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Topic subjectDoes Anyone See A Little Bit Of 'AI' In Trey Burke?
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2160453, Does Anyone See A Little Bit Of 'AI' In Trey Burke?
Posted by vee-lover, Tue Apr-09-13 12:54 PM
He not only resembles young Allen Iverson (to me)


he sorta moves on the court like Iverson too...he has similar speed but not quite as fast as AI, and some of his moves around the basket resemble Iverson's.

Not to mention he wears the no.3
2160463, No
Posted by FromTheGo, Tue Apr-09-13 01:09 PM
2160464, little bit yea, he's got that stepback J
Posted by ErnestLee, Tue Apr-09-13 01:17 PM
2160466, yep, that too and not to mention they're both listed at the same
Posted by vee-lover, Tue Apr-09-13 01:22 PM
height and weight...
2160493, they both got limbs and a head too
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Apr-09-13 02:23 PM
2160467, Oh God dont feed into this shit for every small, quick guard being
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Apr-09-13 01:27 PM
"Like AI"

The other day there was some kid who made a nice finish with some backspin off a drive and the announcer was like "You know who he reminds me of?" Me and my pops finish the sentence "Rod Strickland" and "Sleepy Floyd" respectively. He goes "Allen Iverson!"

I wanted to puke, he was such a singular player, there are VERY few guys that actually remind me of him. Once in a while Irving will get that little "air hockey" action, the Walton description of the way AI was so quick, it looked like he was floating above the hardwood at times.
2160478, I've never ever said that abt any player when it comes to AI
Posted by vee-lover, Tue Apr-09-13 01:47 PM
because AI's game was so unique for someone his size


I do see some similarities in Burke's gm that reminds me of Iverson...

2160518, To me they are almost nothing alike
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Apr-09-13 03:15 PM
Similar sized and yes if you breaking down strengths there would be a little overlap, OK, but style and eye test? Nah.

Burke is more of a classic driver, find the lane, get to the launching pad, protect one side and go up off the glass with your on hand or go under for a reverse. AI had such an array of finishes and moves. Way better body control, way more improvisation and I think Burke is thicker than AI was, certainly in college. He can use his body to shield better and can be more conventional.

On the outside, it's not even close. AI maybe took some treys but nothing like these DEEP ass threes that Burke takes.

With their handles and their quickness, Burke is quick and has a sick handle but next to AI most guys who can say that look like Chris Dudley. I wouldn't go that far, but there's definitely a gap.

I am not just not seeing it, personally.
2160579, ^^^ post could have ended here.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Apr-09-13 06:07 PM
It could have ended before it began, but if someone wanted a breakdown, this nails it, really.
2160715, Not to mention AI had that preternatural passing lane game
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Apr-10-13 12:36 AM
Burke can dog the ball and you can't get careless, but AI would steal a pass RIGHT out of a guy's fingertips. I have never seen another player do that consistently. Once in a while Ben Wallace would do it with an outlet, but that was more element of surprise that he stayed in to pressure the breakout. I used to say "WALLACE, GETTING IN ON THE FORECHECK!"

Not once did anyone laugh.
2160468, LOL. REALLY insightful opinion there, chief .
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Apr-09-13 01:30 PM

People have been saying that for months.

The answer, of course is:

a) there are similarities

b) he's not nearly as talented

c) probably will be a better teammate though

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2160476, I haven't heard not one analyst say that, maybe they have, I just
Posted by vee-lover, Tue Apr-09-13 01:45 PM
haven't heard the comparison, but I haven't watched every Michigan gm this season either but I have seen a good number of their gms and never once have I heard someone compare Burke to AI. If it has been said, I guess I'm not the only one who sees some similarities.

of course he isn't better but there's a resemblance

2160479, GMs aren't saying it because he's not nearly that good.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Apr-09-13 01:48 PM
>haven't heard the comparison, but I haven't watched every
>Michigan gm this season either but I have seen a good number
>of their gms and never once have I heard someone compare Burke
>to AI. If it has been said, I guess I'm not the only one who
>sees some similarities.
>of course he isn't better but there's a resemblance

Well, yeah, even facially there's a resemblance

I've heard it everywhere


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2160470, his team lost so yea
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue Apr-09-13 01:30 PM
2160485, LOL
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Apr-09-13 02:00 PM
2160516, lol
Posted by Cenario, Tue Apr-09-13 03:10 PM
2160590, Lol
Posted by Ceej, Tue Apr-09-13 06:28 PM
2160486, he's nowhere near as fast as Iverson
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Apr-09-13 02:04 PM
>he sorta moves on the court like Iverson too...he has similar
>speed but not quite as fast as AI, and some of his moves

2160488, First thing that came to mind.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Apr-09-13 02:08 PM
Just cuz he's little and fast doesn't mean he's AI-fast.
2160489, that's what I see, Burke is crafty w/ the handle but AI was a blur
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Apr-09-13 02:16 PM

<---- 5....

Occupy Big Government..

Fannie, Freddie dole out big bonuses
2160490, A.I. Was one of the best athletes to ever play basketball though.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Tue Apr-09-13 02:17 PM
And also had extremely long arms which compensated for his height.
2160491, AI was so fast at GTown the Inquirer's shots of him vs Nova were blurry
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Apr-09-13 02:18 PM
the first game he played at DuPont.

He also despite being short in stature had freakish teradactyl arms that allowed him to wreak havoc on the passing lanes & pocket-picketing enough to be Big East Defensive Player of the Year.

He also was a born scorer, tough as nails, had some of the quickest reflexes we've seen, a far better handle & courtvision as well.

In other words, not really.
2160496, all this....and it'not a knock on Trey...
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Apr-09-13 02:26 PM
cuz personally, I do see some of it. When he blocked Siva last night and jumped up and reacted to the foul cal...he fuckin looked like A.I. But as has been said before, he's not as fast and doesn't have anywhere close to the physical gifts or skill set. Allen was other wordly and we may never see that combination of speed and athleticism in the NBA again.
2160492, i expect him to be an all-star by year 3 of he sorry
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Apr-09-13 02:21 PM
he lowry at best. y'all cysed tho...
2160521, Lowry is a good comparison, more skilled, less motor, still hungry
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Apr-09-13 03:20 PM
2160498, not even close. some of yall are way too gassed on burke
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Apr-09-13 02:28 PM
he gonna be aight in the pros. just aight.
2160499, he rocks 3 cause AI is his idol other than that naw
Posted by southphillyman, Tue Apr-09-13 02:30 PM
i did think this for a SPLIT second when he had that lil sequence where he got slammed to the floor like 3 possessions in a row
but that's about it
Ai was yamming in traffic on the college level and much faster
burke was prolly the 3rd fastest person on the court last night (anybody think russ smith can hang in the league?)
2160526, Not the way he played last night, no
Posted by MothershipConnection, Tue Apr-09-13 03:35 PM
>(anybody think russ smith can hang in the league?)

He could have a chance as someone's Bledsoe type disruptive PG defender off the bench. Except Bledsoe is much bigger and stronger. I'm not sure just how many guys he can body up at his size, bigger NBA PGs can just go right at him.
2160517, Damn I was saying this all last night
Posted by EastEnd, Tue Apr-09-13 03:15 PM
Not a peer athletically though
2160574, you shouldn't admit to that n/m
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Apr-09-13 05:42 PM
2161313, Meh
Posted by EastEnd, Thu Apr-11-13 06:57 PM
I don't think he will amount to half of what AI was but I see similarities in style and movement

Burke is nowhere near the athlete and that's what separates decent from elite
2160584, Pierre Jackson>>>>>>>>>>Burke
Posted by SeV, Tue Apr-09-13 06:18 PM
and oh..




Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2160632, So where does everyone stand with Burke?
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Tue Apr-09-13 07:39 PM
I haven't watched him much, but just from clips he's more D.J. Augustine than A.I.

You think he's an All Star?

Future pg wars?

NBA starter?

Spark plug off the bench?

Which starters now do you think he's better than?

No agenda, just want to know. Kinda like a pre Truthiness thread.
2160646, All Star I dunno that would surprise, love his makeup but ...
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Apr-09-13 08:14 PM
He is a little small and his range won't be so uncommon in the pros. I do think it will adapt, no, he won't be going up over guys from way out, but he can sink it from there off the catch and get free off the dribble. Range is still in his favor.

But his size makes me question how much he can score off the drive and how much he can stay on the floor defending. He's got good strength, is a helluva competitor, he's a smart enough player to run the point and he plays with fire. I do think, however, we've probably seen his peak.
2160653, Probably better than Augustin. Best case: ... TJ Ford with a better 3?
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Apr-09-13 08:36 PM
Not comparing them as players necessarily, just statistically what Burke could bring to the table at full potential.

I think most realistically he is a strong bench guy/4th or 5th option for a good team... or a starter/2nd or 3rd option for a not-so-good team.
2160656, backup by year 5...maybe year 3
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Apr-09-13 08:38 PM
2160731, yeah, he screams "really good third guard"
Posted by bshelly, Wed Apr-10-13 06:19 AM
like, i could see him winning 6th man at some point. but if he's starting for your team, your team ain't good.
2160685, he aint THAT good
Posted by AlBundy, Tue Apr-09-13 09:38 PM
2160689, Jameer.
Posted by V3rb, Tue Apr-09-13 10:00 PM
2160716, yeah he is closer, even there, eh, not the first guy that comes to
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Apr-10-13 12:37 AM

but yeah, more similar for sure. stocky, shifty, rangy, gritty, other adjectives than end in y ...
2160702, More Wade than AI. Especially when he slashes (and falls down)
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Tue Apr-09-13 10:54 PM
2160706, Nah, his ceiling is Bibby
Posted by BlackLex, Tue Apr-09-13 11:24 PM
And perhaps that's generous. He's fearless and doesn't commit a lotta TOs given his usage. He's just small (that block on Siva was great tho).
2160717, Yeah I think that'd be a good career to shoot for
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Apr-10-13 12:39 AM
Guy known as a gamer, spot up shooter, game manager for a team that doesn't require a point guard to absolutely dominate the ball.
2161305, He's way more athletic than Bibby.
Posted by bignick, Thu Apr-11-13 06:12 PM
2161307, 20 year-old Bibby? dunno about that
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Apr-11-13 06:37 PM
2160718, Who's the wrong-rim Ricky Davis of this draft class?
Posted by Kira, Wed Apr-10-13 12:40 AM
2161205, RE: Does Anyone See A Little Bit Of 'AI' In Trey Burke?
Posted by cloak323, Thu Apr-11-13 01:35 PM
Yeah. thought maybe it was just me. a mannerism sort of, not necessarily his play. he does have a nack for finishing tough at the rim but definitely not as quick as AI i think. wondering if the 3 isnt incoincidental.
2161258, I dont see it.
Posted by bigpo, Thu Apr-11-13 03:59 PM
I like Tre, but I dont think hew will be a dominant NBA PG.