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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectsadly loyalty/empathy form a multiplier-effect drug akin to speedballin
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2144808&mesg_id=2145606
2145606, sadly loyalty/empathy form a multiplier-effect drug akin to speedballin
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Mar-12-13 04:04 AM
for which this thread serves as a stark reminder.

let this post, along with BK's misguided attempt to intercept a lob pass while trying to block a seven-footer's dunk try simultaneously and the late great John Belushi's tragically early demise provide you with all the foreboding evidence you need of the dangers involved when crossing streams.

If you ever see me in the future traveling down this this 'raggy road'(c)Capelton, please do me a favor & run me off it for my own good.