla vanilla, Thu May-02-13 01:18 PM
2175322, I woke up today, and had breakfast in a gallery
Posted by magilla vanilla, Mon May-06-13 10:20 AM

It's pretty awesome.
2173178, dude...i will also be in vegas next weekend...where u staying?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Thu May-02-13 01:12 PM
2173290, I want to run a half marathon this Sunday, but I haven't been training
Posted by AnonymousCoward, Thu May-02-13 03:56 PM
Should I do it?
2173298, how fit are you?
Posted by veritas, Thu May-02-13 04:12 PM
i did one on about a week notice 4 years ago, but i was fit at the time. had been doing a lot of cycling and running, even though i wasn't specifically training.

if i did it on a week's notice now, i'd probably just crumble to pieces.
2173304, I run 3-4 times a week
Posted by AnonymousCoward, Thu May-02-13 04:16 PM
2 or 3 runs of 3-5 miles, and one long (usually 6-8 mi, but I pulled 10 a few weeks ago) on Sundays.

Also of note, I will do a probably do a LOT of drinking the day before the race (Kentycky Derby/Mayweather-Guerrero)
2173309, i'd say without the hangover you'd be fine
Posted by veritas, Thu May-02-13 04:34 PM
i dunno your hangovers, so i can't comment on that part.
2174565, It's on. I'll report back if I die.
Posted by AnonymousCoward, Sat May-04-13 02:25 PM
2173834, My buddy did it on Super Bowl Sunday with no training
Posted by MothershipConnection, Fri May-03-13 11:03 AM
He's about as active as you and got through it just fine. But he didn't drink the night before! And he passed out during the actual Super Bowl.
2175289, Mission accomplished
Posted by AnonymousCoward, Mon May-06-13 08:17 AM

2177794, dope.
Posted by Cenario, Thu May-09-13 09:24 AM
2173388, Happy 30th bruh. I wish I was going to Vegas.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Thu May-02-13 09:22 PM
2177791, Thanks, fam.
Posted by guru0509, Thu May-09-13 09:22 AM
2173496, Passed the NY bar exam. What a relief.
Posted by brown sugar, Thu May-02-13 11:24 PM
2173499, congrats!
Posted by veritas, Thu May-02-13 11:26 PM
NY is a tough one, or so I hear.
2173676, Bet!
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri May-03-13 06:26 AM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2173679, Hail
Posted by Ceej, Fri May-03-13 06:48 AM
2173828, congrats
Posted by Kungset, Fri May-03-13 10:46 AM
2173830, congrats man. pop some bottles.
Posted by guru0509, Fri May-03-13 10:55 AM
2173876, Good shit, fam
Posted by AnonymousCoward, Fri May-03-13 12:07 PM
2173896, Congrats, sir. I know that shit was NOT easy. At all.
Posted by mrhood75, Fri May-03-13 12:30 PM
2177828, congrats
Posted by LegacyNS, Thu May-09-13 10:10 AM

<---- 5....

Occupy Big Government..

Fannie, Freddie dole out big bonuses
2173554, wrong post
Posted by SeV, Fri May-03-13 12:10 AM


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2173839, So i'm thinking about trying to do a road trip up the northwest
Posted by josephmurf2384, Fri May-03-13 11:15 AM
Being that it is the last year at Candlestick i am gonna try and fly out for a few and was thinking about renting a car and trecking from SF to Portland to Seattle and than up to Vancouver. Anyone have any idea how feasible it is to accomplish in a week or would it best be spread out over two weeks. Was thinking of maybe doing week one in SF for the GB game and week 2 in Seattle and than continueing up to Vancouver for a few days. figure that would give me a weekend in SF, maybe stop somewhere on the way to Portland along the 1 and than continue to portland for a few days, leave portland and spend the weekend in Seattle and go to the game. Than 3 days in Vancouver and fly home from there. any suggestions on places to stop or places to go in any of those cities would be appreciated.
2175303, last fall I drove Seattle-Portland-SF
Posted by smutsboy, Mon May-06-13 09:05 AM
with stops in between.

Stopped at my friend's place in Humboldt County.

Also spent 4 days on the Oregon coast. Rented a cabin on the beach. Incredible scenery.

This is pretty much what it looked like:


Whole trip was 2 weeks. 2 nights in Seattle, 3 nights in Portland, 3 nights Oregon coast, 2 nights Humboldt, 2 nights SF (or something like that).

Inbox me if you want.
2178138, Damn that looks dope
Posted by josephmurf2384, Thu May-09-13 10:44 PM
What i am thinking i flying out a thursday before week 1. Work from our SF and go to the Packers game and Leave SF on Tue. Drive to Portland spend Tue- Fri in Portland. Drive to Seattle on Friday and spend Fri-Mon in Sea and go to the game in Seattle. Drive up to Vancouver and spend 3 nights there. Than depending on the cost i might drop the rental car off and fly back to SF or even LA (never been) and get back to SF for the week 3 Colts game. Figure i can get 3 football games and still have a week of vacation left over. Fly back to DC on a Sunday red eye.
2175461, Portland advice:
Posted by mashpg89, Mon May-06-13 01:33 PM
One of your top priorities should be checking out Powells' Books. Amazing bookstore in downtown Portland that you can spend a whole day in.

Portland is also known for having great record stores. If you go downtown you can hit up 360 Vinyl for hip hop on 8th and Ankeny, Jackpot Records on Burnside and 9th, and Everyday Music on 14th and Burnside, west of Powells.

That's downtown. SE portland is a really cool neighborhood too. Check out Hawthorne Blvd. Crossroads music is a great record store there, but very disorganized (part of the fun imo). There are some great restaurants and stores on Hawthorne.

Definitely eat from some food carts. Hawthorne has some good ones and there is also a great pod on 50th and Division, south of Hawthorne. If you like burgers check out either the D48 burger at the Stock & Barrel restaurant on 48th and Division or Little Big Burger on Division and Cesar Chavez.

The Japanese Gardens in NW are beautiful and worth checking out.

Drink a lot of beer. Portland has the most microbreweries (and strip clubs) per capita. I recommend Ninkasi Brewing.

The weather has been amazing lately. Around 80 degrees, sunny and clear which is rare for this time of year and allows a great view of Mt. Hood.

Enjoy your visit, let me know if you want any more suggestions. Portland also has some great restaurants.
2178104, Thanks man.... What the weather like in Sept?
Posted by josephmurf2384, Thu May-09-13 08:05 PM
that is when i am trying to do this.
2182093, hard to predict
Posted by mashpg89, Thu May-16-13 08:17 PM
it'll probably be sunny and around 70 degrees, but it's portland so there could be days or weeks where it's overcast/raining and 55 degrees. september is a good time to go though.
2183928, Ctrl-F "Voodoo Cupcakes": no results found
Posted by LA2Philly, Tue May-21-13 11:56 AM
2184101, Because it's Voodoo Doughnut
Posted by magilla vanilla, Tue May-21-13 03:53 PM
But yeah, that's pretty much compulsory. But go like before 8 on a Saturday morning or you'll be waiting in line FOREEEEVER (c) The Sandlot.
2173855, Anyone get/getting the Galaxy S4?
Posted by guru0509, Fri May-03-13 11:47 AM
I'm a 4s person but I only have 2 months left on my bid..err contract and am looking for something new i think..

2173871, this is the year I play ball again
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri May-03-13 12:06 PM
marriage, working, raising a kid, I was shocked how little I thought about playing.

and then I looked up and it's been 10 yrs since I played hard on a basketball court.

can anyone recommend a ball? I haven't bought one in forever. thanks.
2173900, i played in a league this year and it had been about 10 years
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri May-03-13 12:36 PM
it took ~8 games or so but eventually i started to have little flashes of doing what i used to be able to do
2175464, Nike Elite Basketballs are my favorite for indoors
Posted by mashpg89, Mon May-06-13 01:37 PM

I've had one for about 4 years now and it's survived through heavy use. Everyone seems to love it too.
2173902, This kid dropped trou after OKC-Houston. Pretty funny.
Posted by veritas, Fri May-03-13 12:38 PM
2173910, LOL
Posted by Ceej, Fri May-03-13 12:43 PM
Parents??? Anywhere??
2173932, Bosh-esque
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri May-03-13 12:59 PM
and i mean that in the most positive way possible
2182692, that harmless over the shoulder peek seemed creepy f/calvin murphy
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat May-18-13 12:41 PM
or no?
2174562, The Scene at Adam Yauch's/MCA Park-Naming Ceremony
Posted by guru0509, Sat May-04-13 02:10 PM

Tomorrow, it'll be a year to the day that Adam Yauch passed away. This morning, at a park in Brooklyn just blocks from where Yauch grew up, his family and friends honored him in a very special way. The former Palmetto Playground — a tiny little slice of green tucked away from the honking trucks and screeching traffic of the BQE — will now, and forevermore, be known as Adam Yauch Park.

The ceremony took place at 11 a.m. this morning, with Adam "Ad-Rock" Horovitz and Yauch's parents in attendance. A program was handed out, which explained that Yauch "grew up in Brooklyn Heights, on State Street, and learned to ride a bicycle in this park that will now bear his name."

First, local government officials spoke. Adrian Benepe, the former NYC Parks Commissioner, got real, talking about how first kids come to parks to play — and then, when they're a little older, they come to "do things they wouldn't at home." Stephen Levin, a fresh-faced City Council member, gushed about growing up with the Beasties' music, and about how happy he was to have contributed to the renaming effort. Brooklyn borough president Marty Markowitz babbled about the Brooklyn Nets, happily ignorant that the Knicks are the Beasties' team. Then Markowitz, a gray-haired sixty-something, rapped. In his artful hands, "An Open Letter to NYC," the band's heartfelt ode to a post-9/11 New York, became some doggerel about beating the Bulls. It was pretty awesome, and everyone liked it.

Adam's mother, Frances, spoke last. She remembered how, after he passed away, there was an international outpouring of love and support. And the response from various friends of her and her husband? "We didn't know your son was so famous." Afterward, Frances, Adam, and the others posed in front of the new Adam Yauch Park sign.

Ad-Rock spoke as well. He said he was nervous, and then thanked his sister, Rachel, who was sitting off to the side, for all her efforts in renaming the park. She immediately started welling up, and he told her to stop because now she was gonna make him cry. Then he said it was appropriate we were in a park because "like the Wu-Tang Clan, Beastie Boys is for the children."

He went on to speak, very nicely, about Adam Yauch:

What does it mean to be a New York kid? People come to New York to be themselves, to express themselves, and to be who they wanna be. And although Adam's mom, Frances, is a New York kid herself, his father, Noel, came to New York to be himself. And together they raised a New York kid, Adam Yauch. And Noel and Frances raised him right. They taught Adam to be curious, thoughtful, kind, and just enough crazy. That craziness that is New York. That New York kinetic energy. It’s musical, artful, and always moving forward. And that’s not only Brooklyn, that's Adam Yauch. And then Adam and his wife Dechen raised Losel, a New York kid that's equally talented, curious, and utterly awesome.

In life you don't get to choose your family. You get what you're given. I got lucky, 'cause I got given two great sisters and two great brothers. But I got extra lucky because around 1982 I got … two other brothers. Mike Diamond and Adam Yauch. And together our families have grown. I'd like to thank the New York Parks Department and the people of Brooklyn for honoring my friend and brother, and recognizing how cool it is to have an Adam Yauch Park for other crazy New York kids. Thank you.
2175298, i was shocked and heartwarmed that this happened
Posted by veritas, Mon May-06-13 08:55 AM
doesn't seem like something that you would expect from the city/park's department, but i'm glad they did it.
2175304, iono, Parks is one of the better city agencies IMO
Posted by smutsboy, Mon May-06-13 09:06 AM
2175331, fwiw i was commenting on parks depts generally
Posted by veritas, Mon May-06-13 10:38 AM
i dunno anything about the ny parks dept specifically, so it wasn't meant to be taken that way.

2175309, when do you land in LV?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon May-06-13 09:17 AM
2175400, inbox
Posted by guru0509, Mon May-06-13 12:26 PM
2175452, replied
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon May-06-13 01:22 PM
2175499, How long does it take weed to get out of your system? I smoked last...
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon May-06-13 02:29 PM
night for the first time in like 15 years. I'm stupid as fuck because I will probably be changing jobs soon and will most likely be drug tested. I actually only had a few puffs so hopefully it won't be enough to show up on a test
2176751, man, you could probably take a piss test now and pass
Posted by guru0509, Tue May-07-13 10:14 PM
>night for the first time in like 15 years. I'm stupid as fuck
>because I will probably be changing jobs soon and will most
>likely be drug tested. I actually only had a few puffs so
>hopefully it won't be enough to show up on a test

if you havent smoked in 15 years, and it wasnt even a whole blunt to yourself, you're good to go.

just drink extra water for a week or so and you should be fine...

2177795, inbox labeathustla
Posted by Cenario, Thu May-09-13 09:25 AM
2177802, RE: man, you could probably take a piss test now and pass
Posted by pretentious username, Thu May-09-13 09:29 AM

>just drink extra water for a week or so and you should be

only need extra water the day of the test. earlier than that won't do anything.

and make sure it isn't your first piss of the day, but if you drink the right amount of water it won't be.
2177808, Playoff agendas had you stressing fam?
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu May-09-13 09:34 AM
2177855, If it's a cotton swab test, I think it's only like one or two weeks
Posted by Marauder21, Thu May-09-13 10:56 AM
2182063, you'll be good in a week. here's 2 tips:
Posted by brown sugar, Thu May-16-13 07:41 PM
and i honestly don't know if there's scientific evidence to
back the first up.

first, don't don't let the cup grab the first couple seconds of
your urine stream. apparently most of the toxins build up
in the beginning. this could be total nonsense, though.

second, to keep your mind at ease, try buying an at-home
test to do at home. i did this for amphetamines when I took
a few adderall studying for finals before an internship drug
2178142, .
Posted by guru0509, Thu May-09-13 10:54 PM
2181987, Advice from Pittsburgh OKPs?
Posted by cyrus, Thu May-16-13 05:09 PM
Or anyone that has been to Pittsburgh for that matter.

A buddy and I are taking a roadtrip to watch baseball games in Milwaukee, AAA game in Indy, Pit, Cle, then to Wrigley. In the places we have time to hang out we have people to hang with, Pittsburgh being the exception. We'll be there on a Wed night, and while we don't want to pay $200 for a hotel, we'll probably want to go out for a bit that night and won't want to have hotel, game, and nightlife in 3 different parts of the city. FWIW, we both semi retired bartenders and we lean more to craft beer and a good jukebox than clubs and specialty cocktails.

So I guess I have the same 3 questions anyone has when they travel: Where do I stay? Where do I drink? And, most importantly, What do I eat?
2182135, Nightlife is tough
Posted by AnonymousCoward, Thu May-16-13 09:22 PM
There are some bars on the North Shore (immediately surrounding PNC). There are a few more right across the bridge, downtown...and by right across the bridge, I mean a 2-block walk from the ballpark.

The main nightlife strip is Carson St on the South Side. It's fairly generic and small-townish, to be honest. If you and your friends lean hipster, you'll probably want to drink in Lawrenceville (neighborhood). Brillobox, Nico's Recovery Room, Belvedere are solid bar choices.

Shadyside is more yuppified nightlife. It's concentrated on a couple blocks of Elsworth St, with a few places on Walnut.


Skip Primanti Bros. If you want a Pittsburgh institution, eat Breakfast at Pamels's. They have a few locations around the city. The original in the Strip District is the best. Obama ate there on a campaign stop, and was so impressed, he flew the crew to the White House to cook a State Breakfast. Other good restaurants in the strip district are Bar Marco for Tapas and Kaya (pan-Caribbean fare)

If you do the Carson St Strip, Yo Rita is good for fancy white ppl tacos. Stagioni is a great farm-to-table, authentic Italian (read: not red sauce) restaurant.

East End neighborhoods (Bloomfield, East Liberty, Lawrenceville, Shadyside, Squirell Hill have lot of great restaurants)

-Salt of the Earth (E Liberty)- creative Modern American foodie fare
-Cure (Lawrenceville)- Charcuterie
-Fukuda (Bloomfield)- Japanese/Sushi Best in the city. They fly fish in from Japan every week.
-Noodlehead (Shadyside)- Thai street noodles
-Union Pig and Chicken- BBQ
2182340, Thanks!
Posted by cyrus, Fri May-17-13 09:14 AM
2182345, No problem.
Posted by AnonymousCoward, Fri May-17-13 09:30 AM
As far as hotels go, ideally, you want to be downtown or on the North Shore because it'll make getting around easier. If these areas are too pricey, try Southside Flats, Oakland or Shadyside. Staying outside the city, near the airport or areas like Greentree are going to be a pain in the ass if you plan on drinking seriously.
2182695, go to the south side to drink, strip district to eat, as far as lodging
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat May-18-13 12:51 PM
i mean i've only had to go for work so usually it was arranged. if there is some kind of convention or some crap, the hotels are expensive because there aren't all that many. if not, they should be cheap. lots of decent places downtown. the stuff outside, eh, kind of a schlep and mostly kind of junky. travelocity's secret hotel shit might work out. you could always couch surf, pittsburgh is not a pretentious town. people could show you wzup that way, too.

the ballpark is very nice, loved it, one of my favorites. the seats are small for a newer park, but that just adds to the old time feel with newer amenities. i didn't like the concessions but it is some quintessentially pittsburgh greasy shit, so go for it. south side is just a shit show, really the only place with a lot of people drinking and a good variety of bars that i've seen. strip district is kind of old school, some good food at great buys. got two maine lobster rolls for $9, wtf? overall the local fare is plain, american fare with no mind toward your mortality.
2182381, I got my first kid on the way...due in 4 weeks!
Posted by temps2020, Fri May-17-13 10:31 AM
holy shit...
2182405, what an idiot
Posted by veritas, Fri May-17-13 10:55 AM
er, congratulations!
2182434, lol, thanks
Posted by temps2020, Fri May-17-13 11:34 AM
2182436, Mazel Tov!
Posted by guru0509, Fri May-17-13 11:35 AM
2182499, thank you, sir. enjoy your bday Vegas trip. will be
Posted by temps2020, Fri May-17-13 01:36 PM
a blast
2183276, Enjoy
Posted by Ceej, Mon May-20-13 08:49 AM
time flies
2182439, Like Kit Kat? Go to Japan.
Posted by guru0509, Fri May-17-13 11:36 AM
2182500, shit is crazy, i saw a bunch of flavors at
Posted by temps2020, Fri May-17-13 01:37 PM
a couple months ago in St. Martin but had no idea it was like that in Japan. I do love kit kast myself.
2182653, Who doesn't? The GOAT candy bar
Posted by calminvasion, Sat May-18-13 09:13 AM
2182698, I hear the green tea ones are SERIOUS
Posted by LA2Philly, Sat May-18-13 01:15 PM
2183270, I'm a homeowner.
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-20-13 08:35 AM
Great feeling, cool non-racist white neighbors...gonna be a busy couple of months. Thanks NY Knicks for all the extra free time.
2183272, Congrats man.
Posted by Ceej, Mon May-20-13 08:42 AM
Moving sucks.

Cutting the grass sucks.

Having stuff break sucks.

Having your own home is still an absolute awesome feeling, good luck.
2183295, thanks...the last few days were a mixture of excitement and dread lol
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-20-13 09:30 AM
2183829, congrats, hit that deli
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Tue May-21-13 10:09 AM
2184025, What was the name again?
Posted by Cenario, Tue May-21-13 02:01 PM
2186850, lol mill basin deli. pretty easy to remember
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon May-27-13 08:54 AM
2187087, lol my bad...its 2 blocks away from me. will def hit it up.
Posted by Cenario, Tue May-28-13 08:17 AM
2183925, Congrats, sir.
Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-21-13 11:55 AM
2185737, you can always count on them for that much!
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu May-23-13 06:00 PM
>Thanks NY Knicks for all the extra free

congratulations on the house, man!
2185934, my wife be trolling...she was like so since the knicks are done,
Posted by Cenario, Fri May-24-13 11:19 AM
we'll be able to get a headstart on blah, blah, blah right?
2183822, POSTED THIS IN GD, but I need yalls help
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Tue May-21-13 10:00 AM
Yall will understand this more. Especially the dream sports job aspect.

an where to begin...

So Im leaving my current school after some BS went down. I was feeling the strain of being in education here in NYC for 12 years and have been looking for a bit of a change over the past few year anyways.

So here were some things that went through my head

a) The Lebron route: Take my talents, not to South Beach, but to another country and work in an international school as a College Placement Officer, Dean, or AP. Problem is these types of administrative jobs don't get a lot of turnover and I don't have a teaching certification so it makes things a bit harder.

b) after coaching my sons soccer and teeball teams this year. Ive come to realize that I really like working with the little kids, and they respond well to me. I started my career in education while at Morehouse tutoring 2nd graders - but the way things worked out after college I started working with HS and now Middle School kids. But in the back of my head I've always thought I would make an excellent elementary school teacher, and I think theres always a need for more good male teachers in elementary school.

So after putting some feelers out I applied for a couple jobs and just got an offer to be a Kindergarten teacher at a Charter School closer to home in BK. The catch of course is Ive worked charter before- and I know the hours Im gonna have to put in, the short summers, long days, being asked to do a million things.

But surprisingly they were able to offer me a salary pretty close to what I make now which is way more than any first year teachers in the network make.

So seems like a decently easy choice right?
-As of now I'm leaving my current job,
-don't have any other offers,
-got a semi dream job with elementary school that will also set me up to get certified and eventually have more options to move abroad to an international school s a counselor, dean, or teacher in 2 or so years.
-with a salary close to what I make now, good benefits, and a 1 month summer to travel.

Not so fast...

So while all this was going on. Back in April I was at home and just flipping through links online and ran across a company I'd be interested in working for. Anyone who knows me on or off this board knows how much I fuckin love sports.

So this new gig...Its not in education at all. Its a sports startup, and although its a startup they are past the initial phase and making good money and really starting to grow.

On a whim I wrote the CEO an email telling him my story, my resume, and how I'd be interested in working for the company. He writes me back and says "I don't know if we have a position for you, but I won't really know until I meet you. Let's meet."

Long story short: we were supposed to meet at ethe beginning of May but he's been travelling like crazy so he hit me up and said, "these next few weeks something came up, but lets go ahead and set a date for the end of the month"

After some back and forth we settled on next Wednesday May 29th.

So over the past 6-7 weeks Im been living and breathing this company. Doing all kinds of research, taking extensive notes, prepping for this meeting that isnt even a formal interview. Im ready to blow his socks off.

But I dont know if they really have a position for me and if they do I have no clue how quickly he'll offer it and how much itll pay.

I would be willing to take a decent paycut for an opportunity at this gig and to chase my dreams and see what comes of it.

The issue is that I got the charter school offer today and they are giving me 1 week to reply which would be May 28th, the day before the meeting. lol

I mean either way Im gonna go through with this meeting. I have to. Ive been working and planning too hard not to do it.

But what do I do with this offer?

-Do I ask them to delay and give me another week knowing damn well that if I get any decent offer from the sports startup Im gonna take it?

-Do I take the offer- cause its all I have and if I get the sports startup offer, I bounce on the school even if its late in the summer?

-If it was a corporate gig and I had no soul, I wouldnt mind doing this. But I actually like the principal who gave me this offer and I know the longer she waits to really fill this last teaching spot- the harder it will be for her to fill it later in the summer. My sister and several friends also work for this network so I dont want them to get any shit about me leaving after taking an offer.

As much as Im thinking about this end- I also have to remember I'm a husband and father and need to have something solid for my family. I cant just chase this startup dream and say no to everything else then end up with jack shit - cause that would put my family in a bind. We dont have the disposable income for me to just be without a job for the next 3 or even 6 months - especially with Kamau starting kindergarten.

What would yall do?

2183825, More soon. Wish we could have coffee and/or chat about this. n/m
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue May-21-13 10:05 AM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2183909, btw: VERY happy you left your job. You sounded MISERABLE.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue May-21-13 11:36 AM

-Don't stress over it; sounds like either is an improvement
over where you were.

-You sound overwhelmed. Does the school job really need to
know that quickly? You can't ask for another week?


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2183914, ^^^what he said.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Tue May-21-13 11:45 AM
Ask for an extension. Make up something about your wife and you needing more time. Blah blah blah.
2183915, RE: POSTED THIS IN GD, but I need yalls help
Posted by The Mac, Tue May-21-13 11:46 AM
Just tell the school you need the weekend and you'll get back to them first thing Monday
2184031, Take the charter school job and let me meet dude on the 29th
Posted by Cenario, Tue May-21-13 02:06 PM
Lol...nah, I'm with everyone else. Charter school is still business, so I would let them know that you are weighing your options and need an extension bc if you do accept, you're in it for the long haul.

What's your wife say?
2185732, whoa, well here is what i would do
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu May-23-13 05:58 PM
first of all, buy some time. you have to come up with some acceptable bullshit to extend your reply deadline another week. give yourself time to meet with this guy and get a firmer feel of what's going on and if there is a place for you within it.

next, well, i dont know your family situation or anything but obviously when you're talking about taking pay cuts, changing countries of residence, etc, those are huge considerations. that's stuff you've got to sort out for yourself, obviously, but before you do you should have a firm sense of what YOU want. you've got three good options, none of them are last resorts or undesirable to you from what you've said.

great, now which one MOVES you? which one is a singular opportunity?

the safe play here is taking the elementary job that keeps you relatively close to home, gets you further solidified in education (by way of your credential, among other things) and it's something you're drawn to.

the home run swing is riding out this start up thing.

normally i'd be the first person to say take the swing. there'll be another school even if it's not as ideal and there's always other routes, such as the international one. BUT, this is a startup and it sounds like you're doing your due diligence but not yet sure what there is there.

that's why i say buy time. know more. you dont want to ditch a solid thing for a question mark unless there's some chance of it becoming a period or, better yet, an exclamation point.
2183832, Midwest folks...remember how much we hated tornado drills in elem school?
Posted by guru0509, Tue May-21-13 10:10 AM
Seeing the destruction and carnage in OK bringing back all these tornado do's/don't's that we learned as kids...

Prayers to all those families dealing with Mother Nature's fury this week..

2183932, word, hope everyone here is alright.
Posted by pretentious username, Tue May-21-13 11:58 AM
2184068, bought a truck at police auction for $400
Posted by veritas, Tue May-21-13 02:48 PM

This beast here. 79 Chevy Scottsdale.

Seems to be in pretty good shape, considering.
2185735, bro if you ride that thing without two messican cats in the front seat
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu May-23-13 05:59 PM
you are gonna get a fix-it ticket
2185929, if i lived in some fascist area like los angeles, yeah, probably
Posted by veritas, Fri May-24-13 11:03 AM
it's actually in really great shape.

whoever owned it took great care of it. aside from abandoning it...
2185973, all i can think of is the simpsons halloween episode
Posted by Drizzit, Fri May-24-13 01:11 PM
where homer buys snake's car.

good luck.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri May-24-13 04:25 PM
2186998, knocked my beard down to a mean set of handlebars.
Posted by veritas, Mon May-27-13 10:13 PM
not even sure i meant to.

there may be something to this.
2184462, One of my neighbors has disappeared/gone missing
Posted by mrhood75, Wed May-22-13 01:41 AM
It's sorta been in the news up here: the guy was last seen after running the SF Bay to Breakers race on Sunday. Told his friends he was headed to the beach and hasn't been seen since.

It doesn't look good. His phone/credit cards/passport were found hidden by a restaurant right by the beach. Today they found his jeans and the jersey he was wearing about a quarter of a mile away from there. Hate to say it, but in all likelihood he drowned in the ocean. It's common for people to get completely hammered during the Bay to Breakers, then go swimming immediately afterwards. Dude could have easily been caught in a riptide a something.

It's really sad. Dude is a good kid and a generally friendly guy. I hope he turns up okay, but it's a really all bad, I hope they can at least recover a body for his folks.
2184521, As of next week, I'll have my ELEVENTH boss in the last 17 months
Posted by KosherSam, Wed May-22-13 08:39 AM
Since 1/1/12, I've been wearing two hats within my company. One, as a marketing/advertising guy, the other as a data guy. I report to a different person for each hat.

Between re-orgs, people leaving, interim people, and now maternity leave, I have reported to ELEVEN different people in that time, without being transferred or having a change in my responsibilities.

If we weren't working on such cool stuff, I'd have asked for a transfer a long time ago. The long-term prospects of the company are very good and very stable, so I'm not eager to leave the company altogether, though we just recently moved to a new HQ that makes my commute about an hour each way.

I've also been giving more and more consideration to dropping out of the rat race altogether, but I don't have anything that I'm passionate enough about to pursue instead. Plus, that mortgage ain't gonna pay itself...
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu May-23-13 05:58 PM
Posted by Deebot, Thu May-23-13 05:28 PM
2185933, niiiiice...congrats.
Posted by Cenario, Fri May-24-13 11:17 AM
2186828, thanks mang
Posted by Deebot, Mon May-27-13 12:25 AM
2187098, Thinking about going back and getting it
Posted by B9, Tue May-28-13 08:50 AM
BBA in Finance but if I take 3 additional courses, they will certify me to sit for the CPA exams. I do nothing but scrutinize accountants all day, may as well go ahead and get it and have as another arrow in the quiver. Just not too hot on taking those classes.
2187504, the exams are slightly easier than I thought they'd be going in
Posted by Deebot, Tue May-28-13 09:23 PM
they're tough in the sense that they cover a SHIT ton of material, but the actual questions aren't super detailed and tough. I've only been studying textbooks that I bought for $200 total about a year ago.
2186023, Toronto Mayor smoking crack now? Zeno, what part of the game is this?
Posted by guru0509, Fri May-24-13 03:52 PM
this dude looks more like an alcoholic to me..


TORONTO (AP) — Toronto Mayor Rob Ford denied Friday that he smokes crack cocaine and said he is not an addict after a video purported to show him using the drug. Ford did not say whether he has ever used crack.

Ford did not take questions from reporters at a news conference at City Hall held after close allies released a letter urging him to address the purported video. The video apparently shows Ford smoking crack.

"I do not use crack cocaine, nor am I an addict of crack cocaine," he said before going on to criticize the media.

Ford had been ducking the media and his only comments before Friday on the scandal came last Friday, a day after the story broke, when he called the crack smoking allegations "ridiculous" and said that the Toronto Star was out to get him.

The alleged video has not been released publicly and its authenticity has not been verified. Reports on gossip website Gawker and in the Toronto Star claimed it was taken by men who said they had sold the drug to Ford. The Associated Press hasn't seen the video.

The Star reported that two journalists had watched a video that appears to show Ford, sitting in a chair, inhaling from what appears to be a glass crack pipe. The Star said it did not obtain the video or pay to watch it. Gawker and the Star said the video was shown to them by a drug dealer who had been trying to sell it for a six-figure sum.

The Star also reported that Ford allegedly made a racist remark about high school football students he coached.

"It is most unfortunate, very unfortunate, that my colleagues and the great people of this city have been exposed to the fact that I've been judged by the media without any evidence," Ford said.

Ford said he had kept quiet on the advice of lawyer.

City Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker was profoundly disappointed in the mayor's statement. He said he believes the reports and believes Ford's tenure is over.

"I don't believe the mayor," he said. "He should resign and then go seek help."

De Baeremaeker said he's observed erratic behavior from the mayor.



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Government and politics, North America, Municipal governments, Local governments, Celebrity, Entertainment, Arts and entertainment, Drug-related crime, General news, Crime, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Rob Ford, Marion Barry
2186030, Aspired to be Bill Clinton, wound up as George Clinton
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri May-24-13 04:25 PM
2186909, lol. see Marrion Barry though.
Posted by vik, Mon May-27-13 02:23 PM
2186906, The photography's been picking up steam
Posted by magilla vanilla, Mon May-27-13 02:05 PM
Just did two shoots over the weekend. The second shoot, which happened yesterday, ended up getting booked on Saturday while I was up in the Hudson Valley shooting. I'm slowly but surely posting the digital images from that shoot to the tumblr (see sig) as I get them edited. I have a Polaroid series from the Saturday shoot that I'm just incredibly proud of, but that won't be "released" until much later.

Then I have two shoots next weekend, all coming from word of mouth and models reaching out to work with me.

Now to actually get paid for this shit. . .
2186924, Nope! I complimented your photos first.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon May-27-13 03:19 PM

I got a good handful of stock in this agenda

I did that long time ago

Nah sike

congrats though

the shit you showed me was on point, you're a talented


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2186938, hahaha. . .appreciate the agenda, bruh
Posted by magilla vanilla, Mon May-27-13 04:50 PM
Got some stuff this weekend that I'm really proud of, including what should be the start of a series:


And some excellent jewelry shots for an old college friend (she designed this and a bunch of other pieces that got shot Saturday:

2186945, I might holler at you for some shit
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon May-27-13 05:07 PM

Just me and my family and shit

I'll send an inbox


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2188361, ^^^nsfw
Posted by Wonderl33t, Thu May-30-13 09:54 AM
2188386, right. Sorry!
Posted by magilla vanilla, Thu May-30-13 10:58 AM
blog's been mostly street/landscape stuff in the past. Like I said, shitloads of models have recently reached out to collab. which has meant a lot of fine art nudes.
2187100, Fla. Gulf Coast>>>>>>OBX, and it's not close
Posted by B9, Tue May-28-13 08:54 AM
at all.

Just back from OBX for a wedding and it was supper not great. Just a more wealthy Myrtle Beach, in pockets, with more partyers. 30A area of Florida is at least low key and relaxing; OBX is obnoxious.

Side note, if you ever are flying out of Norfolk and have a few hours to kill, don't sit in the airport, head next door to the botanical gardens. Well worth it and beats sitting in a pretty small, dumpy, depressing airport.
2188276, Update: couldnt wait 2 days to kick off June GD post with this
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Thu May-30-13 07:44 AM
*So I accepted the offer from the school to teach Tuesday on the deadline. Didnt ask for an extension or anything. Didnt want to risk it, and got good advice that no matter what the world goes on. Hard thing is no matter how honest I am, If I reneg this will probably burn a bridge to this which is my (secondary dream job).


Had my meeting with the sports start up yesterday. 2 months of prep paid off. It went smooth as possible at the end of our conversation (remember it was just a meeting and not a formal interview) he talked about how I knew more about them than half their sales team and offered me a job.

Great right? Not so fast.

The initial offer is all they have available- a sales role with a waaaaaaaay lower base pay then I make now and less than the other job I accepted with the potential to earn more than I make now via commission. For someone who's a hustler but has always been salary, "you don't sell you don't eat" excites me in some ways and makes me nervous in others. Naturally it makes my wife really nervous.

We hadnt really talked about intricacies of what was available before but he had mentioned tin an email hat it was mostly sales and programming. I cant program for shit so that wasnt an option.

I decided to meet him anyways because, well who knows?
Anyhow like I said, it went well. I wrote him a short email thanking him for his time last night and he wrote me back a much longer email saying how impressed he was and that he'd love to have me on the team. Would even offer me a 1 month trial if I could take time off from my current job as a kind of safety net (he doesnt know im leaving my current job an have another offer).

Balls in my court a bit now. He knows I have a family and a steady, good job in education.

The plan is to hit him back with a counter offer for a sales + type role where maybe I give up some flexibility of hours and working from home that sales team gets for some other responsibilities in marketing or operations with a higher base pay and still possibility for commission and see where it goes from there.

Thing is. Im in a position with the sports company to wait a year and stay in contact with them and revisit again next year. But ive been thinking about education for awhile even though this school opp came up and it excites me, it will be a grind. Its a first year charter school so automatically im working 5 days a week 730-5PM (with some saturdays thrown in) in a first year school which makes things even crazier.I dont wanna look back at this in January and regret not doing the sports thing-cause it will be hard as fuck to leave a group of kindergartners mid year no matter how I'm feeling.

Should I go harder on the negotiating?

If you have more questions ask away. Also feel free to hit my inbox.
2188362, damn fam. wow. you're a BEAST (just read, have to think about it)
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu May-30-13 09:58 AM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2188368, yea I think every job Ive ever gotten an interview for
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Thu May-30-13 10:09 AM
Ive gotten. Im a beast when it comes to researching and knowing the ins and outs of a company. Thats one of my strengths. I'd make a great concierge for some rich Saudi Prince if I didnt mind that type of work.

Problem is, after I get the job I can get lazy. Some of it is because of #thissite and just my love for sports always taking me from my work. Which I love but not as much as sports. This kinda solves that to some degree. Granted I know I cant just post on OKP and read sports news all day just because I work a sports job - especially in sales.