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Topic subjectNBA Sunday aka The Battle for LA
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2159039, NBA Sunday aka The Battle for LA
Posted by bentagain, Sun Apr-07-13 12:15 PM
New York at Oklahoma City
LA Lakers at LA Clippers
Washington at Boston
Orlando at Cleveland
Memphis at Sacramento
Chicago at Detroit
Utah at Golden State
New Orleans at Phoenix
Dallas at Portland

Full slate of games, seems like a lot for a Sunday

and then no games tomorrow, whattup wit dat dough?
2159042, Ibaka doin' work early, dude gon' make me a believer!
Posted by bentagain, Sun Apr-07-13 12:18 PM
If they can get this type of O from dude, they can beat anybody!
2159043, Jason Kidd making Steve Kerr thinking about a comeback somewhere
Posted by Nodima, Sun Apr-07-13 12:22 PM

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." © Jay Bilas
"I don't read pages of rap lyrics, I listen to rap music." © Bombastic
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
2159051, dude shoulda learned how to dribble a basketball and play defense
Posted by bentagain, Sun Apr-07-13 12:36 PM
there's enough hang out at the 3pt line spot up shooters in the league as is

JKidd adapted, not mad at all!

2159046, NCAA finals tomorrow
Posted by Guinness, Sun Apr-07-13 12:23 PM
2159048, I'm sayin' though, no games in the last week of the season
Posted by bentagain, Sun Apr-07-13 12:29 PM
the NBA could run 7 o'clock games

the chip game won't tip til 930

what's the problem?
2159049, Did jr gat hurt?
Posted by Cenario, Sun Apr-07-13 12:31 PM
2159062, I'm sure his neck hurt, all that damn head snapping bullshit
Posted by bentagain, Sun Apr-07-13 01:37 PM

wondering to myself who the tattoo artist in Denver is that made a milli off these fools

JR Smith look like he picked his art from the Sunday newspaper maze puzzle
2159050, Copeland looking good at Point Center
Posted by Nodima, Sun Apr-07-13 12:36 PM

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." © Jay Bilas
"I don't read pages of rap lyrics, I listen to rap music." © Bombastic
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
2159066, LOL @ the Knicks when Melo isn't on the floor.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Apr-07-13 02:00 PM

NOBODY else knows how to score the ball, at all.

NOBODY is a reliable bucket. NOBODY.

He literally SHOULD shoot the fucking ball EVERY

NO WAY this team should be a 2-seed. This is lottery


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2159068, Jr Isos make my head hurt
Posted by Cenario, Sun Apr-07-13 02:08 PM
Not sure what the alternative is...but I need an aspirin.
2159069, How very, very ironic.
Posted by Dr Claw, Sun Apr-07-13 02:14 PM
That's all I'll say.

(and for you nimrods: this ain't Melo hate)
2159077, You have shitty timing. :- (
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Apr-07-13 02:25 PM

Literally Carmelo came back in the game and the
Knicks went on a tear.

Like, right away.

And it was his affect on others that did it as
much as his actual scoring.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2159070, Russ destroyin out there
Posted by BlassFemur, Sun Apr-07-13 02:14 PM
2159071, I'm Bulls all day....
Posted by murph71, Sun Apr-07-13 02:16 PM

But even I can see that Carmelo is a monster...

Anyone still hating on dude is just trolling at this point...
2159214, i'm heat all day and Melo is doing his pac man out there
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Sun Apr-07-13 07:13 PM
i'm not worried about no knicks, however melo is in the zone and looks comfortable he is playing his best ball ever.
2159072, The refs are ridic.
Posted by NAPO, Sun Apr-07-13 02:17 PM
Durant: 15 FTA
Melo: 0 FTA
"cock your hat -- angles are attitudes"
-frank sinatra
2159073, You know its bad
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Apr-07-13 02:23 PM
when you hear Hubie Brown talking about it.
2159080, He finally shot 4 free throws
Posted by NAPO, Sun Apr-07-13 02:28 PM
in garbage time when OKC trying to stop the clock.
"cock your hat -- angles are attitudes"
-frank sinatra
2159108, The great thing though
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Apr-07-13 03:10 PM
is that he turned a negative when he didn't get the whistle when he drove to the bucket into a positive by getting all those offensive rebounds and put backs.
2159074, JR Smith makes the most ridiculous shots
Posted by J_Stew, Sun Apr-07-13 02:23 PM
2159075, No, no, no, no.......yes!!!!
Posted by Cenario, Sun Apr-07-13 02:23 PM
2159078, Lol that crossover pull-up right inside te 3 Pt line
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Sun Apr-07-13 02:26 PM
Is that quote personified
2159092, I was like "no jr!" then I jordan shrugged.
Posted by themaddfapper, Sun Apr-07-13 02:44 PM
i'm fully onboard w/ his foolishness. it's either than or an aneurysm.
2159076, Two just ridiculously tough jumpers by JR to seal the game
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 02:24 PM
Both with the shot clock about to expire...the first off one dribble, pull-up and then a deeeep 3 with barely any time to set his feet.
2159081, He pulled the same trick down in SA
Posted by FILF, Sun Apr-07-13 02:29 PM
2159079, And...
Posted by murph71, Sun Apr-07-13 02:27 PM

This is why Russy is the gift and the curse...

The gift: He is virtually unstoppable and can get his shot off whenever he wants...Athleticism off the charts...scary good...

The curse: He has the PG IQ of a hamburger....Dude could have set up one of his teammates with a 1 minute and some change to go, but he pulls up for a missed 3 pointer...

That's why I don't see them winning it all until he dials it in a bit when it really counts....
2159082, a hamburger lmao.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Apr-07-13 02:29 PM
2159083, Nah...this is the silliness of Russy hate at work
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Apr-07-13 02:30 PM

He's the reason they cut that lead down

he was fabulous and unstoppable


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2159087, RE: Nah...this is the silliness of Russy hate at work
Posted by murph71, Sun Apr-07-13 02:34 PM
>He's the reason they cut that lead down
>he was fabulous and unstoppable

He does that all the time, though...he will shoot u in a game....And he will do something utterly impulsive...

No hate...I've already changed my tune with the kid...He's SCARY...

But you really trust him to make the right PG decision when it really matters?
2159085, RE: And...
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Apr-07-13 02:31 PM
>This is why Russy is the gift and the curse...
>The gift: He is virtually unstoppable and can get his shot off
>whenever he wants...Athleticism off the charts...scary
>The curse: He has the PG IQ of a hamburger....Dude could have
>set up one of his teammates with a 1 minute and some change to
>go, but he pulls up for a missed 3 pointer...
>That's why I don't see them winning it all until he dials it
>in a bit when it really counts....

Scott Brooks should get more blame than Westbrook IMO if no one is willing to dial Westbrook down.
2159097, Basically, they allow him to play that way.
Posted by Cenario, Sun Apr-07-13 02:48 PM
It's wat brooks wants.
2159100, And even worse
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Apr-07-13 02:53 PM
Brooks was a point guard when he was a player. I don't think Brooks thinks the current offense is a problem because of how easily OKC can score in the regular season and the fact Durant gets fouls called on him when the opposing player blinks at him. For playoff series though, Brooks should try and get the other backcourt players involved with ball movement. Outside of Ibaka, the OKC front men are liabilities on offense, so it would take an offensive genius to work them in reliably.
2159101, RE: And even worse
Posted by murph71, Sun Apr-07-13 02:58 PM

I like that Reggie Jackson kid....And I like Russy when he's exploiting his gifts...

It's like dude bails out the defense when he takes those impulsive 3's...
2159088, The simple solution is for KD to become a point-forward
Posted by FILF, Sun Apr-07-13 02:35 PM
basically, adopt the same dynamic as Wade-Bron. If KD doesn't improve that facet of his game then they aren't winning a chip anyways.
2159090, That isn't an option.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Apr-07-13 02:38 PM

KD can handle the ball, but he doesn't have
point forward chops. Not his MO


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2159093, Then they ain't winning shyt
Posted by FILF, Sun Apr-07-13 02:45 PM
If you look at championship teams w/ a dominant perimeter duo, then they have either have a true point or a point-forward or combo guard duos. Otherwise, the rest have crashed & burnt.
2159089, I actually think the rest of the team needs to dial up the aggression...
Posted by BlassFemur, Sun Apr-07-13 02:37 PM
and catch up to Russy. He goes for the throat each time down. OKC needs to stop bullshittin and put him at SG and figure out their PG situation, cause he's not a point guard. It's not fair to force him to change his game, wich he's lethal at it, just so everyone can feel good about his play-making abilities.
2159112, all this is mostly irrelevant. they lost it on the boards.
Posted by rob, Sun Apr-07-13 03:14 PM
less talk about westbrook decision-making...more talk about durant, ibaka, perkins, etc letting melo and kidd and them outrebound them.
2159138, RE: all this is mostly irrelevant. they lost it on the boards.
Posted by murph71, Sun Apr-07-13 04:43 PM
>less talk about westbrook decision-making...more talk about
>durant, ibaka, perkins, etc letting melo and kidd and them
>outrebound them.

They were down by a bucket with a minute or so to go...And could have tied or taken the lead with a smart play....If you have Jason kidd or Felton guarding you, it's not exactly the smartest thing to do in terms of pulling up and launching a three when you can penetrate whenever u want to...U r basically bailing them out...

Yep, OKC should have rebounded better...And Melo killed them on the offensive boards....But knowing when to take a shot, drive, or make a play as a PG will be important in the playoffs...It will be interesting to see if Russy lets his exceptional power get to his head on the run to that trophy...

2159216, true dat murph because Russ
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Sun Apr-07-13 07:16 PM
could be one of the greatest players ever if he ever learned to play within in the system as to being a cat who had it all but played dumb and cost his team a sure thing.

right now unless an injury occurs the thunder should run the west for the next 5 years easily, however russ gotta have a coach or teammate check him.
2159086, Best win of the streak so far.
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Apr-07-13 02:32 PM
With that said, I'm still nervous having to face Boston in the first rounds.
2159095, im not worried about beating them, I'm worried about the physical toll
Posted by themaddfapper, Sun Apr-07-13 02:46 PM
chicago and boston are the two teams I wanted to avoid most. there's no way you don't come out of series w/ them worse for wear physically unless you put em down early. 6-7 games of roughousing aint good for an old team.
2159094, These dudes just miiiiiiiiight be for real.
Posted by Cenario, Sun Apr-07-13 02:45 PM
2159096, OKC is slumping men.......like I said the West is wack this year
Posted by FILF, Sun Apr-07-13 02:48 PM
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Sun Apr-07-13 02:50 PM
with an option . . . its my option!!
2159103, This looks like it's gonna be a good ass game.
Posted by BlassFemur, Sun Apr-07-13 02:59 PM
2159104, 7 turnovers already. I can't stand this sloppy ass shit
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 03:01 PM
2159107, Matt Barnes guarding Kobe is always good basketball
Posted by BlassFemur, Sun Apr-07-13 03:08 PM
2159110, Dwight might have to play the rest of the game for this to stay a game
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 03:11 PM
Pau isn't stepping up on screen-roll and the Clipps got whatever shot they wanted.
2159452, Yeah. It was weird seeing El DeBarnes as a Laker for that reason
Posted by Dr Claw, Mon Apr-08-13 09:41 AM
2159113, lol, I love how Will.i.am totally ignored JVG's price questions...
Posted by BlassFemur, Sun Apr-07-13 03:21 PM
about that recycled gear. Makes me think that shit is expensive as fuck.
2159118, anything will.i.am puts on is automatically not cool
Posted by AlBundy, Sun Apr-07-13 03:43 PM
“The other dude after me didn’t help my case. It was just like…crazy nigga factory going on.”
Dre makes no apologies for his own eccentricities. “I was young, and searching, trying to find myself,” he says. “Never did.”-- Andre B
2159114, look@ kobe not accepting the challenge of guarding crawford
Posted by AlBundy, Sun Apr-07-13 03:35 PM
“The other dude after me didn’t help my case. It was just like…crazy nigga factory going on.”
Dre makes no apologies for his own eccentricities. “I was young, and searching, trying to find myself,” he says. “Never did.”-- Andre B
2159115, Man, these mfers do not know how to finish a fucking half man
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 03:37 PM
Fucking Pau misses 2 ft's, misses a gimmie, and then we give up an offensive rebound that ends in a 3 to end the half. What should be a 2 point deficit is now 7. Fucking stupid ass shit
2159116, I can add 4-5 years to my career playing PG - Kobe
Posted by bentagain, Sun Apr-07-13 03:37 PM
I know it's been reported that Kobe is talking about retiring when his current contract expires after next season

but it's also been reported that he feels like he can add some years by playing PG

It would be interesting to see!

Top 5 Kobe
2159117, Reported by whom?
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 03:40 PM
2159120, dude is goint to lead the league in TOs by a large margin
Posted by FILF, Sun Apr-07-13 03:53 PM
not to mention that he has to actually play ON THE BALL defense.
2159136, lol, no.
Posted by Bombastic, Sun Apr-07-13 04:41 PM
2159218, yeah and be a walking wounded like nash
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Sun Apr-07-13 07:20 PM
because that is who kobe will be like if he plays beyond next year and if it takes all of this energy with that lineup to get 40 wins, well lets say i see plenty of ping pong balls in la la land if he is running point in a few years
2159123, Kobe's off-ball D is so utterly terrible
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 04:01 PM
The fly by, watch, and hope someone helps doesn't fucking work dude
2159126, Bad start to the 3rd (as usual) and now treading water
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 04:12 PM
2159129, Can any one make a fucking perimeter shot? For fucks sake
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 04:19 PM
2159131, Every single person has to crash the fucking boards
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 04:24 PM
We got 2 dudes leaking out or just fucking watching...and the Clipps have killed us w offensive rebounding.
2159133, This garbage ass flopping man
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 04:34 PM
2159137, Lead was at 10, bs call, and then 5 straight points. Game over
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 04:43 PM
2159139, That should only be 2 ft's for Kobe. Refs shoulda reviewed that
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 04:45 PM
2159142, No surprise. Handle business at home Golden State
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 05:02 PM
2159146, Yeah, This Is Just A Bad Matchup for the Lakers
Posted by RexLongfellow, Sun Apr-07-13 05:23 PM
2159148, HMMM gstate loss or jazz loss?
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Sun Apr-07-13 05:23 PM
Jazz loss gets us another step closer to clinching the playoff berth, Gstate loss keeps us in the running for 6th.

Do we really want Denver after last night though?
2159154, No one in the league wants Denver w HC adv, let alone the Rockets
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Apr-07-13 05:59 PM
2159150, The Jeremy Lin interview on 60 minutes finally airs tonight
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Sun Apr-07-13 05:28 PM
the one where he "plays the race card"

that inspired this old post


2159247, full video
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Sun Apr-07-13 07:53 PM
2159395, What's the deal w/ Z-Bo?
Posted by FILF, Mon Apr-08-13 03:59 AM
Seems like he's disinterested in taking part in the Grit-n-Grind......he has basically been coasting for 2 weeks now.
2159484, looking at the boxscore, kev martin played well
Posted by Cenario, Mon Apr-08-13 10:19 AM
but i hardly noticed him during the game, except for a couple of 3's he hit. He doesn't impact a game at all like harden did for okc.
2159491, he didnt have a good floor game!
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Apr-08-13 10:34 AM