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Topic subjectDamn, Earl Clark is hurt now too? Fire Gary Vitti
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2130298
2130298, Damn, Earl Clark is hurt now too? Fire Gary Vitti
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Feb-12-13 03:30 PM
2130304, Lol, this season is cursed. This is some voodoo shit.
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Feb-12-13 03:33 PM
2130309, LET IT BURN
Posted by Ryan M, Tue Feb-12-13 03:38 PM
2130312, By the way, I still think Buss owes gambling debts to Vitti.
Posted by Ryan M, Tue Feb-12-13 03:39 PM
That dude ain't a doctor and he's been kinda terrible since mishandling Karl Malone's injury nearly a decade ago.
2130314, Whoa really? I've never really heard anything like that, what's the...
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Feb-12-13 03:41 PM
2130318, Buss is a chronic gambler
Posted by josephmurf2384, Tue Feb-12-13 03:45 PM
it's a logical confusion. Shit i think they showed him during the last parade at commerce playing hold em while everyone was partying.
2130319, Nothing. He just looks like a boss.
Posted by Ryan M, Tue Feb-12-13 03:45 PM
2130325, Oh ok, lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Feb-12-13 03:57 PM
2130328, On that note
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Feb-12-13 04:03 PM
what field or fields does Dr. Buss have his doctorate(s) in?
2130330, I think he was a chemist.
Posted by Ryan M, Tue Feb-12-13 04:07 PM
2130313, LA and Boston both have that injury bug somethin' serious.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Feb-12-13 03:40 PM
2130332, barbosa done for the year.
Posted by Cenario, Tue Feb-12-13 04:12 PM
2130320, never not funny
Posted by CherNic, Tue Feb-12-13 03:48 PM
2130322, goddamn.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Feb-12-13 03:49 PM
2130327, Welcome to the Lakers, Kenyon Martin
Posted by Rick Fox Jr, Tue Feb-12-13 04:02 PM