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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: LMAO where have i seen this before? just give her a pulitzer
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2157555&mesg_id=2158756
2158756, RE: LMAO where have i seen this before? just give her a pulitzer
Posted by theurge, Sat Apr-06-13 12:46 PM
It's crazy. The interview on 790 was all I needed to hear about her. You would have thought major news outlets would have ignored her by now.

One of the funniest angles about Auburn skirting the NCAA is the fact that the lead investigator in the Cam Newton recruitment was Julie Roe Lach. Chizik confronted her at some point about the process dragging on and she threatened him by essentially saying "you will know when we are finished and we aren't finished". Later the NCAA, in an unprecendented move, came out an essentially stated the investigation into Cam/Auburn was over and they found nothing.

Back to Julie Roe Lach. You might have heard of her recently after she was FIRED for approving paying for information from Shapiro in the Miami situation. I think it is logical to question the methods she might have been using when investigating Auburn as well (but still came up with nothing).