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Topic subjectNo Tiger Woods 2-stroke penalty discussion?
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2162163, No Tiger Woods 2-stroke penalty discussion?
Posted by Duc999, Sun Apr-14-13 08:37 AM
2162166, it's in that 100+ count Masters post
Posted by CherNic, Sun Apr-14-13 09:04 AM
2162167, preciate
Posted by Duc999, Sun Apr-14-13 09:10 AM
2162176, Borders on post worthy. F that hall monitor
Posted by ImPerfectNick, Sun Apr-14-13 09:39 AM
viewer who called the shit in though.
2162216, I posted in the other thread but wth - my thoughts and research
Posted by Duc999, Sun Apr-14-13 01:00 PM
Tiger had options for his drop.

He thought that he could go back as far as he wanted as long as he was on the same line as when it crossed into the hazard.

He could drop in the drop zone

He could drop the ball in a place that is "reasonably close" to the same spot as the shot was originally struck.

My thoughts. Regardless of what Tiger thought, the question is was the drop illegal.

"Reasonably close" is deemed as withing two club lengths of where the ball is struck. Players when given this option can use their driver whose length is 44 -45inches.

Given that, two club lengths is 90 inches. Tiger said that he dropped about two yards away. Two yards is 78 inches. The drop would be legal if his drop was withing 90 inches.

His drop was most definitely less that 90 inches. Tiger misspoke when he said 2 yards. The official went out and measured the divots from the two spots. Golf Channel reported that the divots were about 3.5 -4 feet apart. 4 feet is 48 inches.

A drop at 4 feet is still within 90 inches. This would mean the drop is still legal.


WTH? Did anyone really think about this? Are golfers so keen on distances in one sense but forget about them the next?

Or...Do we just don't want T.Woods name all over the record books

In the words of Uncle Rucks "Chi-nigga taking all the white women and all of the white man's records..." lol
2162239, its messed up
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Sun Apr-14-13 01:35 PM
they don't want him winning and this is truly a waste of time. haters left and right