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Topic subjectIdo Porto Has A Workout He'd Like You to See
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2162483, Ido Porto Has A Workout He'd Like You to See
Posted by bshelly, Mon Apr-15-13 05:54 AM

Thoughts? Shit's crazy.
2162500, The God
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Apr-15-13 08:19 AM
might be the best mover in the world
2162511, I don't think I saw anything new
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Mon Apr-15-13 08:54 AM
In fact, I've paid $120/month at some point in the last decade to do most of what he did in the video... from practicing a martial art (brazilian jujitsu) for several years to recently doing Crossfit. I wanted to do capoeira but the schools are few and far between.

I do like his general philosophy of pursuing variety. You can't learn all of these things at once though... I think you need to specialize for a couple years to become proficient... but after that, you should know enough to program your own routines or be able to spar competently against someone else.
2162543, RE: I don't think I saw anything new
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Apr-15-13 10:04 AM
>In fact, I've paid $120/month at some point in the last
>decade to do most of what he did in the video... from
>practicing a martial art (brazilian jujitsu) for several years
>to recently doing Crossfit. I wanted to do capoeira but the
>schools are few and far between.
>I do like his general philosophy of pursuing variety. You
>can't learn all of these things at once though... I think you
>need to specialize for a couple years to become proficient...
>but after that, you should know enough to program your own
>routines or be able to spar competently against someone else.

I dont think its anything new but the combination of all the movements and the technical proficiency is whats impressive is the technical proficiency of the movements and how he drills them both the capoeira like movements and the Olifting stuff.
2162546, This was a good blog post someone wrote about his seminar
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Apr-15-13 10:14 AM
2162512, 90% of what he did was Capoeira movement
Posted by Castro, Mon Apr-15-13 09:17 AM
The image behind his head in the interview is a picture of Mestre Vicente Pastinha, who is considered the "philosopher" of Capoeira and the master who articulated the concepts behind Capoeira Angola. So dude is basically a Capoeirista that also crosstrains. He is beastmode with it tho...impressive.
2162539, im pretty sure his roots are in capoeira and maybe gymnastics
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Apr-15-13 10:01 AM
2162657, yeah i wasn't trying to claim he did anything revolutionary
Posted by bshelly, Mon Apr-15-13 12:48 PM
but, one, he looks cool and hardcore. two, i was wondering how one would teach such movement...but i think you guys have answered my question. if you can teach capoiera, you can teach this.
2162685, agree/disagree...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Mon Apr-15-13 01:04 PM
..while capoeira is certainly fluid in his training, i would wager that his philosophy hinges more on the variety of all art forms

he's taking the best of what we know in athletics and applying it freely without boundaries

similar to bruce's approach to modernizing martial arts

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
2162720, that is the approach of many fulltime capoeristas
Posted by Castro, Mon Apr-15-13 01:50 PM
I know other martial artists that take this approach, but they don't move like he moves. His primary movement "language" is capoeira- he crosstrains to augment his capoeira training. I am not downplaying what he can do- there are a couple of guys that are around here who train in the same manner, and they do much of what he does.